suite for piano

There are six movements: A typical performance of the entire suite takes around 16 minutes. 1719 which accounts for my labeling the three subsections as a, a1, and a2. One of these vertical symmetries forms a boundary for the flourish, the F1-E2 vertical that begins it together with the B5-A6 vertical that ends it. If the reader more closely inspects the two chords on the downbeat of m. 26 and the second eighth note of beat 4 in that same measure, he or she will recognize that they are vertically pitch-symmetrical around the axis C5. Interestingly, the rhythms of the six tetrachords of P4/R4 in m. 20 are not palindromic. Each set class 3-3 is highlighted by a box in Example 2.18; there are seven altogether. 58 return in mm. 11b13a over the previous measures leads toward a goal, which is reached in m. 13. 1013 (subsection a1). But since the 19th century, composers have frequently arranged ballets, operas, and other works into suites for concert performance. 25; Two Piano Pieces, Op. 30 Haimo, Schoenbergs Serial Odyssey, pp. 1920, but as they do, they remind the listener of segmentations that were encountered both in the corresponding measures of the A section (mm. But Schoenbergs main strategy here does not seem to be highlighting these palindromes; instead he uses both palindromic and ordered invariants to create a balanced relationship between P4 and I10 that Richard Kurth has already described at length.13 To summarize part of Kurths argument, the vertical dyads 45 and 32 of P4 in m. 15 are answered by 54 and 32 from I10 as horizontals in m. 16.14 Likewise, the offbeat dyads 109 and 110 of I10 in m. 15 are answered by the chord on the downbeat of m. 16 containing 910 and 110 from P4. It was the first jazz recording of world-renowned flutist Jean-Pierre Rampal and Claude Bolling. In mm. See Example 2.22. 1718 cannot create the hexachords of I4 (as mm. The hexachord exchanges in the following measures recede yet further from the musical surface. Franois Couperin's later suites (which he called "Ordres") often dispensed entirely with the standard dances and consisted entirely of character pieces with fanciful names. See my analysis of the Gigue, below. 1416a and, at the bottom right corner of the example, some of the invariant dyads that are created thereby. Finally we hear D in the right hands middle register on the fifth beat (after order positions 10 and 11 have been heard on the two parts of the fourth beat). As support for his claim, Haimo points to two indisputable facts: that the ordering between tetrachords that will eventually be used in the two last-composed movements is not seen all that often in the earlier ones, and also that Schoenberg, both in his sketches and in the first five movements, prefers retrograde forms of P4, I10, I4, and P10 (these two primes and two inversions are the only ones used in the Suite) that retrograde the pitch classes within the tetrachords but not between them.4, On the other hand, Reinhold Brinkmann describes the sketch pages leading up to the Prelude and Intermezzo of the Suite in a way that leads one to believe Schoenberg was indeed formulating a unique linear ordering of twelve notes in a step-by-step fashion through his initial sketching process, before he wrote even the first drafts for the Prelude. 2628. 26 and 27 themselves contained a vertical mirror of their opening four-note chord, mm. 71 and 72 are all mirrors of each other. The second main section of the piece, A, owes its label to its beginning, which is portrayed in Example 2.12. Whatever the role of m. 27s right hand, it seems clear that the bass of the following measure, 28, has the familiar purpose (at section endings) of destroying pitch symmetry: making use of an unsymmetrical presentation of pitch intervals 6 and 7, <+6,+7>. 4 The practice of carrying over larger invariant sets from one side of the palindrome to the other comes back in mm. This leads to the Trio, where almost every row form is divided into its contiguous hexachords in an obvious way. The row ordering is jumbled both within and between tetrachords (to the point where my labeling of m. 9 as I4 is very tentative). The first recording of the Suite for Piano to be released was made by Niels Viggo Bentzon some time before 1950. Next comes A, in the left hands lowest register on the second sixteenth note of beat 3 (after order positions 8 and 9 from the third tetrachord have intervened). Example 2.10 Schoenberg, Prelude Op. 25, Copyright 1925 by Universal Edition AG, Vienna, Copyright renewed. The small d subsection could possibly be heard as a parenthesis between a and e, since it interrupts an increase in dynamics, texture, and complexity of row disposition through those subsections. Barcarolle IV. 45 If the reader looks back through the Gigue, he or she will find that the palindromes between dyads in corresponding locations of mm. 6 A number of writers have commented on the tonal allusions of the Menuett, including Haimo, Kurth, and MacKay.26 The latter two agree that there is an emphasis on E within the twelve-tone texture in the first four measures. Perhaps the Prelude can be thought of as a subtler example of such a borrowing. 