siberian cauldrons google earth

The entire area has always been shrouded with mystery, but a few facts emerge from history to tantalize modern scientists. the Earth itself. We are faced with evidence that at some point in Earths ancient past, something was going on that could be directly related to our existence here today, remember that question, Are we alone in the Universe?, this example of technology answers that question hands down, there is simply no other logical explanation. There is a location in Antarctica that resembles descriptions of these cauldrons. [emailprotected], If someone can get me there, I have the backpacking gear, ill find it dig it up and experiment. Enormous solar super-storm could knock out the internet Electronic E.T. But I'm pretty sure I was able to find Putins bunker in Siberia. Nascent Iodine- Promotes detoxification, mental focus and thyroid health. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Elon Musk thinks its Save Humanity In Anticipation Of What? Zoom to your house or anywhere else, then dive in for a 360 perspective with Street View. In 1853, a Russian/Siberian explorer reached the area, in his diary he writes about having found metal cauldrons sunk into the ground and only the Rim of the objects visible, he also writes about eerie sounds vibrating through the object. We have to learn, look at the facts instead of speculations and twisted reports. IMO)to go and ask his ET friends about it and what it is. right hand side. haha i love the bored billionaire comment. April 2023. Humans have been in the current state of evolution for about 100,000 years- and we have recorded history of just about 8-10,000 years at max. Do have to wonder why there has not been any radiation reading taken so far. I definitely think you two,& others - Video, Dr. Jim Willie: President Trump the Real Story, Situation Update - China Closer To Taiwan Invasion! 18:96: Bring me sheets of iron" - until, when he had leveled [them] between the two mountain walls, he said, "Blow [with bellows]," until when he had made it [like] fire, he said, "Bring me, that I may pour over it molten copper." Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts site" Stones that were magnificently cut by, what looked to be done by, Power tools! There are new discoveries all the time, and with every new discovery (that is talked about) we push our timelines 'for civilisation' backwards in time. To address some of the commentsmy belief is that these domes could well be part (emitters for a longitudinal or scalar instrument perhaps) of an ancient defensive device/weapon against asteroids and comets. We all go as a group; safety in numbers and media coverage (Internet blogging, e-mail contact, satellite phone, etc.). Although 12 tests were performed in the Sakha Republic, this does not explain the pre-nuclear reports of sickness to those visiting the Valley of Death dating back in the 1930's and 1800's. p.s. others whom have already been there,have become very ill, possible from radiation sickness!? The impact zone in Siberia (like a war target zone) is very close for the big hits. The truth is down there! Chinese Bussed Across US Border! This Siberian device, may have been built as an asteroid / comet defense, but obviously failed, only serving to shatter one or two huge asteroids into planet wide peppering bodies instead, leading to the destruction that followed, only now are we at a similar level of technology, 13,000 years lateror put another way, exactly half way through a full processional cycle through our Glactic ecliptic, crossing the plane of strongest gravity, which is theorised to attract asteroids and comets towards our system, peppering all of the planets, including Earth. In place of the tall structure there was an immense, yawning, vertical orifice.. Siberian Cauldrons that kill Join the Unexplained Mysteries community today! What is the reason? Would take serious money and planning, but it may well provide serious discovery and kudos to the sponsor. Follow the migration of the red crab as they emerge from the forests of Christmas Island and head to the beach to spawn. I'm surprised it's not taken more seriously. Why Ancient Sumerians May Have Built Advanced Spaceports, Launched Spaceships and Traveled 2021 was so weird, that big UFO news totally went over our Prof. Brian Cox Explains Why We Havent Found Aliens Yet And Are we living in an aliens computer game? Time traveller warns alien named the Champion will Kim Kardashian fans suggest shes behind UFO sightings Moons Major Secret Revealed by China Alien High-altitude object shot down off Alaska, US says. I mean just look at some of the HUGE STONES of the past,like the MASSIVE STONEs, squarely cut, at "Baalbek near Lebanon" weighing 1200 tons!!? We need a real visionary with cash, not just someone with cash. The mystery of Siberia's exploding craters (Image credit: Evgeny Chuvilin) By Richard Gray 30th November 2020 On a remote peninsular in the Arctic circle, enormous wounds are appearing in