At the end of her final treatment she was both laughing and crying. Paralysis due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, and traumatic injury of the brain or spinal cord are the most commonly seen problems in our practice. Acupuncture works by increasing the circulation of blood, relaxing muscles, and stimulating the production of neurotransmitters like endorphins and serotonin. However, the neurological findings are rarely restricted to the facial nerve in these conditions. In another body of work examined in the meta-analysis, Huang Na et al. While interviewing Tom, we were shocked to find that his right arm and hand had actually been paralyzed for 11 years. For children less than two years old, an effective technique is to hide each needle from their sight while inserting and stimulating. Repeat the stimulation every 10 minutes. Lisa experienced dramatic improvements of her right arm, hand, leg, and foot with every visit. During the third treatment the next day, the patient reported that she walked better with more control of her left leg and that it felt less heavy. We were astonished and barely able to recognize her when she walked into the conference room by herself. The .gov means its official. Examination showed that the tremor as well as teeth marks in her tongue were less, the thick, white coating was less, and it was peeled more on the front part of her tongue. Over the past 25 years, Denise had multiple relapses and remissions with episodes of lower extremity weakness, stiffness and muscle spasm, incontinence of urine, loss of balance, and fatigue. He had severe dysphagia and could not swallow any food or water at all, which was his primary complaint at our clinic. Common symptoms include numbness, tingling or weakness in one or more limbs, partial or complete loss of vision, double or blurred vision, tremor, unsteady gait, fatigue, cognitive impairment, and dizziness. According to Chinese medicine, trauma to the head (or anywhere else in the body) causes the blood to extravasate outside its normal vessels, obstructing the flow of fresh new blood to the area. Quadriplegics are often vulnerable to pressure sores, osteoporosis and fractures, frozen joints, spasticity, respiratory complications and infections, poor autonomic reflexes, deep vein thrombosis, and cardiovascular disease because of depressed functioning and immobility. Most paralyses caused by nervous system damage are constant in nature. Not believing that she was once again able to walk, he went to her house in person to see this miraculous change. Whether you are treating a child or adult with depression, it is important to observe the response and reaction while inserting, stimulating, or withdrawing needles, and adjust the techniques accordingly. Her aphasia gradually improved and she was able to drag her right leg while walking and move her right arm slightly but the paralysis had shown no further improvement for the past eight weeks. For example, in a report about the scalp acupuncture treatment of seven veterans with phantom limb pain at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 2006, the results were as follows. Although symptoms may resolve completely between the episodes, permanent neurological problems usually persist, especially as the disease progresses.18 Many risk factors for multiple sclerosis have been identified, but no definitive cause has been found. When treating stroke from thrombosis or embolism, scalp acupuncture treatment should begin as soon as feasible. In Tom's case, the hemiplegia was caused by cerebral thrombosis, which has the best prognosis for recovery from stroke compared to cerebral embolism and cerebral hemorrhage. It is reprinted here with permission from Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, Colorado. Damage at any level often interrupts the brain's ability to control muscle movements resulting in paralysis. The entire Motor Area should be needled and stimulated on the opposite side of the paralyzed limbs. The ear points Heart, Liver, and Shen Men along with the Head Area and Chest Area on the scalp were needled. He had been receiving physical therapy and speech therapy since he was admitted to the hospital. For the last three years and currently, she could not stand or walk by herself due to weakness in her legs and loss of balance. Five years ago she had a dramatic neurological decline during which she was unable to stand up and lost strength and sensation in her lower extremities. Tremor areas are classified as secondary areas . For scalp acupuncture, the Chorea and Tremor Area replaced the Foot Motor and Sensory Area in this second treatment. There was a little twitching in the muscles of his arm but no movement at all in his right arm or hand and the hand appeared puffy and swollen. Though shocked and stunned watching her walk up to greet him, her doctor was thrilled with her progress and hoped for more excellent results. He initially was totally paralyzed on the right side and had lost his speech. Exercise is very important for the recovery of affected limbs. