Cc-4. The next time someone says they would like to find God's Perfect The SEVENTIETH Week of Daniel Explained! Is CHRISTMAS a PAGAN Ritual in DISGUISE. Isaiah 6:3 Holy, Holy, Holy = TRINITY? Each issue highlights new, ready-to-download Bible studies at, and other tools to help you become a dynamic teacher of God's Word. Is CATHOLICISM BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY? It's natural to trust "the experts," such as Ptolemy . He is also on the preaching staff at Sojourn East in Louisville, Kentucky. The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens. Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful. Has Jesus Already RETURNED Invisibly? D-11. . I said in my haste, All men are liars. P-4. This phrase also has exactly twice as many words (12) on each side of it. Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and forevermore. Some people are motivated by the quest for pleasure or money. Do you know, for example, what Bible chapter and verse is at the very center of the Bible? The LORD is my strength and song, and is become my salvation. In fact, there are two numberings of chapters in the Book of Psalms. The I am he Verses in the Old Testament! Jesus said WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM? 21. In the reference column of my King James study Bible, there is a note stating that Psalm 118:8 is the CENTER VERSE of the Bible. Dd-90. So then, we see that Psalm 111 and Psalm 112 BOTH BEGIN with an admonition to PRAISE the Lord and Psalm 113 BOTH BEGINS and ENDS with an admonition to PRAISE the Lord the same way that Psalm 117 both BEGINS and ENDS with PRAISE being given to the Lord. Is The Book of ENOCH SCRIPTURE? The LORD takes my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. He uses it a lot in his word. I called upon the LORD in DISTRESS: the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place. The center of the Bible is about Christ crucified for sinners. The Bible itself tells us why the Bible was written! PART 2, Dd-51. REMEMBER the SABBATH! The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth has he given to the children of men. F-4. The NAB from the Bishops website has 1318 chapters, counting each of the chapter-less books as a chapter. How can the Sabbath DAY be AGAINST us? P-5. L-11. Dd-25. Less than two out of five read the Bible at least once a week. Part 3. Genesis 19:24 Are There TWO Yahweh(s)? O-18. John 1:10-13 The BIBLICAL Unitarian Meaning! 3. They compassed me about like bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the LORD I will destroy them. F-5. Was Joseph Smith Foreordained by God? For more information on these men, go to New Advent, which has an online version of the Catholic Encyclopedia. originally had NO Verse or Chapter Divisions (these were added A Christ-centered (or Christocentric) life is one that is focused upon a commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord. Chapters after Psalm 118. Jesus Himself pointed out to the Jewish leaders in John 5:39-40 the truth that for them to understand the Bible they had to understand . The short answer to this question is "no." Nowhere in the Bible are we told that the earth is at the center of the universe. Then called I upon the name of the LORD; O LORD, I beseech you, deliver my soul. Chapters: 1,189 It is better to TRUST in the LORD than to put confidence in princes. PSALM 118 is preceded by 594 chapters and followed by 594 Longest verse: Esther 8:9 Works of the LAW compared to Good Works. One cannot read the Gospels without getting a very clear sense that Jesus ministry and therefore ours as well is focused on, framed by and looking forward to the coming kingdom of God. 17. J-20. Amen. J-13. And then it depends on the version and the language, hence Your salvation does not depend upon your worksIt depends upon Jesus' death and resurrection. CALVINISM-Unconditional ELECTION! 18. With that being said, let us take a CLOSE look at Psalm 111 through Psalm 117. Scripture clearly teaches that the central teaching of the Scriptures is Jesus: Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, who was delivered up for our sins, to win eternal life for those who believe. It is better to TRUST in the LORD than to put confidence in man.. Some Bibles might be Job 3:2 (Job said.) The New Testament is about Jesus (John 20:31; 1 John 5:13). For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endures for ever. God/Burns says, "Yes"then adds that Muhammad, Buddha, and others are also his children. For you see, 13+13+1 book of 2 Thessalonians = 27 total books. Dd-10. Both the . D-10. WHO are the TWO WITNESSES? Will for their life, and that they want to be in the Center of His )), The way of wisdom and truth is to avoid such false dichotomies and to hold together what God has given us in the New Testament canon both the Gospels and the Epistles. Dd-41. And his church suffers if we neglect either the Gospels or the Epistles in our practice, preaching and theological formulations. text of the Old Testament, as well as the Greek New Testament, Does Isaiah 48:16 Prove a TRINITY God? Next to the number seven, it is his favorite number. Most of the articles and especially re-circulated emails on this topic are incorrect and simply use inaccurate information. I have been told that a regular litmus test was just this: preachers and professors who emphasized the Gospels generally could be reckoned on the liberal side of the ledger, while those who emphasized Paul and the Epistles on the conservative side. COULD ISLAM be the MARK of the BEAST? A YOUNG CHILD'S EXPLANATION OF GOD! Praise, O you servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD. What does IMPUTED Righteousness Mean? R-6. Y-3. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. assigned by Stephan Langton. Dd-62. All of the Studies & Scriptures on the SPIRIT! Which Chapter is in the exact center of the Bible? What is the shortest Chapter in the Bible? Why the Gospels are the center of the Bible (and your life), The Man Jesus Christ: Theological Reflections on the Humanity of Christ. O-13. If you add the 595 preceding and 594 following chapters, This gives a total of 31,102 verses, [27] which is an average of a little more than 26 verses per chapter. 5. Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwells on high. ANSWERING the DOCTRINE of the TRINITY! The LORD has been mindful of us: he will bless us; he will bless the house of Israel; he will bless the house of Aaron. Ee-10. Psalm 118:8King James Version. Rather it rises and falls on Jesus dying and rising again. Scripture scholar John E. Steinmueller addresses the division of Scripture into chapters in Volume 1 of his three-volume work, A Companion to Scripture Studies. Prefer text to email? Does the Bible teach the Earth is FLAT?<<<. It asks students to imagine Jesus' personality, with questions such as, 'Does he prefer to go his own way rather than act by the rules?' Jerry Landers, the assistant manager of a grocery store, asks God (played by . 2. between the two verses. Q. WHAT Is ANTIPAS in Revelation 2:13? Put this on the forefront of your mind. These biblical clues about the central role of the Gospels find support in history of the church, from its earliest days on. The Bible begins by setting forth God as Creator ( Genesis 1:1) and ends by invoking the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ ( Revelation 22:21 ), but mankind's greatest and most basic sin has always been that of seeking to replace God with man. Now when you add 594 the number of chapters before Psalm 117 + 594 which is the number of chapters after Psalm 117 we find that they equal 1188. And AGAIN, we find both sides as referring to the CHURCH and ISRAEL who PRAISING the Lord for his MERCIFUL KINDNESS toward us. (Israel has RECOGNIZED their MESSIAH as well as some of those from ALL nations as well who will CALL upon the Lord to be SAVED or kept alive to go into the kingdom of God in their mortal bodies.). You are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth. Part 1. What Does the Bible Say About Eternal Life? What does 1 TIMOTHY 2:11-14 TRULY MEAN? Is the FOURTH COMMANDMENT ETERNAL? The Center of the Bible "numbers" don't amount to anything. Praise the LORD.. Tell them that the purpose of every other religion in the world is to be a good person and earn your way into heaven. He took over the verse divisions Bb-5. 8. Why? The quest for the Historical Jesus has failed. So then, from my counting of CHAPTERS I have found that there is 594 chapter before Psalm 117 and 594 chapters after Psalm 117, which makes Psalm 117 to be the exact MIDDLE chapter of the King James Bible. Joseph went after his brothers and found them at Dothan. V-6. Verses: 31,102 One third you shall burn in the fire at the center of the city, when the days of the siege are completed. 4 For example, according to Georg L. Bauer, The Theology of the Old Testament; or, a Biblical Sketch of the Religious Opinions of the Ancient Hebrews from the Earliest Times to the Commencement of the Christian Era (London: Charles Fox, 1838), in the time of Abraham, God was a family God, one of many deities. The total number of verses in the New Testament in the King James Bible is 7,957. TRUE meaning of Matthew 4:10 and Luke 4:8! Now as to the part of this study in God's word concerning the exact middle VERSE of the King James Bible I did not double check to see if this is, in fact, accurate and factual. BLESS the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. C101-0. In the courts of the LORD'S house, in the midst of you, O Jerusalem. | Other posts. Then in Psalm 117, we see a return to an admonishment from the servants of God to the NATIONS and ALL people to PRAISE the Lord at the BEGINNING and then the ENDING of this Psalm we see an admonishment for YOU to PRAISE the Lord. Do the Teachings of PAUL Contradict Jesus, Dd-78. Ezek 5:2. Z-2. J-35. Tremble, you earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob; 8. What is the EXACT MIDDLE CHAPTER of the BIBLE? V-15. Dd-58. 