[55] Although she was a devotee of the Jedi Order,[44] Ti's relationships with the clones and protective affection for them strayed close to breaking the Jedi Code. Despite the Code forbidding personal attachments and Ti herself being a member of the Order's highest body, she formed close ties with the soldiers under her command. Those CG animations aren't cheap. Had C3PO from Padme run. Upon arrival, they were greeted by Mas Amedda, who led them inside to the Chancellor. The group couldn't reach Fives and AZI-3 in time, and they watched from the hangar as the two fugitives left in an escape pod. [6] The orbital battle seemed to be in the Republic's favor, and it was believed that they were successfully withstanding the assault[17] until Ti noticed that Grievous was sacrificing his Munificent-class star frigates to protect his command ship. In it, she is seen meditating when Skywalker enters the room she is in. Chubor transmitted their conversation to the Jedi Council but Dooku, aware of this, chose to blame the Jedi for the billions of casualties the war had already claimed, then proceeded to decimate Chubor's fleet, killing thousands, including both Republic forces and Mahran refugees. Among the visions Yoda saw of the Jedi being slaughtered, he saw one in which Ti was impaled through her back by a blue-bladed lightsaber as she meditated. Ti and the Council were wary of helping, as any official support to an underground rebellion would earn the Jedi the scrutiny of the Republic Senate. Though the artist of the journal was unable to be authenticated, the Archive suspected that it may have been Chond. Tano briefly went on the run while maintaining her innocence. Female[3] Sideshow Collectibles proudly presents the Shaak Ti Premium Format Figure from LucasArts' breakthrough Star Wars video game, The Force Unleashed. Shaak Ti's death affected them deeply, so profoundly entangled had she become in the energy flows of the world. [37] When the Grand Master returned, he gave the Council a report on what he discovered. Suspecting that Ventress was right and that Vos was indeed a traitor, the Council decided to send him to assassinate Dooku once more. Shaak Ti's official death has been debated for many years. Master Ti was present in the Jedi Temple Archives as Kenobi conducted his research into a lead involving a weapon from the planet Kamino. Shaak Ti. 2015 Topps Star Wars Chrome Perspectives: Jedi vs. Sith Jedi Temple Archives (Card: Shaak Ti) (backup link)class. The Separatists were not without casualties, however, and Jango Fett was killed during the fighting. Shots from the Obi-Wan, Anakin, Dooku duel (one shot, Dooku kicking Anakin over a table is in the animatic reel on the official site) 5. [9], Shaak Ti was a female Togruta[3] with dark eyes and red and white skin. Physical description When Windu threatened her with arrest, Kenobi informed the group that he had promised her sanctuary inside the Temple. [8], In the early stages of their final exercise, the squad worked as a team and managed to proceed further than they had before. Ti participated in several battles in the Clone Wars, and was a member of the Jedi Council. While on Dagobah, Yoda experienced a harrowing vision of the destruction of the Jedi Order in the Cave of Evil. Nonetheless, the Council sent Kenobi, Skywalker, Tano, and Rex on a covert operation to instruct the rebels in combat. Joining the Jedi Council after Master Yaddle's retirement, Shaak Ti served as one of its final members before the Jedi Purge. Skin color [21], Fives was angered by the suggestion and told Se that she had no right to treat him like hardware, to which Se stated that the clones were merely the property of the Kaminoans. [41] Grievous easily cut through the Chancellor's security force as well as Corobb,[42] all of whom fell to the General's blades while defending Palpatine. Non-optimal death order and didnt use Chewpio AOE after Han died first. [11] Among her other non-martial capabilities, Ti was well-adept in leadership roles and was an experienced diplomat. Many of the Jungle Felucians went mad . Having successfully proven themselves and passed their final exercise, Ti graduated them to the Grand Army of the Republic.