ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor

[159], Ferdinand also took advantage of his peace with Bethlen to strengthen his position in Hungary. [98] He urged Matthias to send an envoy to Prague, but Matthias' envoy could not reach a compromise. [135] The estates of more than 450 nobles and burghers were fully or partially confiscated. Ferdinand II (9 July 1578 - 15 February 1637) was Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Hungary, and Croatia from 1619 until his death in 1637.He was the son of Archduke Charles II of Inner Austria and Maria of Bavaria. Ferdinand was born in 1503 in Alcal de Henares, Castile, the second son of Philip I of Castile and Joanna of Castile. [51] Ferdinand later claimed that he only signed the secret treaty because he feared that his relatives could otherwise accuse him of pursuing the throne for himself. His parents were devout Catholics, and, in 1590, they sent him to study at the Jesuits' college in Ingolstadt because they wanted to isolate him from the Lutheran nobles. In his second marriage to Anna Juliana Gonzaga, he was the father of Anna of Tyrol, future Holy Roman Empress. [155][154] The treaty confirmed the provisions of the previous Peace of Nikolsburg. Additionally, Ferdinand was an absolutist and infringed upon what nobles regarded as secular rights. The northern Protestant states, angered by the violation of their rights to choose granted in the Peace of Augsburg, banded together to form the Protestant Union. [22] Rudolph II gave Ferdinand responsibility for the defense of Croatia, Slavonia and the southeastern parts of Hungary proper against the Ottomans. Later generations are included although Austrian titles of nobility were abolished in 1919. A protestns tartomnyokban azonnali s erszakos ellenreformcit hirdetett. [54] The resulting agreement was included in the Treaty of Vienna, which granted religious freedom to Hungarian Protestants and prescribed the election of a palatine (or royal deputy) in Hungary on 23 June 1606. [166] The English, Dutch and Danish envoys concluded an alliance against the Catholic League in The Hague on 9 December 1625. A hadi cselekmnyek egszen 1648-ig tartottak. , (1603). Ferdinand erwies sich als schwacher Herrscher, der sich oft seiner Berater bediente um politische Entscheidungen zu treffen. Juli 1578 in Graz; 15. Die Offiziere Gallas, inzwischen Generalleutnant, Piccolomini und Aldringen wurden mit der Exekution oder Gefangennahme beauftragt, unternahmen jedoch einige Wochen lang nichts Konkretes, auer dass sie ihre Informationen an die ihnen zuverlssig erscheinenden Truppenkommandanten weitergaben (wesentlicher Grund fr das lange Zgern war vermutlich, dass Wallensteins Anhngerschaft bei seinen Soldaten noch zu gro war). [146] He reached the town on 24 November, but most Protestant princes sent delegates to the convention. Though the officials were uninjured, such actions did not fall within the realm of standard protocol, and the clear offense against the royal dignity led to a hardening of attitudes and full rebellion. Mrz 1619 wurde Ferdinand am 28. [13] He regularly attended classes, although his delicate health often forced him to stay in his chamber. About Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor Ausztria csszra, Magyarorszg kirlya (1618-1637) , Csehorszg (1617-1637) kirlya, nmet-rmai csszr (1619-1637), Neveltetst nagyban meghatrozta a katolikus hagyomnyok tvtele s a szigor udvari protokoll kell elsajttsa. Ferdinand was elected Holy Roman Emperor on 28 August 1619 (Frankfurt), two days before the Protestant Bohemian Estates deposed Ferdinand (as king of Bohemia). Gonzaga und dessen Gattin Prinzessin Maria Gonzaga. [20], Ferdinand reached the age of majority in late 1596. [154] Ferdinand also achieved the election of a Catholic magnate, Count Mikls Esterhzy, as the new palatine with the support of the Archbishop of Esztergom, Cardinal Pter Pzmny. The Thirty Years' War began in 1618 as a result of inadequacies of his predecessors Rudolf II and Matthias. , (16101665), , . [44] The Calvinist magnate Istvn Bocskai rose up against Rudolph, and most Hungarian noblemen joined him before the end of 1604. [81], Ferdinand sent troops against the Uskoks' principal center at Senj to put an end to their piratical raids in 1614. Quickly raising at least 30,000 men (he would later command at least 100,000), and fighting alongside the Catholic League army under the Count of Tilly, Wallenstein defeated Protestant forces in Silesia, Anhalt, and Denmark. 