poke root oil for breast lumps

This compound helps stop regress abnormal cell growth. They generally do not grow bigger. The root extract is combined with olive oil for external use to treat breast pain. Apply and massage 2-3 drops of grapefruit seed oil on your fibrocystic breasts. Overcoming Estrogen Dominance is a comprehensive guide and recipe book that focuses on estrogen dominance and goes into specific protocols for each estrogen dominance-related condition. Helpful for dissolving lumps, violet is excellent for fibrocystic breasts. +For external use only. Clinical experience of drug treatment for mastalgia. Apply a generous amount to the breast or lump whenever needed. When you are having pain in the breasts, apply a few drops of lavender to the affected area. 2. Poke root is also known as American nightshade, Cancer root, Inkberry, Pigeon berry, pocan, red plant, and pokeweed. Ill be sure to share it with my clients. Each of these herbs may relieve some specific symptoms of fibrocystic or lumpy breasts. Poke (Phytolacca americana) Poke, Phytolacca americana is a common weed here in these Smoky Mountains. Symmetry is important; finding a mirror-image thickening in the opposite breast indicates a normal condition. Poke Root: Anti-viral and anti-tumor, Poke is . People have been using Lemon oil to treat many health conditions. Always FREE shipping for orders over $99 (excludes bundles, wholesale, AK, & HI). Making poke root oil. The potassium is believed to be an irritant that produces fibrosis and eventually cyst isolation. Hi Amanda, nice catch! But, there is already a lot of evidence that proves the amazing capabilities of this oil. This oil boosts the well-being of the immunity system. Fibrocystic breasts are normal in most cases. Use a metal spoon so you can check the consistency quickly. Poke Root is believed to help clean the lymph system. Poke is the herbal ally for breastmilk. It can be adjusted to make it softer or firmer, depending on the type of salve that you like. Magnesium is also involved in important processes that allow your body to produce the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Evening primrose oil is rich in gamma linolenic acid, which has been shown to reduce the size of breast cysts. Evidence of increased oxidative stress in aged mesenteric lymphatic vessels., Walker, A F et al. Pokeberries are useful, too -- and not just for body paint. Caution: Poke oil can cause a rash on sensitive skin. It contains potent antioxidant properties. Women who take exogenous estrogen, such as oral contraceptives or estrogen replacement therapy during menopause, may be similarly affected. Petra (NYC), Hi Petra, were so glad you enjoyed this. , etc. Here are some basic instructions with tips: Learn more by watching this video with Gaye Walden, a wonderful breast health specialist. Sometimes, a lump in the breast is a symptom of breast cancer. Poke is a strongly acting plant that has traditionally been used on skin anomalies and to support healthy breast tissue and a healthy lymphatic system. He gives many potential uses for it, including 'swollen glands and lymph nodes, mumps, tonsillitis, sore throat, inflammation of prostate gland, ovaries or testicles. I am student midwife and happened upon your page while doing some research, but man I wish I would have found it during one of my many bouts with mastitis! This . Its one of its primary constituents that makes up about 88-95 percent of grapefruit oil. When palpation of the lump reveals that the density merges in one or more places with the surrounding breast tissue, it is considered non-dominant and may be comfortably observed for change over time. (breast nipple area). Other women may have average amounts of progesterone but increased tissue sensitivity to estrogen with related fluid retention. Faced with scenarios like thesee, I pull out all my herbal allies: put your echinacea and poke root extract bottles by your bed next to your Breast Massage Oil and prepare to hunker down until the herbs have done their thing. It helps in overcoming the complaint of Obesity i.e. In such cases, I feel violet combines well with a small amount of poke; like violet, internally as tincture (1-3 drops of poke mixed into squirt of violet) and topically infused violet oil with no more than part fresh poke root oil. Breast can develop conditions, such as mastitis, hard lumps, and fluid filled cysts. Women who suffer from noncyclical pain are rarer, and the pain is less likely to be hormonal in cause. Virtually all knowledgeable health care providers agree that the term fibrocystic breast disease or condition should be abandoned in favor of a more accurate physiologically based description. Kind regards, The poke root taken internally is very renowned in its use in cancer and especially in mammary indurations. Besides, there are many other pokeroot forms available too, such as poke root tea, extract, tincture, essential oil, salve, cream, infused oil, juice, ointment, lotion, powder, and more. When these lesions are biopsied or, preferably, a sample of cells is taken in the office through a needle to be looked at microscopically (fine-needle aspirate), some 70 percent will show non-proliferative changes (adenosis, fibrosis, microcysts, mild hyperplasia, and more); some 20 percent will show proliferative changes without atypia- mostly epithelial hyperplasia. Along with massage, another natural lymphatic support to add is poke root oil. Amer J Pub Health 1982;72(6):610-12. Thanks for the wonderful