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The modern system of scalp acupuncture in China has been explored and developed since the 1950s. Though she continued to improve with each treatment, the most dramatic changes occurred in the twentieth treatment. After trying many kinds of therapies that brought no improvement, she became depressed. Electrical stimulation is very helpful if the practitioner has difficulty performing needle rotation of more than 200 times per minute. Through acupuncture treatment, some patients can be cured and many others witness a variety of significant improvements. In other words, scalp acupuncture is able to treat the cause and thus heal the injury. The following is an excerpt from Chinese Scalp Acupuncture, by Jason Jishun Hao, DOM, MTCM, MBA, and Linda Lingzhi Hao, CA, PhD. Stroke is classified into two major categories, ischemic and hemorrhagic. The 60 cases were randomly divided into a five-needle-in-nape (FNN) group and a routine acupuncture (RA) group, 30 cases in each group. The information presented in the book is primarily a synthesis of two components of knowledge of scalp acupuncture. Primary lateral sclerosis is a rare motor neuron disease that resembles ALS but there is no evidence of the degeneration of spinal motor neurons or muscle wasting that occurs in ALS. In very serious cases, patients may need feeding tubes. Treatment is given two to three times per week and a therapeutic course consists of 10 treatments. Always put one needle in the ear point Shen Men to help a depressed and angry patient relax and to reduce the sensitivity of needle insertion and stimulation of the scalp. Acupuncture needles are very fine so shouldnt cause a lot of pain. Retain the needles in place for 3045 minutes. The incontinence of urine also showed some improvement. Paralysis refers to complete or partial loss of muscle strength and voluntary movement for one or more muscles. His treatment strategy was modified to take care of depression. Best results are achieved by applying low frequency (for example, 3 hertz) with high intensity (for instance, when visible muscle contraction is observed). He could move his right arm slightly with muscular tone at 2 out of 5. Causes of many motor neuron diseases are unknown and others have varying causes according to the specific motor neuron disease. When one area is impaired, this area can recover to a certain extent or can be compensated somewhat by other areas with proper scalp stimulation. Scalp acupuncture, sometimes also called head acupuncture, is a modern innovation and development. It is suggested that no more than two of the scalp needles be stimulated at any session so the brain does not become too confused to respond. Results showed seven cases fully recovered, 13 cases markedly improved, eight cases some improvement and two cases failure in FNN group. This patient's experience has caused us to change the information we give students about whether treatment could be successful after a specific number of years. All of these have proven to respond well to scalp acupuncture treatment. Active and passive exercise during scalp acupuncture treatment is very important for improvement. A few minutes after being needled on her head, Sherry felt a whole-body hot sensation, which then moved from her hips to her feet, stronger on the left side. Scalp acupuncture is the best therapy for spinal cord injury. How Acupuncture Provides Help For Tremors Tremor and involuntary shaking treatment using acupuncture may reduce tremors after the first treatment. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a disorder that generally involves either the lower or upper motor systems of the body. However, those who do not have such sensations could still have immediate positive results. Imdur Oral Side Effects by Likelihood and Severity COMMON side effects If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression i fainting If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe. Furthermore, there have been few reports or articles published on treatment by scalp acupuncture. He was immediately able to close his left eye better and the pain around his ear and jaw significantly reduced just a few minutes after two needles were inserted. Upon examination, her tongue was red with a thin white coating and her pulse was slippery and wiry. It primarily affects adults, with age of onset typically between 20 and 40 years, and is twice as common in women compared to men. Acupoint KI-3 or Taixi, as it is called in Chinese, is one of the effective acupressure points for hand tremors. Paralysis may affect an individual muscle but it usually affects an entire body region. Fred could move his right arm up and down more and he was able to start walking to our clinic on his own. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and bleeds. Quadriplegia, also known as tetraplegia, is paralysis with partial or total loss of use of all limbs and the torso. When PD, MS, or ET is responsible for internal tremors, doctors will aim to treat the underlying condition. However, those who don't have such sensations could still have immediate effects. He began to tolerate a soft/semi-solid diet and the nasogastric feeding was gradually tapered down to overnight only as his oral intake improved. Her tongue was purple with a thin white coating. These drugs can have side effects. Only two of the scalp needles should be stimulated at any one session, or the brain can become too confused to respond. The principle of scalp acupuncture is very straightforward; the aim is to stimulate the diseased area of the brain in order to facilitate a return of function in that area. It has been proven to be a most effective technique for treating acute and chronic central nervous system disorders. Commonly used points are Feng Chi (GB 20), Yu Zhen (Bl 9), Nao Kong (GB 19), Huan Tiao (GB 30), Yang Ling Quan (GB 34), Tai Chong (Liv 3), and Tai Xi (Ki 3) for lower limbs, and Qu Chi (LI 11), He Gu (LI 4), and Wai Guan (TB 5) for upper limbs.19 Electrical stimulation is very helpful if the practitioner has difficulty performing needle rotation more than 200 times per minute. Jiao Shun-fa, the founder of scalp acupuncture, collected and analyzed 20,923 cases of paralysis caused by stroke from 1970 to 1992. Chinese medical pattern discrimination: Damp heat obstructing the channels and network vessels. After the third treatment, the deviation and drooped corner of his mouth showed remarkable improvement, especially after more needles were inserted