four trees warrior cats

For the record, he is correct. Jaypaw's first Gathering. Following some of Slash's rogues integration within the groups, First full moon meeting. Hollypaw beats Heatherpaw in a fight. Flipclaw is ThunderClan's new medicine cat following Alderheart's exile. I'm serious, look into it. Prey is running well. We talk about how wonderfully incestuous the Warriors culture is, and Clayton attempts to bully me into titling the episode "Graystripe MPreg." This is the Four Trees. All 13 (21 stories) Warrior Cats Novellas as of December 2021, in English. :evergreen_tree: : : The Four Trees: A Warrior Cats RP: : :evergreen_tree: 60 years ago, four kittypets were given a prophecy. We get into some spicy topics, like how great everything would be if Graystripe was the only character. Fourtrees is a gathering place for all four Clans to meet, located in a small clearing in between WindClan territory, RiverClan territory, and ThunderClan territory. Blackstar says nothing about it. They were drawn by the soft rustlings of small creatures, ====shadows under the water, and the sudden commotion of birds' wings in the trees. Our next guest is crazy interesting and a whole heck of a lot of fun! Spoilers, I guess! Gatherings[2] Fireheart has been made deputy. It is considered a great honor to be chosen by a Clan leader to go to a Gathering. Their border with WindClan will be the fence on the far side of the horseplace. WindClan has two new apprentices: Hollyleaf has returned, after believing that she was dead for several moons. You can also watch these on YouTube here: On Gatherings, Clan leaders announce current affairs and significant events within their respective Clans, such as the appointment of new . Because of their location, they specialize in successfully stalking prey through the forest. Tigerheart is missing. They were to establish four clans deep within the forest and to live in harmony with one another. Her Clan is recovering from battle. Clouds begin to cover the moon until Squirrelflight suggests hosting a daylight Gathering. Territory Type Harestar is now leader and Crowfeather is his deputy. Whoops! Blackstar thanks ThunderClan for helping them defeat kittypets near a Twoleg nest. Despite the contest being concluded as a draw, Leopardstar chooses. You can also watch these on YouTube here: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . 147. His deputy is, Tigerstar announces that RiverClan has agreed to join with ShadowClan to become TigerClan. She has the power to change your name to whatever you wish, so if you are unhappy with your name, talk to her. There's been more Twoleg activity, along with more monsters. Learn how the Clans came to be. WindClan refuses to give land to SkyClan and believes ShadowClan and SkyClan should settle this on their own. significant Clan location. A returning fan to the Warrior cats series combs through all 70-something books in a hedonistic exercise of nostalgia and literary curiosity. Bramblestar allows Rowanclaw and his family to seek refuge in ThunderClan. Onestar announces that Heatherpaw will have the fattest rabbit on the prey-pile, for she climbed the Sky Oak. Firestar announces that Hollypaw will have first pick from the prey pile for her outstanding job. You can also watch these on YouTube with auto-generated captions and audio visualisations here:, Or on my website: Clouds threaten to cover the moon and Harestar calls the Gathering to an end. Neutral territory in the middle of the forest You can't make me.Be sure to tune in next time for the heartfelt and exciting season finale! Contents 1 Information 2 Events at Fourtrees 2.1 Gatherings 2.2 Coco 2.3 Pandaspirit 2.4 Trainer Tune 3 Trivia Information In Untold Tales, there is a perpetual truce at Fourtrees. RiverClan had to move their camp further from the flooded lake. We talk about how wonderfully incestuous the Warriors culture is, and Clayton attempts to bully me into titling the episode "Graystripe MPreg." Onestar has gained his nine lives from the, Twolegs left poison in their territory that resulted in the deaths of. ThunderClan refuses to fight the Sisters. You can also listen on YouTube for auto-generated captions and visualisers. All reviews are moderated by moderators. Onestar thanks the other Clans for loaning their medicine cats for their wounds. RiverClan refuses to give up land for SkyClan. This week on Fourtrees, a Warrior Cats podcast, my friend Alex Turner and I begin talking about Midnight, the first proper book of The New Prophecy! Along the way, he is joined by other fans, new and old, from within the Warriors community to discuss the canon works, the fan works, and the impact the books Also, if you like this podcast, be sure to follow us on whatever podcasting site you use and send feedback to me at ! The heat of greenleaf has dried up part of the marshes in ShadowClan territory. Hope you make more episodes soon!Cloud, Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! Bramblestar shares that the medicine cats had a vision that the shadows are approaching. The Clans hold a vigil for Tallstar. Mistystar, Harestar, and Tigerstar bring up the problems with the new borders and territories, but insist that SkyClan still belongs at the lake. Gray Wing agrees to spy on Slash's camp. Gatherings are meant for meeting new cats, but not to share Clan weaknesses and strengths. The Tree Clearing is where the Clan cats go for the Gathering. A full chart connecting all our beloved characters. This week on Fourtrees, a Warrior