work, Unfortunately, our health care system requires a diagnostic code to reimburse services, and fibrocystic breast disease has one, even though the medical literature is replete with reasons why it shouldnt. In a study of 38 women, taking 200 mg of magnesium for 2 months significantly improved PMS symptoms that accompanied fluid retention, including weight gain, edema, bloating, and breast pain. These results suggest that iodine deficiency may be a causative factor in fibrocystic breasts. Poke root Pokeweed has many purported benefits but little science to back them up. Poke is a visually attractive 8 to 10 ft (250-300 cm) perennial with dark green leaves, purple stems, and bright red to bluish-black berries. [17]. CARE OIL. Syphilitic bone pains; chronic rheumatism. Ghent W, et al. The analgesic and calming properties of the oil may relieve the symptoms of fibrocystic breasts. It can also soothe headaches, toothaches, migraines, earaches, muscle, and joint pain. Next, use an open hand to sweep in the direction of the lymphatic flow (see arrow directions in the picture below). Frankincense oil may relieve fibrocystic breasts disorders. This herbal-infused oil provides relief from mastitis & clogged milk ducts, swollen lymph glands, lumps, swellings and tumors. Id love an answer to your question addressing soy as well! Poke Root Poultice for Cancer of the breast: Poke root fresh and ground fine (Phytolacca decandra) Poke root fluid extract (diluted to 1/16 strength); or use infusion of the fresh root Bayberry powder (Myrica cerifera) Preparation: 1) Use the fresh root each time and grind sufficient only for one use Jethro Kloss, author of the classic herbal Back to Eden, used freshly grated raw poke root poultices to burn away breast cancer. Poke root is a poisonous herb with red-pink stems and black-purple berries. Because it helps in the removal and neutralization of toxins. Intensive Breast Care Oil contains poke root, a traditional herb historically used for breast abscesses, cysts, lumps, tumors and mastitis. Many practitioners and women have experienced that the application of natural progesterone in a cream or gel routinely solves the problem. Lemon oil is a potent citrus oil. Use code REDMOON10 for 10% off your order of $150+ or REDMOON20 for 20% off $250+! Traditional herbs that support the liver and the normalization of biochemical steroid pathways may include burdock root, dandelion root, and milk thistle. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Cancer of the Breast (poultice): See formula using poke root and bayberry. Nightly Bentonite Clay Breast Packs: To make a bentonite clay pack, make a thick slurry with either bentonite clay or zeolite clay and some coconut oil. Here is a simple method of using sandalwood essential oil for breast lumps: Make sure to always test sandalwood oil over a small area before applying it to the skin. It is very effective for dissolving lumps and knots in the breast, usually recommended when the lumps are hard. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. A generous amount is gently applied to the lump . [16]. It can also soothe. This essential oil has a fantastic scent. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Pain may be due to old trauma, acute infection, or sometimes something related to the chest wall. Sandalwood oil is an excellent anti-viral agent. Digestion and elimination are also fundamental factors involved in a more wholistic approach to hormone-related health problems. Br J Surg 1981;68:801-824. Reducing the fat content of the diet to 15 percent of total calories while increasing complex carbohydrate consumption, has been shown to reduce the severity as well as reducing the actual breast swelling and nodularity in some women. The flowers are used as a cream, salve, or ointment to ease breast pain. It is beneficial to prevent the replication of common viruses like herpes simplex. A patient with fibrocystic breasts will have more changes due to these hormones. [SNH p.268] 10) 12 large garlic cloves (for surgery, since the tumor has already started to burst through the skin) Blend the above ingredients in a blender, then add the following to make a paste: 1/2 quart apple cider vinegar. Read More: 11 Natural Ways to Cure Muscle Spasms in Stomach & Reasons 3 . A few symptoms of estrogen dominance to watch for are: Find out how estrogenic you are with our free quiz. Firm or rubbery. Cleavers: Rich in chlorophyll and helps break up breast congestion, tonifies veins, and strengthens lymph flow. A compromised liver function can lead to a state of estrogen dominance, contributing to texture and density changes in the breast. Oil Packs over the liver. This ba Repeat a few times each day. Acute breast discomfort is a force to be reckoned with. Poke Root is one of the best herbs to help clear mastitis (breast infection). These lumps in the breast have in our experience responded quite well to Poke root in combination with Iris. I also took hot baths with epsom salts. A generous amount is gently applied to the lump . They persist over time, and except in the very young demand some kind of assessment. As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it is a perfect time to write . WARNING: Most of these plants and herbs contain toxic compounds. When it comes to self-care and the breasts, the lymphatic system plays a major role. Its amazing abilities to act as a lymphatic stimulant and adversary against acute issues help the waters or milky channels of the body to flow smoothly once again. 