Sang they, and fell on their knees, and their souls, with devotion translated. . Answer: The blacksmith has long, black hair; his face has turned brown; the sweat of honesty is on his brow; and he earns through honest work. O my beloved!" Slowly over the tops of the Ozark Mountains the moon rose, Lighting the little tent, and with a mysterious splendor. And children coming home from school Look in at the open door; They love to see the flaming forge, Thus, on a Sabbath morn, through the streets, deserted and silent. Sat a herdsman, arrayed in gaiters and doublet of deerskin. For as I journeyed along, and pondered alone and in silence. Wishing to strengthen thy hand in the labors of love thou art doing., And Elizabeth answered with confident voice, and serenely. Straightway to his feet he started,And with longing look intentOn the Blessed Vision bent,Slowly from his cell departed,Slowly on his errand went. Thus ere another noon they emerged from the shades; and before themLay, in the golden sun, the lakes of the Atchafalaya.Water-lilies in myriads rocked on the slight undulationsMade by the passing oars, and, resplendent in beauty, the lotusLifted her golden crown above the heads of the boatmen.Faint was the air with the odorous breath of magnolia blossoms,And with the heat of noon; and numberless sylvan islands,Fragrant and thickly embowered with blossoming hedges of roses,Near to whose shores they glided along, invited to slumber.Soon by the fairest of these their weary oars were suspended.Under the boughs of Wachita willows, that grew by the margin,Safely their boat was moored; and scattered about on the greensward,Tired with their midnight toil, the weary travellers slumbered.Over them vast and high extended the cope of a cedar.Swinging from its great arms, the trumpet-flower and the grapevineHung their ladder of ropes aloft like the ladder of Jacob,On whose pendulous stairs the angels ascending, descending,Were the swift humming-birds, that flitted from blossom to blossom.Such was the vision Evangeline saw as she slumbered beneath it.Filled was her heart with love, and the dawn of an opening heavenLighted her soul in sleep with the glory of regions celestial. And the whole mass became a cloud, a shade in the distance. Life had long been astir in the village, and clamorous labor. And he saw the Blessed Vision Then would they say,"Dear child! Day with its burden and heat had departed, and twilight descending. 1. Sat in the cheerful sun, and rejoiced and gossiped together. Carlow College, St. Patrick's hosted its Annual Literary Awards and Creative Writing Showcase in VISUAL on Monday 3 rd April. Every house was an inn, where all were welcomed and feasted; For with this simple people, who lived like brothers together. So came the autumn, and passed, and the winter,yet Gabriel came not;Blossomed the opening spring, and the notes of the robin and bluebirdSounded sweet upon wold and in wood, yet Gabriel came not.But on the breath of the summer winds a rumor was waftedSweeter than song of bird, or hue or odor of blossom.Far to the north and east, it said, in the Michigan forests,Gabriel had his lodge by the banks of the Saginaw River,And, with returning guides, that sought the lakes of St. Lawrence,Saying a sad farewell, Evangeline went from the Mission.When over weary ways, by long and perilous marches,She had attained at length the depths of the Michigan forests,Found she the hunter's lodge deserted and fallen to ruin! Motionless, senseless, dying, he lay, and his spirit exhausted. Silence reigned in the streets; from the church no Angelus sounded. THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH of Gloucester, Virginia George Cramer George Cramer began working with metal before the age 14. "You are convened this day," he said, "by his Majesty's orders. "You are convened this day," he said, "by his Majesty's orders.Clement and kind has he been; but how you have answered his kindness,Let your own hearts reply! Paused in their play to kiss the hand he extended to bless them. Broke through their folds and fences, and madly rushed o'er the meadows. Something says in my heart that near me Gabriel wanders. the priest would say; "have faith, and thy prayer will be answered! Sounds of psalms, that were sung by the Swedes in their church at Wicaco. Silent, with heads uncovered, the travellers, nearer approaching. Or by the owl, as he greeted the moon with demoniac laughter. ", More he fain would have said, but the merciless hand of a soldier. Little she dreamed that below, among the trees of the orchard. Once, as they sat by their evening fire, there silently entered, Into the little camp an Indian woman, whose features. Marked by the graves of those who had sorrowed and suffered before her. Saying a sad farewell, Evangeline went from the Mission. how often beneath this oak, returning from labor,Thou hast lain down to rest and to dream of me in thy slumbers!When shall these eyes behold, these arms be folded about thee? Coming and going, and hustling about in closet and chamber. With this thought she slept, and the fear and the phantom had vanished. Half-way down to the shore Evangeline waited in silence,Not overcome with grief, but strong in the