the. An explosion of such extraordinary mass and such extraordinary impact that it wiped out almost an entire area of Siberia, It was some type of an explosion that happened in mid-air above the ground at Tunguska, had it happened over New York or London they would be totally devastated. Lets get Bill Gates all over this, just tell him he'll make trillions off of the tech he salvages. If the aliens were so advanced to travel huge distance and time, why would they have a suit bulkier than our 1970's technology? Breaking! . What is Going on?!? Collaborate with others like a Google Doc and share your story as a presentation. The power source for the "installation" is at least mile deep. Lead scientist Michale Visok had this to say in an interview with a Russian newspaper on what they had found: We went out into the Valley of Death to really see and investigate the metal cauldrons that people say exist there and we actually found five metallic objects buried in marsh like swamps. Makes sense, Watch the Metallica video. 18:95: He said, "That in which my Lord has established me is better [than what you offer], but assist me with strength; I will make between you and them a dam. Across a vast area of sparsely populated Yakutia in Siberia can be found strange metallic structures and evidence of devastating nuclear-type explosions every six or seven centuries. Come on. Gene Decode's Shocking Revelation On Ancient Mysteries, StarGates, LayLines & Deep State! If you want to share interests or maybe give me the honour to participate in some research, i would be honoured. Trump Just ReTruthed George Soros' Execution Video! Zoom in and see what adventures await you. This Alien Mothership Was Spotted Near The Moon With 2 Smaller UFOs. To find and explore the mysterious metal hemispheres before they all forever disappeared deep beneath the earth would be a worldwide sensation. What you say about the difficulties with both the planning and execution of such an expedition is very true, but at the moment, we're only a loose group of anonymous blog posters, who seem to share similar interests in the mysteries of ancient peoples. The explosion over the sparsely populated Eastern Siberian Taiga flattened an estimated 80 million trees over an area of 2,150 km 2 (830 sq mi . It's free and setting up an account only takes a moment. Follow clues and track her down! The 'Siberian Cauldrons' could very well be such a find, or could be simply nothingthe scientific method of actually researching the possibility of their existence, seems to be less preferable than rubbishing almost any given subject out of hand. ?I don't know!..what else you could call this thing, other than a Mystery!? Its clear that theyre hoping that the majority of their audience will simply buy what theyre selling at face value, and for all I know, perhaps theyre right. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? or Ancient Aliens! Major Military Action In Yellow Sea! And this is recent history- not more than 2500-3000 years ago. Located in the in the fertile basin of the Upper Viliuy River, there is an area known to the nomad Siberian people as Uliuiu Cherkecheckh, a grim name which translates roughly to the Valley of Death. So, he made a dam between the two mountains and trapped them using iron and molten copper. Many, many times. 18:93: Until, when he reached [a pass] between two mountains, he found beside them a people who could hardly understand [his] speech. Forget media a big group excurtion is definitly a must in the harsh elements,IM GAME saving my pennies. Fixing mercator coordinates that are outside the world bounding box? If you really want to disable all recommended stories, click on OK button. Pearl like. What if there were civilizations in-between those 90,000 odd years that took a completely different approach to science-developing and progressing quite unlike we have? Danger will Robinson Danger radiation over flow only a robot can get into that turret, Hello, I allso have done a lot of looking at the reports of strange things that happened in the far past. a Dangerous and tense situation. He claimed to have seen seven dome-shaped cauldrons, each measuring 20 to 30 feet in diameter, with odd and unnatural vegetation growing around them. and others, never mind the tickets! There is some interesting things going on in Guatemala allso. I'd go if you have. Sign in. @Aaron It's possible something might show up in the near future on DigitalGlobe's gallery or the the NASA Earth Observatory. - Canadian Prepper, Emergency Curfew! Modern scientists and historians agree that the cauldrons of the Valley of Death are extraterrestrial in origin. A recipricol link to is required. A city, miles in area has been discovered recently in Africaat a time when we are told Humanity was was only just becoming anatomically modern. The Tunguska event (occasionally also called the Tunguska incident) was an approximately 12-megaton explosion that occurred near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Yeniseysk