how to fill gap between fireplace and wall

Using the loaded caulk gun, lay down a bead of caulk to seal any and all gaps that you find. Can will seal itself shut if allowed to sit unused for over two hours and may not be restarted. In this video I'm using. Step 5 - Spreading the Caulk Once you finish this project, youll be able to enjoy a warm, cozy fire without having to worry about those unsightly gaps. It will help you use less caulk and the bead doesn't have to be very wide. Once it's dry, you can use a blade or kitchen knife to cut away any that has expanded beyond the gap. What type of caulk or sealant should I use to fill a space on my fireplace hearth between the slate & the wood frame that surrounds it. Clean the Surface Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any dirt, dust, or debris that may be present. By regularly checking and filling the gap between your wall and fireplace, you can help to avoid these costly repairs. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. I wouldn't worry about it unless you think it will be really noticable in your application. The . Please post some photos -- we like photos! Thank you! Thanks though. 6) Found a socket that would fit the square end of the plug. Thick granite slabs are a common option, as the tile thickness plus the adhesive can often cover the 1-inch gap. I wanted to use some kind of spray insulation such as "Great Stuff", but the label indicates that its flamable (not to mention highly toxic and needs to be covered). Not only are these gaps unsightly, but they can also let in drafts, which can affect both your heating bill and your comfort level. What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? Another popular option is expanding foam, which is available in both spray and pourable forms. I wouldn't want to take it out unless absolutely necessary. can you fit small stones? Next, use a damp cloth to wipe down the surface and remove any remaining residue. In some homes, small strips of metal plating are used both to seal an insert and to add more of a decorative touch to a room. I had the same issue with my Lopi declaration. See more, I will be having built ins around the fireplace and I am trying to decide if they should be stained or painted. See more, We would greatly appreciate your assistance in selecting a new color for the fireplace wall.The color of our living room walls and fireplace wall is Sherwin Williams Take a look. In what context did Garak (ST:DS9) speak of a lie between two truths? Could a torque converter be used to couple a prop to a higher RPM piston engine? How High Should A Bed Headboard Be? Buying wood insert but what brand has a faceplate that allows for a gap. I'm sure you could find it elsewhere as well check around! 4. Once a week should be sufficient, but you may need to do it more often if you're using your fireplace frequently. Is there a danger that this foam will ignite from the heat generated by a fire in the fireplace? I make aggressive copes like that using an angle grinder with 36 grit sandpaper--two disks -back to back'. We happen to have a stack of old flooring that was removed from Ed's grandparents farmhouse. Your feet, wallet and downstairs neighbors may be nodding, Mind your manors with these 10 decorating tips from the PBS series, returning on January 5, Got a bland or beat-up brick wall? If you need more of a curb effect form at the edge of the hardwood with the propped height wood strip and remove when patch is dry. Alternately, you could also use a setting type drywall mud, such as durabond 30 or 45 to fill the deeper gaps etc. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. I'm leaning more to They are pieces of slate that after some examination seem to be very firmly attached to whatever is behind them. Press J to jump to the feed. Push the insulation in with your fingers, making . The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? You could build bookcases and/or cabinets for a TV, etc. 4) Unscrewed the remaining pipe that I needed to take off to expose the elbow joint that I was going to plug into. Jessica Wrubel has an accomplished background as a writer and copy editor, working for various publications, newspapers and in public libraries assisting with reference, research and special projects. Backer rod is made for this type of application and comes in various sizes. JavaScript is disabled. Last edited by dhaniyal; 08-25-2008 at 06:41 AM . Thanks for contributing an answer to Home Improvement Stack Exchange! Is this a working Fireplace? Filling gap beneath hardwood floor (between floorboard and foundation), How to Solve Wood to Gas Fireplace Conversion Draftiness. I am currently refacing my fireplace and had the same issue. 5) Two layers of gas-pipe-tape on threads of 1/2" plug. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. On vertical joints, working from the bottom up can help you visually confirm the degree of joint penetration by the caulk. Is it safe to fill in or insulate the space in my walls around my fireplace flum? Should not be a difficult fix. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I have this old red brick fire place and I am Not sure what to do with it. They would completely cover the sides of the fireplace brick, making that gap disappear. And one of the things was painting my fireplace mantel and all the baseboards and doors white in my house. Once you've chosen the right filler material, simply follow the manufacturer's instructions for the best results. 1. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. There are a variety of materials you can use to fill in the gaps between your wall and fireplace. Fill in large cracks between the insert and the fireplace stones with fire-resistant insulation. I'd shove foam backer rod into the crack so that you have about 1/2" depth back from the surface to fill, and then use paintable latex caulk. 