1595 , , , . [45] Dozens of Uskok commanders were captured and beheaded, but his action did not satisfy the Venetians who invaded Istria and captured Habsburg territories in 1615. [52][56], Rudolph II convoked the Imperial Diet to Regensburg and appointed Ferdinand as his deputy in November 1607. , , 1617 . Among other things, the king did not respect the religious freedoms granted in the Majestt (or "Majestic Letter") signed by the earlier emperor Rudolf II to end the Brothers' War, which had granted freedom of worship to nobles and the inhabitants of cities. Swedish strength was greatly weakened, but France entered the war on the side of the Protestants out of fear of Habsburg domination. After completing his studies in 1595, he acceded to his hereditary lands (where his older cousin Archduke Maximilian III of Austria had acted as his regent 1593-95) and made a pilgrimage to Loreto and Rome. On May 22, 1618, two royal (Catholic) officials in Prague were thrown out a castle window by Bohemian Protestants (the Defenestration of Prague). 15. r/ancientrome. The present state of the affaires betwixt the Emperor and King of Bohemia, and their confederates as it hath beene very truely related, by certaine letters sent by persons of extraordinary qualitie, &c. Together vvith the occurrents lately happened in the armies of . [citation needed], His military success caused the tottering Protestants to call in Gustavus II Adolphus, King of Sweden. They had no children. [11] Maria and William V tried to secure the regency for her, but Rudolph II, who was the head of the Habsburg family, appointed his own brothersfirst Ernest in 1592, and then in 1593, Maximilian IIIto the post. He shared the same name, birthday and customs with his maternal grandfather Ferdinand II of Aragon. [120] Sigismund did not intervene, however, he did hire mercenaries from the Cossack lands which invaded Upper Hungary and forced Bethlen to hurry back to Transylvania in late January 1620. [161] Christian IV raised new troops and stationed them in his Duchy of Holstein (in the Lower Saxon Circle of the Holy Roman Empire) and persuaded the other Lower Saxon rulers to make him the commander of their united armies in early 1625. [citation needed] Given the great number of Protestants among the ordinary population in the kingdom, and some of the nobles, the king's unpopularity soon caused the Bohemian Revolt. [citation needed], In 1625, despite the subsidies received from Spain and the Pope, Ferdinand was in a bad financial situation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_II,_Holy_Roman_Emperor. [136] Ferdinand demanded further trials, but Liechtenstein convinced him to grant a general pardon, because Mansfeld's troops had not been expelled from western Bohemia. Zwar scheiterte sein Plan, sich der Seeherrschaft auf der Ostsee zu bemchtigen, an dem erbitterten Widerstand, den Stralsund der Belagerung durch Wallenstein entgegenstellte. [106][113] They deposed Ferdinand on 22 August, and four days later, they offered the crown to Frederick V of the Palatinate. 1716, 12 Bde. Obwohl einen Tag zuvor, nmlich am 27.August 1619, Friedrich V. von der Pfalz zum neuen Bhmischen Knig gewhlt worden war, bte Ferdinand bei seiner Wahl zum Kaiser noch das Wahlrecht der bhmischen Kur aus - der entsprechende Protest einer eigens angereisten bhmischen Delegation wurde vom versammelten Kurfrstenkollegium abgelehnt. Ferdinand seurasi serkkuaan Matiasta keisariksi vuonna 1619. His cousin, the childless Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, who was the head of the Habsburg family, appointed regents to administer these lands. [157], Ferdinand ceremoniously renewed his oath about the restoration of Catholicism in his realms on 25 March 1624. In 1617, Ferdinand was elected King of Bohemia by the Bohemian Diet. [118][119] He was still in Munich when Bethlen and Thurn united their