Governorate (now Krasnoyarsk Krai), Russia, on the morning of June 30, 1908. With the speculations of it being some sort of weapon, I am sure that the Russian government would have already sent an expedition; and if there was something there, it would now be some sort of military base. every grain of sand uses that hole. One can find a plethora of reports on the Internet stating that scientists prove the existence of Siberias mysterious cauldrons! Its disconcerting to realize that the man mentioned above, Mackerle, is the scientist to which all of the aforementioned articles refer. What kind of asteroid will occasionally spit out fireballs that are big enough to obliterate villages? Nature works pretty fast to cover everything up- Angkor Vat[Cambodia]temples were completely overgrown with forest in just about a 800-1000 years!! . MU Podcasts. I think..Marion!..that there was a lot more going on in our ancient past, than just the talk of Ancient Aliens,you might consider the technology of earth,as it was then? What are the coordinates of this interesting geological feature? But not one built during our current high tech epoch, but one built by a prior high tech culture. "UFOs - the biggest story of the millennium!" Than time is running out. Do you realise just how many times 'tales' and 'legends' from antiquity are shunned and scoffed at by mainstream science, sometimes for centuries with proponents having been laughed at and ridiculed out of hand, only to be vindicated years later when so-called mainstrean science can be bothered to get off it's metaphorical and highly, almost rabidly sceptical arse and go and actually look into the claims? Careers and academic reputations are ultimately not that important, despite time invested in building them by individual scientists. Oxy Powder- Natural Colon Cleanser! China Military Draft! This is not normal Gama radiation there. the people of earth? In today's Brazil, African-Brazilian religioins pays respects for their deities throug offers of food, drinks and goods, while traditional offerings are made over these ceramic pots . That light shone for many nights, and finally dimmed, only to flare again. Look at the history of the Earth. When in canon they where blind and deft in face of an overwhelming enemy and they did not let morality held them back in the face of extinction. Then they vanished. I estimate the last such event caused the end of the last major ice age, (although itself soon caused another 1,500 year 'mini' ice age, and that event i believe was a worldwide destruction from Meteorite and cometary impacts..there evidence for strikes around the entire planet has been found all over the world, and dated to around 13,000 - 14,000 years agoright at the end of the last major ice age. Dracula Summary of Final Web Bot prediction report 2009 into 2010 - dumping of the US dollar ? In the episode, during the interview with the guy that explored the area, said he fell very ill, but upon returning home and seeing the doctor there was no sign of sickness or why. This place has high levels of radiation! Reasonably so really, as without a firm offer of such funding, everything else is moot really. Thinking about the radiation issues, perhaps the mystery of the origin of these domes is even more startlingmaybe the radiation is their funcionafter all we all know radiation is mutagenic, and alters or mutates lifeperhaps, during the early times of our Earth, these were placed here, by life unknown, to actually cause life to form via specific frequencies of radiation designed to result in specific organisms at some point in time. The image was taken on July, 18, 2013. Intead of be spoon fed your news/proof why not try to research it before you claim you know wtf you are talking about. The Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan was built on a swamp by a stone age culture who never invented the wheel. Create stories and maps. Make use of Google Earth's detailed globe by tilting the map to save a perfect 3D view or diving into Street View for a 360 experience. Explore the latest news & podcasts. Again in February 2013 a massive undetected Meteor entered the Atmosphere over Russia, Moments later it exploded in mid-air as if having been shot down. In North-western Siberia, in the basin of the Upper Viliuy River, there is a hard-to-reach region, in this area there are objects which are the most wonderful mystery of Alien Technology at work on Earth today. Unusual ufo craft over brooklyn 26/09/2011. . There is more to it. The area was not reached again until 1936 but upon reaching the location, the Russian expeditionary force could only make drawings of the objects because their camera gear was adversely affected by radiation that was surrounding the cauldrons. What do you guys think of the giant cauldrons in Russias vast Siberian region? Since the 1800s, explorers and hunters in the Siberian taiga have reported encountering strange copper "cauldrons", half buried in the ground. Where do the images come from? Old