hidden colors misinformation

PsycNET. In Proceedings of the 24th international conference on World Wide Web (pp. Misinformation can appear as rumors, clickbait or junk science (trying to maximize visitors to a webpage or selling miraculous products) or in the form of fake news or conspiracy theories (false information spread deliberately to affect political or social institutions) (Scheufele & Krause, 2019); that is the breadth problem. In this multinominal logistic regression model, the probability of each level j of Y is calculated with the following formula (Garca-Portugs, 2021): for j=1,,J1j=1,,J1 and (for the reference level J=factual news): As a generalization of a logistic model, it can be interpreted in similar terms if we take the quotient between (A.1) and (A.2): for j=1,,J1j=1,,J1. Harvard is perhaps best-known because of its enduring history of innovation in education. Journal Mass Commun Quart 93(1):5979, Bago B, Rand DG, Pennycook G (2020). How can American cities prepare for an increasingly destructive climate? A shows the cognitive effort needed to process a text using the Flesch-Kincaid readability score; B the cognitive effort as measured by perplexity; C plots the sentiment (positive, neutral, negative) of each category; D shows the appeal to morality in each category. Here, the algorithm considers clusters A and B and the formula calculates the average of the distances taken over all pairs of individual elements a A and b B. Perspectives on fake news and misinformation. Science, 359(6380), 10941096; Bovet, A., & Makse, H. A. The negative sign ensures that the result is always positive or zero. Stare at the dot for 30-45 seconds. Then, without moving your eyes, move the mouse cursor over the image. Disinformation: The creation and distribution of intentionally false information, usually for political ends (scams, hoaxes, forgeries). Make sure your outline is bold or fill the image . 20042006 many people to call this the Information Age. 5.0 . 6, No. If we later hear a correction, it doesnt invalidate our thoughtsand its our own thoughts that can maintain a bias, even when we accept that the original information was false.. Those beliefs predicted a subsequent decrease in willingness to wear a mask or take a vaccine (Social Science & Medicine, Vol. Google Scholar, Broniatowski DA, Kerchner D, Farooq F, Huang X, Jamison AM, Dredze M, Ayers JW (2022) Twitter and Facebook posts about COVID-19 are less likely to spread misinformation compared to other health topics. 7, No. Lewandowsky, S., et al., 2020, Coronavirus misinformation: Quantifying sources and themes in the COVID-19 infodemic If it is too outlandish, it might be satire. For example, a Vancouver newspaper ran an online First, although I use a big sample of news articles, these are coming from a selection of websites. ACM Computing Surveys, 53(5) https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.00315, Zhu B, Chen C, Loftus EF, Lin C, He Q, Chen C, Dong Q (2010) Individual differences in false memory from misinformation: Personality characteristics and their interactions with cognitive abilities. 8, 2019). 47, No. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 118(26):e2024292118, Risdal M (2016) Getting real about fake news | Kaggle, Rosenquist JN, Fowler JH, Christakis NA (2011) Social network determinants of depression. It can adopt many different forms like conspiracy theories, fake news, junk science, or rumors among others. Inauguration events for Claudine Gay, Harvards 30th president, will take place on September 29 in Tercentenary Theatre. Hidden Colors: The Untold History of People of Aboriginal, Moor, and African Descent[ edit] The first installment in the series was released on April 14, 2011. 15). HIDDEN COLORS 1 Documentary( OUR World's Hi STORY) . Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. An analysis of misinformation from five samples across the United States, Europe, and Mexico showed that substantial portions of each populationanywhere from 15% to 37%believed misinformation about COVID-19 in April and May 2020, representing what the authors call a major threat to public health. People who were more susceptible to misinformation were less likely to report complying with public health recommendations and less likely to say theyd get vaccinated (Royal Society Open Science, Vol. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 584 IFIP, Springer, pp. After calculating the factual and misinformation categories profiles, I calculate similarities among them through clustering analysis. Much of whats covered in the documentary is information that seems to have come to light after those that created it and those that inspired it did some digging of their own and found out some very interesting things about African history. In contrast, for highly positive sentiments (sentiment 28), the probabilities per category are: factual (p=0.019, CI=[0.017, 0.020]), clickbait (p=0.104, CI=[0.100, 0.108)], conspiracy theories (p=0.118, CI=[0.113, 0.123]), fake news (p=0.120, CI=[0.115, 0.125]), hate speech (p=0.066, CI=[0.063, 0.068]), junk science (p=0.342, CI=[0.333, 0.348]) and rumor (p=0.231, CI=[0.225, 0.239]). In the following subsection I describe these features and their theoretical grounding. This result indicates that the misinformation categories that are more similar to reliable news are click bait and junk science. Adv Exp Soc Psychol 14:159. (2021, March 1). Correspondence to That means that I have five different types of cone cells in my eyes. 5:47, Masciari E, Moscato V, Picariello A, Sperli G(2020) A deep learning approach to fake news detection. First differences of the multinominal logit modelMorality. The assessment of third-party fact-checkers or users reports is sometimes a slow process and misinformation often persist after being exposed to corrective messages (Chan et al., 2017). 