forces and laid siege to Vienna in November. The Second Defenestration of Prague of 22 May 1618 is considered the first step of the Thirty Years' War. Given the relatively large number of Protestants within the kingdom, including many among the noble classes, the new king soon became unpopular and some dissidents participated in the ensuing Bohemian Revolt. * Jrg-Peter Findeisen: Der Dreiigjhrige Krieg. [76] Since Matthias and his two surviving brothers, Maximilian III and Albert VII were childless, his succession in Austria, Bohemia, Hungary and the Holy Roman Empire was uncertain. Family tradition dictated his Jesuit upbringing. Birth of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, His Royal Highness Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, Baptism of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, Birth of Christine von Habsburg, Erzherzogin, Birth of Ferdinand III von Habsburg, Kaiser. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Ferdinand-II-Holy-Roman-emperor, The Catholic Encyclopedia - Biography of Ferdinand II. [47] Ferdinand could never properly manage financial affairs, and the most important fortresses were poorly supplied. In erster Ehe heiratete Ferdinand am 23. [104] Ferdinand started negotiations with the rebels with the mediation of John George I of Saxony. [49] Ferdinand's counselors warned him against a counter-invasion before further reinforcements arrived, but Aldobrandini convinced him to lay siege to Nagykanizsa on 18 October 1601. Updates? [10], Charles II died unexpectedly on 10 July 1590,[7] having named his wife, his brother Archduke Ferdinand II, their nephew Emperor Rudolph II, and his brother-in-law Duke William V the guardians of Ferdinand. [64] According to the Treaty of Lieben, Rudolph retained most Lands of the Bohemian Crown and the title of Holy Roman Emperor, but had to renounce Hungary, Lower and Upper Austria and Moravia in favor of Matthias. [27] At the shrine, he ceremoniously pledged that he would restore Catholicism, according to his first biography, written after his death by his confessor, Wilhelm Lamormaini. He was the leading champion of the Catholic Counter-Reformation and of absolutist rule in the Thirty Years War. Ferdinand's staunch Catholicism led to infringements on the religious freedoms of non-Catholics. [14], Ferdinand completed his studies on 21 December 1594; Rudolph II permitted him to return to Graz only two months later. Habsburg, Katharina-Renata von Habsburg, Elisabeth von Habsburg, Karl von Habsburg, Gregoria-Maximiliana von Habsburg, Eleonora von Habs Maria-Anna von Wittelsbach, Eleonora Gonzaga, Hofburg Palace, Vienna, sterreich, Deutschland(HRR), Graz, Steiermark, sterreich, Deutschland(HRR), Graz, Steiermark, sterreich, Deutschland(HRR), , Kaiser des Heiligen Rmischen Reiches Deutscher Nation, Descendants of the first King of Portugal, D.Afonso I Henriques, The Founder, Charles II von Habsburg, Erzherzog von Innersterreich, Maria Anna of Bavaria Archduchess of Inner Austria, H.I. [24] Ferdinand did not force the Lutheran noblemen to convert to Catholicism, but forbade them to employ Protestant priests. Ferdinnd mg a kzdelem sorn, 1637-ben Bcsben meghalt. Album mit Bildern und/oder Videos und Audiodateien, Wikisource Wikisource: Ferdinand II. In the prime of his life Ferdinand was described as a blue-eyed, somewhat corpulent, middle-sized man who wore Spanish court dress. . Birth of Leopold Wilhelm von sterreich-Habsburg, Er Empereur d'Allemagne (1619-1637), Made Archduke of the Duchy, and crowned Emperor of Austria, 1576, on the death of his grandfather, Balthaer., Holy Roman Emperor. [45] Ottoman raids against the borderlands continued and the expenses of the defence of Croatia, Slavonia and southwestern Hungary were almost exclusively financed from Inner Austria. Ferdinand II. [135] The new tribunals sentenced most leaders of the rebellion to death, and 27 of them were executed in the Old Town Square in Prage on 21 June. Ferdinand II (1452-1516), was a Holy Roman Emperor, who belonged to the famous family of Habsburg which ruled Austria for almost 650 years. [64] Both brothers were forced to confirm the privileges of the Estates in their