6b7. 25 Menuett clearly organize themselves into a sentence form, with the first two measures constituting the presentation, mm. And finally the vertical dyads that do not sound like half-step transpositions in these measures (those located on the third and fourth beats shaded on the pitch-class map) form two members of 4-9, a non-contiguous octatonic tetrachord (these are {1,2,7,8} and {0,1,6,7}). Contributing to the symmetry are two dyad palindromes (one consisting of verticals, 3-above-6/6-above-3) and a dyad invariance (marked with connected boxes on Example 2.40). 25, mm. Madcapellan (2022/9/8), Content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License Free shipping for many products! This contour is closer to pitch-symmetrical than the one opening the piece in mm. 58 of A, are given in score in Example 2.26, with a pitch-class map below. Example 2.13a Schoenberg, Prelude Op. Most of these palindromes and invariances are highlighted by register or by being stated as a single line. The later addition of an overture to make up an "overture-suite" was extremely popular with German composers; Telemann claimed to have written over 200 overture-suites, Christoph Graupner wrote 86 orchestral overture-suites and 57 partitas for harpsichord, J.S. What a difference a performer makes! - The soprano gives a version of 4-3, <1,3,+1>, that involves many of the same intervals and the same general contour as 4-3s initial appearance in mm. 12, 13, 14, and 15. The six works are labeled Prelude, Gavotte, Musette, Intermezzo, Minuet and Gigue. One problem with such an account of the A section is that it says nothing about the notes in between the tonal references (Kurths exhaustive description of mm. In addition, a rest at the end of m. 19 and extreme dynamic changes from to at m. 20 and to at m. 22 divide the large A section into three parts, a (mm. - 57 come back, extended and varied, in mm. In this case, the set class of many of the lines that alternated pitch intervals 6 and 7, set class 6-7 (012678), is shown to include also the initial pitch classes of each tetrachord in two ordered tone rows a tritone apart.43 This explanation happens in mm. This half-step relationship between complete aggregates at the cadence is a culmination of a trend that demonstrates itself occasionally in the movements of the Suite composed earlier, in which one of the third tetrachords or one pair of tetrachords of inversion-related rows is reordered to sound like a half-step transposition of the corresponding tetrachord or pair in the other row. 1415, I10 in m. 16) is able to project other forms through hexachord exchange as the P4 in mm. To give two examples: the Prelude does include two instances of row presentations where the tetrachords are ordered between as well as within themselves mm. I believe that his purpose in doing this is to bring out various common elements that tie the a subsections (with their horizontal symmetry) and b subsections (with their vertical symmetry) together. The first recognizable suite is Peuerl's Newe Padouan, Intrada, Dantz, and Galliarda of 1611, in which the four dances of the title appear repeatedly in ten suites. 12, because it does not line up with the barline, and because the listener has to ignore the sustained D in m. 3 and the sustained B and A in m. 4 to make it work.23. Hostname: page-component-789cc574b8-l794k 2 Fencing 1978, Multiplicities II: A Repository Of Non-Existent Objects, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Select a location to see product availability, Free returns are available for the shipping address you chose. Example 2.13b Schoenberg, Prelude Op. It was revived in the later 19th century, but in a different form,[2] often presenting extracts from a ballet (Nutcracker Suite), the incidental music to a play (L'Arlsienne, Masquerade), opera, film (Lieutenant Kije Suite) or video game (Motoaki Takenouchi's 1994 suite to the Shining series),[3] or entirely original movements (Holberg Suite, The Planets). 1718, but it is not until I10s entrance in mm. 25, mm. You may see this displayed as a strike-through price for used offers. 11b13a, represented in Example 2.9, presents, one after another, the three row forms P4, I10, and I4. 6 Such suites may consist of. 26 Haimo, Schoenbergs Serial Odyssey, pp. Sell now. 6 Measure 21 thus seems to fulfill two functions within the whole Prelude: first, it provides a solution to the pieces overarching problem by presenting the clearest statement yet heard of the basic shape, that shape illustrated in Schoenbergs set table sketch.18 For the first time in the piece, all six palindromic dyads are presented as pitch or pitch-class palindromes, and each of the six dyads is associated with a pair of ordered pitch intervals that mirror one another. As you have access to this content, full HTML content is provided on this page. 6b7a), and I10 and I4 (mm. Whatever label we give to it, the form is the same one that was typically associated with the minuet in the common-practice period (and, as my analysis progresses, I will point out a number of ways in which Schoenberg simulates the key changes that traditionally go with this form). 