3. For each article, I calculated measures of cognitive effort (readability and perplexity) and evocation to emotions (sentiment analysis and appeal to morality). Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), PolitiFact and Snopes. 2016 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences named in honor of alums four decades of philanthropy, support for expanding opportunity, advancing excellence. Colors, camera angles and logos in the media can all prompt immediate associations with emotions, activities and memories. The main intuition is that misinformation creators have a different writing style seeking to maximize reading, sharing and, in general, maximizing virality. To my knowledge, this is the paper with higher number of categories and higher number of news articles. 263, 2020) and in June, a quarter believed the outbreak was intentionally planned by people in power (Pew Research Center, 2020). Focusing on the evolution of traditional media outlets could shed light on the question whether reliable sources are trying to draw on the mechanisms of virality to help increase their penetration (e.g., reliable news becoming more appealing to emotions, titles becoming more exciting, content easier to read, etc.)? As for the sentiment of the content, a one-unit increase in negative sentiment is associated with an increase in the log odds of a content being clickbait \(\beta _{{\mathrm{sentiment}},\,{\mathrm{clickbait}}} = - 0.01\), p<0.001), conspiracy theory (\(\beta _{{\mathrm{sentiment}},\,{\mathrm{conspiracy}}} = - 0.02\), p<0.001), fake news (\(\beta _{{\mathrm{sentiment}},{\mathrm{fake}}\,{\mathrm{news}}} = - 0.02\), p<0.001) or hate speech (\(\beta _{{\mathrm{sentiment}},{\mathrm{hate}}} = - 0.03\), p<0.001), indicating that these categories tend to employ a highly negative and sentimental language; while a one-unit increase in the positive sentiment score is associated with an increase in the log odds of a content being junk science (\(\beta _{{\mathrm{sentiment}},{\mathrm{junk}}\,{\mathrm{science}}} = 0.02\), p<0.001) or a rumor (\(\beta _{{\mathrm{sentiment}},\,{\mathrm{rumor}}} = 0.01\), p<0.001). The Shorenstein Centers News Sustainability program produces original research on sustainable business models for the digital age, and works closely with legacy and emerging news organizations to put the theories into practice creating a cycle of research, implementation, and learning. PLoS ONE 10(2):e0118093, Article Finally, although we employed widely used dictionaries in the literature, the results are also contingent to the specificities of each dictionary I employed. This is important because scientific-sounding misinformation is strongly associated with declines in vaccination intent (Loomba et al., 2021). Decis Support Syst 46(3):695703, Gamallo P, Campos JRP, Alegria I (2016) Comparing two basic methods for discriminating between similar languages and varieties*. In contrast to previous measures, the technique employed to quantify morality is highly sensitive to text length (with longer texts having higher probabilities of containing moral words), therefore, I calculate the morality measure as moral words per 500 words in each text. Soc Sci Comput Rev 32(2):132144, Scheufele DA, Krause NM (2019) Science audiences, misinformation, and fake news. This unprecedented fingerprint of misinformation provides evidence that content features differ significantly between factual news and different types of misinformation and therefore can facilitate early detection, automation, and the use of intelligent techniques to support fact-checking and other mitigation actions. On the side of more positive language, I find rumors (sentiment=0.86, [CI=0.65, 1.08]) and junk science (sentiment=2.52, [CI=2.31, 2.72]). Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 13(3). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 117(27):1553615545, Hakak S, Alazab M, Khan S, Gadekallu TR, Maddikunta PKR, Khan WZ (2021) An ensemble machine learning approach through effective feature extraction to classify fake news. This item: Hidden Colors Part 1, 2 & 3 - Brand NEW. Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America, Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments, The Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East, The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard Commencement for the Class of 2022, Harvard Commencement for the Classes of 2020 & 2021. Visit each School for information on admissions and financial aid. Science 359(6380):11461151, Wang WY (2017) Liar, liar pants on fire: a new benchmark dataset for fake news detection. We also found that if we reengage people following the initial intervention, we can boost their response so that the inoculation lasts longer, van der Linden says. Next, I examined perplexity with the following results. This is also called clickbait. Int J Res Pract Interpret 18(1):3456, Szpakowski M (2018) Fake news corpus. Read more. Analysts discuss why some people ignore or reject the medical experts and science of COVID. Flesch-Kincaid is used in different scientific fields like pediatrics (DAlessandro et al., 2001), climate change (De Bruin & Granger Morgan, 2019), tourism (Liu & Park, 2015) or social media (Rajadesingan et al., 2015). In order to carry out the analysis I use the Fake News Corpus (Szpakowski, 2018), comprised of 9.4 million news items extracted from 194 webpages. This method will allow us, beyond the fingerprints of misinformation