australian shepherd prozac

Slightly longer than he is tall, the Australian Shepherd stands 20 to 23 inches tall at the shoulder for males, 18 to 21 inches for females. Our Austealian Shepard is amazing, other than being aggressive (snarling/showing teeth/nipping) and a crazy chichucha bark at people!!!!! I work with humans with nervous system impacts from crisis trauma that have psychological impacts. It appears to be happening more often. Keep training and working!! Keep focus on your time with him look them in the eyes tell them you love them be calm. At night they were busy raising the human children in. It is claimed that Australian Shepherds descend from a variety of herding breeds, including collies . Have an Aggressive Dog?Check out this introductory dog training video Join in and write your own page! I loved him the same tho till the day he died. The female has attacked her male playmate several times last evening and during the middle of the night. If anyone finds something that helps let me know. Do research and find out how to be the pack leader. She really is hilarious but I need help!!! I also read about the traits of hearding and "nipping." Right now we are trying to get her through the 8 week healing period of her broken leg with trazadone and gabapentin, but we need a longer term approach. I'm sorry you're going through that. I have always used snapping my fingers, or a short whistle with my mouth when I trained him. We hope and pray this drug can help our little fella calm his anxiety enough to learn hes safe now. Although they are around people and dogs all the time, they are very protective of their momma. That is why she had to give him up. He has lunged and bitten multiple family members, friends and my face pretty badly. As a dog responds to behavior modification, dosage of the drug is weaned away. We spend about six months at the beach as we live in Florida and I never thought I could enjoy the beach with this dog. I hate it because we cant leave overnight because we have nobody that can even watch him! we were given 20 mg to give twice a day. Pet Parents can also leverage Chewys telehealth service, Connect with a Vet to connect online with licensed veterinarians to answers all pet-related questions and concerns! Just 2 days ago he got a sandwich that my son was eating at the coffee table when he went to get a drink. Sad face. So thanks for the article. Was she like this with them? Her dog Maisy, a cross between a dog and a Muppet, showed remarkably similar symptoms to Cubas. At the dog park he will play ball and swim in the lake for hours having the greatest time.Once in a great while I will see that look come over him like hes about to attack but all I have to do is call him to divert his attention. He tries to avoid the harness everyday, but loves his walks and eventually relents. I am a very active person so she for sure gets runs and hikes and walks. With your vets prescription, you can easily get your dogs medication online through Chewys Pharmacy. He also has aggression with certain toys, bones, and treats and cannot have them around any people encluding our own family members. We have a similar situation with our pup. She comes from champion herding lines so the instinct to herd and protect are strong in her. I got him at 6 weeks and brought him home. I've used a muzzle to help with growling and barking around people. As I understand it..Nikko reacts so quickly and aggressively,it is hard for her to listen or think of anything else. It works by inhibiting reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Our vet mentioned that zoloft might work for her. Thats a long 15 years without a vacation. monitoring_string = "c1299fe10ba49eb54f197dd4f735fcdc", given in a dosage of 0.5 to 0.9 mg per pound. My vet said it could take a few weeks to see an improvement. You have most likely and still do give your dog signals that it is in charge each day. But lets get the discussion going now. He knows I'm the alpha female and will usually obey me but not my husband. She is not holding her end of the bargin! Finally I have had to accept that he needs more help than I can help him with. Its been 20 days. I hope you can find someone with the answer so you can enjoy your furry child. A while back, I came out of the training closet. These dogs need to live in the country with room to run and herd they are not city dogs even through they are small. He is 10 and the alpha dog. 3 weeks ago we adopted an Australian Shepard Theo from our local shelter. Seems like we are all (or most of us) in the same boat! It was gruesome. The day before deciding on the breed, I read as much as I could about the characteristics. At one point our Vet prescribed trazodone, and that didn't work either, it seemed to make her more anxious. Editors note: This post originally ran on Caseys blog, Rewarding Behaviors. How to Help a Nervous Dog Overcome His Fears, Q&A with Lessons in Chemistry Author Bonnie Garmus About My Current Favorite Fictional Dog, Six-Thirty, The Daring and Devoted Doberman Pinscher: Breed information, history and fun facts, Beagle Dog Breed Information: Temperament, Training and Pictures, 2016 Reader Survey Sweepstakes Official Rules, Dogster Magazine Subscription Maintenance, Editors Choice Awards 2022 Dogster Approved. This breed is muscular and powerful enough to work all day, without sacrificing the speed and agility. The second day I had him he bit a family member. He was a loving and affectionate puppy for about one month after we got him, then he started getting spurs of aggression. Please help!!! My wife and I raise Aussies and when buying into breeding