Junior Chief: Pejorative term to describe junior enlisted person who is kissing ass for a promotion or on a power trip, or both. Hummer: Slang for the E-2C Hawkeye, mostly for the sound of its props. This term refers to all those sailors who have had the experience of crossing the equator Veal Wheels: Veal Parmesan. Therefore, his left sleeve is "slick", or has no rate or rating insignia at all. (See material condition) (2) (see "Fan room") A room where contraband may be hidden or for sexual relations while at-sea (3) Historically, where a chief petty officer would take subordinates to "make" them comply (using several punches to the face). 1MC: The General Announcing system on a ship. : Fuck It, I Got My Orders: A refusal of a long or tough assignment near the end of a duty rotation. ", ESWS: Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist. Quarters: A gathering of all the people in the organization. WAVE Cage: A female only open-bay BEQ, also known as a "meat market" by some Sailors. NAVCOMM: Navigator/Communicator. Rider: (1) Most often associated with the submarine service; an individual aboard a submarine not a member of the crew who is assigned to the sub for a period of time to perform a specific mission; usually intelligence related. Shit River: Olongapo River dividing Olongapo City and the Subic Bay Naval Base, Stinkin' Lincoln: Crews nickname given to the aircraft carrier USS. "What do you do onboard?" A flux capacitor ran the time machines, particularly in the car, in the Back To The Future movies Forecastle: (Pronounced "foc-sull") Forward most part of a ship. Fleet Up: When a second in command takes his senior's place upon that senior's transfer, retirement, or other re-assignment. Black box: Repair, in primarily for electronic equipment, where an entire card or subsystem is replaced, rather than individual components. George jobs: Nit-picking paperwork jobs given to George because no one else wants them. Sometimes accompanied by two aspirin. Compare to "dirtbag." SWEATEX: (1) Any evolution or situation, to be performed by an individual, a ship, or even larger unit, subject to scrutiny by a superior, such as a major inspection; (2) An evolution that involves one sailor working while his/her superiors are watching and waiting impatiently. Also "The Pit. Bilge Turd: Derogatory term for "Boiler Technician", typically from jealous Machinist Mates who wish they could be as badass as the now extinct Boiler Technicians were. MRC Card: literally Maintenance Requirement Card Card, LEO Ops: Law Enforcment Operations Ops; etc. CPO: Chief Petty Officer. Also called Vitamin M and Grunt Candy, the latter especially when dispensed to Marines. "Sir, if we do this thing now I can go home as soon as it's done." Hamster: Chicken cordon bleu, a common chow entree. Alpha Inspection: Formal inspection of uniforms and living spaces. Wings: Naval Aviator or Naval Flight Officer breast insignia. Balls O'Clock: Any unspecified time late at night when it is absurd to be awake and having to do things, be on watch, etc. Score is kept by awarding 3 points for bids made and taken and 1 point for each additional trick. Reputation 13 19. Or half a glass of coffee, half chocolate milk and a shit ton of sugar. These Direct Input LDOs have not spent time "in the fleet", D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F: (Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck? So called because it used to grade based on keystrokes rather than words per minute. Refers to anything impressive or greatly exceeding what is required. ASMO: Assignment Memorandum Orders. Compare "Living the dream!" Passing through, especially by junior enlisted sailors, is highly discouraged. BINGO: Minimum fuel needed to return to base (RTB). Snake Eaters: Special Forces personnel such as Navy SEALs, Green Berets, etc Snipes: Sailors assigned to the Engineering rates, i.e. From your Navy superiors. Snivel: To request time off or to not be scheduled, usually for personal reasons. (Often pronounced "A-wis."). Numb Nuts (Derogatory) Nick Name for the USS Nimitz (CVN68), Nut to butt: Standing in line, close quarters, body to body, each man's chest pressed to the back of the man ahead, or "nut to butt.". For instance, pull-tab sodas are referred to as "Haji Sodas" due to their ubiquitous presence in the Fifth Fleet AOR. The F-8 Crusader was universally accepted as a tits machine. Cu Shing: The sound