realms, including religious freedom. [103] After a meeting with Klesl at his home, they invited him to the Hofburg, but Ferdinand ordered his arrest at the entrance of the palace on 20 July. After only two hours of fighting, the Catholics emerged victorious. Ferdinands Roman Catholic contemporaries considered him a saintlike monarch; his Protestant opponents feared him as a tyrant. [72] They reached a compromise, but Rudolph refused to name Matthias as his successor. He planned an alliance to strengthen the position of the Catholic Church in the Holy Roman Empire, but the Catholic princes established the Catholic League without his participation in 1610. Yet in the face of the shifting fortunes of war, he showed much steadfastness, although he often lacked political agility. Ferdinand II Archduke of Austria; from 1590 nominal ruler of the Inner Austrian dominions, actual ruler from 1596; King of Bohemia (from 1617 - with an interruption from 1619 to 1620), King of Hungary (from 1618); from 1619 Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and ruler of the Habsburg Monarchy to his death in 1637 Born in Graz on 9 July 1578 Ferdinand II died in Vienna on 15 February 1637 after returning from Regensburg. He confiscated the estates of the rebel magnates, reduced the Diet to impotence by a new constituent ordinance (1627), and forcibly catholicized Bohemia. Supported by the Catholic League, which included the rulers of Poland, Spain, and Bavaria, Ferdinand sought to reclaim his Bohemian possessions and stamp out the Protestant rebellion. In 1600, Ferdinand married Maria Anna of Bavaria (15741616), daughter of Duke William V of Bavaria. (In der Schlacht von Ltzen, die unentschieden endete, starb der Schwedenknig.). The Ottomans captured Nagykanizsa in Hungary in 1600, which enabled them to invade Styria. [159] The Upper Austrian peasants rose up in a rebellion and took control of the territories to the north of the Danube in MayJune 1626. A year after he was recognized by the Bohemian Diet as king, they deposed him and elected Frederick V, an event that effectively marked the beginning of the Thirty Years War. and Maria Anna of Bavaria; elected King of the Romans, December 1636; succedeed his father on the imperial throne, February 1637. [50] This victory restored Rudolph's self-confidence, and he decided to introduce severe Counter-Reformation measures in Silesia and Hungary, outraging his Protestant subjects. Die rcksichtslose Durchfhrung des geistlichen Vorbehalts und die Wiederherstellung der katholischen Klster und Stifte durch Tilly rief den niederschsisch-dnischen Krieg hervor, fr den Ferdinand ein eigenes kaiserliches Heer unter Wallenstein aufstellte. Ferdinand II decisively defeated Frederick V at the Battle of White Mountain, near Prague, on 8 November 1620. [25] He met with Pope Clement VIII in Ferrara in early May,[26] and briefly mentioned that he wanted to expel all Protestants from Inner Austria, which the Pope discouraged. Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg) und Beichtvtern, von denen insbesondere der Jesuitenpater Wilhelm Lamormaini groen Einfluss auf den streng glubigen Kaiser hatte - Ferdinand II. Barnabitenkolleg, Wien 1756. [131] The united troops of Maximilian I of Bavaria, Tilly and Bucquoy invaded Bohemia and inflicted a decisive defeat on the Bohemians and their allies in the Battle of White Mountain on 8 November 1620. [167] Taking advantage of the peasant revolt in Upper Austria, Christian IV departed from his headquarters in Wolfenbttel, but Tilly routed his troops in the Battle of Lutter on 26 August 1626. Early years Ferdinand (given name) Knights of the Golden Fleece 17th-century men Archdukes of Austria Counts of Tyrol Dukes of Brabant Dukes of Burgundy Dukes of Carinthia Dukes of Carniola Dukes of Luxembourg Dukes of Silesia Dukes of Styria Dukes of Teck (Holy Roman Empire) Holy Roman Emperors House of Habsburg Knights of the Golden Fleece (16th century) [154] The Diet of Hungary confirmed the right of his son, Ferdinand III, to succeed him in October 1625. [151] Lamormaini awakened Ferdinand's determination to adopt strict measures against the Protestants. war Sohn des Erzherzogs Karl II. [18] A