script.onload = ShopifyBuyInit; }, apiKey: 'f97587f900f36918a9a61c58e6050144', }, Mark has lived in Greece and Germany and traveled through Egypt. Seshat (also given as Sefkhet-Abwy and Seshet) is the Egyptian goddess of the written word. The Book of the Dead evolved from the Pyramid Texts of the Old Kingdom but, even before this time, one can see the Egyptian precision in writing at work in the Offering Lists and Autobiographies of tombs in the latter part of the Early Dynastic Period. Set (also known as Seth) is a god of the desert, chaos . Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. The deity who presided over the brewing of beer, the most popular drink in Egypt, was not male but the goddess Tenenet and the primary protector and defender of Isis when she was a single mother safe-guarding Horus was the goddess Serket. "product": { According to the texts, the king was assisted in this ritual by Seshat (or Sefkhet-Abwy), the scribal goddess of writing and measurement (Temples, 38). When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. Seshat's responsibilities were many. ca. So far, no temple specifically dedicated to Seshat has been located and there is no documentary evidence that one ever existed. Thoth & Seshat, the Lady of Books. It is a certainty that the majority of the priests and scribes of the Per-Ankh were men but some scholars have pointed to evidence for female scribes. and Loss. moneyFormat: '%24%7B%7Bamount%7D%7D', }); Seshat featured prominently in the concept of the eternal life granted to scribes through their works. Among Seshat's responsibilities were record keeping, accounting, measurements, census-taking, and patroness of libraries & librarians. The written word was considered a sacred art. "buttonWithQuantity": false, She was occasionally called Safekh-Aubi (or Safekh-Abwy meaning She of two horns) because of this headdress, although it is also suggested that Safekh-Aubi was in fact a separate (if rather obscure) goddess. Since the gods were thought to literally reside in their temples, this arrangement would be comparable to having a permanent house-guest in one's home who takes care of responsibilities one may value but simply has not time for. } Circe was the Greek goddess of metamorphosis and illusion. Copy. Seshat was the ancient Egyptian goddess of writing, historical records, accounting and mathematics, measurement and architecture to the ancient Egyptians. She was known as 'Mistress of the House of Books', indicating that she also took care of Thoth's library of spells and scrolls. She is frequently shown dressed in a cheetah- or leopard-hide, a symbol of funerary priests. This actually means "gold Horus ", so Seshat was sometimes associated with Isis. Its said that Seshat assisted the pharaoh by playing the role of both scribe and measurer. In some variations, she's just the female version of him. Seshat (also given as Sefkhet-Abwy and Seshet) is the Egyptian goddess of the written word. History, writing,. The crescent above her headdress, resembling a bow, could represent dexterity and precision, if one interprets it along the lines of archery, or simply divinity if one takes the symbol as representing light, along the lines of later depictions of saints with halos. "max-width": "100%", appId: '6', options: { The Tree of Life His feminine counterpart was Seshat. She was known as the goddess of the moon. Rosalie David comments on the Egyptian ideal of writing: The main purpose of writing was not decorative and it was not originally intended for literary or commercial use. In 1924, Seshat's human host was eaten alive by ducks but she reformed rather quickly and accidentally took the form of a library book where she . World History Encyclopedia. (52.5 x . (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(script); node: document.getElementById('product-component-3d475c3f992'), Seshat Egyptian Goddess of the Written Word, Cross Crosslets Meaning and History of This Unique Cross Type, Pan and Syrinx: A Tale of Love (or Lust?) amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; var scriptURL = ''; He was associated by the Egyptians with speech, literature, arts, learning. "variantTitle": false, Seshat carved on the back of the throne of the seated statue of Rameses II in the Amun temple at Luxor. Representations of her typically show her dress to be a plain sheath covered by a long panther skin, with the tail reaching her feet. "@media (min-width: 601px)": { According to one myth, the god Thoth was self-created at the beginning of time and, in his form as an ibis, lay the primordial egg which hatched creation. Seshat is only one of a number of female deities venerated in ancient Egypt reflecting the high degree of respect given to women and their abilities in a number of different areas of daily life. However, it seems that as Thoth grew in importance he absorbed her roles and her priesthood. She was portrayed as a female wearing a headband with horns and a star with her name written on it. The sacred carvings of the Egyptians were so important to them that they dedicated whole sections of temples or temple complexes to a literary institution known as The House of Life. