eve ratting ticks

If tackle isn't dying quick enough, continue to the section on Heavy Resistance. Call for help. In combat anomalies, drop down your mobile tractor unit and orbit it at about 20 km. A lot of different claims floating around about carrier ratting profitability, videos on youtube claiming average ticks of 35 Million ISK, something making many people not even consider Carriers, as their Rattlesnakes will make them between 30-38 million ISK per tick, considering the cost of a Rattlesnake 0.5-1BIL vs. a carrier at 2-4,5 Billion ISK depending on the fit. Cyno in case you have people that can potentially save you if you get tackled(remember Liquid Ozone), if not you can either add a Heavy Energy Neutraliser or another FSU. The pirate faction encountered at the NSC is the Serpentis. As the analysis has been done before by others we will just provide the priorities of sites here: This is the priority in which you want to run sites, personally I do not run Ring Sanctums because I found their damage output to be a little too high for my liking, whereas the other sites provide decent ISK and low Risk. Pub Channel: Lost Souls Trading Post, Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has? . As it stands, these sites send waves of between two and five rogue drones, on what appears to be a background timer that releases a new wave every 1-3 minutes. There might come a time where you need to destroy your hyperspatials and fit some extra tank rigs to survive. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The NSC is located in Serpentis space, and the rats you will face while ratting are Serpentis NPCs and sometimes rogue drones. Each system will have a few static group spawn types that are the most common, and you will rapidly learn which groups you can expect to see. NPC hauler spawns are not the same as the NPC mining fleets. /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships, Press J to jump to the feed. The first thing I want to say is please dont train into the Chimera, get either the Thanatos or the Nidhoggur (depends on what Capital doctrines your alliance has, they go armor or shield? While abyssal combat sites are also technically combat sites and can be done at the NSC, they have very different rules and are outside this article's scope. Nullsec, unlike highsec, has the great virtue that threats are obvious: any player not in or allied with EVE Universityany "neutral" or "neut" as they're called locallyis a potential threat. EVE is already an incredibly tedious game, universally acknowledged for its unimaginative and unrewarding PVE experience. Belt ratting is safest done in cruiser hulls, which can avoid damage from the battleship rats using their relatively small size and speed, but can also muster enough DPS. Still, this is a easy way to earn ISK, and the requirements for doing basic ratting can be very low. But you can't compare Null Sec ratting to High Sec DED running. Kill these first to ensure you can move to safety if hostiles enter the system. They usually consists of a couple of gated deadspace pockets. This leaves you with two options; running the site as fast as possible and making 75 million per site when including loot (averaging 200 million ISK per hour), or gaming the site to maximise the amount of waves that spawn (averaging out to 240 million ISK per hour). It remains a ship capable of making consistent ISK in nullsec anomalies while possessing a variety of defensive capabilities should it come under attack. Dreadnoughts and Shadow Serpentis Dreadnoughts are capital pirate ships. Eve Onlinge Ratting ticks Explained HateLesS_Gaming 8.08K subscribers Subscribe 1.1K views 5 years ago New Invite Code https://www.eveonline.com/signup?invc. Difference between ratting Thanatos and Nidhoggur in fitting them: As the Ratting Nidhoggur is a shield fit, you should utilize the extra Mid Slot for a Capital Shield Booster I, or T2 if you have trained it and a CONCORD if you have the ISK for it. Give the Introduction to Ratting page a read to avoid common mistakes and get some background knowledge. I will note that I do not fully understand the mechanics going on behind the scene. Below you will find a table with what kind for damage your ship should deal out, and what your ship should resist: As you see, against Serpentis rats, you should deal kinetic damage, and needs to tank both thermal and kinetic damage. Yes, thats right the most optimal way to run the new capital content appears to be using a subcap. Rattlesnake is by far the most popular and at the same time the best pirate PVE battleship there is. The 13% implant cost around 100 million ISK and the 15% is around 150 million ISK, the 18% is expensive at nearly 600 million ISK, which is why I recommend the 13 or 15% Implants for Slot 6.Personally I also have a set of High-Grade Random things for the Attribute bonus, but if you really want to chase the ticks you can fit your clone with a full set of High-Grade Ascendancy set for even more increase in warp speed. some people say 1 squad on each BS but we think they regen too much and found it to be ineffective for MAX KRABS , Movement of Fighters:An important thing to note is you have to make your fighters be constantly moving, each time they kill a target they slow down to standstill, which means you have to press w and click on the new target after each kill, the good thing is you can have all 3 squads marked, but only the squad that is *not* actively engaging something will follow your orbit command. These ships are very powerful. The more CCP try to micro-manage the way things happen, the more unsatisfying the results tend to be. ~390 Million ISK Medium Skills, The Isktar There are several factors to bear in mind when selecting a system for belt ratting. I'm wondering if it's possible for a single, solo pve ship ratting in nullsec to make ticks of 20 million or more. Large meta modules, such as those dropped by NPC battleships, can be reprocessed for decent quantities of minerals which may be hard to obtain in nullsec. If CCP adjusts the rewards for CRAB sites upward to compensate for the things mentioned above, well just get the same complaint weve always gotten from envious Reddit warriors who think nullsec blocs get to print ISK in perfect safety while everyone else is left to scavenge for crumbs. 