hour of affliction,Calmly and sadly she waited, until the procession approached her,And she beheld the face of Gabriel pale with emotion.Tears then filled her eyes, and, eagerly running to meet him,Clasped she his hands, and laid her head on his shoulder, and whispered,"Gabriel! Like a flute in the woods; and anon, through the neighboring thickets. Silent a moment they stood in speechless wonder, and then rose. Bellowing fly the herds, and seek to break their enclosures; So on the hearts of the people descended the words of the speaker. Followed his flying steps, and thought each day to o'ertake him. Long within had been spread the snow-white cloth on the table; There stood the wheaten loaf, and the honey fragrant with wild-flowers; There stood the tankard of ale, and the cheese fresh brought from the dairy; And, at the head of the board, the great arm-chair of the farmer. 99.99 + 3.49 Postage. Slowly, slowly, slowly the days succeeded each other, Days and weeks and months; and the fields of maize that were springing. Vainly he strove to whisper her name, for the accents unuttered. Lord, he thought, in heaven that reignest, The Theologian's Tale; The Legend Beautiful. Haunt of the humming-bird and the bee, extended around it. While aloft on their shoulders the wooden and ponderous saddles. Under the sheltering eaves, led up to the odorous corn-loft. The Village Blacksmith is nestled in the heart of Gloucester, Virginia's Historic Courthouse Village, the oldest living village in Virginia! Walking the floor overhead, and setting the chambers in order. Till she beheld him no more, though she followed far into the forest. How does the speaker feel about the village blacksmith? His hair is crisp, and black, and long; His face is like the tan; His brow is wet with honest sweat, He earns whate'er he can, And looks the whole world in the face, For he owes not any man. he works hard for his living and being an honest man in his work, he does not have to shy away with guilt. West and south there were fields of flax, and orchards and cornfields, Spreading afar and unfenced o'er the plain; and away to the northward, Blomidon rose, and the forests old, and aloft on the mountains, Sea-fogs pitched their tents, and mists from the mighty Atlantic, Looked on the happy valley, but ne'er from their station descended. Alas! Whither my heart has gone, there follows my hand, and not elsewhere. The songwriters use the heart to symbolize love and care. Four times the sun had risen and set; and now on the fifth dayCheerily called the cock to the sleeping maids of the farm-house.Soon o'er the yellow fields, in silent and mournful procession,Came from the neighboring hamlets and farms the Acadian women,Driving in ponderous wains their household goods to the sea-shore,Pausing and looking back to gaze once more on their dwellings,Ere they were shut from sight by the winding road and the woodland.Close at their sides their children ran, and urged on the oxen,While in their little hands they clasped some fragments of playthings. why dream and wait for him longer?Are there not other youths as fair as Gabriel? Is it a foolish dream, an idle and vague superstition? Then Evangeline slept; but the boatmen rowed through the midnight. Behind the black wall of the forest,Tipping its summit with silver, arose the moon. "Then would Evangeline answer, serenely but sadly, "I cannot!Whither my heart has gone, there follows my hand, and not elsewhere.For when the heart goes before, like a lamp, and illumines the pathway,Many things are made clear, that else lie hidden in darkness. Came in their holiday dresses the blithe Acadian peasants. There upon mats and skins they reposed, and on cakes of the maize-ear. 4.99 + 4.69 Postage. "Then, with a sudden and secret emotion, Evangeline answered,"Let us go to the Mission, for there good tidings await us! When she had passed, it seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music. And the stranger replied, with staid and quiet behavior, Dost thou remember me still, Elizabeth? Many a suitor came to her door, by the darkness befriended. All his domains and his herds, and his patriarchal demeanor; Much they marvelled to hear his tales of the soil and the climate. O inexhaustible fountain!Fill our hearts this day with strength and submission and patience! "Then the old men, as they marched, and the women that stood by the waysideJoined in the sacred psalm, and the birds in the sunshine above themMingled their notes therewith, like voices of spirits departed. Meeting in exile, became straightway as friends to each other. Ere they were shut from sight by the winding road and the woodland. Naming the dower of the bride in flocks of sheep and in cattle. Thronged were the streets with people; and noisy groups at the house-doors. Hardly a moment between the two lights, the day and the lamplight; Yet how grand is the winter! Sometimes she lingered in towns, till, urged by the fever within her. There in an arbor of roses with endless question and answer. E. the use of words that imitate sounds. Many a glad good-morrow and jocund laugh from the young folk. Farm Zoo Lead Soldiers , Blacksmith Anvil And Village Folk In Lead. Daily the tides of life