Urea is widely used as a fertilizer in agriculture. Is It Legal? ANSWER: Yes, as funny as it may sound, human urine is rich in nitrogen and should actually be added to compost regularly instead of flushing down the toilet, which is also a waste of water resources. This 12-0-0 slow release fertilizer is made by heating and sterilizing poultry feathers with steam pressure cookers. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Of course, our healthy bodies produce a cleaner, organic version, and its of such high quality we have to dilute it in order not to burn our plants. It costs nothing, and you will reduce the water you use in your garden and use less chemicals as a result. It loses its nitrogen content as it dries so its best to toss grass clippings in the compost immediately after mowing the lawn. Mix a glass of water and a can of beer in a container then leave it for 24 hours. There is no exact amount of urine that you can add it depends largely on your pile and what is in it. However, some would argue that this is a more natural method than a commercial product. Only collect urine when you pee and use a separate container, such as a bottle with a lid. Free (actually it SAVES money by. Peeing on your compost is good for both the compost you are creating, and the environment itself. What Is Cotton Burr Compost? It is compacted soil from the car. A compost heap turned daily will yield finished humus in two weeks. It actually has been found to contain up to 3000 metabolites. Today when I poured the urine jog onto my compost, I noticed that it smelled sweeter than usual, and a big healthy mother came sliding out onto the compost pile. Continue to build the compost pile in layers until it is 3 to 5 feet high. Urea is used as fertilizer in agriculture. ONLY A FEW VITAMINS EVERY MORNING AFTER BREKFAST. MOST FRUSTRATING! Ive been doing this for years and there is NO odor. Still, others should not since they contain synthetic materials that will not break down in your compost. Recycling your urine also has environmental benefits, such as using less water in the toilet. It certainly smelled very wholesome. Somewhere along the way, at least as far back as the days of the early Roman Empire, clever and impatient humans discovered how to replicate this process and speed it along considerably. Urine can be regarded as a green layer in your composting process since it is high in moisture, nitrogen, and uric acid. Urine can be collected in a spray bottle and diluted, and that solution can be applied directly to plants that are being eaten. Compost is miraculous stuff. Here we will look at the reasons why urine (from humans or pets) make a great compost accelerator and some of the logistics. Too much urine can harm the composting process and produce an inferior final compost product. Have a great day and thanks for the info! I pee in an old Clorox bleach plastic container. As long as you are not on any medications, it is perfectly okay to urinate on your compost. Urine is good for compost because it contains a lot of nitrogen, which is great for organic gardening. That made me wonder about what was going on in my urine jug, and if there might be some advantage to colonizing it with kombucha. So sensible. Apparently, deer, rabbits, groundhogs, and skunks all detest the smell of masculine, half-asleep human urine. This Spanish-revival style home was built in 2022, but filled with antiques and one-off buys it has a strong sense of history, If your strawberries aren't growing how you expected, one of these common mistakes could be to blame, By Drew Swainston Another benefit of using urine is it helps keep the compost heap moist. Easy. I have taken to peeing directly onto these areas. In the warm water the bacteria from your soil or pile will flourish and, when reintroduced to your pile or tumbler will hopefully give your compost a boost. More of his work can be found at. And its free, readily available, and renewable! Keep your pile or the contents of your bin or tumbler at no less than three cubic feet to ensure it generates enough heat to function and is damp, not wet. I have increased my composting during this severe California drought. Feature Photo: Urine (Courtesy of Ajay Tallam). Thanks Amber, I will pass the message onto our IT support. Too much nitrogen and the pile will start to stink; too much carbon and decomposition will slow down dramatically. Sometimes, even the best-maintained compost system gets out of balance. Add ingredients, stir. In composting, however, I feel like you should have a thorough understanding of what is going on, and that includes understanding what were going to include in our compost starter recipe and why. Composted coffee grounds boosted the growth and yield of beets, cabbages, and soybeans in one experiment, while in another it hindered the development of alfalfa, clover, and Chinese mustard. Though it might seem counterintuitive, urine is a free compost accelerator and works surprisingly well to stimulate the decomposition process. Signs of an imbalanced compost pile include slow decomposition and chunks of unprocessed waste. Now that we are on the same page as to ingredients and aims, lets look at our specific recipe and method for a homemade compost accelerator: *Bonus Step If you want to create the most beneficial microbial community possible, aerate your catalyst using a fish tank pump. Garden Tower 2 Update Gorgeous Lettuce Outgrowing my No-Dig! Dilute to 30-50 parts water to 1 part urine for use on potted plants as they are much more sensitive to Fertilizers of any kind. Composting toilets are a great thing. This combination actually has a lot of research proving its effectiveness, and it outperforms commercial fertilizers. Although human urine contains more than 90 percent water, the remainder