3 - 4 Billion ISK Capital Skills, Ratting Dreadnoughts Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ~225 Million ISK Medium Skills, Ratting Marauders EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. Begin killing the weakest tackle ships on grid. These ships can drop more than 100,000,000 ISK in ores, and you want a hauler docked nearby so that you can loot the ores. and our So ppl, i like to ask for the input from comunity. Im not saying make them diamond rats that will escalate until they frag your PvE-fit capital ship (and give metal scraps for loot), but put some spice in, make it worth peoples time loot-wise, and reduce the incidence so that its not an activity that can be farmed in a single place by min-maxed, risk-averse dudes flying PvE fits. It is possible to rat and run sites safely in nullsec, especially when supported by NSC's intel systems, but you must be rigorous, and on occasion willing to pause what you're doing. I'm new to ratting, and am training now to get a chimera (not the best but it's what I want the most), and I see ISK per tick. Most of the time it's not a refit for wh groups rolling for wh content. Gallente T1 Battlecruiser Minmatar Supercarrier A complicating factor, however, is the game's bounty mechanic Bounty payouts in a system are affected by the Dynamic Bounty System. Carrier Ratting has long been regarded as the beginning of the endgame for making ISK, with Rorqual mining and Supercarrier ratting being the only conventional means of making more. Since the NSC is located in Syndicate, we get Serpentis pirate spawns, with the occasional rogue drones combat sites as well. now you only have sites you are interested in and if any new sigs spawn you will see them. Some Serpentis rats, usually frigates, also scram. I guarantee this sort of an approach would be better for the game than any static-site garbage gameplay variations: it could cut out the games biggest problematic ISK-fountain (effectively no more bounties, excepting small new-player oriented payouts in highsec and maybe lowsec), it could get more people flying around in space, and it could lead to more PvP encounters as people poke around searching for rats, gunning for kills, and then trying to hold the field to protect their kills. To make matters worse, the site pushes you to actively waste time on grid so you can get an increased payout, which ties back into spending time waiting for waves to spawn. A direct ISK payment relative to the difficulty of killing the NPC is first. The Pure Blind Dominix requires only a few modifications to update from the Querious variant, and like it can run Havens. It is important to know that, while higher classes of combat anomalies mean harder combat, the difficulty of Unrated Complexes, DED Complexes or Expeditions does not 100% correlate with their class. Thats like using a super car to drive people around for uber or lyft, its just not going to happen. This means that the basic bounty payment for a rat will probably be higher in PC9, though the chances of rare and valuable rats are higher in 5-D. Pilots can weigh up consistently higher basic payments against a higher chance of good spawns. In this module you can also fit a Tracking Speed script and an Optimal Range script.We have played around with the different scripts and we have come up with the best for us being 2x Optimal range and the last either with a Tracking speed script or with no script at all you should test for yourself with your faction rats, we have tested VS Guristas. Ratting carriers are extremely variable in their fittings, and can be customized in countless ways. Does it have a fleet bay? [Thanatos, Balanced Ratter] Many drone skills also affect fighters (including drone durability). This means that hostile players cannot warp directly to you, but have to scan you down and take the gates to reach you. Gallente T1 Battlecruiser Caldari / Gallente Marauders The response fleet uses advanced A.I. Im currently ratting in serpentis null sec using a standart ratting machariel with a decent tank and 800mm t2 guns loaded with phased plasma. The Vexor Newbro Edition If one or more hostile ships land on grid while you're ratting, and you are unable to escape before being tackled, try to stay calm. They used to be the same amount of time but now they are different. If you're just ratting you are fine with only level 3 Cali. but how much do you get paid per ship from their listed "bounty". If you thought controlling 3 squads of fighters was hard, try 5. *: The trick to find out if a Haven is a Rock Haven and not a Gas Haven is right click -> warp to -> ctrl+space to stop the ship. Yeah, cant disagree on that one, however I do think that if they made the content within the sites at least somewhat more enjoyable they could mitigate some of the payout issues. ~350 Million ISK Medium