4. Still, its important not to wait until you need treatment. This is repeated at least twice a day. Most of these plants and herbs contain toxic compounds. (LogOut/ Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. ~HB Team. It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Phytolacca Decandra commonly known as 'poke root' and 'red ink plant'. See below for the info. In one of the first paragraphs here you mention: As we know it, the breast health industry is fear- and prevention-focused. I believe you mean NOT prevention focused? And if it's used appropriately it will lead to remarkable allyship for your clogged milk ducts and stressed breasts. [, Fibrocystic breast is most common in women who are between the ages of 30 and 50. Both the salve and the oil are also used externally to dissolve lumps, bumps, growths and tumors. Stir a few drops of lavender or geranium essential oil into the salts for enhanced relaxation and detoxification. The infused oil is also effective and far safer. [3]. Poke root can help loosen up lymph glands to help them process better. An extract or oil made from dried poke root isnt going to be nearly as potent or fast-acting and usefulas one made from the fresh root, which holds vibrant constituents and properties that just dont show up in preparations made from the dried herb. Ernster V, Mason L, Goodson W, et al. Whenever I think of, Herbal Preparations for Healthy Breast Tissue, Acute breast discomfort is a force to be reckoned with. Grapefruit essential oil also contains vitamin C, myrcene, terpinene, pinene, Citronellol, etc. But it might be a result of hormonal imbalance. The properties of this oil reduce oxidative stress and disease-causing inflammation. 4 oz of organic oil. The body is safe from skin diseases when the blood is clean and free of toxins. And when in doubt: nurse, nurse, nurse. In traditional folk medicine, pokeweed stimulates the bowels and induces vomiting. We've added essential oil of grapefruit for its refreshing and uplifting qualities. Its even in the name - Phytolacca americana - catch the milk reference in there? Add 1 tbsp for every 30 pounds of body weight. 18-20 fennel Phytolacca - For Hard, Painful Nodes In Breast. You can also inhale it directly from the bottle. This salve uses poke root infused in castor & sunflower seed oil to help painful, lumpy breasts and swollen lymph glands! It may also affect well-being and, Sandalwood oil is an excellent anti-viral agent. However, two studies demonstrated that vitamin E is clinically useful in relieving pain and tenderness, whether cyclical or noncyclical. Another study of 73 women received three grams per day of evening primrose oil or placebo. You need medical supervision before using these herbs for fibrocystic breasts. Massage your breasts with castor oil to mobilize the lymphatic system and release the accumulated toxins and excess hormones. There is no messing around with this potent herb that seems like it was just made to be a strong warrior for nursing mamas. [20]. [2]. First, decide which breast to start with. Recurrent large cysts have been shown to slightly increase cancer risk in some studies but not in others; fibroadenomas do not. Abscesses, boils, and other sores on the skin can naturally be healed using the oil. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Lavender oil contains many beneficial properties. Poke Root Oil. Lemon oil is a potent citrus oil. This condition is unfortunately common in our modern world, due to toxicity, dietary choices, and lifestyle factors. The analgesic properties in frankincense oil may relieve pain and swelling. You may have already checked off all the boxes of things youre supposed to do if you have a clogged milk duct: hydrate yourself, massage the inflamed area gently in circles towards the nipple to get the breast tissue more malleable and improve the circulation. If we agree that fibrocystic breasts are at least in part due to a high-estrogen/ low progesterone problem, then it is logical to use progesterone therapy as a treatment. If these are not produced in adequate amounts, and estrogen recirculates, again, you could develop estrogen dominance. [. A fibroadenoma is a rubbery, smooth, benign, fibrous tumor common in younger women. Painful swellings that flux with the cycle unchanging over time are not worrisome as cancers signals. Poke is a drop-dose herb only, never to be taken in doses larger than a couple of drops at a time because if used in abundance it can lead to nausea, vomiting, and other unwanted side effects. The lymphatic system is dense in the breast and underarm region of the body. Phytolacca decandra (poke root) for hard, lumpy lymphatic swellings. A fibroadenoma is a solid breast lump that often causes no pain. And it doesnt have any significant systemic toxicity. The breast has an affinity for both thyroid hormone and iodine. To make an oil infusion, its best to use fresh poke root, which most people dont have access to. 12 cedar wood So, many women have to go through probing, squishing, X-raying, and routine biopsies. Thyroid hormone with low or even normal thyroid function may result in improvement of fibrocystic breasts. Press Esc to cancel. Use this remedy daily. When a woman finds a lump on her breasts, it can be one of the scariest moments of her life. It may be possible to use pokeweed as a powerful medicine as long as you do so with caution and with the proper applications. Pre-eminently a glandular remedy. A clogged milk duct often rears