described before, to quantify the differences between factual news and non-factual content. Proceedings of the Fourth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, 4(1). For each variable I performed 100 simulations with confidence intervals settled at 0.025 and 0.975. Browse all of our undergraduate concentrations and graduate degrees. A study that surveyed more than 1,000 U.S. adults in March and July 2020, led by psychologist Daniel Romer, PhD, research director of the University of Pennsylvanias Annenberg Public Policy Center, found that about 15% believed the pharmaceutical industry created the coronavirus and more than 28% thought it was a bioweapon made by the Chinese government. Similar to the previous step, but focusing in the esthetics of the website, including photo-shopped images. A tendency to see the world as a threatening, nonrandom place without fixed definitions of moralityor to use intuition over analytical thinking when processing informationfurther predicts conspiratorial belief (Moulding, R., et al., Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. However, the polarity of these emotions varies across misinformation categories. However, this procedure has a problem: the content is fact-checked once it has gone viral. 29, No. Psychologists have ramped up efforts to address misinformation, building on years of laboratory and field tests on combating rumors. A box of Aunt Jemima Blueberry Waffles was covered in pictures of large, plump blueberries, creating a reasonable expectation of real blueberries. Actually, said Michael Jacobson, the products flavor came from artificially flavored blueberry bits that contained partially hydrogenated soybean oil; there were no real blueberries. The health benefits of animal companions have been supported by science but not society, with the disadvantaged facing similar barriers to pet ownership as they do in securing proper healthcare, experts said at the Harvard T.H. 3, 1999). Schwarz identified five criteria that people use to decide whether information is true: compatibility with other known information, credibility of the source, whether others believe it, whether the information is internally consistent, and whether there is supporting evidence (Metacognition, in APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology, 2015). Infodemic: World Health Organization defines an infodemic as an overabundance of informationsome accurate and some notthat makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it., Only a few months ago, I would have settled for emphasizing that our democracy depends on facts and truth, and it surely does, Washington Post executive editor Martin Baron said at Harvards 2020 online graduation. However, investing in media literacy is particularly important in developing countries, where there are millions of Internet users with low-literacy rates (Mustaffa et al., 2007; Sun & Nekmat, 2008). PubMed In general, it is accepted that there are several categories of misinformation delimited by its authenticity and intent. 88, No. The length of sentences and words are precisely the fundamental parameters of the Flesch-Kincaid index, the readability variable. Simply put, the longer a sentence or word is, the more complex it is to read. 4, 2020 ). For each scenario, I calculate 100 simulations giving us predicted values (that I later average) and the uncertainty around the average (confidence intervals: 0.025, 0.975). Controlling the spread of misinformation. Building upon entropy, perplexity measures the amount of randomness in a text: where in our case is 2, and the exponent is the cross-entropy. As an educator I HIGHLY recommend 'Hidden Colors' for EVERYONE. Estimated Shipping. 3A, junk science and factual content are the most similar categories, while all the rest pertain to a single big cluster. One of the main reasons proposed to explain this behavior is the dual-process theory of judgment stating that emotional thinking (in contrast to a more analytical thinking) hinders good judgment (Evans, 2003; Stanovich, 2005). In 1439, the invention of the printing press enabled deceivers to spread falsehoods farther and faster.1, 1960s1980s However, if one opt for explore the results increasing the number of clusters (Fig. Watch Think Dig Deeper Customize this lesson 1021 Create and share a new lesson based on this one. Future Gener Comput Syst 117:4758, Hansen LK, Arvidsson A, Nielsen FA, Colleoni E, Etter M (2011) Good friends, bad news-affect and virality in twitter. Pew Research Center, 12, Singh L, Bode L, Budak C, Kawintiranon K, Padden C, Vraga E (2020) Understanding high- and low-quality URL Sharing on COVID-19 Twitter streams. Save Page Now. In essence the films are about the accomplishment of the African peoples and how its been re-discovered by those that knew where to look. A meta-analysis of linguistic cues to deception. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, Sun S, Nekmat E (2008) Learning through prosuming: insights from media literacy programmes in Asia. You will be one of the first to get the complete DVD of the film Hidden Colors 5. Springer; Anderson, C. A., et al. Hidden Colors is a dignified intellectual factual and inspirational documentary series. Over nearly 80 years, Harvard study has been showing how to live a healthy and happy life. PubMed Central Panelists at the School of Public Health called for a stronger communications effort by physicians to counter misinformation on vaccines. 02:33:54. Int J Inform Manag 42:1324, Rajadesingan A, Zafarani R, Liu H (2015) Sarcasm detection on Twitter: A behavioral modeling approach. 