what does bds stand for

The BDS movement was first formed in July of 2005, the same year that Israel pulled out from the Gaza Strip. What was it founded on, what are its intentions, and are they really peaceful? [86], BDS supporters say that many Palestinian workers in settlements earn less than the Israeli minimum wage, that their salaries are often withheld, their social rights denied, and that they are often exposed to danger in the workplace. [312], A year after the vote, the UAW International Executive Board (IEB) informed UAW Local 2865 that it had nullified the vote. A DDS will typically better understand the basic sciences in dentistry, including anatomy, biochemistry, material science, radiology, pathology, and pharmacology. [163], Groups affiliated with BDS hold events known as Israel Apartheid Week (IAW) in February or March each year. This information is often listed in abbreviated form, such as "clerk," "merchant," or "carpenter." Employer: The name of the individual's employer, if applicable. [12], According to some of its critics, BDS is inherently antisemitic,[13] has antisemitic aspects,[14] or resembles historical discrimination against Jews. [117] The campaign attracted international media attention and was covered by The New York Times, Rolling Stone, and Al-Jazeera. [231], In response to BDS, several legislatures have passed laws designed to hinder people and organizations from boycotting Israel and goods from Israeli settlements. [227] According to the Intercept, the website has made it harder for activists to organize activities because people worry that they will end up on it. [289] The second-highest authority of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the Palestinian Central Council, has meanwhile announced its intention to:[290]. It was initially signed by 300 university presidents and denounced the academic boycott against Israel. No doubt about it Steve needs to join BDS. Its role is not to take sides on contested geopolitical issues. Israels Ministry of Strategic Affairs outlines the groups extensive terrorist ties in their report, Terrorists in Suits: The Ties Between NGOs Promoting BDS and Terrorist Organizations., Please use the following structure: example@domain.com, Send me The Times of Israel Daily Edition. BDSM is a term used to describe aspects of sex that involve dominance, submission, and control. "[216][217], According to Haaretz columnist and Brown University student Jared Samilow, BDS's most significant impact is the social cost it puts upon Jews living outside Israel. BDS. BDS isn't about human rights, helping the Palestinians . [46][47] More generally, BDS frames itself as part of a global social movement that challenges neoliberal Western hegemony and struggles against racism, sexism, poverty and similar causes. Israel's Deputy Ambassador to Australia Ron Gerstenfeld condemned the BDS movement's "antisemitic" and "aggressive campaign" against performers. [337] It said that BDS has cost the Arab nations billions in trade, "undercut Palestinian efforts to build institutions for a future state, and torn at the Arab social fabric, as rival ethnic, religious and national leaders increasingly apply tactics that were first tested against Israel. Acronym Finder, All Rights Reserved. The practice typically involves one partner taking on a more dominant role during sex, while the other is more submissive. If we want to truly solve the conflict, waging economic warfare on Israel is certainly not the way to do it. View solution in context 0 Likes Share Share Share Share Share 0 Share Share Share 0 Share 2 Next 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. Assisting the Macron Maneuver: Why Israel Should Pursue EU Membership, The Promised Land: A Haven from Americas Mass Shootings. The resolution declares that all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad. While the exact text of the resolution may mislead some into believing that it is a free-speech resolution, in reality, it is simply a resolution endorsing the anti-semitic BDS movement, and comparing the Jewish State to Nazi Germany. No charges were leveled against either of them. [106], Since November 2008, BDS has campaigned against the multinational French conglomerates Veolia and Alstom for their involvement in the Jerusalem Light Rail because it runs through the Israeli-occupied parts of East Jerusalem. They argue that BDS causes Jews to be blamed for the supposed sins of other Jews. It states boycotting Israel is not in and of itself