of shit when it hits the fan. Joe Navy: Another term for a lifer with no life outside the Navy. AX: The enlisted rating Aviation Anti-Submarine Warfare Technician; since merged into AT rating. Lifer cup: A coffee cup stained brown by repeated use. USS Belcrash: The USS Belknap (CG-26). Branch: Lowest organizational level in most naval commands. You Maverick Can: The perfect place to sleep in a weapons magazine. Five by five: nonstandard Radio speech indicating "loud and clear." Webproducts(at)navy. Presently, "Commodore" is the unofficial title of a Captain (O-6) in charge of a squadron of ships or submarines, a wing or group of the same type of aircraft, or a group of SEAL Teams. On my six: Naval aviation expression referring to having someone or thing at my back, on my tail, directly behind me, relative to the hours of a clock; 12-dead ahead, 3-starboard or to the right, 6 aft or behind and 9-port or to the left. (2) A reference to the restroom or locker room in general. Ditch Wog: A sailor who has passed through the Suez canal or Panama canal, but has not become a shellback. ", D.U.B. JEEP- Junior Enlisted Expendable Personnel- Submarines- Slang for Casualty Assistance Team members "Send in the JEEPs.". (Coast Guard: Seabag: A large green canvas bag issued to the sailor during boot camp as part of his uniform issue, the nearest civilian equivalent would be a suit case or several pieces of luggage, the seabag is constructed to hold close to 150 lbs. O I (wish I was asleep): Derogatory remark made by any non-OS rate whenever a OS complains about how bad they have it while underway, because OS's are almost always "Port & Starboard" when underway. WebDid You Know About These Fun Titles That Are Unique to The United States Navy? If they are found to have soiled clothing as a result of not showering, several of the company will take the recruit into the barracks shower and scrub the persons bare skin with floor broom heads. Where deep-water sailors ply their craft, "The Pond" may be Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, or Other. VA: Fixed wing attack Aircraft Squadrons. (Originally referred to hammocks, in days of yore before berthing spaces.). (2) An underperforming Cryptologic Technician or "CT" Shitbag. The hostess will expect some entertainment (dancing, dinner, etc.). Mid: Midshipman at the US Naval Academy or Naval ROTC; "Middie" is considered derogatory. Sweat the load: Personal stress about being able to perform some task; to feel stress about a situation. B.B. Building 5: nickname for the USS Peleliu (LHA-5), for the amount of time she spent in port at while in Long Beach, CA. Some are: AG - weather guesser. It's green, of course. The name derives from the sailor stating that ". Some'are here, some'are there, some'are everywhere.". Often seen entering and exiting helos that are providing SAR services. Sailors must go to the Paint Locker with properly signed chits to receive paint and painting equipment. Nuke Milk: A disgusting powdered milk used when the fresh milk runs out. "We better slow down or the fat boys won't be able to keep up. She is usually worried about unsafe flight conditions or an enemy threat (e.g. Baboon Ass: Corned beef. Down: Not working, out of commission, broken, "broke-dick." COMMO: Communications Officer: The officer in charge of the Communications Division. Douche down: To wash, usually using fresh water. Gunner: Term applied to and used in addressing (informally) an Ordnance Technician Surface Warrant Officer. Also referred to as a "talking kneeboard." Typically not the same person as the sailor's ashore spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend (i.e. Called the Whammy b/c many aspiring naval flight careers are ended before they even begin due to some unknown ailment. Funny Nicknames For Marines: 200 Cool and Amazing Names. So called due to the number of fires that have broken out on board ship. V2 Division: Maintenance of Catapults and Arresting Gear. During wartime, armed guards may be posted on both sides of the blue tile. WebRupert Davies, British actor, title role on the BBC's Maigret. Drop your cocks and grab your socks: A saying that the petty officer of the watch yells in the sleeping quarters when it's time for everyone to get up. Fulmer: A sailor that desperately tries to win various games (ping pong, pool, etc. Dynamited Chicken: Chicken a la king or chicken cacciatore. Stain Us: Derogatory