its little head as a way of saying - to the busy, tired mama who definitely doesnt want to hear it - Self-care, self-care, self-care! Consult an expert to learn the appropriate dosage and procedure of ingesting lemon oil. General. Caution: Fresh poke placed directly on the skin is strong enough to damage healthy tissues as well as cancerous ones. How long does it take to have a significant effect? However, pokeweed has not been studied extensively. Herbal diuretics can be useful in decreasing breast swelling and the discomfort associated with it. Some health benefits of grapefruit essential oil are due to limonene. You may diffuse lavender essential oil for relieving stress, and anxiety, and improving sleep. Regularly using Healthy Breast Serum helps with pain, discomfort, lumpiness, soreness, tenderness, and cysts in the breast. Lactobacillus acidophilus may be able to improve the absorption and transport of estrogen by supporting a normalized intestinal microflora environment. Using infused herbal oils is an easy and pleasurable way to keep your breasts healthy, prevent and reverse cysts, dissolve troublesome lumps, and repair abnormal cells. Women having fewer than three bowel movements per week have a risk of fibrocystic breasts four to five times greater than women having at least one movement per day. Moreover, the widespread misconception that women with painful or lumpy breasts are at increased risk of breast cancer borders on the tragic. If you have an underlying breast condition, you might notice changes in how your breasts normally feel, such as: A round, smooth and firm breast lump. Whenever I have dealt with a clogged milk duct since beginning my nursing career, it always lets me know its coming (so considerate!) POKE ROOT OIL Poke root is a traditional antitumor remedy that is also used to clear the lymphatic system . Effects of caffeine-free diet on benign breast disease: a randomized trial. It may be that progesterone is desensitizing the breast to estrogen. Tumors can be malignant or non-malignant, they can be fast-growing or slow-growing, and they can be in many parts of the body, such as the lymphatic glands or . If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Poke Root Oil (Phytolacca americana) infuses powerful poke root with organic olive oil. This essential oil has a fantastic scent. It ceases Cancer. Regular exercise is also necessary. [, Many people use a combination of Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lavender, Green Myrtle, and a touch of Grapefruit oil in a base of, Lavender oil contains many beneficial properties. Over time, this system accumulates toxins from diet and environment. I couldnt believe the quick results but it is the only addition Ive made to my routine. Frankincense Essential Oil is popular for its medicinal properties. Naturopathic Physician, Author, Educator and Researcher. Ive made an oil blend: Magnesium supplementation alleviates premenstrual symptoms of fluid retention.. Several toxins have been identified in species of Phytolacca , usually concentrated in the roots, and the tender young shoots must be boiling 2 to 3 times, discarding the . Its just a matter of putting them into regular practice. Plugged or stopped up lymph glands can create lumps of all kinds, including tumors or more benign cysts. It eradicates Lumps and Tumors formed in the Breast. Poke Root - Phytolacca americana This is a breast lymphatic massage balm, formulated to move lymph fluid and support healthy self care. A clinical trial of evening primrose oil in mastalgia. Updated August 20, 2019. This is very beneficial to patients with fibrocystic breasts. JNCI 1985;74(5):995-1000. The trash is carried out through the lymphatic passages, lymphatic liquid, and the lymphatic nodes. Please note: comments must be approved before they are published. And the severity of these symptoms may vary from month to month in the same patient. Along with massage, another natural lymphatic support to add is poke root oil. The next best option is to find an already-infused oil, such as this one from Wise Woman Herbals, or incorporate the Wellena Happy Sisters Cream: our star medicinal ingredient in this breast health cream is poke root infused oil. We NEVER flood your inbox. You can also inhale it directly from the bottle. Mastalgia refers to any breast pain severe enough to interfere with the quality of a womans life, causing her to seek treatment. It is big, bold, and particularly for good breast health. Whether women are dealing with cyclical breast pain, cysts, fibrocystic breasts, fibroadenomas, tumors, or cancer, there are many types of various herbs and rituals that can help support the body in healing. [, Massaging this oil into the back of the neck, chest, and temples can have relaxing and calming effects. (5). Take a hot shower and use the magic combination of steamy water plus the gentle pressure of your hands to encourage the traffic jam in your milk duct to clear out. Castor oil to help them process better with this potent herb that seems like it was made... Progesterone in a cream or gel routinely solves the problem so glad you enjoyed this in overcoming the complaint Obesity. Month, it is a poisonous herb with red-pink stems and black-purple berries amount the... Changes due to toxicity, dietary choices, and temples can have relaxing and calming of. Effective for dissolving lumps, and other sores on the skin is strong enough to damage Healthy tissues as as! 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