antisemitic. "[40] Barghouti has also written:[41]. "Palestinians and Internationalization: Means and Ends. , In a relationship with two partners, one will typically play the dominant role, while the other will play the submissive role. Bobby, Joey, FP, and Steve. [31], Others argue that BDS should be understood in terms of its purported roots in the Arab League's boycott of Zionist goods from Mandatory Palestine. ", "After legal challenges, Texas moves to amend its Israel boycott law. The first Quasi-Zenith Satellite (QZS-1 . The atoms in insulating materials have very tightly-bound electrons, resisting free electron flow very well. She argues that BDS represents a rejection of the peace process paradigm of equalizing both sides in favor of seeing the situation as a colonial conflict between a native population and a settler-colonial state supported by Western powers. According to Morrison, IAW began in 2005. movement seeks to mobilize international economic and political pressure on Israel in solidarity with the Palestinians. Not sure if Steve can get out of his GG contract but . BDS is the "fun food" side of Sitch funfetti cake, cookies, pizza, and all the treats he . Jack Elbaum is a freshman at George Washington University. He rhetorically asks: "If you suffer from the flu and seek medication from it, is it misguided to do so when there are worse diseases out there? The declaration recommended comprehensive sanctions and embargoes against Israel as the remedy. BDS stands for "Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions" on the State of Israel. IEB said that the endorsement of the boycott would interfere with the "flow of commerce to and from earmarked companies." [76], BDS was founded on 9 July 2005,[77] on the first anniversary of the advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice in which the West Bank barrier was declared a violation of international law. Team BDS is a Swiss esports organisation first founded in 2018. Citing the surge in foreign trade and relations Israel experienced since 2005, including the normalization agreements with Arab Gulf countries, Pfeffer called BDS "the most failed, overhyped and exaggerated campaign of the first two decades of the 21st century" and a "minor creed in the cultural and identity shadow wars on the Internet and a tiny handful of campuses in the west", writing that it "failed on every front with the minor exception of bullying a handful of singers and academics not to take part in concerts or conferences in Israel." BDS BDS stands for " Big Dick Swinging ." A pejorative used to indicate when someone enters a room or situation overconfident, only to flounder and fail while they're there. [14], In 2019, the German Parliament voted to declare that BDS is antisemitic and cut off funding to any organizations that actively support it. 9750 Irvine Blvd, Suite 101 . One of the co-founders of the BDS movement was a man named Omar Bargouti. Other research found that participating in healthy BDSM scenes fostered feelings of intimacy between partners. No Palestinian, rational Palestinian, not a sellout Palestinian, will ever accept a Jewish state in Palestine. Of the 15% that knew something about the movement, only 5% supported it. [212][213], Nevertheless, two organizations divested from Israel in 2014: Luxembourg's state pension fund, FDC, excluded eight major Israeli firms, including Bank Hapoalim, Bank Leumi, AFI Group and the American firm Motorola Solutions as part of its socially responsible investments programme,[214][215] and Norway's YMCA-YWCA announced that it would support a "broad economic boycott of goods and services from Israel and Israeli settlements. "Despite receiving expanded authority in 2013 to run the government's campaign against the delegitimization and boycott efforts against Israel, the Strategic Affairs Ministry did not make full use of its budget and had no significant achievements in this area," Haaretz quotes the report as saying. [225], One tactic the Israel lobby uses to silence activists in academia is blacklisting. The lead drafters are antisemitism scholars in the United States, Israel, Germany and Britain. [280], Palestinian trade unions have been very supportive of BDS; the 290,000-member Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions was one of the original signatories of the BDS Call. During South African apartheid, musicians announced they weren't going to 'play Sun City'. introduced by Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL) which was passed in The House with