2. Add these numbers up and you get 1188. Well, if you take a CLOSE look at the six Psalms that precede Psalm 117 along with this EXACT MIDDLE chapter of the word of TRUTH you will notice a PATTERN, and in this pattern or more precisely in these Psalms you will see a REVELATION about the end of days. This time we see the servants of God giving PRAISE to the Lord. Letters: 2,278,100 Psalm 117----- BEGINS and ENDS with, PRAISE you the Lord. Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endures for ever. Now let us take a CLOSE look at Psalm 115 through Psalm 117 to see yet another PATTERN. G-24. Matthew 4:7 Does it Prove Jesus is God? Part 1. What does SEALED with the Holy Spirit MEAN? 9. The middle TWO verses of the King James Bible are Psalm 103:1,2. There are twelve words on one side of this phrase and twelve words on the other side. Christians MUST Keep the TRUE Sabbath! An intriguing study based on five articles from, If you are not completely satisfied with the product you purchase, please, An intriguing study based on five articles from Christianity Today. M-8. Here are some other fun facts surrounding Psalm 118: The longest chapter of the Bible falls just after this center chapter-- Psalm 119. Largest book: Psalms, NEW TESTAMENT STATISTICS: Again, I personally have not counted these verses to verify either source, but I am merely repeating what others have said before me in this particular instance of the exact number of verses and which is the exact middle verse or verses whichever the case may be. After all, are not the Gospels Holy Scripture and indeed the place where we see Jesus himself? STIR UP the Holy Spirit that is WITHIN You! For example, while the theme of the kingdom of God is not absent from the Pauline Epistles (indeed, I would say it appears quite regularly), it is completely unavoidable in the Gospels. 10. S101-12. For Service Times, call, message, or email. Therefore, do NOT FORGET all these BENEFITS that the Lord God has ALREADY PROVIDED for you my dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the LORD now in the presence of all his people, 19. The total number of books in the New Testament of the King James Bible is 27. When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language; 2. 8. Revelation 1:17 - I am the First and Last! Dd-76. Dd-54. PART 4, Cc-5. Dd-66. But we will bless the LORD from this time forth and for evermore. This summer we had two campers who had never been to a . John 5:18 - Making himself equal with God! What Does ZECHARIAH 10:12 TRULY MEAN? Chapters together and the total is: This is the day which the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118 is the WRATH of God where the children of Israel RECOGNIZE their Messiah that they have refused up to this time. J-48. The Central Chapterof the Bible:Psalms 118. For his HISTORCIAL EVIDENCE OF THE TRINITY! Verse 2 concludes with and forget not all his benefits. Does Revelation 20:10 Teach Eternal Torment. This is why any attempt to define the main objective of the Bible as a guidebook for how to live is not only wrong, it is false doctrine. MEANING of FOUR CORNERS of the EARTH! And IMMEDIATELY AFTER this time of great tribulation, there will be SIGNS in the SUN and in the MOON and in the STARS and then will be the RAPTURE of the church immediately followed by the WRATH of God. What does Made in the IMAGE of God mean? The Commandments and the Alep Tav! Hebrew Old Testament in a manuscript and for a printed edition in What does the BIBLE MEAN by WILLFUL SIN? H-1. Number of books: 39 What Every CATHOLIC MUST KNOW!<<<, >>>Ff-0. 25 Bible Verses for Funerals and Sympathy Cards, Lessons From Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd, What the Bible Says About Honesty and Truth. What COLOSSIANS 2:14-17 TRULY MEAN? 1. The good news is that while the split between the moderates and the conservatives has not ended, thankfully, the fearful neglect of the Gospels by many evangelical believers is diminishing. ), * The book of Psalms has superscriptions under some of the Psalms (chapters.) Jesus is the center of everything because He is the Logos (ie Reason/Word) of God and everything God created was through Him (ie Reason/Word) and through His incarnation He provides the "touchpoint" between the created and the uncreated. The King James You are my God, and I will praise you: you are my God, I will exalt you. Design by Perceptions Studio. When the 1335 DAYS in Daniel TRULY End! (that's 1188) is the middle verse of the entire Bible. But our God is in the heavens: he has done whatsoever he has pleased. S101-11 What Does Salvation OF the JEWS Mean? V-13. They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness. 119 Ministries ERRORS of interpretation Pt 1, Dd-80. Check out these 16 Inspiring Bible Verses-Center Our Lives on God Matthew 6:31-33 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 4. The middle chapter of the King James Bible is Psalm 117. The SIMPLICITY of the TRUE Gospel of Jesus! Part 1. Verses that PROVE Jesus is NOT the Father! N-9. What Does Revelation 2:9 TRULY MEAN? Was the Sabbath GIVEN at CREATION Week. On one side, the Gospels present themselves as the completion and consummation of the whole story of Gods work from creation through the exile of Israel; on the other side, the Gospels, as we have seen above, serve as the foundational source documents for the Epistles which take up the true accounts and teachings of Jesus and apply to pastoral situations. 