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Tic Toc Tic Toc Seshat was acutely aware of the passing of time. Seshat's role at the House of Life would have been the same as anywhere else: she would have received a copy of the texts written there for the library of the gods where it would be kept eternally. Best Price GuaranteeFast On Next Order. "contents": { He has taught history, writing, literature, and philosophy at the college level. 3 She comes to us from the very beginnings of Egyptian culture as one of a group of sky deities who were ousted by the solar religion of Ra. } Seshat was the essence of cosmic intuition, creating the geometry of the heavens alongside Thoth. It is used on the obverse, Row III (of VI rows), and is used twice in King Year Record 34, and 40 of King Den. }, "products": { Serqet, Goddess of Scorpions and Venomous Creatures, Magical Protection and the Afterlife by Caroline Seawright Serqet (Serket, Selqet, Selket, Selkit, Selkis) was the ancient Egyptian scorpion goddess of magic. Seshat is almost like the 'Egyptian Fairy Godmother' and her magic wand with its seven pointed star was the symbol which represented the source of all creative ideas. Wilkinson comments on the process of situating a temple and Seshat's ritual role in this: The rite involved the careful orientation of the temple by astronomical observation and measurement. This iconography has been interpreted as symbolizing supreme authority in that it is common in Egyptian legend and mythology for one to wear the skin of a defeated enemy to take on the foe's powers, stars were closely associated with the realm of the gods and their actions, and the number seven symbolized perfection and completeness. Goddess Seshat, ca. She also was responsible for recording the speeches the pharaoh made during the crowning-ceremony and approving the inventory of foreign captives and goods gained in military campaigns. It symbolizes her triplicity as well as divine thought and rebirth. According to the texts, the king was assisted in this ritual by Seshat (or Sefkhet-Abwy), the scribal goddess of writing and measurement. She works as the chief editor of Symbol Sage but also takes the time to write on topics that interest her. The Two Truths in the Judgment Hall weigh the heart of the deceased against Truth, Ma'at. amzn_assoc_asins = "B075424LZX"; A detail from the Book of the Dead of Aaneru from Thebes, Third Intermediate Period, XXI Dynasty, 1070-946 BCE. Seshat - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). if (window.ShopifyBuy.UI) { The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Sina is one of the best-known Polynesian deities. "contents": { Seshat seemed not to have any temples specifically dedicated to her and no documentary evidence has been found that such temples ever existed. It made the transitory world of change into one everlasting & eternal. "margin-left": "-20px" In the Pyramid Texts, Seshat was given the epithet Lady of the House and she was given the title Seshat, Foremost of Builders. The leopard skin would represent her power over, and protection from, danger as leopards were a common predator. It is known, for example, that the female pharaoh Hatshepsut (r. 1479-1458 BCE) hired a tutor for her daughter Neferu-Ra and that Queen Nefertiti (r. c. 1370- c. 1336 BCE) was literate as was her mother-in-law, Queen Tiye (r. 1398-1338 BCE). [3] Usually, she is shown holding a palm stem, bearing notches to denote the recording of the passage of time, especially for keeping track of the allotment of time for the life of the pharaoh. "styles": { She is often shown offering palm branches (representing many years) to the pharaoh to give him a long reign. She holds a Masters degree in Linguistics and Education, and has also studied Political Science, Ancient History and Literature. Papyrus LansingThe Trustees of the British Museum (CC BY-NC-SA). CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. "max-width": "100%", "styles": { Many were ranking priests in the various temples or noted physicians and served the various kings in many administrative capacities (204-205). Thoth had given the gift of writing to humanity and it was a mortals responsibility to honor that gift by practicing the craft as precisely as possible. There are other versions of Thoths birth as well but they all make mention of his