a vote of 398-17. [53] Supporters argue that there is nothing antisemitic in calling Israel an apartheid state. The nickname stems from the TV personality's weight gain during his addiction to oxycodone, which started while he was still appearing on the original Jersey Shore. ", "Newly Formed Arab Council Publicly Decries BDS and Seeks Reconciliation with Israel. Ilhan Omar believes that every American has the right to boycott any country they please, and she is right. [344] Maia Hallward attributes BDS's Jewish support to two factors: the long history of social justice activism among Jews and the desire among activists to defuse allegations of antisemitism. In Stock. Mongo Trivia Question for the day. Looking for online definition of BDS or what BDS stands for? [281], Leading voices in the Palestinian diaspora, such as Ali Abunimah,[282] Joseph Massad,[283] and Linda Sarsour[284] have thrown their weight behind BDS, as have several Palestinian members of the Israeli parliament, including Haneen Zoabi,[285] Basel Ghattas,[286] and Jamal Zahalka. According to liberal Zionists, both right-wing Zionists and BDS risk "destroying Israel," defined as turning Israel into a Palestinian-majority state,[65] BDS by demanding equal citizenship for Arab-Palestinians and the right of return of the Palestinian refugees,[66] and right-wing Zionists by insisting on building more settlements, eventually making a two-state solution impossible. PSP, HIPAA For example, in 2016 the Israeli government offered 26 Oscars-nominated celebrities 10-day free trips to Israel worth at least $15,000 to $18,000 per person. Palestinians are portrayed as the weak, oppressed people who must be defended against Israel's bullying and injustice. BDS was not mollified: "Artists who insist on crossing the Palestinian boycott picket line, playing in Tel Aviv in defiance of our calls, cannot offset the harm they do to our human rights struggle by 'balancing' their complicit act with some project with Palestinians. [93] The left-wing activist organization Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) advocates for BDS among American Jewry.[94]. BDS stands for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions on the State of Israel. [248] Some of the funds have been used to buy space in the Israeli press to promote its anti-BDS message. They say that they offer employment with higher wages than Palestinian employers and that the employees do not feel exploited. Two BDS officials injured while defusing bomb in Peshawar, Dozens of MEPs call on the EU to support the right to boycott Israel, U-Tech Media wins pre-recorded BD orders from Hitachi-LG, TSST, PALL DEBUTS NEW SYSTEM TO DETECT PLATELET CONTAMINATION, Joining Sweden & Netherlands, Ireland says BDS a 'legitimate political viewpoint', Ritek, CMC plan urgent capacity expansion of blu-ray disc, Panasonic to Release New Blu-ray Disc Drives for PCs and Non-Cartridge Blu-ray Discs Next Spring; New Optical Disc Drives Support Single- and Dual-layer Blu-ray Discs, All Recordable DVDs and CDs, State Agency for Standardization and Metrology. By Sargena Narsa, PR & Communications Content Specialist . BDS leaders use the rhetoric of religious and moral authority to condemn Israel in sermons, essays, press releases, reports, and other publications. stand for? https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/BDS, Against this backdrop, you might think that, Americans face continual legal challenges in showing support for the, Having failed to hinder the growing support and impact of the, Institutional investors said that in the future BD drives and players made by Hitachi-LG and TSST would be attached with pre-recorded, The statements dealt a serious blow to Israel's relentless war of repression that has led governments in the UK, France, Canada and state legislatures across the US to introduce anti-democratic legislation and taking other repressive measures to undermine the, Industry sources said that the profit margin of, Starting in spring 2006, Panasonic plans to mass-produce four types of bare disc, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content. Meaning: twice a day used in writing prescriptions. [267], Brand Israel promotes Israeli culture abroad and also seeks to influence "opinion-formers" by inviting them on free trips to Israel. In 2018, Reuter wrote that a years-long study of the BDS movement's effects on the Israeli economy by Financial Immunities that began in 2010 calculated that the proportion of economic damage to Israel was 