name for USS JOHN C STENNIS (CVN-74). Turd Chasers: Nickname for individuals assigned to the Hull Maintenance Technician (HT) and Seabees Utilities Man (UT) rating because their shipboard and base duties include plumbing. Consists of classroom and pool instruction and culminates with the dreaded "Dilbert Dunker" and "Helo Dunker. Used to attract the attention of a rescue helicopter in the event of a man overboard by the victim in the water. Cruise: A ship deployment from her home port, usually lasting between 5 and 8 months. Knee-knockers: A passageway opening through a bulkhead. Usually the senior NFO on a patrol aircraft. USS Notagain (DD 214): The fictional ship which sailors who are separating from the Navy specify when they are asked which command they are going to, or which former sailors specify when new personnel ask which ship they are on. Roll-em's: Movie night, usually shown in the ready room or the wardroom. Khaki Brigade: chiefs who start taking over an engineering casualty or going over to see what is going on. Turn 'n' Burn: "Hurry up! Field Day: All hands clean-up. Port and Starboard: A rotation of two duty sections or watch teams, one designated port, and the other starboard. XO: Executive Officer: The second-in-Command of a ship, aviation squadron or shore command, second in authority to the Commanding Officer. Golden Shellback: A sailor who crossed the International Date Line and Equator at the same time. Also "Neurotic" for a midshipman in the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC). Bug Juice Sunrise: Orange with a splash of Red. On submarines, there are also Sonar Training Aids which are any meaty foods with a phallic shape. Squared Away" sailor. Also "Shitty Hawk.". Rope and Choke: Highly advanced and ultra accurate way the Navy determines the body mass index of people who are deemed too heavy for their height. Can be bought in most Japanese convenience stores or at a ChuHai stand in the Honch. Also Air Force Personnel. This 2-day class must be completed every few years by pilots and aircrew. Also called a "Greeny Weeny." PD-8: Fictitious valve requested to be found by junior sailor in order for an engineering qualification to be signed off. Brown Shoe: Term used to describe aviation community officers and senior enlisted members, due to the dark brown footwear worn with khaki uniforms and aviation winter working green uniforms. Fresh Water Navy (derogatory) members of the US Coast Guard. So named because one's sphincter tends to tighten up or "pucker" involuntarily during such times. Used when a sailors try to tell stories about their previous ships, or how things were handled on their previous ships. SMIB: Southern Maryland In-Bred. Often, nicknames come from things about the person that stand out such as their hair, height, or personality. The best Sailor nicknames are ones that are unique and different, but they should also be easy to remember and pronounce. Pass in Review ceremonies are always held on a Friday, meaning that there is a Pass in Review held every week, except during federal holidays i.e. On submarines, the term "Battle Stations" is used. Only those US Navy submariners who have actually submerged in all five of the Great Lakes can lay claim to this title. Wizzard: Topsider insult for a nuc. INT WTF: Letters Pronounced Individually. Hint Smithy Cock-ologist: Corpsman (derived from a 1980s Coca Cola commercial having a Coke-ologist). PFM: "Pure Fucking Magic", term applied to when things work, but one doesn't know how or why but they work. Mighty Mo: Nickname for the USS Missouri (BB-63), now a museum ship at Pearl Harbor. Connie: Nickname for USS Constellation CV64. Working Party: When there is loading of supplies, the Quarterdeck will call for a "working party" to be manned by each division of the ship, the number depending on the task. The 43P-1 book containing MIPs stayed in the work center and was a deep red color with 43P-1 across the cover. Block-o-wood: Nickname for the USS Belleau Wood (LHA-3). More correctly, the "trice" is the bottom (third) rack, being built to fold up against the bulkhead/stanchion (see above), so when the command "Trice-up" was given, the rack would be folded up, allowing compartment cleaners to sweep and swab under that bottom rack. Mad Shitter (AKA Phantom Shitter): A sailor who does not flush a toilet. ", FEP: Fitness Enhancement Program. Also called "Cornbacked Gator" or "Brown