go ebbing and flowing beside them. Laughing aloud at Joseph, then suddenly closing the casement. Questions and Answers. This is the forest primeval. Hapless heart like her own had loved and had been disappointed. others. Bent, but not broken, by age was the form of the notary public; Shocks of yellow hair, like the silken floss of the maize, hung, Over his shoulders; his forehead was high; and glasses with horn bows. For example, the passage "Like a sexton ringing the village bell" gives an understanding of a common job in this . Echoed far o'er the fields came the roll of drums from the churchyard. Cheered by the good man's words, Evangeline labored and waited. How spotless the snow is, and perfect!. Far in the West there lies a desert land, where the mountainsLift, through perpetual snows, their lofty and luminous summits.Down from their jagged, deep ravines, where the gorge, like a gateway,Opens a passage rude to the wheels of the emigrant's wagon,Westward the Oregon flows and the Walleway and Owyhee.Eastward, with devious course, among the Wind-river Mountains,Through the Sweet-water Valley precipitate leaps the Nebraska;And to the south, from Fontaine-qui-bout and the Spanish sierras,Fretted with sands and rocks, and swept by the wind of the desert,Numberless torrents, with ceaseless sound, descend to the ocean,Like the great chords of a harp, in loud and solemn vibrations.Spreading between these streams are the wondrous, beautiful prairies,Billowy bays of grass ever rolling in shadow and sunshine,Bright with luxuriant clusters of roses and purple amorphas.Over them wandered the buffalo herds, and the elk and the roebuck;Over them wandered the wolves, and herds of riderless horses;Fires that blast and blight, and winds that are weary with travel;Over them wander the scattered tribes of Ishmael's children,Staining the desert with blood; and above their terrible war-trailsCircles and sails aloft, on pinions majestic, the vulture,Like the implacable soul of a chieftain slaughtered in battle,By invisible stairs ascending and scaling the heavens.Here and there rise smokes from the camps of these savage marauders;Here and there rise groves from the margins of swift-running rivers;And the grim, taciturn bear, the anchorite monk of the desert,Climbs down their dark ravines to dig for roots by the brook-side,And over all is the sky, the clear and crystalline heaven,Like the protecting hand of God inverted above them. Plaintive at first were the tones and sad; then soaring to madness. ", As they bore him aloft in triumphal procession; and straightway, Father Felician advanced with Evangeline, greeting the old man. With these words of cheer they arose and continued their journey.Softly the evening came. "Father Leblanc," he exclaimed, "thou hast heard the talk in the village, And, perchance, canst tell us some news of these ships and their errand. And the forms of men, snow-covered, looming gigantic. Here no hungry winter congeals our blood like the rivers; Here no stony ground provokes the wrath of the farmer. Pierced with holes, and round, and roofed like the top of a lighthouse. With a delicious sound the brook rushed by, and the branches. And in the hollow thereof was found the nest of a magpie, Into whose clay-built walls the necklace of pearls was inwoven. But on the shores meanwhile the evening fires had been kindled,Built of the drift-wood thrown on the sands from wrecks in the tempest.Round them shapes of gloom and sorrowful faces were gathered,Voices of women were heard, and of men, and the crying of children.Onward from fire to fire, as from hearth to hearth in his parish,Wandered the faithful priest, consoling and blessing and cheering,Like unto shipwrecked Paul on Melita's desolate sea-shore.Thus he approached the place where Evangeline sat with her father,And in the flickering light beheld the face of the old man,Haggard and hollow and wan, and without either thought or emotion,E'en as the face of a clock from which the hands have been taken.Vainly Evangeline strove with words and caresses to cheer him,Vainly offered him food; yet he moved not, he looked not, he spake notBut, with a vacant stare, ever gazed at the flickering fire-light."Benedicite!" Fell on their hearts like a ray of the sun on the walls of a prison. Bent like a laboring oar, that toils in the surf of the ocean,Bent, but not broken, by age was the form of the notary public;Shocks of yellow hair, like the silken floss of the maize, hungOver his shoulders; his forehead was high; and glasses with horn bowsSat astride on his nose, with a look of wisdom supernal.Father of twenty children was he, and more than a hundredChildren's children rode on his knee, and heard his great watch tick.Four long years in the times of the war had he languished a captive,Suffering much in an old French fort as the friend of the English.Now, though warier grown, without all guile or suspicion,Ripe in wisdom was he, but patient, and simple, and childlike.He was beloved by all, and most of all by the children;For he told them tales of the Loup-garou in the forest,And of the goblin that came in the night to water the horses,And of the white Letiche, the ghost of a child who unchristenedDied, and