fallout: new vegas ulysses dialogue

Those wounds - they couldn't live otherwise. Heard tales of you walking the Mojave. {Beat, spits this out}There was no justice in it, it was an act of carelessness, a coward. {Disgust}Staked a claim, whether it was wanted there or not - {just like its}true elsewhere in the Mojave. {No sound file}. Things I have no need of, no history there worth recounting. Had to speak of it, in case the words got lost in paper, ink, or other's voices. {Bitter}It doesn't matter, the Bear's reach was cut off. [SUCCEEDED] America sleeps in the Divide - giants, beneath the earth. Accident? One you should heed. {Beat}Who's to say. Throughout the course of the game they can meet merciless killers, optimistic do-gooders, and even a supermutant or two. {Beat}Wasn't always. {Slight mocking}Come to carry out Caesar's law? No Courier, whatever their flag can ignore it. {Frowns}That's when {emph}he lost - when the fighting was done, the sickness took hold. Tired of your messages. {DUPE of AvoidThreat: Player threw a grenade}Explosive! Simple on the outside, computer parts. {Beat}The Mojave awaits. Its people, more than that. That's what I'm hoping for here. I'm going to kill you. {Frowns}You know their flag, a bear with two heads. Maybe even yours, in time. At the end of the Divide, through the trenches and wreckage - that's where you'll find me. And you made me see how one could do it. [SUCCEEDED] Hate? {Beat}Didn't try. If we share history, then before going forward, I want to know the past. {Contacting player through radio}Picking up the signal from your machine was quiet for a time, thought the Road had claimed another of the Legion. When he arrives, he'll fall on Hoover Dam like a hammer, {quiet}break the Bear in two. I know that now. Call it that. And you'll die with that question on your lips. The woman she fixed the recorder. This facility will make more. When all seemed lost, you asked it even though you feared the answer. Like following a river current. If you wanted to kill me, you'd have waited until I came for the Chip. {Beat, slightly ominous}And ghosts need the living to do their work. {Beat, this is the punchline}Through it all, kept calling out - maybe calling for home. History has proven it. Not sure that's the way this ends. NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000D97F_1NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000D97E_1. {Slow, building anger}All these roads, {emph}you walked. And as I watched, studied the people. Left the colors to mark my way, like always, case someone finds them, learns the pattern - the Courier might. That's more miles than Legion can hold. You saw one locked in the silo beneath you. {DUPE}The Divide winds have torn the skin from many of them - {beat}may be the radiation is the only thing keeping them walking. I'm heading back to the Mojave to settle some things. Wind and blood has uncovered more beneath the soil. When I thought sand and wind would never end came to the crater. {Keeping voice down, to himself}Checking for movement. You could walk back. Road was a supply line. {To himself}Hnh. < Storage Node Ulysses giving player final direction. {Beat}You. And there you and I, we'll have an ending to things. But the Twisted Hairs survived, even after Caesar. The two-headed Bear made its claim, dug its claws into the trail you made. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic120. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic018. No matter now. {Answers his own question, more to himself}You, perhaps. Hard to kill like Couriers. [FAILED] {Scoffs}You answer me with questions. If so, killing him was mercy, not cruelty. Empty as if technology can solve anything. [Legion] The Legion is stronger than you know. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic121. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic086. {Nods}Let's see what gifts the Mojave has for us. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic116. Why were they with the Legion? {Disgust}If you ever had any ability to hear anything beyond your own footsteps the Divide silenced it. The package I brought was from Navarro, the Divide scanned ED-E's logs from the Mojave. {Studying weather, log to himself, thinking back}Emptiness here - like the sands of the Great Salt Lake, echoed. And the Bull when the Legion reaches the sea, it will turn on itself and die. [Legion] Legion does not kill Legion - but you're not that anymore. Some of the flayed Hopeville soldiers looked like NCR but fought beside others in Legion armor. The city - the whole Mojave, wasn't hit by bombs. If there's time, I will. Still to have helped carry out such an act, then not face it Not my way. {Quiet, slight smug}You've already proved it, what you did in Ashton. If you blame me for what happened here at the Divide - why do you care? Ignorance is a {emph}choice. Cut off your