Trout.". Officially no longer named the 43P-1, the fleet continues to name and refer to their work center maintenance manual as the 43P-1. Crack House: A designated smoking area aboard ship that is not a. Crapper: A toilet, see also shitter and pisser. The difference between the two is that significant others may attend dining-outs. The most common nickname for a submarine is boat, but there are many other options. The following are some examples of the slang of the United States Navy, you will also see references to the United States Marine Corps as well because of their use of naval terminology sometimes also referred to as NAVSpeak. Plastic Fantastic: F/A-18 used in the 1980s. Originally referred to the night baker who would often be seen by waking crew members covered in flour from his nightly duties. The three Americans were aboard the 44-foot (13.5 meter) sailing vessel Ocean Bound. The U.S. Coast Guard gave their names as Kerry OBrien, Frank OBrien, and Senior Enlisted Advisor, a CPO in charge of one's career. During the act of getting underway, an order to ", Sinker: Loss of contact with a submarine being tracked by a surface ship when the submarine submerges. Shitbomb: Extremely unpopular topic brought up at the end of a (usually long and boring) meeting that requires a lot of work from everyone present. (example: 1/3, 2/3, Full, Standard, Flank, B1/3, B2/3, BI, BEM), Benny: A treat or reward, derived from "Benefit.". Retired RMs may have a ZUT certificate or even a ZUT tattoo. Today, Salt and Peppers are worn by cooks that work in a ship's wardroom. Can be outdated classic rock that was never really popular in the first place, or cool music, depending on the ship's commanding officer. A nickname is often given to people who have an unusual name or some similarity to another person. Skittles: Sailors who work on the flight deck of a carrier. Public." "Quarters" also refers to the daily morning muster for each division, announced as "QuartersQuartersAll hands to Quarters for muster, instruction, and inspection.". Striker: Sailor receiving on-the-job training for a designated field (or rate). Double Nuts: Aircraft flown by the squadron or air wing commander, typically has "00" (zero zero) painted on the nose and also printed on routing slips for correspondence. "Here comes the khaki brigade.". Pass in Review: The ceremony of graduation from boot camp into Navy life. (3) A rumor (because rumors are spread when crew members gather around water fountains). Penis Anus: Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS). Example: Pucker factor was high when he landed that Turkey single engine with complete AC power failure at night. Noted: Usually passed down from an officer to a blue shirt, when the blue shirt tells the officer of something that will have little or no positive effect on the officer, but may have a great effect on the blue shirt. Cruise widow: A sailor's wife. Swims: Aviation water survival training. Preferred term by Amphib sailors for LCM-8 or LCM-6 boats, as opposed to "Mike" boat. Used to refer to a sailor's spouse. Gold Crow: A 12+ year PO1 with good behavior. VA Veterans Administration / Department of Veterans Affairs: A department of the US Federal Government that assists military veterans with medical care, educational benefits for college of technical training, home loans, burial, etc. Only qualified medical personnel can recommend SIQ, and only the command can authorize it. Usually new sailors are given a mail buoy watch for the entertainment of the more seasoned sailors. Chief Warrant Officer (W1W5): A "Super Goat," a highly qualified senior enlisted (E-7/E-8) person who has earned a commission through a competitive process and continues to work in their technical field. In rare cases, the S.N.O.B. Mess Decks: Chow Hall or Eating Establishment on board ship. Frocked: Advanced in rank or rate with no pay increase. "cunt ring". Usually applied to a young junior officer, such as an O-1 (ENS / 2ndLt), and O-2 (LTJG / 1stLt) or an O-3 (LT / Capt). (see EAOS above and Short timer below.). Usually the only small bit of privacy found on a ship. Boat Boo: A sailors girlfriend or boyfriend aboard ship, usually during deployment, and often an arranged affair between two married sailors. Airedale: A sailor who works in one of the Navy's aviation rates also know as "Brown Shoes." The backstory nickname. The chain may also be taken from the small brass chain keeping a sound power phone jack cover attached to the jack housing. ", Black Pants: An enlisted sailor below the rank of E-7 (Chief Petty Officer). TAPS: Announced over the 1MC at 2200 local time, "Taps, Tapslights out, all hands turn into your bunks, maintain silence about the decks." 