consists primarily of organic substances, including urea. Simply add some of the product between each layer of the heap and water well to increase the speed of decomposition. I was dumb. Nevertheless, the idea remains that urine is something else we should be thinking about. With over 1500 reviews, high-quality ingredients, and verifiable warmth-keeping during the winter, this is a great option for more diehard composters. Turn your compost frequently with a garden fork to speed up the activity of the microbes. . Urea is widely used as a fertilizer in agriculture. This philosophy also spills over into lifestyle through a return to our ancestral roots by becoming more self-reliant, wasting nothing, and living simply. You can always urinate into a container to add to the heap, though make sure to do this relatively quickly to the heap ideally adding it to the heap within 24-48 hours. Urine is a rich source of Nitrogen, and will . Urine will vary in concentration due to different factors such as dehydration and time of day but the ratio of 10 parts water to one part urine is often recommended. Aim for at least a 2:1 carbon-to-grass clippings ratio. While many commercial products are available, a DIY compost accelerator is simple to craft and efficient for supporting microbial activity in the composting process. Luckily, this process can be sped up with the introduction of different substances. I keep a saucepan in the loo for use at night. However, the amount of urine should be regulated depending on the plant. You can choose to add either natural or commercial activators to boost the nitrogen levels within the compost. Human urine is beneficial as part of a composting system as it has a high nitrogen content along with containing potassium and phosphorus. Place a handful of garden soil or finished compost into to your new compost pile to start the composting process. With some basic knowledge, you can produce rich, sweet compost for all your backyard plants. A compost accelerator is the general term used to describe an activator agent that either starts the composting process or accelerates the process when it's already started. Useful Tips To Make Your Everyday Life Just A Bit Better. What is ash made of? Urine in compost can accelerate your heap and provide a huge boost of nitrogen. Note: The urine used in compost must not be contaminated by any fecal matter, which introduces dangerous pathogens to the mix. Fresh urine is known to be a great sterilizer and has been used medicinally for centuries. How To Plant an Asparagus Bed Plant Once & Harvest For 30+ Years. The more frequently you turn the pile, the faster itll cook. Is Human Urine Beneficial For Compost? (Amazon). Roebic Bacterial Compost Accelerator at Amazon | $14.78 (opens in new tab). Whereas composting toilets might be difficult for folks in densely urban areas, using pee rather than flushing it poses no health risk and is easy to do. The urine goes to a 55 gallon drum with a tap on the bottom. Therefore, it can be used to activate a slow or new compost pile. The ideal ratio of browns to greens is 30 parts carbon to 1 part nitrogen. Composting can be a long process. Sinceyou have no controlover your pets urine or know if the animals are entirely healthy, you should add pet urine to compost with caution. So why would people want to use urine in compost? I live remotely on acreage. I am pleased & proud that social constraints do not affect my ability to make the most of such a valuable resource. Visit our corporate site. However, if you are adding urine directly to the soil make sure that you dilute it. Brilliant. Each 6- to 8-inch-layer of plant material should be topped with 1 inch of soil or compost. Although human urine is composed of more than 90% water, the rest is made up of organic solids, primarily urea. HOW DO I USE MY PEE? Grass has an N-P-K value of 4-1-2 when its still green and moist and fresh. No smell !! Having it in spades allows them to grow faster than ever. Using a compost accelerator is not all that difficult. The Truth About Tea and CompostingContinue, I have to admit Im a bit of a wine fan! ?s important not to This article makes me think further and for that I thank you! Peecycling is simply another aspect of this, that is the term is given to recycling human urine and using it to help feed plants and crops. Well written. When urine is diluted, its aces for helping the garden thrive; however, in its pure form, the stuff is just far too potent for little plants to deal with. Urine, too, is a great compost stimulator. If you loved this article on crafting homemade compost accelerator, please share these brilliant tips for making DIY compost accelerator with your friends and family on Pinterest and Facebook. Also known as a compost starter, activator or booster, the term compost accelerator refers to any product or material that consists of (or draws in) bacteria and fungi that help kickstart and/or speed up the composting process. My urine goes into a biogas digester I built in my back yard. Can it be composted. And I am sure many gardening dog owners have looked at a steaming pile on their freshly mowed lawn and wondered if, Read More Can You Compost Dog Poop? Wonderful. In fact, it can be used in many different ways for boosting production. You may have heard that urine is good for your plants. Urine is not something to be flushed away like a problem. It is not referred to as liquid gold for nothing! Im glad you said something, I had the same issue page hopping all over the place! But if youre like me (impatient) and want something that will move the needle, weve got a method. Once the bucket of ashes was thoroughly soaked it was diluted (considerably) and used on the vegetable patches as fertiliser, Having read above that urine and wood ash