burgher from Graz who had converted to Catholicism, Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg, became one of his most trusted courtiers. Despite the loss of Wallenstein, Imperial forces took Regensburg and won a victory at the Battle of Nrdlingen. [58] Ferdinand urged both parties to respect the Religious Peace, but without much success. [90] Two days later, the Protestant Estates elected directors to form a provisional government and started to raise an army. From 1590 to 1595 he was educated at the University of Ingolstadt by Jesuits whose aim was to make him a strict, rigidly Catholic ruler. At Ferdinand's death in 1637, his son Ferdinand III inherited an embattled empire. Free shipping for many products! Ferdinand II., Statue von Johann Joseph Resler im ehem. This was, in effect, the beginning of the Thirty Years War. Perhaps because of Wallenstein's ambiguous conduct, he was assassinated in 1634. zum Knig erreichen und starb am 15. Holy Roman Emperor from 1619 to 1637. empereur germanique Ferdinand II; imperatore del Sacro romano impero Ferdinand II Though elected Holy Roman emperor on August 28, 1619, Ferdinand was able to maintain himself only with support from Spain, Poland, and various German princes. [16] Before leaving for his homeland, Ferdinand solemnly promised to support the university and the Jesuits. [87][95] John George also agreed to convince the two other Protestant electors, Frederick V of the Palatinate and John Sigismund of Brandenburg, to vote for Ferdinand. Maximilian of Habsburg II, Emperor The Holy Roman Empire. Sodan laajetessa siihen liittyi vallanhaluisten ruhtinaiden ja maiden, etenkin Ruotsin ja Ranskan, pyrkimys rajoittaa Habsburg-suvun hallitseman keisarikunnan valtaa. [86][87] Philip also granted 1 million tallers to Ferdinand to finance the war against the Venetians. On 8 November 1620 his troops, led by the Flemish general Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly, smashed the rebels of Frederick V, who had been elected as rival King in 1619. Updates? They had seven children: Archduke John-Charles (November 1, 1605 - December 28, 1619), Ferdinand III (July 13, 1608-April 2, 1657), Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria (January 13, 1610-September 25, 1665). [83] Ferdinand needed further funds, but the Estates did not vote new taxes. He was the son of Charles II, the archduke of Inner Austria, and Maria of Bavaria. Full title: Ferdinand, by the grace of God elected Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King in Germany, of Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania and Bulgaria, etc. [143] She was crowned as queen of Hungary in Sopron where the first Italian opera was performed in the Habsburgs' realms during the festivities that followed the coronation. With the loss of his commander, he was once again forced to rely on the Catholic League army under Tilly, who was unable to stem the Swedish advance and was killed in 1632. [157] Valerianus Magnus, the head of the Capuchins in Bohemia, and the Holy See supported Harrach, but Ferdinand did not relent. [84] In early 1616, Ferdinand pledged that he would not interfere in state administration in Matthias's realms. [164] He authorized Maximilian to invade the Lower Saxon Circle if it were necessary to stop a Danish attack only in July. Son of Ferdinand II (q.v.) [109] Dampierre and his troops reached Vienna by boat and forced the Protestant delegates to flee from the Hofburg. Im Vertrag von Gllersdorf vom 14. 12 days ago. Ferdinand II, 1578-1637, Holy Roman emperor (1619-37), king of Bohemia (1617-37) and of Hungary (1618-37); successor of Holy Roman Emperor Matthias. [citation needed], Tilly died in battle in 1632. 1527-1576. Aus der Ehe gingen sieben Kinder hervor: * Karl (*/ 25. This was, in effect, the Catholic Encyclopedia - Biography of Ferdinand II Aragon. Further funds, but France entered the War against the Catholic Counter-Reformation of... Was an absolutist and infringed upon what nobles regarded as secular rights Ltzen die... As secular rights future Holy Roman empire was greatly weakened, but Matthias envoy! 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God Is My Refuge, Articles F