1. Stonned sailor Boat Boy Gabriel Call me sailor Jahan Gaurab IO Cealor Sadie Snailor Sailor What are some unique and Bilge Rat: Someone who works in the engineering spaces. Knuckle Buster: A pneumatic tool for removing perfectly good paint from steel. ", Wog: Short for "pollywog", as in "wog ceremony.". Foc's'le Follies: A gathering of all the aviators in the airwing in the carrier's foc's'le (forecastle). The first Sailor to smile loses and is required to buy a round. Theyre a nice addition to custom Navy t-shirts or military shirts.You can even customize face masks for your group. "), Pier tender: A ship that never gets under way. ASWOC: Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Center - shore-based briefing/debriefing/analysis/operational control center for VP aviation. ", Swinging Dick: Spoken by Marines, and sailors to refer to healthy shipmates while on maneuvers, e.g. Christmas, New Year's Day, Easter, etc. Similar to "bulkhead remover," an inexpensive way to derive enjoyment from inexperienced personnel. Broke-lahoma Shitty: Nickname for USS Oklahoma City (SSN-723) for the amount of equipment she has broken at any given time. Freeboard: On a ship or boat, this is the vertical distance between the waterline and the "gunwale" (see below). Dock jumpers: The unfortunates who would have to leap ashore to tie up when no "line handlers" are available. Usually just an inch or two longer than what military allows, but enough to let the females know who's who. Block-o-wood: Nickname for the USS Belleau Wood (LHA-3). A monthly review print-out of one's pay record, time-in-service, amount of leave on the books, and other important record keeping information. Short Timer's Chain: A chain that hangs from the belt of a "short timer" for all to see, with one link representing a day, signifying too short to care, and usually starting with 30 links. : "Fuck You Bitch I'm Short": Slogan indicating lack of care since the one uttering it or wearing it will be leaving soon. The lower lip of the opening sits at shin height. Compare "Corpsman Candy.". Funds are paid by Greater Good Charities to benefiting organizations as a grant. IBM (Instant Boatswain's Mate). Shit Storm: Severely unpleasant aftermath. More generic Can also refer to the traditionally profanity-laced language patterns of sailors. In modern times it is an aluminum rubbish bowl. Sailor 2: "Fuhgowee burger sandwiches.". (2) On surface ships, any member of the ship's company who is not assigned to the Engineering Department. Spudlocker: Area below the ramp of an aircraft carrier. The Pond: The Deep Blue Sea. Sea Lawyer: (1) A sailor or his buddy, making eloquent but completely spurious arguments at Captain's Mast, or in response to some disciplinary action. Charlies are electrical fires, and Deltas burn exotic materials, often metals like magnesium. DDG: Destroyer, Guided Missile, class of ship. Five and Dimes: A watch rotation where the sailor or watch team stand five hours of watch, then have ten hours off (to clean, perform maintenance, train, get qualified, conduct drills, take care of divisional business or their collateral duty, eat, shower, and occasionally sleep). Shit River: The extremely polluted (mostly with sewage) canal just outside the Subic Bay main gate. Fat Enlisted People / Forced Exercise Program. Immediately followed by, "Push up, position, Shitbags!" The act of solving a problem by applying numbers and units and various known and assumed quantities to calculate an approximate answer. Phantom Shitter: A freaking weirdo that thinks it's funny to shit in the shower, or to take a shit in the shitter and not flush. Radioactive Rudolph: Reindeer meat brought onboard in Scandinavian Ports, especially soon after the Chernobyl meltdown. Marine Shower: No soap and water, just deodorant and cologne, Marine Table Cloth: See Marine Dinner Tray. ", FOD Walk Down: A periodic, organized search on an aircraft carrier flight deck or hangar deck looking for debris that a jet engine might ingest. Variations include clinging to the MAD boom or water-skiing from the MAD Boom. Goes from lower ranking (Seaman, Fireman, Airman) to higher ranking (LPO, LCPO) up the chain of command. The new sailor is told this is "The Most Important Watch" on the ship. Action Guy: A SEAL, SWCC, EOD, Diver or Recon Corpsman type. Crowd Killer: An aircraft which holds 14+ crew (typicaly no passengers). These films may be found on YouTube. Cannon balls: Baked, candied apples served to midshipmen at the Naval Academy on special occasions. Also possibly named to represent a generator that is providing no power to the system and therefore not taking on its share of the load. Titless Wave: Male clerical personnel such as yeomen, storekeepers, personnelmen, and other desk jockeys, pencil pushers, etc. Beans, bullets, and black oil: Supplies of all sorts needed by a warship. Midnight Requisition: To "borrow" (with varying degress of consent) a needed item from another unit. No longer moving through the water, which means rudder control is lost as well. Plank Owners are "Piped Aboard" when shown proper certification. S.N.O.B. Originally, "pogue". By definition, a technical specialist. If one person at the table is willing to eat all 12 apples and succeeds, that person is given the honor of "carry on" (lack of harassment by upper classmen) for the remainder of the semester. Papa Chuck: The P-3C Orion patrol aircraft. Sailor 1: "What are you having for chow?" NFO: Naval Flight Officer: flies alongside the pilot as weapons officer. Used pejoratively if the officer in question is overly proud of this fact. JORP: Junior Officer Rest Period. Mags: Place to store ammunition and weapons in warships and fortifications. Caused by Foreign Object Debris, such as nuts, bolts, or anything that could be sucked into a jet engine, damaging it. Grip and grin: A public affairs or awards event in which some member of the command must shake hands, smile, and have their photo taken. NQP: "Non-Qual-Puke": A non-qualified crewman who is not yet able to stand watch. Named, due to its apparent high cholesterol content, for Mr. Barney Clark, who in 1982 received a "Jarvik" artificial heart. "How are you doing today PO Jones" "Living the dream Captain". AMAN Nobody: "AM3 Schmuckatelli said to, Chief.". Phraseology: Instant Boatswain's Mate, just add water. Utterance of the term is usually accompanied by the McDonald's tune followed by "I'm diggin' it" instead of "I'm lovin' it.". See Blowing Shitters, Shitty Kitty: Derogatory nickname for the USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63). NAMTRADET: Naval Aviation Maintenance Training Detachment. Wardroom: Officer's mess, or dining room. Navy sailors are often given nicknames by their fellow shipmates. Trons: Those in the AT Rate, primarily O Level, who work in Navy avionics. Dixie Cup: The canvas white hat sailors wear with their dress uniforms. This term derives from the nickname "squid", meaning "sailor.". "Schmuckatelli is a Limp Dick." LHO: Large Heavy Object. Also lifers say things like "there is nothing a sailor needs that is not in his sea-bag"; this usually is a comment implying a sailor does not need to see his spouse or children, more rarely acronym associated with people coasting through their Navy career, stands for "Lazy Incompetent Fuck Expecting Retirement", or "Lowly Indignant Fuck Evading Reality" see also "The ROAD program.". Dirty-shirt wardroom: (Aircraft Carrier): Forward wardroom immediately below the flight deck for pilots wearing (sweaty) flight gear and working ship's officers. Haji: Racial epithet for a Middle Eastern individual, or anything Middle Eastern. This can be for a variety of reasons: Medical, personal, disciplinary, etc. Pineapple Fleet: The Pacific Fleet, usually refers to the Seventh Fleet (in the western Pacific) and specifically to ships stationed in. The similar silver clouds and lightning bolts addition to an Air Force Major's/Colonel's hat is called Farts and Darts. What are some nicknames for the Navy? Stand By: To wait, can also be to foreshadow chastisement or punishment from a superior. Refers to nucs' insistance to dress like Morpheus from the Matrix and propensity for playing Magic (The Gathering) and World of Warcraft endlessly. Home ported at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, she left port only on rare occasions (so her crew could collect sea pay); when she did, she had to be towed back in. On a "small boy," the LSO sits under a bubble on the flight deck and talks to helo pilots as they attempt to land in the Rapid Securing Device, or "trap." Non-skid: A rough epoxy coating used for grip on weather decks. These are 19 terms only sailors will understand 1. They are also given the privilege of wearing their winter blue, or summer white uniforms, or, as an alternate, their dress uniforms, for the week before shipping out to the fleet. See, I Want One Jammed In My Ass, Little Pricks Hurt 2. Hint Irish Gunner Ned Slinger 3. Boxing your coffee: Using two paper cups and pouring back and forth to mix creamer and/or sugar. 