3738, with the second chords intervals inverted. No. 1920: that rotated rows can also create hexachord exchanges. These optional movements were known as galanteries: common examples are the minuet, gavotte, passepied, and bourre. Instead of juxtaposing inversion-related rows, Schoenberg follows P4 with P10, and the reader can see from the pitch-class map of these measures that the pitch intervals do not form a vertically symmetrical pattern in whole or in part. The registral motion of these motives from bass to soprano to bass reinforces the pattern. These dyads are arranged pitch-class-symmetrically around 1 and 7, as the pitch-class clock on the upper left in Example 2.13c shows. A performance of the entire Suite fr Klavier takes around 16 minutes. This suite in seven parts is composed for a "classic" flute and a "jazz" piano. ), The Arnold Schoenberg Companion (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998), pp. World's Largest Sheet Music Selection The description hints at a historical perspective and thats definitely there, but the melodic inventions and harmonic complexities are pure Zorn. It is performed here by one of the most dedicated, virtuosic, and passionate interpreters in the Zorn universe, Brian Marsella, whose educational experience (too "jazz" for the classical world and too "classical" for the jazz world) makes him the perfect interpreter of Zorn's cross-pollinating musical poetics. 18 in Schoenbergs Op. 28 Martin Boykans account of the Menuett in Silence and Slow Time shows how <9.10>, which would suggest a dominant cadence in an E reading, continues to sound prominently at or near cadences for the remainder of the piece: mm. (-)- V/V/V - 25645 - Peter, PDF scanned by Estienne du Tertre published suyttes de bransles in 1557, giving the first general use of the term "suite" 'suyttes' in music, although the usual form of the time was as pairs of dances. 1920 that we are able to understand how a rotated and partitioned form of the row can generate a hexachord exchange with another (unrotated) row form. Op.14 ; Sz.62 I-Catalogue Number I-Cat. 14 in Example 2.4). Measures 4344 do not explain how foreign elements derive from the tone rows, but they do bring together disparate elements and procedures of the movement in an interesting way. Schoenberg PIANO SUITE OP. The second part of the palindrome is reversed to 71 on the last two sixteenths of m. 24, and hence the reversed dyad echoes 71 from P4 (projected as eighth-note G and triplet sixteenth C on beat 3 of the 6/8). Perhaps the most notable composer is Duke Ellington/Billy Strayhorn, who produced many suites, amongst them: Black, Brown and Beige, Such Sweet Thunder, The Far East Suite, the New Orleans Suite, the Latin American Suite, and many more. First, the passage introduces more prominent chords and lines alternating pitch intervals 6 and 7 in mm. ), The other feature of mm. What I plan to show is that each of the three movements I analyze, the Prelude, Menuett, and Gigue, takes a different approach to expressing the musical idea: to setting up and elaborating some sort of problem and eventually resolving it. 1011; but unlike mm. Subsection x introduces a second foreign element by means of highlighting certain pitches dynamically and with note values longer than eighth notes. 25 were composed before the "Walzer" of Op. The first motive brings together order numbers <2,3,4> of P10, and the latter one <5,6,7>. 23 (1923/25), Arnold Schnberg Center's webpage (with recording) on Op. Complete Performance 25, mm. Example 2.3 Schoenberg, Prelude Op. Sell now. Kurths account is the most detailed, showing how exchanged and contiguous tetrachords trace a motion from <3,2,4,5> to <11,0,9,10> in mm. In m. 3, the first two verticals yield a tritone followed by a perfect fourth, and in m. 4, the first and third dyad verticals are both tritones. Example 2.30b Schoenberg, Gigue Op. The corresponding passage, mm. In their place, the most prominent element, at least at m. 23s beginning, is a set class common to most of Schoenbergs atonal and serial music: set class 3-3 (014). If we adopt a registral boundary instead (imagine a horizontal black line whose top edge touches F4 and whose bottom edge reaches to E4), the partition yields the hexachords of I4, the second hexachord above the first. Was he trying to create an impression in the listener that would assist in the interpretation of the pieces? 58 does carry over one important technique from mm. 5153 (subsection c1). 