a person needs to go back 3 or 4 generations and look for champions and grand champions and blood testing to see the quality of the dog you are buying. He growled and lunged at my mom when she came to visit. Licks her feet alot when she settles at night. The color of its coat is usually chocolate, brown, gold, speckled, brindle, and spotted with black and white. She has never been aggressive toward me or my hubby. Started about 5 days ago. That dog is aggressive and could attack a child. She is fine with people, unless they try to take her toy. If any do thinks it outranks you in your "pack" then you will have trouble controlling it and it will do as it pleases most of the time. Australian Shepherds come in these four accepted coat colors: Black Blue Merle Red Red Merle You might have noticed the title stating there are 14 different Aussie colors. Hes improved, but we still cant put a collar on him. It was explained to me on a few occasions that the dog eats last. If she thinks he will get attention, a toy, or food before she can get there, she attacks him. At our shelter we have a 2.5 years old Aussie mix who is sometimes totally lovable Then, suddenly, you see him give you the "side eye" and he will snap/bite or attack. It seemed from what I read, the good traits outweighed the potentially bad traits. I would do some more looking around behavioral modification and noise reactivity, there are articles about dogs that are noise reactive not just to thunder and fire storms but anything at all. He's 12 lbs. Shes also had bouts of peeing inside but I never attributed that to anxiety. They were both unrecognizable to us and they were unrecognizable to each other. Well watch for antisocial behavior and if he growls, well heed that and play it by ear but no reaching for food dishes if he starts growling, and thatll be the sign for weaning off. He will no longer go to his bed, or even, to sleep. Im 16 yrs old and have a 1 yr old black tri Aussie, hes extremely aggressive toward people and recently in the past few day toward me and my puppy, we have 2 other dogs beside him and the puppy and hes never tried to attack them but with the puppy, who weve had for about 2 months, its different. He just recently turned two. If I can't correct this soon he will have to go and I absolutely love him. They saved me. can you get the lab out of the home for a week or 2 to see if her behavior changes? We got our aussie when she was 6 weeks old. I accepted because I think he needs it. Were starting with a very low dose, knowing that we can increase if necessary or change strategies. I "explained" to them in no uncertain terms that this behavior was NOT acceptable! Fluoxetine doesnt always mix well with other drugs and can cause life-threatening side effects. Its put a strain on us as my partner is gone a lot through work and I cant join because we cant be gone more than a few daysthe pet sitter is unable to walk him, hes too aggressive towards other animals and people and bikes and cars (he bit the tire on my Jeep the other day). I want my dog to listen and come every time I call! She will bark at strangers or anyone who approaches her that she doesnt know. Cautare coduri postale din Romania He would get aggressive and still does when strangers come around the "good" part was he bit me and not them. I have the sweetest little female Aussie and she just loves our little family. Ive noticed for myself that when Im uptight my dogs are too. Typically the drug is given in a dosage of 0.5 to 0.9 mg per pound orally once per day. It's been a nightmare for me. My dog will bite son hard enough to draw blood if my son is too close to me, hugs me. We rescued our Aussie at just over 3 yrs old. The more I work with her I see behaviors that resemble what youre describing which is caused me to do some deep research. When youre describing it in the yard having that frozen freeze sort of response , That has me thinking the dog is being sedated and is not able to actually move its body in response to the fear or the pain is experiencing which may not actually be beneficial in a holistic way. Why would an individual dog not respond well in the hands of a well-trained, patient owner? I had read about them, I had a rescue for a bit. We have a 3.5 yr old female English Shepherd who weights 45 pounds. He's still a bit cautious but has gotten a lot better at strangers coming by us. Im seeing some very slight changes in her behavior but shes definitely having stomach issues and lack of appetite. The vet called us to see if wed take him. Going forward he was extremely animal aggressive. I think answering these questions for yourself might help. Thank you for the admission, as I too have trained dogs for many years and today actually had my australian shepherd put on Prozac. Someone said to get her fixed so we will try that. The one with the orange tennis balls. That is a dangerous dog , I would seek professional trainers help asap - they may be able to set you up with a dog behaviorist also to assess things. None of them changed who I was, but they sure did change my ability to cope with a world I could not understand or function well in. He went from being a hyper, normal puppy, 7 mos at the time, in May. He would wiggle his way between us and stare at my husband. Dog/people! We do not want to get rid of her but we have been trying alot of things suggested and so far it isn't working. The play alot but every once in awhile, she zones out and tries to destroy the puppy. Is he growling when he bites? They're fine!" I adopted an Aussie female, 3 yrs. He would run and jump and nip my kids from behind. Our trainer seems to