4. U-30. "center" verse: the center would be a combination of the 15,587th This is what some Bible scholars call TWICE SPEAK, which is when Almighty God says something TWICE really close together to get our ATTENTION. PSALM 118 is followed by Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible. Psalm 114----- NO praise but rather a WARNING! V-14. 3. Q: What is the longest chapter in the Bible? Jesus called himself the Way, the Truth, and the Life for a reason. Hh-3. Psalm 115, Psalm 116, and Psalm 117 is that time of GREAT TRIBULATION and persecution of the saints where many die in the Lord. What Does 1 Corinthians 10:4 Truly Mean? Even though these words are not in the verses they were counted because they are scattered throughout this Psalm (Chapter.). Blessed is the man that fears the LORD, that delights greatly in his commandments. Only this time I want to draw your attention to the fact that Psalm 115 and Psalm 116 BOTH, with the servants of God giving PRAISE to the Lord as opposed to earlier we saw an. Dis God Create all things out of NOTHING? Thus, both versions have the same number of chapters, but counting chapters either forward or backward will arrive at different psalm texts. J-18. Kelli Mahoney is a Christian youth worker and writer. And the TWO MIDDLE verses, which THEY have counted to be is Psalm 103:1,2. : and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 6. Psalm 121 we see DELIVERANCE for those who are found to be RIGHTEOUS during the 1000 year reign. D-15. When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Keep in mind Proverbs 25:2 about being an honor to SEARCH OUT the matter which God has CONCEALED in his word. Add these The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner, (Israel has RECOGNIZED their MESSIAH as well as some of those from ALL nations as well who will CALL upon the Lord to be SAVED or kept alive to go into the kingdom of God in their mortal bodies. In the providentially superintended development of the canon, the four-fold Gospel book is the entry way and the leading foot. D-30. Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply your every need according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. J-25. 2. Cc-23. Ff-15. Faith doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it !! This central verse of the Bible reminds believers to ask the question, "Are you centered in your trust in God?" Now lets count the words in these two middle verses. @DrJTPennington Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion. Howeve. Is Jesus DEITY According to the Bible-2, U-15. Genesis 1:26 Does it PROVE the Trinity? NASB. Hh-5. 8. The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can MAN do unto me? D-27. Verse 1 continues and all that is within me, bless his holy name. WHAT DOES JESUS MEAN I AM THE WAY? Smallest book: Obadiah Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto your name give glory, for your mercy, and for your truth's sake. W-10. 18 They saw him in the distance, and before he came near to them, they conspired against him to kill him. While the richness of our salvation through spiritual union with Christ is more than discipleship, Christianity is certainly not less than being a follower-disciple. I will praise the LORD with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on IMMORTALITY.. L-10. All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD will I destroy them. Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118. "The results are nothing short of astounding," he says. One would have trouble understanding and reading well the Old Testament if the canon began with the Prophets (or the Writings) and only later gave us Genesis through Deuteronomy. Number of books in the Bible: 66 11. center of the Bible? & inspiring kids, holiday In other words, Almighty God is only giving the inhabitants of the Earth, MENT longer to REPENT and CALL upon his name. There are a total of 1189 CHAPTERS in the King James Bible. Continuing with the significance of these two middle verses we find that there are exactly 28 words in these TWO MIDDLE verses of the King James Bible, and again since the number 28 is an EVEN number this means that there will be an EVEN number of MIDDLE words in MIDDLE of these TWO MIDDLE verse as well. Others are also his children and especially re-circulated emails on this topic are incorrect and use! You are my God, and Israel who PRAISING the LORD from this time has an online version of LORD. 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