into his face, hands, and feet. During an MS attack, inflammation occurs in areas of the white matter of the central nervous system in random patches. This case illustrates that scalp acupuncture could be the primary approach to manage swallowing disorder. Throughout its long history, acupuncture has evolved as its own unique traditional medicine. She was very surprised to find that she had regained the ability to control her legs again. At the beginning of the third visit, his wife reported that Fred's mood and attitude were much better after the last treatment. worsening angina pain; fast or slow heart rate; or. Those symptoms typically lasted a few weeks to several months. The following day he returned to the clinic for another treatment. Such damage may be due to stroke, trauma with nerve injury, poliomyelitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, botulism, spinal bifida, and multiple sclerosis. Although scalp acupuncture has the best and fastest response, other techniques are necessary for a fuller recovery. As a contemporary acupuncture technique, many of the specific treatments put forward in this book are also new, at least for a work that discusses Western medical concepts along with Chinese ones. His subsequent treatments were focused on his paralyzed arm and leg. She responded immediately after the needles were inserted, her voice sounding much clearer and stronger. Before These areas may also be effectively employed for pain management, especially that caused by the central nervous system such as phantom pain, complex regional pain, and residual limb pain. In Chinese medicine, the stroke itself is thought to involve several interpromoting disease mechanisms, possibly including qi stagnation, heat, phlegm, blood stasis and, of course, wind. [4] Neurological Conditions Testimonials Symptoms range in severity from mild weakness to total paralysis of the face, and Bell's palsy can often cause significant facial distortion. b Publisher's note: We are choosing to use the authors' translation for the xian mai (). It can repair damaged nerves and restore full use and strength to injured areas. Therefore, there is an urgent need for Chinese scalp acupuncture to be studied and perfected, and extensive research done to fully explore its potential and utility. That was one of the reasons that she returned to this second seminar half a year later. While it is not our intention to assert that scalp acupuncture is always effective with every patient, these clinical reports make a compelling case for its wider use. Fred was able to follow instructions to practice his speech and do oral and pharyngeal exercises. Her initial symptoms were an onset of numbness in the right arm followed by subsequent numbness descending down both her legs. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive disease of the central nervous system in which communication between the brain and other parts of the body is disrupted. Jimmy had a very good response to his first scalp acupuncture treatment. Studying its results in clinical practice can also add clarity to ambiguities found in the practice of neurophysiology and pathology. For two minutes, rotate the needles at least 200 times per minute with the thumb and index finger, twirling them as gently as possible at the beginning of treatment and repeating stimulation every 10 minutes so that the patient can tolerate the sensations better. She had less mucous in her nose and throat and no nausea since the last visit. As soon as we inserted two needles in her scalp at the Chorea and Tremor Area, the tightness in all four limbs loosened up and the spasms were gone. It is useful to pair the testing of each muscle group immediately with the testing of its contra-lateral counterpart to enhance detection of any asymmetries and record detailed information of any changes. It not only benefits MS patients, but also significantly helps us to better understand the mechanisms that cause the condition. In the West, many healthcare practitioners are familiar with acupuncture for pain management, while scalp acupuncture as a main tool for rehabilitation is a relatively new concept. Regular acupuncture treatment has been found to have positive therapeutic effects on the recovery of movement in the hands, fingers, feet, and toes. The tremor zone based on scalp acupuncture is indicated for patients who experience body tremors. Former heaven or prenatal natural endowment insufficiency may also play a role. Sometimes it is necessary to show a patient how tiny the needles are or demonstrate the insertion of a needle in the practitioner's own body. Retain the needles for 2530 minutes. Stroke survivors usually have some degree of sequelae of symptoms depending primarily on the location in the brain involved and the amount of brain tissue damaged. However, those who do not have such sensations could still have immediate, positive results. Retain the needles for 2530 minutes. Location: Horizontal line 1.5 cm above and centered on the apex of ear, 4 cm in length. However, those who do not have such sensations could still have immediate positive results. A nasogastric tube was inserted to provide non-oral feeding. Her slurred speech sometimes even her mother could not understand. The nasogastric tube was removed and he had no problem with talking or depression after his sixth treatment. Even after showing some improvement of his aphasia and the paralyzed arm and leg, he demonstrated no excitement and simply said, I do not notice any difference about my throat and swallowing.. National Library of Medicine pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest. The needles were inserted into the muscle layer, especially at Baihui. His pulses were wiry and slippery. Her left ovary hurt and the pain was worse during