vast knowledge and the great gift of writing he offered to humanity. It is possible that many of the texts were not kept in the Per-Ankh but discussed there and debated. Many believe the pointy leaf often shown above the head of the ancient Egyptian idol Seshat, goddess of architecture, astronomy, astrology, and mathematics, was a cannabis leaf. })(); At this time, Thoth seems to have been considered a god of wisdom and knowledge - as he remained - and once a writing system was developed it was attributed to him. Bard, Kathryn (2008) An introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, Budge, E Wallis (1904) The Gods of the Egyptians, Pinch, Geraldine (2002) Handbook Egyptian Mythology, Watterson, Barbara (1996) Gods of Ancient Egypt, Wilkinson, Richard H. (2003) The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed that if something were comitted to writing it could be repeatedly "made to happen" by means of magic. The written word was considered a sacred art. OF DIVINE WISDOM, BOOKS & LIBRARIES domain: '', Wiki User. She wasn't just a librarian though, she was a master of what we now call Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Heliopolis was the location of her principal sanctuary. "styles": { The Book of the Dead is a guide through the afterlife written for the deceased. } ), Seshat barely appears outside of her official role as the recorder of construction and written projects and did not have a temple or cult dedicated to her. Artemis, Juno, Venus, Bast, Seshat, Brigid, Arduinna, Freyja, Hel, Yemaya, Mawu, Pele, Ix Chel, Kuan Yin, Tara, Sarasvati, Kali. "margin-left": "0px", if (window.ShopifyBuy) { }); Thoth had given the gift of writing to humanity and it was a mortal's responsibility to honor that gift by practicing the craft as precisely as possible. She was variously considered to be the sister, wife, or daughter of Thoth. Bunsons theory is substantiated by the known structures identified as a Per-Ankh at Amarna, Edfu, and Abydos, all important cities in ancient Egypt, but this does not mean there were not others elsewhere; only that these have not been positively identified as yet. During a new moon he was known as the mighty bull. She first appears in the 2nd Dynasty (c. 2890- c. 2670 BCE) of the Early Dynastic Period (c. 3150 c. 2613 BCE) as a goddess of writing and measurements assisting the king in the ritual known as stretching of the cord which preceeded the construction of a building, most often a temple. ui.createComponent('product', { He killed his brother Osiris because . amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; She is also portrayed with other items, mostly tools of measurement, such as knotted cords for surveying structures and land. In art, Seshat is often depicted as a young woman dressed in a leopard skin, which was an ancient form of dress worn by funerary priests, with a headdress consisting of a star or a flower above her head. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. 17 Apr 2023. It is a certainty that the majority of the priests and scribes of the Per-Ankh were men but some scholars have pointed to evidence for female scribes. His name meant "sky-bearer". amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; This happens in a similar scene when the mans dog is put under the womans chair. She is identified as the goddess of architecture, astronomy, astrology, building, mathematics, and surveying. License. }, To discover her intriguing story, keep reading. It involved measuring out the dimensions when constructing a new building (which was usually a temple) and laying out its foundations. A number of other women were depicted holding the scribes palette and brush, indicating that they could write, but not actually engaged in writing. Oftentimes, she would be portrayed as bringing palm branches to the pharaoh, as it meant that, symbolically, she was gifting him many years to reign. Her headdress also represents her name which was not spelled phonetically (the semi-circular bread loaf and the seated woman are both female determinatives). She was the consort of the god Djhuty (Thoth), and both were divine scribes (sesb). "layout": "horizontal", Dani Rhys has worked as a writer and editor for over 15 years. The sacred carvings of the Egyptians were so important to them that they dedicated whole sections of temples or temple complexes to a literary institution known as The House of Life. Seshat was also sometimes depicted helping Nephthys revive the deceased in the afterlife in prepration for their judgment by Osiris in the Hall of Truth. } The members of the institutions staff, all scribes, were considered the learned men of their age. The Trustees of the British Museum (CC BY-NC-SA). Seshat is the only female Egyptian deity who has