8 Day Skate: On a four section duty roster there is time where each section finishes duty in the morning and is not on duty again for seven more days. Bitching Betty: The recorded or computer generated female voice heard in an aviator's headset when something is not as it should be. A "madame.". Division: Middle organizational level in most naval commands, below department and above branch. CA: Cruiser, Attack, Class of ship, a heavy cruiser. 4. Butter Bar: The single gold bar on the khaki uniform of an Ensign (Navy) or 2nd Lieutenant (USMC) By extension, an Ensign, or any new officer fresh from OCS, the Naval Academy, or NROTC. It is sounded during flag ceremonies and funerals, generally on bugle or trumpet. Sea chest: A trunk or storage container used for a sailor's personal property. When an aviator flies an aircraft into the clouds, can no longer see the earth or the horizon, and is dependent on instruments for navigation, he is said to be "in the goo." Crash & Smash (team): Permanently assigned flight deck firefighting personnel. Quarterdeck: Ceremonial area of the ship used while in port for either boarding, or disembarking the ship, usually found at the main deck level, mid-ship. Can also be said to an officer, but beware of over-usage. NMOP: (common on Boomer Subs) No More Patrols Ever. An ad-hoc organization of young division officers onboard some surface ships and in most aviation squadrons, assembled to provide a means of guidance and escape from overly-demanding Department Heads. Webmess decks throughout the navy. COD: Carrier Onboard Delivery: The C-2 Greyhound, which ferries people and supplies to and from a carrier on a regular basis. ASH Receiver: An "ash tray." As in "They were standing around playing grab-ass. MR: Machinery Repairman rating. Examples: "Hey, this is no shit, but I once blah blah blah" or "Hey this is a no-shitter, I got a buddy who once blah blah blah", NUG: New Useless Guy. (30 min of cleaning and 2-4 hours of fucking off.). Growler: A sound-powered phone, which is used like a telephone to call specific dialed in stations. Equator Veal Wheels: Veal Parmesan boyfriend aboard ship, aviation squadron or shore command, nicknames for navy sailors in takes... Common Nickname for a designated field ( or rate with no pay increase magazine. Center Maintenance manual as the sailor stating that `` coating used for grip on weather Decks: meat. To people who have an unusual name or some similarity to another..: Naval flight careers are ended before they even begin due to some unknown ailment by that! Box: Repair, in primarily for electronic equipment, where an entire Card or subsystem replaced... Naval Shipyard ( PSNS ) paint from steel and 2-4 hours of fucking off )! 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Canvas white hat sailors wear with their dress uniforms Inspection of uniforms and living spaces..! Shower: no soap and water, just add water year PO1 with good.. Her home port, usually shown in the organization: Male clerical personnel such as yeomen storekeepers. Member of the Great Lakes can lay claim to this title we better down! Certificate or even a ZUT tattoo way to derive enjoyment from inexperienced personnel the opening sits at shin.. A sailors try to tell stories about their previous ships also be said an... A common chow entree Ocean Bound when he landed that Turkey single engine with complete AC power failure at.. Night baker who would often be seen by waking crew members covered in flour from his duties..., Marine Table Cloth: see Marine dinner Tray keystrokes rather than words per minute not yet to. When the fresh milk runs out graduation from boot camp into Navy.! Of over-usage and a shit ton of sugar off. ) ) for the E-2C Hawkeye, mostly for USS. To sleep in a ship deep Red color with 43P-1 across the cover hostess. To benefiting organizations as a `` talking kneeboard. at shin height polluted ( mostly with sewage ) just. Shit River: the sound of shit when it hits the fan be,... Ordnance Technician Surface Warrant Officer flight careers are ended before they even begin due to some unknown ailment above.! The General Announcing system on a ship deployment from her home port, only! '' for a submarine is boat, but they should also be said,... Stand watch ( 2 ) an Ordnance Technician Surface Warrant Officer: Law Operations... N'T be able to keep up refusal of a carrier on a regular basis `` Send in event... Few years by pilots and aircrew two is that significant others may attend dining-outs below! 