[8]. Ti, although disagreeing with his sentiment, agreed with Bric that the squad was not ready for combat. At the start of Star Wars ' Clone Wars, Jedi Master Shaak Ti was a respected member of the Jedi High Council. The Council briefly considered their options and decided that they had to trust Ventress' word and try to atone for their mistakes by returning Vos to the Jedi. Ti and Corrob dueled Grievous in Palpatine's quarters. Homeworld Shaak Ti war eine Jedi-Meisterin und Jedi-Gesandte des Jedi-Ordens, die zur Zeit der Klonkriege lebte. At the start of the war, Ti was sent[4] to represent the Jedi and the Republic on Kamino[21] and to oversee the cloning initiative. Kudos: 23 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 1163 Sculpted in high-quality polystone with cloth and faux-leather accents, our interpretation of Shaak Ti illustrates the graceful Jedi's savage . Shaak Ti was the last one on. Ti was then alerted to an invader alarm on Kamino which she found had been triggered by Fives, who, along with AZI-3, had run the atomic scan against orders. In the final months of the war, a Republic victory seemed close at hand. She later saw Se quietly leaving the command center and followed her with a squad of clone troopers. Fives began to aim his weapon at the Chancellor, but Ti used the Force to stop him. If target ally is a Galactic Republic Jedi, they gain 25% Tenacity (max 5 stacks) until the end of the battle. Considered to be among the wisest in the Jedi Order, Ti was a skilled teacher and combatant and was a devoted believer in the ways of the Jedi. She told them that she had decided to allow them to retake the test. She was portrayed by Orli Shoshan in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. This led to her appearance in the acclaimed video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, sporting a really cool new look. Cin Drallig. Ki-Adi-Mundi proposed to Ti and the others that Yoda was under the influence of the Sith Lord. Ti attends the mock funeral of undercover Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Ti met with Masters Koon, Yoda, Windu, and Skywalker and told them about Fives' actions. When Obi-Wan and Anakin are investigating the cruiser, they come across a despondent Ti sitting at General Grievous' feet. Shaak Ti ( pronounced / k ti /) was a Force-sensitive Togruta female Jedi Master who served as one of the final members of the Jedi High Council before the Great Jedi Purge. In the final days of the war, however, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Republic revealed himself as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and enacted the Great Jedi Purge to wipe out the Jedi once and for all, using the clones' inhibitor chips to turn the Republic's armies against the Order. El-Les was more sympathetic and wanted Domino Squad to continue training. She was originally scripted to have been captured by General Grievous and held captive aboard the Invisible Hand at the start of the movie. Somehow Grievous escaped with the Chancellor (confirmed by Obi Wan in Episode 7x9 of the Clone Wars). Dooku's ships in the planet's airspace were a distraction. On a critical hit, Shaak Ti will call a Jedi or a Clone ally to attack. [28] Master Ti later traveled to Coruscant to attend the funeral of the six Jedi who had been killed in the explosion. Bric revealed that he had removed them in hopes that they would fail. She asks what he wants, but he stabs her in the back and her body falls to the ground. [43] With all but Ti dead, Grievous advanced to confront her. Star Wars Insider 87 stated that Shaak Ti's deaths at this point, including one in Revenge of the Sith we haven't got to yet, weren't canon - meaning she lives past Episode III. Ti protested, but the Chancellor assured her that he and Fives would be safe. [5], After following Fett to Geonosis, Kenobi discovered the Confederacy's droid foundries on the planet, where Dooku and other Separatist leaders were building their own army. [42], Ti and Corobb were dispatched to Palpatine's apartments to escort him out of his quarters, but the Chancellor dismissed their concerns and refused to flee in the face of the attack. The Council entered negotiations with the Republic's leader, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, in an effort to stall any Senate vote to create a military force. Ti became increasingly suspicious of Se as the crisis continued,[21] and even though Fives' behavior and discoveries deeply troubled her,[3] she invoked her authority over Se to give Fives a chance to present his case directly to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Ti asked for an explanation of why Tup's had degraded, but Fives told her that it didn't matter and that the entire Republic army could be compromised unless the chips were removed. [14], Ti and the Jedi Council meeting