Cats podcast, Spencer talks to returning guests Clayton (Firestar's Quest) and Cora (Moonrise) about Sunset, the FINAL BOOK of The New Prophecy. It can be a forest, a mountain, or anything nature related where a cat would be able to survive in. What does it all mean? Why? Be sure to tune in next time for more Sunset! It can also be used to attract rogues into rogue camps. The start of the Gathering marks a time of truce between the four Clans.If the truce is broken, StarClanwill send clouds to cover the moon, signaling their displeasure. It connects to the Gorge to the west. Original Post: Ember, July 29, 2017 There's a reason why the first line of the code requires that cats defend their clans, even if their lives: the life of a warrior is dangerous. Also, if you like this podcast, be sure to follow us on whatever podcasting site you use and send feedback to me at !You can also listen on YouTube for auto-generated captions and visualisers: Bramblestar is welcomed back. Also, if you like this podcast, be sure to follow us on whatever podcasting site you use and send feedback to me at ! Firestar is still ill, though Cinderpelt is taking care of it. WindClan stands against aiding SkyClan and potentially redrawing borders. There have been traces of rogues and loners inside their territory, but there have been no scent trails. Then they go up next to the Great Rock. Jayfeather brings up his concerns that StarClan has been silent since the Moonpool froze over. You can also watch these on YouTube with auto-generated captions and audio visualisations here: none He reveals WindClan still struggles against the stoats, and accepts the other Clans' offer to help. SkyClan's territory is sheltered in a valley. Welcome to Warrior Cats Weekly! d.write(' AClan Meetingis an event held in the Clan campwhen a Clan leader summons the Clanmembers to share important information with them. RiverClan's cats are strong and well. Different clans generally have different types of trees in their territory. __You must be 13+ to join__ : . . Several cats call for the codebreakers to atone. Bluestar does not agree nor disagree with Brokenstar's demand for more territory and says that she will talk to her Clan after the Gathering has ended. Mothwing stands in for Mistystar and Reedwhisker, insisting they are ill with whitecough. Thank you so much for watching Fourtrees. My website:, Post-sound and mixing by Alex Turner:, Thumbnail by Lilly Tran: Next week we'll have fun again. This is where the Leaders, Deputies, and Medicine cats sit and tell their updates. Leopardstar accuses the other Clans of prey-stealing, adding that the fish in the lake belong to RiverClan. These were not . General information He warns the other Clans about Yellowfang, whom they. Onestar condemns the other leaders for seeking ThunderClan's help and losing their individuality. It's not fun, and it's not jovial, but someone wrote it and I gotta read it. ThunderClan agrees to give territory to SkyClan. Heya! RiverClan is prospering. There are also different special trees in ThunderClan territory, such as the Burnt Sycamore and the Great Sycamore, which also give moss when clawed at. They are pleased. If you like this podcast, be sure to follow us on whatever podcasting site you use and send feedback to me at !You can also watch these on YouTube with auto-generated captions and audio visualisations here: on my website:, This week on Fourtrees, a Warrior Cats podcast, Spencer talks to himself some more about Twilight, the fifth book of The New Prophecy. Be sure to tune in next week for additional Spencer-versus-Spencer talk! Oakheart asks Crookedjaw about Bluefur. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. How to find FourTrees in Warrior Cats Roblox AcidTheDragon 51 subscribers Subscribe 4.2K views 1 year ago hope this helps Show more Show more Unlocking The Gift Bringer Badge! AGatheringis a meeting of the Clansand is held on the night of a full moon. Crookedstar says they've scented an enemy cat spying on RiverClan, noting it wouldn't be long before they find him. This week on Fourtrees, a Warrior Cats podcast, Spencer talks to himself some more about Twilight, the fifth book of The New Prophecy. Only Rowanstar, Tigerheart, and Tawnypelt attend the Gathering. Only specific apprentices attend gatherings. Leopardfur is now RiverClan's deputy following Oakheart's death. ShadowClan has nearly finished rebuilding their camp. Flamepaw and Sunbeam bond over their problems. Will you join them? @theclandom 's WCotW challenge, this account will be giving a new Warrior Cat to draw each Sunday, starting today. <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <div class="noScriptTag"><span class="copy">Please enable JavaScript.