Skills, The Ratting Gila By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Warp to the next site, and when you land (when the speed bar no longer says "warping") THEN hit recall. Once you have fully landed recall your fighters. The key to maximizing ticks while carrier ratting is to always keep your fighters moving. I know they come in 20 minute "ticks". Those ticks was with the fit below, medium system ~50 au/s across, Gurista rat chaining rock havens and no ESS. For the sake of simplicity three fits are supplied here: Almost all modules can be safely downgraded to T2, Meta, or even T1 to accommodate your budget and comfort level. Just remember to bookmark it in case you have to run. Your ticks cap out in a supercarrier due to your APM. If you have a habit of losing fighters, downgrade to T1 instead of T2 until you get the hang of it. Rare spawns will sometimes be their own kind of spawn group, but can also occur when an elite spawn replaces a normal ship in a typical group (see below; or, for example, a Shadow Serpentis battleship replacing one of the two high admirals in a group of two high admirals and two destroyers). Fighters do better DPS, but sentries are faster to apply them. Within the limitations of the piloting necessary to avoid excessive damage from rats (don't burn directly at NPC battleships), fight aligned or near-aligned to a celestial to which you can warp out at the first sign of trouble. Make them do omni-damage and have flexible application and realistic behavior (warping out at low health, using tactics) so that theres no big incentive for players hunting them to run heavily min-maxed PvE-exclusive fits that cant engage in PvP. As a rule of thumb, for a ratting carrier you want the following: High-Slots: Networked Sensor Array Cynosural Field Generator I Fighter Support Unit I/II Fighter Support Unit I/II Fighter Support Unit I/II. This will make it so that all asteroid belts will contain the battleship rat groups and these can keep being exploited. I was originally going to avoid writing this, but after 60+ runs, and speaking to multiple people about the matter, I feel I need to. With luck you might even present a threat to them! Several types of rare and valuable rat can spawn in NSC pocket systems. At the NSC, 5-DSFH is the best system to belt-rat in in true-sec terms. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Edit: I should say that this is all based on my experience that the isk/hr in highsec available to someone with my amount of expendable ISK and total SP was much higher than in nullsec. training now to get a chimera (not the best but it's what I want the most), Ratting in a Chimera is a bad plan but at least it's relatively easy to crosstrain to a good carrier. Ultimately all it achieves is wasting player time waiting for the site to begin.5. Note: You should have time to kill one Battlecruiser or Battleship before you've finished locking up frigates. When you are on the second-to-last wave, you should start aligning to your next combat site instead of the Citadel, you should Claim it in your PVE channel and make sure no one else did it first, personally I Ignore an anomaly and remove it from the list if someone else claims it. I made significantly less ISK in the same amount of time, and with a greater amount of boredom, than I did in highsec; and that's before the occasional gank or stupid mistake in which I stop paying attention to the game (oops) that causes me to lose a ship worth an hour and a half of ratting. Elite spawns may widen their bag of tricks beyond damping to webbing, warp scramming, and other EWAR types. It can be used to measure efficiency when comparing two different isk making activities or comparing payout of running the same activity multiple times. These precautions dramatically cut the chances of you losing your ship. The more ships die in pvp in a system, the more it pays. Caldari / Gallente Marauders Since the majority of ISK is gotten through loot drop, and since loot is dropped at random, the reward for ratting is rather irregular. My current position is back in highsec, doing as I was before to make ISK to PLEX my account while I train up a highsec ratter alt so I can actually make a reasonable amount of iskies while still getting on that dank PVP action. Guristas Faction Cruiser Your ticks cap out in a carrier due to your equipment. Remove frigate rats from the site. I managed pretty similar results in Drone space, Blood Raider space I didn't even bother trying (Minmatar only pilot, derp) and way back I did okay in Serpentis space too, but that's quite a few years ago. Hotdropping should be for fancy spaceships, not 50 guys in disposable bombers. While those NPC event sites can be repetitive after several months, they are lot better that the C.R.A.B. ~390 Million ISK Medium Skills, The Isktar A guide on controlling your fighters can be found here. Never to fly directly towards NPC battleships, as this makes you far too easy to hit, and boosts their chance of dealing critical hits. (Derived from the name of the first widely known EVE pilot to do so) AWU Advanced Weapon Upgrades B Bait To expose a seemingly easy target in order to lure an enemy into committing to an engagement (see Baiting) Baltec How to Bookmark (I also ignore Sanctums). A myrmidon will do around 6-10M, maybe as much as 12-15M with really good skills. Guristas Faction Cruiser When attacked, they will warp off and call in a response fleet to attack whoever aggressed them. Im still stuck in T1 ships atm as Im skilling for T2 modules so a T2 ship does't seem like an option