1. Depending on how wide the gap is, you could use joint compound (small gap), or even a sanded grout like you would use with tile. Both cans say that it will combust at the same temperature, I think its 240F. Insert the caulk into the caulking gun and cut the tip of the caulk tube as directed by the manufacturer. The same rules apply to prefabricated metal chimneys. If you're filling gaps in a wooden trim or paneling, however, you'll need to use a wood-based filler. Open to painters and decorators to share innovation and showcase their work, DIYers who have a passion for home improvements, and a place to support newcomers/apprentices to this wonderful trade. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Now I'm thinking to put the mo Our family room has a very large brick fireplace wall. Otherwise, you could end up causing more damage than good. Small gaps in mortar can be repaired with a special high-temperature caulk called refractory caulk. Perhaps after injecting larger amounts of fire rated caulk as deep into void as possible, then use the solid, tube style caulking backer to fill the majority of the larger, deeper gaps, followed by using some paint-able silicon/acrylic mix caulk. First, make sure that your fireplace is clean before you start using it. I recently started fixing up my house, after living in it two years as the contractors and handymen that originally I had hired to do work around the house, did almost everything wrong and now has to be redone. The reason for the gap between the wood and the stove pipe is to prevent overheated pipe from causing a flash fire in the wood. Is this intended for indoor use or exterior use? With this silicate cement, use a generous supply to fill in the gaps. Before you apply the finish caulk, run a nice straight line of painter's tape up the front of the slate even with the edge of the wood trim. When choosing a filler, it's important to select one that is compatible with the type of surface you're working with. Unfortunately its right where the metal of the fireplace meets the wooden framing/molding of the fireplace on the inside. Here are some tips on how to keep your fireplace and wall in good condition: First, make sure that your fireplace is clean before you start using it. Hope this helps. Even though you probably have double-wall pipe through the wall (which is what allows for the wood surrounding it) you still want something between the wood and the pipe that can act as an insulator against much higher temps in case of a chimney fire. Let's get started! 11 Reasons to Love Wall-to-Wall Carpeting Again, Just One Wall: When the Accent Wall Works, Everything I Need to Know About Decorating I Learned from Downton Abbey. The felt will create a barrier that will help prevent heat from escaping, while the paper towel will help to fill any voids. You can buy concrete in a caulk tube. Measure the length of the gap, and cut a piece of foam. Let the caulk cure for 24 hours. Stay away from . Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Readily available at any box or hardware store from a number of manufactures. Which will make it look seamless? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. At first I was thinking to paint the brick with white paint. I started with the fireplace but there was a large gap going around. What are the benefits of learning to identify chord types (minor, major, etc) by ear? Question about WETT clearance - top facing, mantel or trim? [Answers Per Bed Type]. He suggested sealing the crack on the inside as the most cost effective way to improve the comfort in this room. If the wall is not level, then the fireplace will not be level. 1. Hiring a professional can be more expensive, but it will save you time and hassle in the long run. His home repair articles for The Spruce span more than 10 years. Enviro Kodiak 1700 insert in a Heatilator model 39 ZC fireplace. Once the surface is clean and dry, you can then begin to fill the gaps with a suitable filler material. Once the foam has dried, you can trim any excess with a knife. There is a product called smoke tite that is used from chimney companeys, its a compressed air spay system that sprays high heat cement in all the proper gaps and areas needed to be sealed, my company is baltimore based and we use this treatment all the time for sealing throaghts in the chimney, hope this can help ur issues. Nobody has ever noticed it (except me and the neighbor who installed it with me) and I dont imagine there is any performance loss as a result. While a fireplace is a source of beauty and warmth in cold weather, the heat generated from a fire will take its toll on the fireplace over time. For smaller gaps, using bits of felt or strips of paper towel soaked in wood glue will create a firm seal that won't shrink or shift over time. The fire needs oxygen to burn, and if the gap is too small, then the fire will not be able to get enough oxygen and will go out. Previously, the walls were some sort of drywall with plaster over it, now it's just drywall. I assume your gap is on the indoors side? on either side of the fireplace. Unfortunately I can't seal the outside without great expense. It you eliminate the shadow your eye will not be drawn to it. What does Canada immigration officer mean by "I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada based on your purpose of visit"? Regardless of the material you choose, taking the time to fill in the gaps between your wall and fireplace will help create a more finished look. Is it safe to fill in or insulate the space in my walls around my fireplace flum? Filling gap between Insert Surround and Fireplace Face. Close up drafty gap between wood beam and concrete wall? Unsightly gaps between your fireplace and the surrounding wall can be both an aesthetic and a functional problem. 