been portrayed with a stylus in her hand and depicted writing. The Papyrus Lansing is an anthology of texts praising the profession of the scribe, dating to the New Kingdom of Egypt. The Egyptians referred to the institution as Per-Ankh (literally "House of Life") and it is first mentioned in inscriptions from the Middle Kingdom. Copyright Symbol Sage 2022 All Rights Reserved. These depictions usually show the king performing the rite with the help of Seshat, the goddess of writing and measurement, a mythical aspect which reinforced the king's central and unique role in the temple construction. "imgWithCarousel": true, The dead were not gone as long as their stories could be read in stone; nothing was ever really lost. Seshat (also given as Sefkhet-Abwy and Seshet) is the Egyptian goddess of the written word. [citation needed]. Seshat - This name comes from the goddess of wisdom and writing, and is associated with knowledge, intelligence, and creativity. amzn_assoc_linkid = "4eda58dec7c8b129d359fd25811237dd"; Unlike the major gods of Egypt, Seshat never had her own temples, cult, or formal worship. "quantity": false It is certainly beyond doubt that at least some of the daughters of the king were educated and the position of private tutor to a royal princess could be one of the highest honour. This item: Egyptian Seshat Goddess of writing wisdom Magic Wicca Pagan Paganism Khonsu Silver Pewter Men's Pendant Necklace Safe Travel Prosperity Talisman Lucky Charm Protection Amulet w Black Leather Cord . Women in ancient Egypt enjoyed a level of equality unmatched in the ancient world. World History Encyclopedia. According to the myth, Seshat was the daughter of Thoth (but in other accounts, she was his consort) and Maat, the personification of cosmic order, truth and justice. } Seshat is an original character in the fanfiction The Record Keeper, but she was based on an actual Egyptian goddess. It seems that as the importance of her husband Thoth gradually increased, he had taken over and absorbed her priesthood and her roles. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. It is interesting to note that she is the only female character who was actually depicted in the act of writing. Intriguing Goddess Seshat was one of the most intelligent deities of ancient Egypt. Kebechet: . As noted earlier, the two are linked by Their wisdom. Seshat was believed to be an expert in the art of sighting the stars and planets. She was the ancient Egyptian goddess of healing, fertility, love, the moon, and magic. "footer": { In the famous story of Osiris and his murder by Set it is not Osiris who is the hero of the tale but his sister-wife Isis. Together with Thoth, she bore a child named Hornhub, (Golden Horus). Bastet, goddess of the hearth, home, womens health and secrets, was popular among both men and women and the goddess Hathor was regularly invoked by both at festivals, parties, and family gatherings. Seshat (Ancient Egyptian: s3t, under various spellings) was the ancient Egyptian goddess of writing, wisdom, and knowledge. Seshat the Goddess was actually the sole true creator of the hieroglyph. She has a wide range of interests ranging from ancient cultures and mythology to Harry Potter and gardening. A relief from the back of the throne of a seated statue of Ramesses II depicting the Egyptian goddess of writing Seshat. Seshat was also portrayed recording the pharaohs jubilees, such as in the Sed Festival, cattle counts, and the pharaohs campaigns as early as the 2nd dynasty. Seshat is attested from the Second Dynasty, where she assists King Khasekhemwy with the "stretching the cord" ritual.[1]. } The Greek designation hieroglyphics for the Egyptian writing system means sacred carvings and is a translation from the Egyptian phrase medu-netjer, the gods words. At this time, Thoth seems to have been considered a god of wisdom and knowledge as he remained and once a writing system was developed it was attributed to him. Seth - "To Dazzle" God of chaos; killed Osiris. Retrieved from According to Egyptian literature (Coffin text, spell 261), Heka existed "before duality had yet come into being." The term k3 was also used to refer to the practice of magical rituals. It is known, for example, that the female pharaoh Hatshepsut (1479-1458 BCE) hired a tutor for her daughter Neferu-Ra and that Queen Nefertiti (c. 1370- c. 1336 BCE) was literate as was her mother-in-law, Queen Tiye (1398-1338 BCE). The spells the soul speaks help one to navigate through assorted dangers to arrive at the perfect paradise of the Field of Reeds. He is usually depicted as a mummy with the sidelocks of youth with the menat necklace and crook and flail. The spells of The Egyptian Book of the Dead are the best examples of this concept. Since the gods were thought to literally reside in their temples, this arrangement would be comparable to having a permanent house-guest in ones home who takes care of responsibilities one may value but simply has not time for. Seshat, in ancient Egyptian religion, the goddess of writing and measurement and the ruler of books. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Her symbols were the ankh, her wings, and her throne headdress. Serapis, god of knowledge and education. . Unfortunately, in all cases but one, the woman is sitting with her husband or son in such a way that it would cramp the available space to put the kit under the man's chair, and so it may have been moved back to a place under the woman's. "Seshat." The Book of the Dead evolved from the Pyramid Texts of the Old Kingdom but, even before this time, one can see the Egyptian precision in writing at work in the Offering Lists and Autobiographies of tombs in the latter part of the Early Dynastic Period. The dagger represents Hecate's role as the goddess of witchcraft and magic. Thank you! Bunson's theory is substantiated by the known structures identified as a Per-Ankh at Amarna, Edfu, and Abydos, all important cities in ancient Egypt, but this does not mean there were not others elsewhere; only that these have not been positively identified as yet. Even in the New Kingdom, where literature was more cosmopolitan, it still adhered to a basic form which elevated Egyptian cultural values. "imgWithCarousel": true, [1] This emblem is the origin of an alternate name for Seshat, Sefkhet-Abwy, which means "seven-horned". Mark, Joshua J.. In this capacity, the goddess would have helped the new arrival recognize the spells of The Egyptian Book of the Dead, enabling the soul to move on toward the hope of paradise. Please donate to our server cost fundraiser 2023, so that we can produce more history articles, videos and translations. Her husband Thoth taught the people to write. Today's crossword puzzle clue is a general knowledge one: Goddess of magic in Egyptian mythology. Alan Gardiner identified the emblem as a "conventionalized flower (?) In mythology, Seshat was Thoth's sister or daughter then she became his . However, she was depicted in a number of other temples and we know that she did have her own priests because Prince Wep-em-nefret (Dynasty Four) was described as Overseer of the Royal Scribes and Priest of Seshat. The institution served as a workshop where sacred books were composed and written by the ranking scholars of the times. "variantTitle": false, amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Submitted by Joshua J. Unfortunately, in all cases but one, the woman is sitting with her husband or son in such a way that it would cramp the available space to put the kit under the mans chair, and so it may have been moved back to a place under the womans. She was also an integral part of the temple through her supervision of the House of Life. Its most important function was to provide a means by which certain concepts or events could be brought into existence. Even in the New Kingdom, where literature was more cosmopolitan, literature still adhered to a basic form which elevated Egyptian cultural values. Still, when it comes to the majority of women in Egypt, images and inscriptions leave some doubt as to how many could actually read and write. World History Encyclopedia. The Egyptians referred to the institution as Per-Ankh (literally House of Life) and it is first mentioned in inscriptions from the Middle Kingdom. "@media (min-width: 601px)": { She was often depicted with the notched palm rib that represented the passing of time. }, Text is available under the . Seshat featured prominently in the concept of the eternal life granted to scribes through their works. The Egyptians saw writing as a form of magic, believing that if something could be created in the form of the written word, it could also manifest into the world through the word as a medium, something that holds true for many magical systems to this present day. }); Her powers of cause and effect were legendary in the earliest times of pre-Dynastic Egypt. (204-205). Bunson claims that probably only very important cities could support a Per-Ankh but other scholars, Rosalie David among them, cite evidence that every sizable town had one (Handbook, 203). In the earliest times of pre-Dynastic Egypt composed and written by the ranking scholars of the British Museum ( BY-NC-SA. Her hand and depicted writing was to provide a means by which certain concepts or events could repeatedly. The back of the deceased against Truth, Ma & # x27 ; sister... Life granted to scribes through their works various spellings ) was the ancient Egyptians Per-Ankh! 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