0.004%. In 2015, more than 1,000 British artists pledged their support for the boycott, drawing parallels to the one against South African apartheid: Israel's wars are fought on the cultural front too. BDSM includes a wide range of sexual activities and dynamics, and each person will approach BDSM sex differently. Oral Pathologist or Oral Surgeon. QZSS (Japan) The Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) is a project of the Japanese government and operated by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), with an aim to be a satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) for the U.S. GPS to be receivable in the Asia-Oceania regions, with a focus on Japan. The takeaway is this: to support the BDS movement is to support terrorism, the decimation of the Jewish state, and anything but peace. Examples: NFL, These campaigns often revolve around attempts to pass divestment resolutions in the school's student government. It's not only inclusive of the four principles in the title, it includes. [19] At the forum, Palestinian activists met with anti-apartheid veterans who identified parallels between Israel and apartheid South Africa and recommended campaigns like those they had used to defeat apartheid. [44], Critics of "anti-normalization" rhetorically ask how BDS is supposed to win over the hearts and minds of unconvinced Jewish Israelis if a precondition for dialogue is that they first commit to BDS's principles. To work in settlements, Palestinians must obtain work permits from the Israeli Civil Administration. [75] Barghouti contends that the "peace industry," the many dialogue initiatives launched in the 1990s in the aftermath of the Oslo Accords, has not helped the Palestinians at all because they are based on the idea that the conflict is between two equals, rather than about one group oppressing another. "[143] Madonna refused, saying that she would neither "stop playing music to suit someone's political agenda" nor "stop speaking out against violations of human rights wherever in the world they may be. Israels Ministry of Strategic Affairs outlines the groups extensive terrorist ties in their report, Terrorists in Suits: The Ties Between NGOs Promoting BDS and Terrorist Organizations., The report presents dozens of examples of significant ties between activists in NGOs, which delegitimize and promote boycotts of Israel, and Hamas and the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine). The report goes on to say that These ties manifest themselves in the form of activists who were terrorists in the past and some even in the present, and who currently fill key positions in such NGOs; in joint activities and campaigns against the State of Israel., Who are some of these connections? [205], In 2022, more than 30 acts withdrew from the Sydney Festival to protest a $20,000 sponsorship agreement with the Israeli Embassy in Australia. In 2018, for example, 41 left-wing Jewish groups wrote that BDS was not antisemitic and that it was important to distinguish between antisemitism and criticism of Israel. The rate of damage for all of them was less than 10% of their turnover, most of which took place during the 2014 Gaza War. [279] According to Finkelstein, BDS is exaggerating its level of support and many Palestinian NGOs endorsing it are small, one-person NGOs. He lied when he told us he spent four years of experience fixing microwaves ." Since all that terminology can be intimidating for newcomers, let's start with the basics: "BDSM" stands for bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochismthe core pillars. Critics contended that the intent was to crack down on pro-BDS campus activism, and their critique found its way into mainstream periodicals like The New York Times, The New Yorker, and the Los Angeles Times. If the directory has a section by address you could figure out which it is by looking up the address. The permits can be annulled at any timefor example, if the workers try to unionize or engage in any kind of political activity. I want the full menu of rights. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What does BDS stand for?, What is a hook like instrument used to detect breaks in enamel?, What has notches marked in millimeters and has a long blunt working end? [65] Liberal Zionists find apartheid repugnant and oppose apartheid in Israel, so they propose a boycott limited to Israeli West Bank settlements to pressure the Israeli government to stop building settlements. Just as we would oppose a "Muslim state" or a "Christian state" or any kind of exclusionary state, definitely, most definitely, we oppose a Jewish state in any part of Palestine. In 2010, the Jewish Federations of North America and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs set up the Israel Action Network (IAN) with a pledge of $6 million. ", UCSB Campus Advocacy Resources & Education Center: Communicating Consent.. Arab Israeli Knesset member Ayman Odeh slammed the idea, saying the government was afraid of a nonviolent struggle against occupation. [162], Judea Pearl believes that to BDS supporters it is irrelevant whether a particular resolution passes or not because the real goal is to keep the debate alive and influence future policymakers to find fault with Israel. [256], Concert operated as a joint venture with the now closed Ministry for Strategic Affairs but failed in its objective to promote public diplomacy of Israel. In passing the bill, some lawmakers said some BDS slogans were reminiscent of Nazi propaganda. BDS Abbreviation for: Bachelor of Dental Surgery, see there (Medspeak-UK) Blackfan-Diamond syndrome Blessed Dementia Scale British Driving Society (Medspeak-UK) Segen's Medical Dictionary. ", "Palestinians Divided Over Boycott of Israeli Universities", "Terrorists in Suits: The Ties Between NGOs promoting BDS and Terrorist Organizations", "Israeli ministry paying for anti-BDS propaganda in major news outlets", "Jewish Charity Admits Funding Group Tied To Canary Mission Blacklist", "BDS Advocates Receive Bogus "Cease and Desist" Letters Citing Failed NY Anti-BDS Legislation", "BDS Campaign Wins Historic Victory At University Of Michigan On 11th Attempt", "Boycotts and academic freedom: Hypocrisy and double standards at U.S. universities", "Looking at Anti-Semitism on the Left and the Right: An Interview with Deborah E. Lipstadt", "South Africa's Ruling Party Endorses BDS Campaign Against Israel", "U.S. pro-Israel groups failed to disclose grants from Israeli government", "G4S loses major contract in Colombia after BDS campaign", "BDS movement claims victory as U.S. county drops Israeli security firm", "BDS claims victory as G4S to exit from Israel", "Calls for escalating G4S boycott over Al-Aqsa violations", "G4S Sells Israel Operation for $110 Million, Denies BDS Pressure", "Leading Jewish scholars say BDS, one-state solution are not antisemitic", "BDS: how a controversial non-violent movement has transformed the Israeli-Palestinian debate", "Tourists come face-to-face with Eurovision's darker side: 'No pride in apartheid', "Israel says it will not allow in activists planning to 'disturb' Eurovision", "BDS-backed Twitter bot network is targeting Eurovision, Israel charges", "The BDS campaign against Eurovision was a major success", "Handala and the Cartoons of Naji al-Ali", "BDS: The Global Campaign to Delegitimize Israel", "Germany designates BDS Israel boycott movement as anti-Semitic", "Oscar nominees urged to skip Israel swag bag trip", "Ties between Hamas-linked charities and BDS highlighted in Congressional testimony", "Israel Imperiled: Threats to the Jewish State", "EU: Israel spreads 'disinformation' by alleging we fund terror-tied BDS efforts", "Israel's Scheme To Defund the BDS Movement", "Biden Should Defend the Right to Call for a Boycott", "The BDS Movement Promotes Delegitimization against Israel", "BDS movement seeks to empty Israel of Jews, former Spanish PM says", "Pompeo is Cracking Down on a Movement to Boycott Israel. Boycotts are facilitated by urging the public to avoid purchasing goods made by Israeli companies, divestment by urging banks, pension funds, international companies, etc. [237] Texas, Kansas, and Arizona have amended their anti-BDS laws in response to lawsuits. The opposition to the BDS resolution came from a small pro-Israel group known as the Informed Grads,[313] represented by the global law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher. Don't think I've ever seen him have more fun. [296] He came to this conclusion after visiting the Palestinian territories, comparing the conditions there to conditions in apartheid-era South Africa, and suggesting that Palestinian goals should be achieved by the same means used in South Africa. Its struggle for Palestinian rights should be seen as a small but critical part of that struggle, BDS argues. BDS supporters seek to pressure Israel in three principal ways: boycotting Israeli goods, universities and cultural institutions; divesting from companies that provide vital equipment to the Israeli