2. When he came and used his IR camera, the spot on the floor next to this gap was in the 30's in temperature. I edited my original answer based on your comments. You can get it at Walmart, Homey Depot, etc. One important but often overlooked aspect of home maintenance is filling the gap between your wall and fireplace. One of his specialties is repairing old systems dating back to the 1920s, including galvanized water pipes, knob-and-tube wiring, and more. the only thing left was the brick fireplace which we whitewashed to refresh the dated look. Adding a Floorboard to Fill the Gap. There's those electron-microscopic photos again. If using a darker color to blend with your brick, then first tape the wall side with blue tape to get a clean line there (you will want to tape the brick side too, for that matter.) Good luck. Or us a dark wood, maybe dark stained wood for some contrast. As the colder months approach, many of us will be reaching for the wood and kindling to light a cozy fire in our fireplaces. Besides that, fixing the cracks and gaps on your wall and fireplace and help to improve energy efficiency. It would depend on how big the gap is. Spray foam is messy and unforgiving. This is what you fill that gap with. Afterwards, there was a gap between the new oak wood frame and the slate hearth. Is the amplitude of a wave affected by the Doppler effect? My room is sma Naomie Moore aka baileyanddaisey, Castaic CA,, 13 Easy Organizing Ideas to Keep You Sane Throughout the School Year. Does higher variance usually mean lower probability density? If it is bigger than a 1/4 inch, I would use a foam backer rod, and then use paintable caulk over top. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions when cleaning your fireplace. Make sure you know what materials you need and how to properly install them. (Outside of 'Artificial Intelligence'), How to turn off zsh save/restore session in On a raised terrace of the back lawn, a pair of globe-shaped boxwoods is set off by a trio of Westport chairs, which Hadley chose (and painted sage) after seeing similar ones at Wave Hill, a historical public garden in the Bronx. I recommend you check out the caulking along the chimney to the exterior siding as well as addressing the interior gap. If it is small enough, you might be able to create a "patch" with mesh to bridge between the two materials. How to remove popcorn ceiling that has been painted? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. In addition to her journalism experience, she has been educating on health and wellness topics for over 15 years in and outside of the classroom. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Hi All, I recently remodeled my living room. Hope this helps. Over time, the bricks and mortar can fail due to the expansion and contraction of the materials as they go from room temperature to roughly 700 degrees Fahrenheit and back again. We would like to fill this gap in now to make it look better. Do I need to use mortar to do this, or would the canned foam insulation that you can get from places like Lowes or Home Depot be good for fixing this problem? Design Dilemma: How Do I Modernize My Cedar Walls? A build-up of soot and ash can be dangerous, so it's important to sweep it out regularly. Decorating around a fireplace can be a nightmare for some people. Buy a small bag of concrete floor patch: it mixes like pancake batter and sets a light gray. Before you do anything: Check the building codes in your town and ask your insurance company! What is the etymology of the term space-time? 2. Fortunately, we did research on the right filling process. It is made up of firebricks and mortar, which are designedto withstand high heat. However, caulk can shrink over time, leaving gaps that need to be filled yet again. You can fill that gap with drywall mud, vinyl spackle, or Tub/Tile Caulk and repaint over it. How do I fill in gaps around gas fireplace so lizards don't get in? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Many homeowners have a gap between their walls and the fireplace. Fireblock has the same flammability as the regular stuff. Insulating that attic hatch - the type with fold-out steps, 1902 house. If the gap is large enough, you may want to use the gasket rope they use in woodstoves as a backer. After seeing the picture though this is not what you want to use. It would depend on how big the gap is. New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. You have some scribing to do-----that needs trim---scribed to the stone--cut carefully and lightly caulked. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It's hard to suggest a good non-combustible filler without seeing a picture. Really cold winters. He is a certified lead carpenter and also holds a certification from the EPA. I'm searched but unable to find an answer. I will give it a try over the next few weeks. Smart TV Vs. Fire TV: Whats The Difference? If it's large, you might need something more. This fix is a fairly quick, easy, and inexpensive process. One of the challenges that comes with filling in the gaps between a wall and fireplace is making sure that the wall is level. Paint the back of the fireplace one bright colour and the radiator another: "You want to draw attention to it and make it a focal point in the room." Every Room Should Sing by Beata Heuman is . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. How can I air seal around a brick chimney with a metal flue liner? Ok after reading your comments, and learning that the black vertical sides are slate, I would still do similar to above. Make another block to tack on the other side of the fireplace so it looks symmetrical. Does Chain Lightning deal damage to its original target first? What Curtains Go With Blue Walls? The metal-and-caulk method you describe is one that I typically use in attics, but an alternative approach is to frame tightly around the chimney with steel studs, then use solid steel channel at the top as a fire block. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. We would like to fill this gap in now to make it look better. Were it me I would use backer rod, caulk and then a piece of parting rod (1/2" x 3/4" rectangular wood, not quarter round) painted the wall color. After seeing the photo of the gap in question a high heat silicon sealant would give a better matching finish:, I would use: GREAT STUFF 16 Oz. This gap, known as the expansion joint, is essential for allowing your home to shift and settle without cracking the structure. It also provides a good base for the caulk. One could just use a shelf that screws into the wall somehow or other, but especially if you live in a rental place like I did for years (apartment living) you either don't want to or cannot do that per landlord rules. I liked the look of the mantel being directly connected to the drywall without any trim at the top or sides and so used dap wall Spackle for the top of the fireplace mantel so that I could sand it down and on the sides used dap window treatment caulk. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and may earn fees by linking to Amazon and affiliated sites. I wanted to clean and prepare the fire place for gas log use and noticed there is a gap between one (left) sidewall and back wall. Vacuum the firebox floor and walls with a shop vacuum to remove all residual ash and debris. Spellcaster Dragons Casting with legendary actions? Be sure to follow all of the steps closely, and if you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask professionals. It would need to be Fireproof . You can mask off the Rock and use insulation foam, fill the void and let it dry, this stuff is messy, then cut it back to flat and smooth it off with sparkle, prime and paint. Next, use a putty knife to apply caulk to the gap. If there is some shrinking or cracks, no problem, simply repeat the process with new tape and another coat of caulk. Some people try to fix this problem themselves, while others hire a professional. Slide the insert into place, then turn on the gas. Next, inspect your chimney regularly for any signs of damage. What screws can be used with Aluminum windows? Between the Mantel and the wall is not Hot. Use the yellow Teflon tape, because it is approved and has consistent thickness, or use Teflon pipe dope. I will be having built ins around the fireplace and I am trying to decide if they should be stained or painted. Just a suggestion another con, the warnings about the level of toxicity of this product will make your hair stand on edge. Make final gas connection between flexible gas-supply line and fireplace insert. How do I fill a gap between my hearth and the hardwood frame around it? Over time, the expansion joint can become damaged or broken, which can lead to serious problems. See more, Our family room has a very large brick fireplace wall. Thanks for the information! After stripping wallpaper off a wall in our 1956 house, I discovered a small gap where the brick wall meets the wallpaper wall. Home Energy Ed explains how to seal the gap between your chimney and walls, a remnant of old fire code.Video courtesy of Home Repair Services www.HomeRepairS. I'd be uncomfortable closing the gap with foam. Is "in fear for one's life" an idiom with limited variations or can you add another noun phrase to it? Caulking is a common choice because it is easy to apply and comes in a variety of colors. Hence, it may take a long time until that heat makes it into the room. My biggest concern is the depth. Are Ruggables Good for High-Traffic Areas? Deane Biermeier is an expert contractor with nearly 30 years of experience in all types of home repair, maintenance, and remodeling. You could also fill it with strips of Hardieboard (or cement board) and caulk the edges with a high temperature caulk. Expanding foam does an excellent job of filling large gaps, but it can be difficult to control the amount that is dispensed. Then I'd cut back the baseboard and slip the plinth block in between the fireplace and the cut baseboard. Look for cracks or loose bricks, and make sure that there's no debris blocking the flue. What should I do to cover this gap and prevent air flow in a way that's safe and effective? Since this gap inside is directly adjacent to wood trim, I also have to assume that excessive heat is not a factor. 7 Ways To Fix The Gap Between Wall And Stove. stejus Sep 18, 2008 Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment. This is an easy project for any finishing carpenter and most general handymen. Significant damage in a firebox can be a serious fire hazard and should not be repaired with refractory caulk. By following these simple tips, you can help to ensure that your fireplace is safe and efficient all winter long. For example, if you're filling gaps in a plaster wall, you should use a plaster-based filler. Please be aware that just stacking bricks in there will leave an airspace between them and the fireplace masonry. Treat it to a fresh face with paint in any color you choose, Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Outdoor Lighting & Audio/Visual Specialists, Key Biscayne Kitchen & Bathroom Remodelers, South Plainfield Kitchen & Bathroom Remodelers, Surround Your Fireplace With Tile, Brick or Stone, New This Week: 7 Living Rooms That Rethink the Fireplace Wall, Quick Fix: Find Wall Studs Without an Expensive Stud Finder, Single-Wall Galley Kitchens Catch the 'I'. If you've ever considered renovating your home, you may have come across a few gaps between your wall and fireplace. Good! For best results, use a construction-grade caulk, which will be both more durable and more effective at sealing out drafts. Insulation question, How to permenantly close and seal wood fireplace. I hold on my first suggestions, I do wonder however if the black metal pieces I am seeing in the picture are part of a removable fireplace screen set or perhaps an insert? 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