think it is fear based aggression and that he lacks confidence, hoping for some answers on how to build his confidence more so he becomes less aggressive. I dont know how aggressive your dog is but a muzzle or shock collar will definitely make that worse. Work patiently and with no distractions. I'm SO sorry you are having to go through this. we go around the block with no leash, we started with short distances after adulthood and he slowly learned to just stay by my side. I look forward to following your post. have a sit and give him a treat. The mixture of cellular and vasogenic edema makes treating this condition complicated, and to date, there is no pathogenically oriented drug treatment for edema, which leaves parenteral administration of a hypertonic solution as the only non-surgical alternative. So, for example, a 30-pound dog would probably get somewhere between15 and 27 mg per day. This sweet sweet little dog was found in S Korean meat market, saved there and shipped to the US. He absolutely hates strangers, the only way he tolerates them is by us using the pronged collar the trainer provided us with and command him to sit and sway his attention with a treat. But every once and a while he dislikes a dog at the park and end up in a scuffle which has caused us to have to leave a few times. Hi, I was on here looking for answers for the same thing and have had mine from 6 weeks and also have another Aussie, the only difference is the aggressive one is a mini, and, same thing, I can't even try to redirect him because he is so in his own mind at the time and yes even people that are far off as long as he can see him and when we pass them on walks he keeps looking back at if he is making sure they don't come at him from behind, he gets very stressed out and I just don't understand. Certain conditions may worsen with fluoxetine use. Cesar Millan does this, and it works really well. Keep looking for answers and give the dog gentle calming kind affirmations, tapping on its sternum, rhythmic rubbing behind ears for soothing etc. The drug has several uses for treating conditions in dogs such as behavioral problems, separation anxiety, fear, and aggression. We had the trainer come again right after this started to happen and he was even vicious towards him, who hes meet several times. We have had our Aussie since he was 6 wks old. Thats a personal decision between you, your family, and your vet. Check out this introductory dog training video. I can't travel with him or take him anywhere in public for fear he will act out. We got our female Aussie 2 weeks before our male. He was playing with our neighbors dog today and I brought them out two separate bones and handed one to each but he lunged at her and started attacking her and grabbed her by the neck. We are not sure if he is neutered or not because our vet could not determine it. Well see how this goes, but this article is encouraging. The immersion training seems extreme for this sweet dog as hes already been in very rough real experiences as a meat market product. but now she's starting to be really aggressive to my other small ones; she won't let them eat, we have two food bowls and she won't let them get near either of them, she won't let them outside with her, when they try to go out she nips at their face, and tonight i've noticed she's started to put her face in my oldest dog's (10 yr old weenie dog) face and snarling at him. Are you nervous and uptight? After I have spoke to them in a calm manner she will settle down and even lie down with her front paws crossed while I talk with them. I was so mad I couldve killed him. My dog does the exactly the same thing and I can not get through to her no matter what I do or try. Our vet put my dog on Prozac, which she takes it daily. Small steps over and over. He would steal things and run away. Remind yourslef emotions are watched by the dog. I need some help. However, for those diabetics who need insulin to survive, it is not doping her up but correcting a chemical imbalance in her body. I really fell in love with her, so smart so loving!! Herding. He does have a slight tremor about the mouth that is new. Our trainer noticed this right away and said you need to watch his eyes, if he gets his eyes fixed on someone or an animal that we have to snap him out of it. When he isn't being aggressive he has the ability to be loving, and fun and we absolutely love him and his wiggle butt and don't want to give up on him. He is now 7 months old. Aussies have the greatest personalities. The breed's ancestors came to the U.S. from Europe by way of Australia, hence its name. At about 6 months, he began charging at the gate when my kids went up the stairs. I believe you have tried many things to fix the problem. But inside, as he meet our small family he loves us all. I tried many trainers and programs, even a dog shrink and medication. I would advise visiting Cesar Millan's website. This foster dog I work with jumps through the roof when an earring falls on the floor and it sounds like your dog may be in that same camp. Get tips and exclusive deals. We picked up the dogs and they had been shaven. Vetsusually prescribe it with a behavior modification program until the condition is under control. I have to work so I cant be home with him or he would be better. He is now a few months shy of a year old and has gotten worse. Hes not treat motivated either. I want my dog to stop being aggressive. He really loves most people he meets and greets them with exaggerated wiggle butt so long as they are not "of color". Have you found relief? Many Thanks Natalie x, I got an RX this evening from vet for prozac for our almost 2 year old pup. I adopted the most amazing dog about eight months ago and she has really made my house a home. I am a dog lover, my dogs own us and our home!! It's easy to do. I tried , melatonin, cbd oil, Benadryl, and nothing worked , so I broke down one day and my husband said guess it time for Prozac. You most likely have to look within yourself. He will try to bite even with a muzzle. Please get that dog out of your house before it kills one of your others. We had noticed he was becoming antisocial (normally he was sweet and loving). 