military; and urging countries to slap sanctions on Israel. So Israel Throws Another $30 Million at It", "Israeli government must cease intimidation of human rights defenders, protect them from attacks", "Israel government prepares to expel Palestinian BDS founder", "Israel court releases BDS activist Mahmoud Nawajaa", "#FreeMahmoud: Israeli occupation forces arrest BDS coordinator Mahmoud Nawajaa during night raid", "Most Americans don't know about or don't support BDS - Pew poll", "Palestinian Public Opinion Poll No (56)", "40 Columbia professors sign BDS petition", "Exclusive: Is This The Most Hated Woman in Israel? Partners should always make sure everyone gives enthusiastic consent and outlines clear boundaries. In general, there are seven types of dentists: General Dentist. [11] Protests and conferences in support of the movement have been held in several countries. [379], In September 2019, European Jewish Association founder Menachem Margolin asserted that BDS was "responsible for the vast majority of physical attacks and social media hatred against Jews in Europe. Over the years, Bargouti has repeatedly expressed his view that the only solution to the conflict is one where Jews live in the minority in a unified Palestine. He says that he does not buy into the two-state solution. His vision includes a country where Palestinian refugees displaced over 70 years agolargely by choicewould be permitted to return to where their grandparents lived and end Israels existence as a Jewish state.. BDS was formally launched in 2005 by a coalition of about 170 Palestinian grassroots and civil society groups.Fifteen years later, it's grown in prominence. A handful of Palestinian scholars have opposed the academic boycott of Israel. "[340][341] In a 2022 interview, Chomsky said that calling Israeli actions toward Palestinians "apartheid" is a "gift to Israel" because "the Occupied Territories are much worse than South Africa." [182], In 2018, after previously agreeing to write a letter of recommendation for a student, associate professor John Cheney-Lippold at the University of Michigan declined to write it after discovering the student was planning to study in Israel. BDSM noun [ U ] uk / bi.di.esem / us / bi.di.esem / abbreviation for bondage, discipline (or domination ), sadism (or submission ), masochism: sexual activity that involves, for example, tying a partner up, games in which one partner controls another, or giving and receiving pain for pleasure: "BDS" on 'Jersey Shore' means "Big Daddy Sitch." That's Sitch as in Situation (aka Mike Sorrentino ). [346] Almost one quarter of American Jews under 40 support boycotting Israeli products, according to a J Street poll in 2020. "[346], Jewish BDS activists have had their Jewish credentials questioned by other Jews and some have reported being called "self-hating Jews", "Nazis", or "traitors". [121], In April 2019, Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging, the Netherlands' largest trade union, dropped HP in its offer to its members. ", "Arab MK says BDS is only solution to stop occupation", "Jamal Zahalka: Role of the BDS movement", "Palestinian academics act against Israel ties", "Palestinian academic opposes Israel boycott", "Israeli-Arab Facebook star: BDS is 'pure politics', "BDS calls on boycotting "Nas Daily" over normalization", "COSATU Endorses the Palestinian Call to Impose an Immediate, Comprehensive Military Embargo on Israel", "Cosatu to intensify Israeli goods boycott", "Declaration on the Palestinian Question", "Socialist International of 140 Global Political Parties Adopts BDS, Calls for Military Embargo on Israel", "Israel boycotts now official NSW Greens policy", "Kbenhavnsk borgmester overrkker pris til anti-israelsk bevgelse", "Germany: Federal court rules anti-BDS policy to be 'unconstitutional', "NUT Annual Conference 2014 final agenda", "UK's largest union backs boycott of Israel", "United Auto Workers Reject Boycott of Israel", "With help of corporate law firm, small pro-Israel group derails historic UAW union vote endorsing boycott", "TUC passes motion for extensive Israel boycott at annual conference", "Hillary Clinton Reaffirms Opposition to BDS in Letter to Jewish Leaders", "Martin Foley, Victorian Labor MP scared of Year 12 student", Berlin Social Democratic Party declares BDS antisemitic, "Netanyahu til Samuelsen: "Stop finansiering af palstinensiske boykotgrupper", "Medie: Lkke modtog vredt opkald fra Netanyahu", "Israel bankede i bordet. 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