for now though. The Dominix has been a staple of ratting since the VNI nerfs of 2019. Attack the hunter with any weapons on your ship and any drones you have. EVE University NullSec Campus They do not eliminate all risks: the most paranoid pilot can be undone by a sudden distraction outside of the game, for instance. Between the Bounty Risk Modifier, the possibility of ESS theft, and the cost of capitals, these sites seem designed to be as unappealing as possible. While these fleets can be killed solo (usually in T3D), they are best undertaken in a small fleet. To expand on what the poster above me said, so if someone says they completed a mission in two bounty ticks, that means they finished it within the time frame of two updates to the bounty payouts into their wallet. Never go for loot pickup in a carrier, if you have 2 Toons what you could do is warp your alt in and drop a Mobile Tractor Unit and have him scoop it after like an hour, or you could drop one on warp-in with your carrier, and book mark it, keep running sites, and after like an hour or two(can't remember the despawn timer) you switch from Carrier to a Noctis and warp out, Loot / Salvage and return to ratting afterwards. These are elite versions of the normal rats with the prefix "Shadow" in front of their name. Frekavichk 7 yr. ago. This is done to collect the bounty on the ships, as well as trying to get rare spawns and rare loot. Do you disagree with our assessment of these PvE sites? The Gila has to trade tank and mid slot utility, while the Ishtar just throws on an AB + whatever other else they feel like -- drone tracking or speed. If hostiles land before your fighters are in, you may need to consider jumping out without your fighters. You absolutely must be proficient at controlling your fighters to successfully rat in a carrier. What you could do is buy the CONCORD Capital Armor Repairer, it reps 25-30% more than the other one, but it has a price tag of almost 600 Million ISK, compared to the 90 mil for the I-a Armor Repairer this is up to you, personally I wouldnt buy CONCORD unless I had enough ISK to throw around, but if you live in risky space it can provide more time for your rescue fleet to arrive. Minmatar Carrier If at any point tackle drops immediately warp out or e-jump to a dockable citadel. The point being, dont risk getting your corp/alliance pissed at you because you are an idiot ratting with a carrier and you have to call everyone to action because you got tackled. You need to have all the relevant skills (drone skills) at Level 5 to achieve maximum ticks while ratting in a NVI you can upgrade to a Rattlesnake or carrier ratting for more isk, but that also means you're a bigger target and people will definitely try to drop on you. Unfortunately, this anchorable structure isnt a good addition to EVE Online, and heres why, You are, by design, spending at least 14 minutes doing nothing but waiting.. For any ratting carrier you Rigs should be: 3x Capital Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizers.These rigs increase your Warp Speed by 20%/25% depending on the T1 or T2 variant.Price for the Tech ones are 43 million, whereas the price for Tech 2s are 190 million, which begs the question is it worth it and you are the only one that can answer that question. The Archon gets a 4% bonus to Armor resistance per level, a completely useless bonus for ratting This carrier is guaranteed the lowest possible ticks from ratting. Carrier or Marauder to ratting in 0.0. General consensus is: It is NOT worth it to loot / salvage anything but Commander spawns, best option is to have a New person in the corp fly around and let them bookmark / loot / salvage your sites. The distance a hunter has to travel from the warp-in point to you can sometimes save you. **: There is no trick for Sanctums, you have to warp to all of them(in a fast ship) in order to find out what it is, no shortcut here, hence why I skip those. If you select the member list and press ctrl-A, you'll select all pilots currently in system. drone lands only! 38 - 42 Billion ISK Capital Skills. Null has better anomalies (havens, sanctums, etc.) Find out how! I recommend FSU IIs but the T1 variant works more than fine. Some days you can be lucky and get hundreds of millions or even billions worth of loot (if you are very lucky), and other days you will only get the standard bounty from the rats and the from salvage. While you face off against NPCs in the same manner as in missions, it is not considered the same; see Syndicate Mission Running for for more information about running missions at the NSC. Both the size of the bounties and the chance of rare spawns are affected by this, with lower true-sec giving better bounties and higher chance of rare spawns. Over time, the modifier will drift towards a equilibrium rate. What you refer to is the security status tick, according to CCP's wording, they are now per character not solar system, in five minute intervals. The price for 2x Sentients will be around 230 Million a piece. Is training or how little ISK Surf has hang of it better DPS, but are. For 2x Sentients will be around 230 Million a piece much do disagree. That all asteroid belts will contain the battleship rat groups and these can keep being exploited minmatar if... Get the hang of it you disagree with our assessment of these PVE sites are fine with only level Cali. Weapons on your ship the way things happen, the modifier will towards! Advanced A.I repetitive after several months, they are lot better that C.R.A.B. 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