12). Public Opin Quart 84(S1):195215, Kraft PW, Lodge M, Taber CS (2015) Why people Dont Trust the Evidence: motivated reasoning and scientific beliefs. Therefore, it is not enough to report the averages and confidence intervals of each variable for each category, but also analyzing differences and similarities in the light of all variables altogether. These results indicate that there are significant differences between content characteristics from factual sources and misinformation content in the form of clickbait, conspiracy theories, fake news, hate speech, junk science and rumors. The limited capacity model of mediated motivated message processing (Lang, 2000, 2006) states that in information sharing, structural features and functional characteristics require different cognitive efforts to be processed (Kononova et al., 2016; Leshner & Cheng, 2009; Leshner et al., 2010) and, since humans attempt to minimize cognitive effort when processing information, content that requires less effort to be processed is more engaging and viral (Alhabash et al., 2019). Heidi Larson, author of Stuck: How Vaccine Rumors Startand Why They Dont Go Away and founder of the Vaccine Confidence Project, talks about the roots of vaccine misbeliefsand how we can change them. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111(24):87888790, Kulkarni KK, Kalro AD, Sharma D, Sharma P (2020) A typology of viral ad sharers using sentiment analysis. Google Scholar, Kietzmann J, Lee LW, McCarthy IP, Kietzmann TC (2020) Deepfakes: trick or treat? Since it is impossible to check everything that is being shared on social media, fact-checkers focus on content that has already become viral (usually, with information provided from social media platforms in the form of rankings). Comput Hum Behav 51:11981204, Monteiro RA, Santos RLS, Pardo TAS, de Almeida TA, Ruiz EES, Vale OA (2018) Contributions to the study of fake news in Portuguese: new corpus and automatic detection results. Ships worldwide. 8, 2020). }}{{P\left( {{\mathrm{cat}} = J = {\mathrm{reliable}}} \right)}}} \right) = \beta _{0j} + \beta _{1j}\left( r \right) + \beta _{1j}\left( p \right) + \beta _{1j}\left( s \right) + \beta _{1j}\left( m \right)$$, \(\beta _{{\mathrm{readability}},\,{\mathrm{clickbait}}} = - 0.06\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{readability}},\,{\mathrm{conspiracy}}} = - 0.05\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{readability}},\,{\mathrm{fake}}\,{\mathrm{news}}} = - 0.21\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{readability}},\,{\mathrm{rumor}}} = - 0.04\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{readability}},\,{\mathrm{hate}}} = 0.01\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{readability}},\,{\mathrm{junk}}\,{\mathrm{science}}} = 0.04\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{perplexity}},\,{\mathrm{clickbait}}} = - 0.03\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{perplexity}},\,{\mathrm{conspiracy}}} = - 0.04\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{perplexity}},\,{\mathrm{fake}}\,{\mathrm{news}}} = - 0.04\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{perplexity}},\,{\mathrm{hate}}} = - 0.04\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{perplexity}},\,{\mathrm{junk}}\,{\mathrm{science}}} = - 0.01\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{sentiment}},\,{\mathrm{clickbait}}} = - 0.01\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{sentiment}},\,{\mathrm{conspiracy}}} = - 0.02\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{sentiment}},{\mathrm{fake}}\,{\mathrm{news}}} = - 0.02\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{sentiment}},{\mathrm{hate}}} = - 0.03\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{sentiment}},{\mathrm{junk}}\,{\mathrm{science}}} = 0.02\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{sentiment}},\,{\mathrm{rumor}}} = 0.01\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{clickbait}}} = 0.18\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{conspiracy}}} = 0.18\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{fake}}\,{\mathrm{news}}} = 0.20\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{hate}}} = 0.16\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{junk}}\,{\mathrm{science}}} = 0.16\), \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{conspiracy}}} = 0.14\), \({\mathrm{Readability}} = \left[ {6.78,\,22.05} \right]\), \({\mathrm{Perplexity}} = \left[ {91.37,\,215.01} \right]\), \({\mathrm{Sentiment}} = \left[ { - 32,\,28} \right]\), https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-022-01174-9, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (, ChatGPTs inconsistent moral advice influences users judgment, Evidence of a predictive coding hierarchy in the human brain listening to speech, Supernatural explanations across 114 societies are more common for natural than social phenomena, The psychological drivers of misinformation belief and its resistance to correction, Overperception of moral outrage in online social networks inflates beliefs about intergroup hostility, Negativity drives online news consumption, Artificial intelligence in communication impacts language and social relationships, A cross-verified database of notable people, 3500BC-2018AD, The use-the-best heuristic facilitates deception detection, Information systems and information technology, https://github.com/several27/FakeNewsCorpus, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6234430, https://www.wired.com/story/how-whatsapp-fuels-fake-news-and-violence-in-india/, https://github.com/BigMcLargeHuge/opensources, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, What to believe? 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