folktales are one thing, but what about oral history? We can't lift and MOVE these stones today! The day we mature as a Race and understand the universe as it should be - perhaps that day we will have "First Contact" with an Alien race - not for destroying us ( as many Hollywood movies like you to believe) but for mutual partnership and progress. thay're ceiled off, and watertight! In the strange words of the legends,it consisted of three tiers of laughing chasms. The Valley of Death is on one of the trade routes in the area, and most traders give it a wide berth. In order to gather these professionals, you would need to coordinate schedules and run credential checks on everyone involved. The people of the area remember a legend that tells of a mighty crash from the heavens that unleashed a pillar of light. are warning us. There is more under the Gisah Plateau waiting to be revealed. 20K views 4 years ago Mysterious metallic Cauldrons have been spotted in this part of Siberia for some time now, eye witness accounts report seeing these huge objects popping up from the ground. They did some research in the past. We need perhaps to have a deeper understanding of our own planet and its evolution. [error in gadget] on Home page on For many people, Siberia is a dark and foreboding place, a place where governments have sent people to suffer, starve and die for hundreds of years. I'm up for a trip, this needs to be explored further. Every legend has some basis in reality.This "Cauldron" thing totally freaks me out. Further more how hard is it to believe that maybe governments dont wanna know. NASA satellite imagery and astronaut photography reveal where an English alphabet can be found in the landforms of the Earth. - AMTV Video, New David Rodriguez & Juan O Savin: The Nuclear Biscuit and State of Affairs, New Juan O Savin and Spaceshot76: "Let There Be Light! Ortorten. Unless it is only a toxic waste dump by aliens or man. Home; Listen. The worlds greatest super thief is back. We may allow ourselves to speculate that there may have been extra-terrestrial contact in those times as it happens between advanced civilizations - but as they ended- so did the visits of such 'other-worldly beings'. - WTPN, CIA Larry Johnson: Whats Coming Is Worse Than a World War, This Is Serious (Video), JAG Sentences Lori Lightfoot to Death! . They are Gog and Magog. It is Happening Again! Photographs still don't exist; metallurgists would . We must learn from events in the past, to protect us in the future. The purpose and origin unknown. Google Earth is the most photorealistic, digital version of our planet. Multiple Cities! In ancient times people were complaining about them to the ancient powerful king Dhul-Qarnayn because they were so savage and corrupt. 18:97: So Gog and Magog were unable to pass over it, nor were they able [to effect] in it any penetration. Across this area, giant metal cauldrons may be found, hollow and half-buried in the soil of the forest. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Wait a minute the article starts out in Siberias frozen tundra then later transitions into swamps. Meet three people who are using Google Earth to protect rivers, inspire students, and revisit their birth country. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Open full screen to view more. [emailprotected]. but not sure,whether its Radiation sickness, or something else. - Truth & Art TV, Insider Alert! RealUfos readers Personal Ufo sightings - Septembe Followup - the Bubble Cloud over Beijing Skies. He's supposedly called 'Michale Visok. They're part of the Siberian tundra, a massive stretch of land in Russia characterized by a layer of permanently frozen soil just below the surface. In a Russian language magazine Science First Hand there is an article (web-archive) that mentions different coordinates, though the pictures look familiar. a long video, but very informing & Picture from recent expeditions to the area: Apparently it's located circa 40 - 50 km North / Northeast from Vilyuyskoye (the lake system from which the Vilyuy River progresses). What are the coordinates of the mysterious hole in Siberia? New Monkey Werx SITREP 4.17.23 - Aerial Surveys - More Clues and it's NOT GOOD! Putin is buzzed by colour-changing UFO spotted by Alien mothership lurking in our solar system could be watching us with Moons Major Secret Revealed by China Alien Structures. 18:99:And We will leave them that day surging over each other, and [then] the Horn will be blown, and We will assemble them in [one] assembly. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. @Anonymous (4:24pm)from Spikey. An interesting read!not heard of this story before, in Siberia, & still getting my head around the WORD"Cauldrons" I found Putins bunker in Siberia on Google earth Not sure if anyone has said on the internet already. Curiously, the dome shapes described are a perfect match for Teslas dome 'energy emitter' atop of his tower at Wardenclyffe.

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