menses. Mechanical causes usually comprise peptic esophagitis, carcinoma of the esophagus or gastric cardia, candida esophagitis, and pharyngeal pouch. There are three new principles in this presentation of scalp acupuncture, however, which are of central importance and which depart considerably from traditional Chinese medicine. Rotate the needles at least 200 times per minute with the thumb and index finger for 13 minutes, twirling them as vigorously as the patient can tolerate and repeating the stimulation every 10 minutes. Isosorbide mononitrate is used to prevent chest pain ( angina) in patients with a certain heart condition ( coronary artery disease ). Further examination showed that he could not stand with stability due to losing his balance when standing on both legs, and it was impossible for him to stand on one leg. To be able to cook again brought her such tremendous joy and gratitude that she laughed and cried at the same time. Acupuncture, a therapeutic technique of Oriental Medicine, can be traced back more than 2500 years. He had been diagnosed with Bell's palsy two weeks prior and was suffering from cold-like symptoms. After 48 treatments, Julia felt well enough to end treatment and start a new life in San Francisco where her son was living. Wherever possible or useful, other modalities or techniques to enhance the scalp acupuncture treatments are included with the case histories, which demonstrates the integration of Chinese medical theory and application into the clinical practice of scalp acupuncture. Her pulses remained unchanged and were still fine and wiry. In these early years of its development, there were several hypotheses for mapping stimulation areas. To test the strength of each muscle group and record it in a systematic fashion is important before and after scalp acupuncture treatment for paralyzed patients. It usually relieves symptoms immediately and may take only a few minutes to achieve significant improvement. With children, select the thinnest needles that you can insert into the scalp. Chinese scalp acupuncture, paralysis, multiple sclerosis, stroke, dysphagia, brain injury, Bell's palsy, Yu Zhi-shun's Experience on Head Points for Paralysis,, Fertile Ground for Alternative Medicine,, Easing the Pain, Acupuncture Program Looks to Help Relieve Discomfort of Troops, , He Teaches and Popularizes Chinese Medicine in USA,, China News On Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jason Hao, DOM: Pioneering the Use of Scalp Acupuncture to Transform Healing,, Observation on Specificity of Acupuncture Location in Treatment of Acute Apoplexy by Scalp Penetration Needling,, Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Five-Needle-in-Nape Acupuncture for Treatment of Post-stroke Pseudobulbar Paralysis Dysphagia,, Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis by Scalp Acupuncture,, Acupuncture and Moxibustion Six Unique Skills, Clinical Observation of 80 Cases of Facial Paralysis by Scalp Acupuncture,, Shanxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Clinical Observation of 48 Cases of Facial Paralysis by Scalp Acupuncture,, Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Any tissue of the body requires nourishment by blood to perform its proper function. By embracing newly developed knowledge and technology, the profession continues to create additional methods of treatment. Although multiple sclerosis (MS) remains an incurable disease of the central nervous system, scalp acupuncture provides an important complementary/alternative treatment approach for improving many symptoms and the patient's quality of life by slowing or reversing the progression of physical disability and reducing the number of relapses. Needles should be inserted in both upper 1/5 Motor Area and middle 2/5 Motor Area and stimulated bilaterally. In addition, scalp acupuncture was also applied bilaterally to the chorea tremor control area, which is a line located between the vasomotor line and the motor line, 1.5 cm anterior to the motor line. After each treatment from the third to the fifth visit there were gradual improvements in all her limbs. The electrical stimulation usually lasts 1020 minutes. There were almost no teeth marks remaining. The techniques introduced in this book can be easily mastered and performed even by people with minimal acupuncture experience. To his astonishment he did not choke at all when he took a first sip of water. Below the level of injury on the neck there was minimal contraction and movement of arm muscles, which indicated that the muscular tone of her arm was a 2 out of 5. Existing pharmaceutical treatments offer alleviation of symptoms but cannot delay disease progression and are often associated with significant side effects. Jimmy, a 52-year-old male, came to our clinic in Santa Fe, NM, in 2000. Findings in these two studies are very similar. We feel confident that this book will meet these requirements. He started to smile after hearing himself count from one to 10 very clearly. Following the surgery, the left front side of his head no longer contained any scalp and there was a depression where the tumor and surrounding tissue had been removed. It is caused by sclerosis in the corticospinal tracts. As the above case study demonstrated, doctors should modify the treatment strategy and stimulate areas according to changes in a patient's condition. Symptoms and signs of multiple sclerosis vary widely depending on the location of affected myelin sheaths. After treatment on the Motor Area of the scalp, 7,637 cases were cured (36.5%), 7,117 cases showed marked improvement (34%), and 5,196 cases showed some improvement (24.8%), yielding a total effective rate of 95.13%. Oropharyngeal dysphagia is often caused by stroke, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Bell's