2 other ones had to be put down as well. She has been around him many times and has never done this. Smiles positive attention distraction from negative behavior. I have owned 4 dogs previously, they were all well trained sweethearts. Just curious as to what you ended up doing. My Aussie is extremely protective and will growl and bark to warn me of any perceived danger. he back slid to first being afraid of nighttime and then February 2021 he was no longer willing to come inside our house because that is where scary things happen ie noises. Over the last year, he has slowly started changing in subtle ways. She is a model citizen and has no problems tolerating the medication. I had a small Boston Terrier, she grabbed her twice around the neck and shook her so hard I thought she would kill her. Five months ago my husband and I were so excited to bring our 8 week, male minture Aussie home. The first thing you need to do is rule out a physical problem. My dog also silently will walk up behind both of of at any time and bite the back of our legs or hands. She even wags her tail at some strangers now. He purposely jumped up onto my 11yo daughter and tried to bite her which he knows not to jump up. The males stand between 20 and 23 inches tall and weigh between 50 and 65 pounds. If none of the above yields any answers you need to consider it a behavioral problem, and find a reputable local trainer who can give you their opinion on this behavior firsthand. Sometimes this can have an affect on your dogs behavior, because of their sensitivity to certain medicines. Where was she before you got her? Fluoxetine (Reconcile or Prozac) Indications: Separation anxiety, aggression, compulsive behaviors, impulsivity. That was it. I fear that Abby will try and kill my Toy Poodle. She is the best and she is crazy! 3 times a day sometimes. In fact, he'll look at me now expecting a treat when a stranger is approaching and doesn't much pay attention to them at all. Yet he started backing away when we went to pet him, barks at everything and I mean everything and is now adding fears into his behavior. by: Anonymoos. Good luck! Even "Ceasar Milan" stresses this. Good luck. Also, shes got an intensity like no other dog I have ever had. We play fetch most of the time in the yard with rope toys, we play tug of war, I try my best to make it competitive and he sleeps right smack in the middle of the bed with me and my husband. I have to choose their vaccinations first. I have an Aussie 3.5 years old. After working with him for six months I had a problem with him marking in the house and his ocd behavior around water. Made a huge positive impact! It was epic violence from this little dog. He went from loving to be outside, 2 long walks a day, for about an hour each, we took him to restaurant and bars, and daycare twice a week on days I worked . he turns his head away and shuts his eyes and he's started sleeping pressed up in the corner. She hid behind my husband recently when they came across a possum. So our vet suggested Prozac. I've had my mini aussie since she was 1 month old. But this night time aggression has been happening for about a month now on and off. just get another dog breed if you live in the city. Need help ASAP!! I am goingvto the Vets tomorrow and hopefullycwe can find a medical answer to her problem. Her old age behavior of literally screaming for food, throughout the day and during the night, became dangerous for her high anxiety, and unbearable for us. She has attacked extended family and friends in the mindset that she is protecting us and our home. Basically it's fear that makes a dog aggressive or seem aggressive. Background: Edema represents one of the earliest negative markers of survival and consecutive neurological deficit following stroke. I feel awful that he isnt comforted by me. She is a wonderful dog and very smart. Your vet should be aware of any other conditions your dog has or medications your dog is taking. He was excessively overly excitable. We don't have much money and hundreds and hundreds of dollars have gone to her! Our dog went into a rage, bit my husbands hand and shook it and wouldnt let go. My bet said the world is a scary place for him and hence Prozac. In a horse 3 generations back will show what the mares all foal. Thanks. He just started Prozac. I make him wait and we feed ourselves first. There are some side effects associated with the use of fluoxetine in dogs. Is it a nip or a full on bite? My dog tried that when my husband would sit next to me on the sofa or would hug me. He has been with us eight years now. I live out in the country and on a farm; so my dog gets plenty of exercise. Thinking of the Prozac route. Our 2+ year old male Aussie has his "issues" as well. She feels she is protecting you. She will nip or bite. Most of these are moderate. My parents and I dont know what to do, our vet says the only thing we can do is put him to sleep, but Im having a hard time with that option. So i cant be home with him or he would run and and! 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