make a useful combination I wonder if the wise old gardeners of 80 years ago knew somehow how beneficial it was. If your pile slows down, it is typically because it has become a less hospitable place for the microbes which are doing the heavy lifting. It gives you valuable insight into the soils starting point. The more bacteria you can get into your pile, the faster it will decompose (although excessive bacteria are the producers of smell so you may need to add brown to reduce bacteria and slow things down). Kitchen waste is high in nitrogen so is a green material for compost. Whichever method one chooses, itll be necessary to reapply the urine after a rain or watering. Candles are a popular household item. While humans will urinate several times a day, it is not necessary to add it all to the compost heap too much is not always a good thing. Although human urine is composed of more than 90% water, the rest is made up of organic solids, primarily urea. After that, dig at least 8-10 inches into the spot and add the diluted urine, before covering it back with the compost pile materials. Urine is high in nitrogen, as well as potassium and phosphorus (thats NPK), while ashes fill in missing trace elements, such as calcium and magnesium. If youre familiar with compost tea, youll see how similar this recipe is. Urine, in combination with compost, can help you in growing heavy feeder vegetables like cucumber, pepper, cabbage, and tomatoes, organically. A small amount of an all-purpose garden fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, can also be added to supply nitrogen to the microbes. Fresh urine is high in nitrogen, moderate in phosphorus and low in potassium and can act as an excellent high-nitrogen liquid fertilizer or as a compost accelerator. 3) Deliver nutrients to the soil. After enough has been gathered I bring both to the compost pile. Water is the main ingredient, which helps keep the compost pile moist and provides a suitable environment for the microbes responsible for decomposition. All rights reserved. Homes & Gardens is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. I ALSO DILUTE THE PEE , ONE PART PEE AND TEN PART WATER THAT I POUR AROUND MY VEGETABLES. When not at the writing desk or tending her ever-expanding garden, Lindsay enjoys taking long walks in the wilderness, reading science fiction, and snuggling up with her two orange tabbies. A compost systems function requires aeration, volume, moisture, and the correct nitrogen to carbon ratio. Remember that you probably don't need a compost accelerator in the first place and if you do, you do have the option of making your own. Urine Helps Fight Fungus In Your Garden Plants can develop fungal diseases such as leaf rot and downy mildew. How to Speed Up Composting Without Using a Compost Starter Please spread the information. One of the best and most simple compost accelerators is hydrated white lime. This is similar to adding greens, kitchen scraps, and lawn clippings to the compost pilebut in a higher concentration. When mixed with animal manure into a slurry it makes high quality cooking gas and the liquid outflow diluted with about 4parts water goes on to my suburban permaculture jungle. Ultimately it may depend on how private your heap is or how bold you are as a person. If you are new to composting, it might take a while to know exactly what you are looking for but with some practice and experience it will come! Urine is effective as a compost ingredient because of its mineral and vitamin content, the concentrated amounts of nitrogen-rich urea, and the water content. In permaculture, we are fans of adding comfrey leaves or tossing in some road kill. But how, if at all, do they affect the environment? Sprinkle it over your soil for a quick crop boost. Urine is effectively sterile, which means it doesnt transmit pathogens and disease, so long as you eat a healthy diet and dont take medication. Turned every other day, three weeks. Your goal in this process is for your liquid mixture to grow yeast and adapt the wanted bacteria. A legume and member of the pea family, alfalfa is a flowering herbaceous perennial with several amazing qualities. He has lived as an expat for over a decade, worked in nearly a dozen countries, and visited dozens of others in the meantime, subjecting the planet to a fiery mix of permaculture, music, and plant-based cooking. While there are many reasons that your compost is not breaking down, here are the basics: So, yes, make and use a DIY compost starter! If youve read many recipes, youll know that its a common (even trendy) practice to add beer to your compost accelerator. Not to mention the drinking water which gets turned gray. If so, how should you do it, and are there any dangers when adding urine to compost? Good luck! Long-term storage increases the risk of bacterial contamination, andthe nitrogen in the urine converts to ammoniaas it diffuses out of the urine. I READ THAT I COULD DO THIS ONCE A MONTH. Heres our guide to using blood meal in the vegetable garden. However the compaction and lack of nutrient there is a problem. Urine is rich in nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, the chemical makeup of any commercial NPK fertilizer. Here is their website: https://www.kailashecovillage.org/, Brilliant. Cat urine is usually in the cat litter you put out for your cat to use as a toilet. A by-product of the slaughterhouse, animal blood is collected and dried into a powdery form. Keep turning it frequently in the coming days to prevent the grass from clumping together. Compost takes time but, if you brew your accelerator and fix whats wrong with your pile, the results with come! Whether to use or not use coffee grounds in the garden has recently become a hotly debated subject among organic gardening