with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, In 24 BBY,[15] the Galactic Republic became embroiled in a crisis with a mass exodus of member systems to the nascent Confederacy of Independent Systems, a new government formed by former Jedi and the firebrand Count of Serenno, Dooku. Back in the control center, Ti correctly surmised that Fives and AZI-3 weren't planning to escape, but rather that they were researching something, she just didn't know what. Eventually, she was recognized as one of the most powerful members of the Order and was bestowed with the title of Jedi Master. Obi-Wan and Anakin in the fuel chased by destroyer droids (not on DVD) 3. Shortly after the investigation into Sifo-Dyas' death, Ti and the High Council convened to discuss the implications of what they had learned, specifically the idea that Dooku was not the Sith Master, but merely the apprentice. [7], When they learned of an intercepted 2,000-year-old distress code, Ti and the Council send Kenobi, Skywalker, and Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, to the Chrelythiumn system, where they were to investigate the signal and rendezvous with Captain Rex. As they accompanied the sedated Tup to an examination room, Ti informed Rex that he was needed back on the battlefront and sent Fives for an examination, as he was close with Tup and any information gathered would be beneficial to the investigation. Died Height [36], Though Grievous only owned it for a short time before his death at the hands of Master Kenobi during the Battle of Utapau, Ti's lightsaber was among the most prized in his collection, among those of Pablo Jill, Eeth Koth, and Roron Corrob. Grevious kills Shaak Ti (On DVD) 2. The Council was confused by Yoda's odd response, and Ti looked to Masters Oppo Rancisis and Kit Fisto with concern. SparkyBurns. Ti, discerning from the small number that attacked the command center that the droid forces were spread thin, contacted the other Jedi and ordered them to press their offensive while they had the chance. Ti and Se were at a loss and the two had no answers. After concluding that they could not rule out the possibility that the culprit was a rogue Jedi, the Council assigned Skywalker and Tano to investigate the bombing. Shaak Ti was born on the planet Shili, the homeworld of the Togruta species,[9] in the galaxy's Expansion Region. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. [6], Ti reached out to Commander Cody to inform him of her success, and the Republic forces converged to destroy the remaining aqua droids. After Republic intelligence intercepted a message between Confederate General Grievous and assassin Asajj Ventress discussing a planned invasion of Kamino to halt the production of clone soldiers, Generals Kenobi and Skywalker were dispatched to aid Ti's forces defend the planet. Shaak Ti Clones.. Best run: 1,684,010 - got to 2nd rexillate 2 . The duo had also discovered that all troopers, including Fives, had been implanted with the same organic inhibitor chip, which had malfunctioned in Tup. [40] Amid the tenuous years of the Clone Wars,[54] as some of her peers advocated harsh punishment for transgressive Jedi, Ti argued for more compassionate treatment, such as in the case of Quinlan Vos. Ti and Unduli simultaneously ignited their lightsabers and quickly joined the battle as Dooku unleashed hordes of battle droids to counterattack. The Force Unleashed novel. Not long after, it was discovered that Dooku and the criminal mastermind Moralo Eval were plotting to kidnap Supreme Chancellor Palpatine at the Festival of Light on Naboo. December 1, 2019 8:09PM. In Legends continuity, Shaak Ti escaped the Jedi Temple only to be hunted down on Felucia by Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller. In Star Wars, the Jedi Master Shaak Ti has died more times than anyone else, including twice in the same movie. Yoda lamented to his peers that they would have to play along with the Dark Lord of the Sith's mysterious plans until they learned more and could unravel their web and intentions.[34]. 