</span . Tallstar claims that until ThunderClan chases Brokentail out, tensions between WindClan, ShadowClan, and ThunderClan will grow. This is where the cats talk before they listen. Deputies at the base of the rock. Cora and the two surviving members of ACAB (All Carp Are Baitfish), Spencer and Clayton, finish their discussion about Sunset. Blackstar lists off the names of the fallen. :evergreen_tree: : : The Four Trees: A Warrior Cats RP :: :evergreen_tree: 60 years ago, four kittypets were given a prophecy. Sol has been exiled and ShadowClan has returned to Gatherings. What happens to our heroes afterwards? Prey is plentiful, and they are at peace, with no Twolegs to bother them. Prey is running well. My name is Spencer, and for the next few weeks I'll be running some special episodes of my podcast, Fourtrees, that will be predicated around me and my friends playing the Warrior Cats Role-Playing Game! They have two new apprentices: Cherrypaw and Molepaw. Strikestone and Yarrowleaf are now warriors. The Clans argue about why Onestar told WindClan to retreat in their previous battle against the Kin. Their new border with ShadowClan will be along the small Thunderpath leading to the lake. ThunderClan stands with SkyClan to secure their future if Twolegs plan to develop on their land. Should this happen, the Gathering is ended and each Clan returns to their respective territories. Their training program is progressing. function utmx_section(){}function utmx(){} When the moon is full, the Gathering begins. Warriors Cats - a series of books about the life and adventures of wild cats living in the forest according to special rules and laws. Leafstar thanks Bramblestar for letting Leafpool stay with SkyClan for a while. Littlecloud has taken a new apprentice, Flamepaw. Firestar has returned to ThunderClan, and the other Clans are surprised to see him. There are typically four types of trees, oak, dead oak, dead pine, and pine, and all four have differing sprites throughout the seasonal cycle. Onewhisker names Ashfoot his deputy. We talk about our favourite ways of interpreting the dumb cat books, from a biological perspective, from a whimsical perspective, and from a yelling at Clayton about badgers perspective. Then they go up next to the Great Rock. Join. How did we get here? They were to establish four clans deep within the forest and to live in harmony with one another. Bramblestar names those who entered the Dark Forest as the. Fourtrees Blackstar lists off the names of the fallen. Leopardstar disagrees at first, but, after some convincing from Mistyfoot, she agrees with Firestar's plan. There has been no sign of the badger they drove out last moon, and they believe it is gone for good. :. He insists Firestar is ill. Prey is running well. Recruitment In the Original Game, after Scourge is defeated, you can recruit cats from other Clans at the rock in the middle of Fourtrees. Rootpaw thanks Bristlepaw for saving his life. Onestar reports victory against the stoats, and thanks ThunderClan for their help. Brokentail is dead. On Gatherings, Clan leaders announce current affairs and significant events within their respective Clans, such as the appointment of new apprenticesand warriors, and the deaths and births of cats. Firestar passes on the news about a badger at Snakerocks. Then in leaf-fall, some trees have red and gold leaves. Sneaky and I discuss HIGHLY IMPORTANT MATTERS such as What The Heck Is Sasha's Deal Anyways and How Are Sneaky's Ducks Doing. Our next guest is a really cool writer, artist, and animator, and she has some interesting things to say about ducks.Also, if you like this podcast, be sure to follow us on whatever podcasting site you use and send feedback to me at ! Brokenstar tries to goad the other Clans into surrendering parts of their territories, as he claims that ShadowClan needs the food, due to their growing Clan. Fourtrees is the Clans' Gathering place in the old forest territory. Stormfur and Feathertail have disappeared. And where can I find myself an affordable meal that's tasty, too?Thank you so much for watching Fourtrees. We complain about Windclan a lot and agree about how great it'd be if Mothwing and Leafpool were in love. Nightcloud has returned to WindClan. Heya! Medicine cats at the roots of the tree. A fight almost breaks out, but the Clans leave quickly before it can start. This week on Fourtrees, a Warrior Cats podcast, Silverleaf and I continue our discussion about Bluestar's Prophecy, and we are treated to one of Silver's famous Plant Talkz. Also, if you like this podcast, be sure to follow us on whatever podcasting site you use and send feedback to me at ! Trees are in-game decorative objects that are in each territory. RiverClan still hunts on WindClan's land. This one-shot is very loosely based on the Fever Dreams campaign, though not without a fair bit of silliness from our guests! Welcome to the Warriors Wiki! Show more Show more Basic. In today's episode, our protagonists Skunkpelt, Mildgust, Dreambelly, and Pisswhisker encounter a human thunderpath, and face the perils comorbid with being little kitties in the big wide world! RiverClan has no problems feeding themselves. It is found by taking the northwest path in the Ravine. Dappletuft died in the skirmish and RiverClan buried him like a rogue. Prey is running well. ThunderClan is thriving. She asks if he'll help Bramblestar recover. A patrol chased dogs out of their territory. One night, when the moon was full, the cats agreed to meet at a clearing in the forest surrounded by four great oak trees. Clouds cover the moon and the Gathering ends. As a substitute for a `` normal '' episode `` normal '' episode the is! Clan leader to go to a Gathering free of sickness attend the Gathering each territory on four trees warrior cats... Announces that Heatherpaw will have the fattest rabbit on the far side of the fallen like a rogue is. `` normal '' episode stolen by Slash and his family to seek in., hunting has been exiled and ShadowClan has returned to ThunderClan, and they are keeping with... Youtube for auto-generated captions and visualisers at peace, with no Twolegs to bother them Clearing is where the names... Fight almost breaks out, but there appears to be chosen by a.... 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