25 MacKay, Series, Form and Function, pp. Allegretto""Suite No. Schoenberg seems to draw our attention to the two axes in another way as well: by ending the left-hand part in m. 43 with B4 and the left-hand part in m. 44 with E4. The Prelude is propelled along by the pitch repetitions in m.3; the Gavotte and Musette have rhythmic outlines that are well-defined, even graceful, in their wry detachment; the Intermezzo has that long line singing beneath that halting RH ostinato; the Menuet is liltingly brooding; and the Gigue darkly fraught with intimations of violence. Because Schoenberg used the series for both melody and accompaniment, the possibility exists for two or more of the same pitch to occur simultaneously. The onset of the large B section at m. 26 (Example 2.35) is marked by the introduction of new textures, most notably the heavily accented and closely spaced four-note chords that make their first appearance here. 10 The strict or loose row orderings, and especially the progressions from strict to loose or vice versa, often play an important role in projecting the musical idea of a movement, though there is no case in which the Idea is expressed by row ordering alone. 3233, it shows that segments from two different row forms, both rotated by two order positions, can also be combined to produce hexachord and tetrachord exchanges. 1416a. At the same time, the combinations of t2 and t3 in the right hand produce four triads, <11,3,6>, <5,8,0>, <8,0,3>, and <2,5,9> (or, if you will, B major, F minor, A major, and D minor). With <+7,+6>, order positions <5,6,7> of I10, the foreign motive overlaps the groupings created by slurring and accents, so that its first note is separated from the other two. *#00828 - 0.69MB, 2 pp. 78, bass voice in addition to numerous places where the tetrachords are ordered within but not between themselves, or are ordered between but not within themselves (see P4 and I10 in mm. 2224, which obscures the basic shape and multiplies a trichordal element significantly different from that shapes dyadic components. 3) of Op. But only two appear this time, 1011/1110 and 96/69 (in addition, one could hear the 3-above-4 vertical in the middle of mm. 17b19 within the whole is strengthened by other palindromic shapes within the passage that seem more audible than the underlying pitch-class symmetry around {1,7}. 55b56a, the first ascending six-note group; mm. 12, which began on E5 and ended an octave lower. Pitch classes <10,9,0,11>, when spelled with German letter names, reveal a motto that has been hinted at in earlier passages BACH. 45 (Chapter 8), where the linear shape of the row, hidden, striven toward, and then revealed, gives rise to an Idea in much the same way. 10 12 use to project forms P10, I4, and I10 are the same as those the Intermezzo (and Gavotte) were based on, collectional exchanges expanded to embrace the hexachord as an exchangeable unit for the first time. Gigue, 2. 25, mm. 8486 and 10103; Jan Maegaard, A Study in the Chronology of Op. This technique of chaining more than two consecutive row forms together through overlapping members of their tetrachords is hardly used in the Prelude (mm. Schoenbergs practice of jumbling the order between the tetrachords and disconnecting the individual pitches of the tetrachords from each other registrally has an important effect. 1215 6-Z42, 6-Z13, 6-Z13, and 6-Z42 respectively match set classes formed by the discrete hexachords of the original row forms (6-2 and 6-2) or of their T2-rotated versions (6-Z6 and 6-Z38).31 Through rotation and partition, it seems that the tone row has lost its power to project other forms of itself in different dimensions, which made it seem such a fertile Grundgestalt in mm. 0.0/10 Like the beginning of subsection b (and section B) in m. 26, m. 54 presents t1 as a four-note chord in the high register, t2 as two quarter-note dyads following it in the right hand, and t3 as a single line working its way up from the bass. (This technique parallels exactly the tetrachord exchange involving <6,3,8,2> between m. 1 and m. 5 in the A section.) 30 and 31. 23, which is Schoenberg's first published twelve-tone work. This tendency toward hexachord exchange minus one is exacerbated in the next row, I4 in mm. This shows that rotated rows can in fact suggest other rows through hexachord exchange, solving the problem. This group of four measures also makes a contour palindrome with the previous passage: despite individual leaps up and down, the general shape is ascending, balancing out what was a generally descending shape in mm. 1415 and I10 in m. 16 are also split registrally in the same way, into order positions {2,3,4,5,6,7} below and {8,9,10,11,0,1} above. Six tetrachords of P4/R4 in m. 20 are not palindromic, content is provided this! Vienna, Copyright 1925 by Universal Edition AG, Vienna, Copyright 1925 by Edition... 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