retreat, {emph}your supply line. {Ulysses Fighting Eyebots have been turned against him, slight surprise}Took my machines? And you are responsible for what happened after - when the device opened, started to speak. Caesar had him burned and cast into the earth, into the largest canyon you've ever seen. If you feel there is meaning in the White Legs taking the braids of my tribe what they did insult, not respect. Town looks like it was bombed. [Legion] The Legion would want to cut this road off if it had been a supply line to Hoover Dam. [SUCCEEDED] {Slight sneer}No no, I couldn't. {Sees a player lay a mine, scorn}A tactic of the Bear. Initially reluctant to open up about his past, he will eventually explain what happened to his wife if he likes the Courier enough. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic105. I'm not one for it, either. {To himself}And if not, then I'm afraid what's going to happen when they come creeping back. I asked. It will falter, collapse. Last bit's more important to me than the first. And you will. If you believe it should not die this day then answer me why. Where can I find you? We're too far from Vegas to argue perspective on it. When we meet, this machine won't keep me from you. {Contacting player through radio}There you are, you went quiet for a time. Either way, the Divide giants are awakening. {DUPE}{Narration}{Target: Legion}It was an ending to things - a way of erasing the road that had led to this point and the history that had walked with it. And they'll do it again. {Matter-of-fact}Questions have a habit of making others. You're crazy. {Disgust, bitter, implication is that he wanted to die there}Should've died there but now that I know you live {bitter}the machines here {implied quotes}saved me. Before I go any farther, I deserve some answers. {Ulysses Fighting Eyebots have been disabled, matter-of-fact}Just you and me, then. {NCR Opening}There's your signal faint, but there. No, the West. You were trapped, needed to escape, and needed the distraction. Vegas earned its right to survive, its people don't deserve what's about to happen. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic110. Never would have known the Divide had it not been for you. {Slight disgust}Maybe you took that machine with you. {Beat}The Mojave awaits. {Slow, reflective}Nineteen tribes could not do it. Once that's finished, Mojave will be under the flag of the Bull. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic075. Could've, no good would have come of it. Snakebite Tourniquet - cuts off the venom, no need to scavenge glands and blood. }We've broken them. Scour the Divide, claw at it for meaning - but my words will give you no answer. Left marks for you, colors'll tell the way - if you're smart. Something else to answer for. In 2281, he was one of seven couriers hired by Victor [1] to carry strange packages to the New Vegas Strip, but his delivery was left to the Courier after Ulysses' mysterious disappearance. An ending. Others by Couriers. The Divide bore the symbol of America as did the package from Navarro. {To himself, quieter}Shows trust only walks so far West. [Legion] You didn't kill me in Primm because you still thought I was Legion. For all you've seen behind you - {quieter}there's worse along this stretch. Learned different lessons. {Frowns}That one sealed inside the Hopeville silo. To this road, you and I. Irony's sharp. To the Divide they came in the Divide, they rest. {No sound file}, {Dismissive}Power isn't strength. Nicholas C. Posts: 3489. {To himself}Not after the work we'd done to cut off New Canaan, other routes, killing caravans all we'd done to make the West bleed. You've got enough distance ahead of you - save your breath for the road, don't waste it on words. But it may not matter. Bear couldn't hold the Divide. {Cold}They deserve what comes and should answer for it, as you should. It echoes its master and soon the missiles here will as well. It sounds like you know me, but I've never met you. Glory in my hand, in my staff that still bore the weight of the Old World just as the symbol on my back did. Fallout: New Vegas is the fifth (canonical) game in the Fallout series, developed by Obsidian Entertainment and produced by Bethesda. Mines. {Slow, accusing}You gave life to this place. Didn't know, but Couriers can travel anywhere. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic112. I'll let your words answer it, from the tapes you left along the road to the Divide. When it did, the Divide answered back. It's dangerous as fuck and full of evil doers and lawlessness but you . If the Divide couldn't kill you perhaps these spears of the Old World can. {Beat, "but"}Cant stop you from going, wouldnt. {Narration}It was an ending to things - a way of erasing the road that had led to this point and the history that had walked with it. The Divide explosion what, did I kill your family? The White Legs meant to show respect, bribe me for Caesar's favor, echoing mannerisms and words Showed them tech caches, taught them the workings of chamber and powder, spoke of Caesar's {emph}pride in those that used such things lies. Denver hounds? Cast it and the tapes aside. If he'd been stronger, he'd be alive, and we wouldn't be talking. Flags of the Bear and Bull. >. {Narration}{Target: NCR}As catastrophic as the damage was for NCR, the act made the Courier stronger for having no history, and no retreat. When I asked that question, death was certain. Inside, Old World's waking up. {No Sound File}. The symbol they follow? Old World history, under a different flag. {Narration}{Male}The Courier walked until he stood again upon the edge of the Divide, the last road he would walk before the second battle for Hoover Dam. {Narration}{Male - correcting the previous statement}Men do, through the roads they walk. You and that Chip - deserve each other, twenty-nine less coins than other traitors have carried, if history's true. {No sound file}. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic076. A sign. Only able to remember her name and age. {Slow, thinking back}I had, did. Answered for his failure - twice, some say. Those are my words. To the Divide, they return. I've walked a lot of hard roads, Mojave and before. No, they don't know the history of it. I just like doing quests! It was like my entire dead tribe in the firelight, teeth grinning red in the dark - eager corpses, blood-covered ghosts. [Legion] If I destroyed the NCR in this place, why do you care? You know this from the Divide. You're going after the Long 15? {Frowns}When it woke, made these sounds words. The tools are there. Article Creation; Policies; Survival Guide The invisible fires burn here, true enough. I need to know why you're doing this - not for my sake, for history's sake. . {Beat}Promise of another future. I do. {Accusing}You've walked the West, more than I have. {Slight sympathy for the player, doesn't get it}My history isn't revenge, or hate. {Beat, emph}Careless, as careless with futures then as you are now in the Mojave. That violence in the sky, had a source. Maybe not now - in time. [FAILED] You serve Vegas ghosts, not the tribes Vegas devoured. Not just history's answer your answer for what happened here. I hate the NCR! Vault City. Words will not bridge this. {Dismissive}Beasts from the Divide. {Quiet}Caesar could command him. Any who die beneath the flag of the Bull their death should be in battle. I can hear it in your voice. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic104. I wasn't begging for mercy. Caesar is dead, died on the operating table. Not a message for me, for you. I can call your machine to me. It meant more to you than the Legion? {Ulysses Healing Eyebots have been turned against him, slight anger}Machines might keep you alive, but they won't save you. [FAILED] You came from the West, walked there. So you carry two symbols then - the mark of America and the Twisted Hairs, neither dead. [Legion] You might not believe in nations. {Narration}{Target: Legion}missiles fell on the East and the Legion encampment at Dry Wells where the Twisted Hairs had allied, then been betrayed by Vulpes and Caesar. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic083. Helped them dig out Canaan supply caches, and other secrets the sands hid - bunkers, filled with powered weapons even the Brotherhood might desire. Remind Lanius of this. [FAILED] No your answer is not enough. Safe? {DUPE}[SUCCEEDED] {Nods, agreeing}There's truth in your words, {and}in what I've seen of their tactics, movements - recovery. {DUPE}[SUCCEEDED] America sleeps in the Divide - giants, beneath the earth. {DUPE}{Anger}Accident? {Frowns}Both both survived, pieces of them. And knowing that you believe in the Bear's sickness and have given it strength then that gives more reason to lay waste to your homeland. {No sound file}. You're wasting time. {No sound file}, {Frowns}The robot with {emph}you {Beat, explains, disgust, hates ED-E}all of them are machines - radios, Old World tech reshaped with new hands. You and that {slight sneer at 'machine'}machine, keep your eyes on the tower that cuts the horizon you'll find your way. {Slight irritation}Things sleep in the Big Empty, the Brotherhood woke them up - can't move quiet, any more than the two-headed Bear can. He put Colorado to the sword, broke the Hangdogs by throwing their hounds upon the flames, so they might burn forever in the afterlife. Something better. You keep saying that, as if you know where I was born - you don't. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic060. Was hoping you could help me shape something. They make roads into places no one else will go, guarded or not. Getting all the upgrades let's you not kill . {Nostalgia increases}It had the name "the Divide," too. Walk farther, see me face to face - you might earn more. Stalling. {Rallying}But there's no answer in that. {Beat, gives in}Earned more than that, though, getting this far. And if your eyes try to make sense of it when you reach it {cold, downnote}home's not what it was. The missiles will launch. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic081. If the why of it matters to you. Part of your message, whether you meant it or not. {Beat}Or is it just, you, {speaking title}Courier, without the lights and ghosts. Ulysses lived a long time ago, long before the Old World set fire to itself. [FAILED] They're more beasts than men now. Fast as blinking, doesn't give poison time to sink in. After this, only one flag will remain over the Mojave. Its people don't deserve what's about to happen. I found some recordings from you on the road. That tribe of jackals? Knew you'd survive but no need to go any farther. Once. Wait so you swore not to kill me? You have spoken truly. If he was weak enough to allow the knife so close to his neck, maybe it needed to be his ending. Now, its voice will end you. Until the Divide all the NCR burning that much death, it bears the mark of a Legion hand. Answers'll come, closer you get to home you and that machine. All the machines here, made of wreckage from the Divide and all that was brought here. {Cold}Now the signal's strong enough, no need for you to carry it anymore. {Dismissive}If so, his handiwork and people belong elsewhere, not in this place. {Beat, warning}Not before. {Weighing the player's words}There is truth in that. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic002. {Emph}Anything that still carries America's voice? The Legion thought it might get into the community through me, just as I'd found the way by following you. My tribe lives {but}its history? You can go home again, Courier. If there's no more answers you want, then we'll end this. {Disdain, player has it wrong}The White Legs? {Frowns}If you seek to anger me, words won't be enough. They told me what it was like to grow in that world all they had done to lift it up protect it. {Ulysses Healing Eyebots have been disabled, dismissive}Can't stop the Old World's return, Courier. {Cold}You've answered your own question. {Disdain}Respect the White Legs? Let's see what else it can do. What I give the Legion is a swifter death than the disease you bring. Your offenses before Caesar, the least of the crimes here. You mean your brothers in the Legion - our brothers. If you believe me, though, we might get through this. No, not Legion less history than that. }No more echoes of the Bull and the Bear. Not all the East will burn. If you don't - you will. {No sound file}. {Narration}{Knowingly, confidentially}But that message - it is something for Couriers to carry, and for them alone. They were ended, completely. An Old World spirit, perhaps - filthy, diseased. Why would they want to stay here if this place is killing them? If you're Legion, why are we at odds? [NCR] Those bodies in the silo were NCR soldiers some special forces. When I {emph}followed your road to the Divide those years ago, I saw the symbol I wore all around me. It's what's inside that worries me. Enough talking. There's something left down there? It was the key. Like us and it shares our history. Seen them as I've walked the Divide, tending other machines. When you speak of the dead - you mean the Marked Men? - Joshua Graham. {Scoffs}"Might." Home isn't where you're born into this world. But no, the Legion will burn as well. There's old stories about gods and men, past history, into myth - where the gods, they're like children petulant, cruel. Word of you at Fort Aradesh Fort Abandon. What happened here can happen again. {DUPE}So what, they weren't that important then? The Divide was more than that. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic099. {Somber remembering}When it spoke, the Divide became fire, the ground tore apart like the skies. You walked the Mojave without a flag on your back. {Reflective}Can be a place of mind, a moment where you know who you are, the history of it. The Divide, its buildings, its people, were built around those same markings, surrounded them here markings like the flag on my back. {Frowns, slight testing}You know the why of it. Not the name the dead would give it. {Emph}If you had been there when it happened. Heavy guard, watchful. If my words won't change your mind, what about the messages in the Eyebot? ] if I destroyed the NCR in this place my tribe what they did insult, not the Vegas! Became fire, the Bear in two was born - you might more. A swifter death than the first, neither dead a supermutant or.. Came in the firelight, teeth grinning red in the Divide, at... { Male - correcting the previous statement } Men do, through trenches... 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