was doomed to haunt unseen the chambers of children;And how on Christmas eve the oxen talked in the stable,And how the fever was cured by a spider shut up in a nutshell,And of the marvellous powers of four-leaved clover and horseshoes,With whatsoever else was writ in the lore of the village.Then up rose from his seat by the fireside Basil the blacksmith,Knocked from his pipe the ashes, and slowly extending his right hand,"Father Leblanc," he exclaimed, "thou hast heard the talk in the village,And, perchance, canst tell us some news of these ships and their errand. whispered the oaks from oracular caverns of darkness: And, from the moonlit meadow, a sigh responded, "To-morrow! The Village Blacksmith Analysis by Henry Longfellow Context: This poem is written by Henry Longfellow, an American poet, who was a famous figure in America during the 19 th century. Silent it lay, with a silvery haze upon it, and fire-flies. Meanwhile John Estaugh departed across the sea, and departingCarried hid in his heart a secret sacred and precious,Filling its chambers with fragrance, and seeming to him in its sweetnessMarys ointment of spikenard, that filled all the house with its odor.O lost days of delight, that are wasted in doubting and waiting!O lost hours and days in which we might have been happy!But the light shone at last, and guided his wavering footsteps,And at last came the voice, imperative, questionless, certain. Dawn of another life, that broke o'er her earthy horizon. As in the eastern sky the first faint streaks of the morning. "Over Evangeline's face at the words of Basil a shade passed.Tears came into her eyes, and she said, with a tremulous accent,"Gone? Gleams of celestial light encircle her forehead with splendor. So that the guests all started; and Father Felician, astounded. Still in her heart she heard the funeral dirge of the ocean, But with its sound there was mingled a voice that whispered, "Despair not! " The Village Blacksmith " is a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, first published in 1840. Stationed the dove-cots were, as love's perpetual symbol. Thou hast lain down to rest and to dream of me in thy slumbers! Large and low was the roof; and on slender columns supported. As o'er the darkening fields with lingering steps they departed. Created on March 15, 2021. Was for a moment consoled. Into the evening air, a thin blue column of smoke rose. Speaketh, but all are still, and the peace and rest are unbroken! Sounded sweet upon wold and in wood, yet Gabriel came not. Over them wandered the buffalo herds, and the elk and the roebuck; Over them wandered the wolves, and herds of riderless horses; Fires that blast and blight, and winds that are weary with travel; Over them wander the scattered tribes of Ishmael's children, Staining the desert with blood; and above their terrible war-trails. Saw he the forms of the priest and the maiden advancing to meet him. Like unto shipwrecked Paul on Melita's desolate sea-shore. Entered, bearing the lantern, and, carefully blowing the light out. Oft on sledges in winter, as swift as the swoop of the eagle. ", Then with a pleasant smile made answer the jovial farmer:. Suddenly paused, with a pinch of snuff half-way to his nostrils. Such was the vision Evangeline saw as she slumbered beneath it. The Village Blacksmith Poem (Video) by Henry W. Longfellow Christ Centered Ironworks 93K subscribers 18K views 3 years ago We put together "The Village Blacksmith" Poem video as an. But on the breath of the summer winds a rumor was wafted. where the crucified Christ from his cross is gazing upon you! Fill our hearts this day with strength and submission and patience! When the wild horses affrighted sweep by with the speed of the whirlwind. Silently over that house the blessing of slumber descended. Daily injustice is done, and might is the right of the strongest! As if life, like the Hebrew, with blood had besprinkled its portals. And, with returning guides, that sought the lakes of St. Lawrence. Take in his leathern lap the hoof of the horse as a plaything, Nailing the shoe in its place; while near him the tire of the cart-wheel. how often thy feet have trod this path to the prairie!Ah! And she beheld the face of Gabriel pale with emotion. In his chamber all alone,Kneeling on the floor of stone,Prayed the Monk in deep contritionFor his sins of indecision,Prayed for greater self-denialIn temptation and in trial;It was noonday by the dial,And the Monk was all alone. Sweet was the light of his eyes; but it suddenly sank into darkness. Many a farewell word and sweet good-night on the door-step. "Thither, by night and by day, came the Sister of Mercy. Ground provokes the wrath of the sun on the breath of the farmer the little tent, pondered... Daily the tides of life go ebbing and flowing beside them remember me still, and madly rushed o'er darkening... Strengthen thy hand in the eastern sky the first faint streaks of the strongest of Gloucester, George. Long been astir in the cheerful sun, and then rose a good-morrow! And the lamplight ; Yet how grand is the village blacksmith figure of speech winter found the nest of a magpie, into clay-built... 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