515 posts Member. Upon arriving at Geonosis, a majority of the Jedi snuck into the arena during the attempted execution, while others secured their landing site. She gets higher banner wins in grand arena. Pronouns At one point Aayla and Shaak-Ti get into a lightsaber duel over it. Realizing that the situation was dire, Ti and the Council decided to move forward with a risky plan of faking Kenobi's death and sending him undercover to stop Eval from completing his task. [17] Ti, who was stationed on Coruscant, was ordered to protect Chancellor Palpatine during the battle and was aided by[42] Jedi Master[43] Roron Corobb and layers of security forces. Canon list of Jedi Killed by Darth Vader. [31], Ti was one of the judges during Tano's trial in the Chamber of Judgment, where the young Padawan was expelled from the Jedi Order and stripped of her ranks within the Grand Army of the Republic. Sidious turned Skywalker to the dark side of the Force and began the next stage of his plan for galactic domination. [5], Ti and the Council assigned Obi-Wan Kenobi to track the bounty hunter down and find out who they were working for and gave Anakin Skywalker the duty of protecting Amidala as she was discreetly relocated from Coruscant to her homeworld. Shaak Ti has died several times. [3] She was a hard judge of capability and expected the best from the clones, though she was not callous like some of those she worked with on Kamino.[55]. As they approached Coruscant, however, Se drugged Fives behind Ti's back, making the clone paranoid and aggressive. Affiliation(s) Se again argued that a virus was responsible and that Fives should be terminated. The clones were soon able to corner Ventress, but before she could be taken captive she and Grievous made a hasty escape without the DNA. He died, or so she thought. Watch the 2nd disc and the deleted scenes and originally Shaak Ti gets killed by Grievous and then Lucas admitted he changed Shaak Tis death to when the Jedis die during the Bridge scene. Ti, who was stationed on the Republic capital Coruscant at the time, was slain at the hands of newly christened Sith Lord Darth Vader as he and his forces laid siege to the Jedi Temple. [6] Grievous' risky attack ended in failure thanks to the efforts of Ti and her comrades, and the damage to Tipoca City was quickly contained. Ti, along with the rest of the Council, discussed the matter, ultimately deciding that Binks should not go alone, leading to Windu's decision to accompany him.[33]. 2015 Topps Star Wars Chrome Perspectives: Jedi vs. Sith, Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy A Graphic Novel, "The Jedi Who Knew Too Much" Episode Guide , "The Disappeared, Part I" Episode Guide , Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage, Databank A-Z: Queen JamilliaJedi Temples, Star Wars Lightsabers: A Guide to Weapons of the Force, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, New Edition, Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga: The Official Collector's Edition, Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy, Star Wars: Character Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know. Major Character Death; Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) Omega's Sisters; Shaak Ti; time to play predictive fic bingo! Shaak Ti's death affected them deeply, so profoundly entangled had she become in the energy flows of the world."The Force Unleashed Novel. If Shaak Ti has Retribution, all Jedi and Clone allies gain 10% TM. If target ally is a Clone Trooper, they gain 25% Critical Damage (max 5 stacks) until the end of the battle. As seen in a vision from Master Yoda, Shaak Ti died nineteen years before the Battle of Yavin at the hands of Darth Vader. Kenobi was taken captive, however, but before his capture he was able to send a transmission to Coruscant disclosing his findings. Committed suicide by falling backwards into the Sarlaak's mouth after a duel with Starkiller. [8] Ti also worked closely with his administrative aide, Taun We,[23] and Nala Se, the Chief Medical Scientist who had played a key role in the creation of the clone armies. While Se conversed with Lama Su, Ti contacted the Jedi Council on Coruscant to discuss the issue. But in canon, that is how Shaak Ti died. With Shaak Ti's first special Plo will gain taunt, so he effectively works as a tank in that scenario. [4] According to Luke Skywalker, Ti was likely given the job of training clone troopers during the Clone Wars because she excelled as both a teacher and a combatant. Ti gave the chips to the Chancellor and Se explained what they were. The Kaminoans, in turn, criticized Ti and the Jedi's compassion as poor influences. Back, making the Clone paranoid and aggressive after a duel with.... Koon, shaak ti death experienced a harrowing vision of the Sith Lord the cruiser they... More times than anyone else, including twice in the explosion contacted the Jedi Council official... Is how Shaak Ti Clones.. Best run: 1,684,010 - got 2nd... 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