circles. Method: Fill your 5-gallon bucket 2/3 of the way full of warm water. Use these additions to heat your compost pile to rejuvenate the beneficial microbes and move the composting process along. If you notice chunks of matter in your compost bin that arent decaying or your pile seems cold, try this simple compost booster to start the decomposition process. Urine is a Compost Booster Try adding urine if your compost bin is slow to break down your compost material. I started 7 years ago when first establishing my garden. Compost activators, also known as compost accelerators, help to speed up the decomposition process. The mxiture can be sprinkled on the soil, around the plants, or used as a foliar spray. Male horticulture staff members have access to "pee bales" that are provided by the National Trust in England in strategic public . I use mine on the grass and then I use grass clippings 4 mulch. to speed up the composting process. A simple and rapidsoil testing kit like this oneis all you need. When your hot compost pile starts to underperform, a homemade compost accelerator helps. It can be highly beneficial to give an extra boost to a compost heap that is decomposing slowly, a new heap that needs to initiate decomposition, or for breaking down coarser organic matter like leaves. This means I tend to accumulate a fair amount of wine corks. NOW WILL I BE ABLE TO PLANT SEEDS THIS SPRING WHERE I HAVE POURED THE PEE.? Straw bales can be used to urinate on and then mixed into a compost heap. While it may sound a bit off-putting to many gardeners, the benefits of putting urine on compost mean it should really be considered. Rabbits consume mostly plant material, although they occasionally eat protein. Make your own compost activator and break down your green and brown material faster to keep your compost tumbler functioning at its best and have an abundant supply of finished compost for your garden. Yeast is a fungus and the majority of decomposition in your pile is performed by bacteria. Keeping your compost pile the right level of moist is really important. Finished compost with an excessively high salt content can be detrimental when added to your plants, causing the plants to lose health or die. Urine should not be stored for a long time. The addition of compost can boost all soil types, helping you get beautiful blooms or bumper crops in your backyard or vegetable garden. Not only is it rich in nitrogen, but it can also speed up the composting process there are two big positives that it offers. Good compost needs the right mix of nitrogen-rich and carbon-rich ingredients. Drew is a former professional gardener who worked primarily for the National Trust in the UK, along with spending time in productive kitchen gardens. Urea is wicked high in nitrogen. Urine. Thats just the trade off for free content driven by ads. If the compost doesnt heat up within 24 to 48 hours, add a little more. Quick Return Organic Compost Activator is a widely used pre-made herbal accelerator. Whether you compost to enrich your garden soil, make compost tea, or dispose of your kitchen waste responsibly, its crucial to keep the composting process moving. But is floss biodegradable? Provide Nutrients. Get the latest permaculture news stories straight in your inbox, The Advanced Permaculture Student Teacher's Guide, The Permaculture Student 2: A Collection of Regenerative Solutions (eBook), https://www.goveganic.net/article217.html, Espalier An Ancient Perennial Edible Art Project, The Australians who pioneered self-sufficiency, generations beforeNimbin, Agroforestry 101: Everything You Need to Know, The Environmental Benefits Of Donating Your Things. You might be able to collect this for use in composting. Consequently, training your dog to urinate on your compost pile isnot a good idea. 1. After that, add cola for the carbon source needed to increase the number of bacteria. It is an outhouse with a urinal and a composting toilet. Its powerful stuff that can burn young plants if you overdo it so always apply it with a light hand. Urine, oddly enough, can be used to help clean things up. The straw will soak up the urine and the associated nutrients and can be added to your compost pile. Is Play Doh biodegradable? This compost accelerator comes in a much larger package, 3 packs of 2-pound bags, that will surely last you a long time. Adding urine can benefit your compost, but it also adds another layer of complexity to the composting process. One other unexpected, and highly beneficial ingredient, you can add to a homemade compost pile is human urine. Human Urine for Compost, Start to Finish OrganicGarden123 8.28K subscribers 297K views 13 years ago Urine adds Nitrogen and Water to your compost. As a result, itshould not be stored for longer than 24 hoursbefore being used in your compost or garden. To get the most effective use of urine without the effects becoming detrimental to the compost or your plants, there are a few things to keep in mind. Similarly, legend has itand this widely disputedthat urine can be and has been used to help with curing human fungal problems, like athletes foot. I pee into a 6 litre bottle and keep it closed until Im ready to use it. Maybe I better watch how often I water the garden. Its actually an amazing commodity for those willing to take advantage of it. Some folks find it easiest to add browns and greens in equal volume, adjusting amounts as they go along. All over the place to compost be sped up with the introduction of different substances 8-inch-layer. Grounds in the toilet adjusting amounts as they go along makeup of any commercial NPK fertilizer urine! If at all, do they affect the environment in your garden plants can develop fungal diseases such 10-10-10! 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