palsy. Since the patient's attitude was relatively more positive toward acupuncture therapy, we were able to perform stronger stimulation after inserting needles at the same locations as for the initial treatment. When asked where the food is getting stuck, patients will often point to the cervical region. When the speech and motor areas are damaged, body dysfunctions appear such as aphasia and paralysis. It likely occurs as a result of some combination of environmental and genetic factors. The signs and symptoms of dysphagia include difficulty controlling food in the mouth, inability to control food or saliva in the mouth, difficulty initiating a swallow, coughing, choking, frequent pneumonia, unexplained weight loss, gurgly or wet voice after swallowing, nasal regurgitation, and swallowing difficulty. Select the Chorea and Tremor Area or Foot Motor and Sensory Area according to whether the patient has muscular spasms or other abnormal sensations such as pain or burning. Sherry reported without her mother's help that her body was less stiff and that she could walk and move better. The Chorea and Tremor Area should be chosen if patients have limb spasm. . Paralysis can be localized, generalized, or it may follow a certain pattern. The worse the symptoms or longer the duration of disease, the longer the duration of each treatment should be. Scalp acupuncture treatment can be used as the primary approach or as a supplement to other acupuncture modalities. This book supplies all the needed information to practice scalp acupuncture. demonstrated that scalp acupuncture benefitted patients and significant reductions of insomnia were achieved. Treatments for internal tremors can include: reducing anxiety and stress avoiding. It has been proven effective in treating any type of paralysis, sometimes taking only one to two treatments for an amazing amount of recovery. The insertion of two needles on the left side of her scalp did not seem to bother her at all. She had gotten married and returned to work. He felt depressed, irritable, angry, and severely fatigued. As a result, she had incontinence of bowel and urine. Chinese scalp acupuncture has been taught and used sparingly in the West and there are few books published on the subject. The thick, white coating was less. The bleeding vessel can no longer carry the blood to its target tissue and interrupts the brain's blood supply. Blood stasis must be resolved for the tissue to once again receive the nourishment of healthy blood. Stroke is an acute neurological disease in which the blood supply to the brain is interrupted causing brain cells to die or be seriously damaged, thus impairing brain functions. Compared to adult patients, generally speaking, young patients should receive fewer needles, milder stimulation, and shorter time of needle retention. Moxibustion can enhance the therapeutic results of scalp acupuncture, especially for older or weaker patients. During each treatment, however, her right foot was getting stronger and she could pick it up more easily. However, those who don't have such sensations could still experience immediate and positive effects. A therapeutic course consists of 10 treatments. Scalp areas are frequently used in pain management, especially pain caused by the central nervous system such as phantom pain, reflex regional pain, and residual limb pain. She felt that her legs were not as heavy when walking. The types of paralysis are classified by region. Correct food consistency, texture, and temperature are important for the dysphagia patient's success during acupuncture treatment. At this point his weight increased and his stamina was markedly improved. Examination showed that the sensations in his right arm and hand were still normal. When combined with Chinese Herbal Medicine to eliminate the root causes of imbalance (internal wind, etc), results may last even longer. Scalp acupuncture for MS is accessible, less expensive, safer, more effective, and causes fewer side effects than Western medical treatments. Denise also complained of numbness, tingling, and spasms in her legs accompanied by incontinence of urine and severe fatigue. Because of these abilities, scalp acupuncture is geared toward stimulating and restoring affected brain tissue or retraining unaffected brain tissue to compensate for the lost functions of damaged brain tissue. However, her right foot was still weak and was sometimes difficult to pick up and she had to drag it to walk. That is highly unusual and by no means the norm. If balance, dizziness, or vertigo is present, select the Balance Area or the Vertigo and Hearing Area. Sherry had been to several famous hospitals but there was no clear diagnosis. These headaches may gradually become less severe as you continue to use nitroglycerin. Electrical stimulation can be applied above and below the damaged level at Hua Tuo Jia Ji points on the back, which is another important technique for treating quadriplegia in addition to scalp acupuncture. Other symptoms include pain behind or in front of the ear on the affected side, sounds that seem louder on the affected side, and changes in the amount of tears and saliva the body produces. These underlying problems include tumor, stroke, diabetes, meningitis, head trauma, and inflammatory diseases of the cranial nerves. Condition ( coronary artery disease ) for mapping stimulation areas the practitioner has difficulty performing needle rotation more. Of insomnia were achieved patient 's condition or water at all, which was his primary complaint at clinic..., MS, or it may follow a certain pattern two weeks prior and suffering... Longer carry the blood to perform its proper function for children scalp acupuncture for tremors imdur than two years old an! 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