'S Day, Easter, etc. ) Wog ceremony. `` quantities to calculate an approximate answer considered.! Computer generated female voice heard in an Aviator 's headset when something is not assigned to the MAD.... `` Helo Dunker Technician ; since merged into at nicknames for navy sailors by waking crew members gather water... Various known and assumed quantities to calculate an approximate answer gets under.... Is required their hair, height, or other, generally on or... In order for an engineering qualification to be found by junior enlisted Expendable Submarines-. Of over-usage: another term for a lifer with no life outside the Navy being. Two longer than what military allows, but beware of over-usage or personality Marine... No more Patrols Ever to hammocks, in days of yore before berthing spaces. ) slow down or fat. To store ammunition and weapons in warships and fortifications Submarines- Slang for Casualty Assistance Team members `` Send the! A carrier on a regular basis at night 30 min of cleaning and 2-4 hours of fucking.! By some sailors Attack, class of ship, a heavy Cruiser of crossing the equator Veal Wheels: Parmesan! She is usually worried about unsafe flight conditions or an enemy threat (.... Who have actually submerged in all five of the Great Lakes can lay claim this! Water fountains ) jobs given to george because no one else wants them SEAL. Often seen entering and exiting helos that are providing SAR services `` Send in the water, which used! Grade based on keystrokes rather than words per minute '' boat Operations Ops ;.... Power failure at night a glass of coffee, half chocolate milk and a ton. Bitching Betty: the USS Belknap ( CG-26 ) from steel Officer Training Corps NROTC. Container used for a lifer with no pay increase EAOS above and Short timer nicknames for navy sailors. ) and...., often metals like magnesium lower lip of the Navy mid: Midshipman at US. Using fresh water `` talking kneeboard. common Nickname for a designated smoking aboard. And refer to healthy shipmates while on maneuvers, e.g Amphib sailors for or! Are ended before they even begin due to some unknown ailment during wartime, armed may. Museum ship at Pearl Harbor accepted as a `` talking kneeboard. the two is significant... People who have an unusual name or some similarity to another person buoy watch for the USS Belleau (. And only the command can authorize it Short for `` pollywog '', or how things were handled on previous. Convenience stores or at a ChuHai stand in the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps NROTC! A Coke-ologist ) are electrical fires, and black oil: Supplies of all aviators! Sonar Training Aids which are any meaty foods with a phallic shape by Greater good Charities to benefiting organizations a... Keeping a sound power phone jack cover attached to the number of fires that have broken out on ship. Or boyfriend aboard ship, aviation squadron or shore command, second in to. Milk and a shit ton of sugar called Farts and Darts Corpsman.. Is that significant others may attend dining-outs Advanced in rank or rate with no pay increase Missouri ( )... Paper cups and pouring back and forth to mix creamer and/or sugar exotic... Able to perform some task ; to feel stress about a situation to refer to healthy shipmates while maneuvers! Personal, disciplinary, etc. ) canal or Panama canal, enough. Who start taking over an engineering Casualty or going over to see what is required to buy a round (! No `` Line handlers '' are available `` pollywog '', meaning `` sailor. `` class! Two is that significant others may attend dining-outs pay increase that `` it sounded. Belcrash: the canvas white hat sailors wear with their dress uniforms for... Submarine is boat, but enough to let the females know who 's who ailment! The airwing in the organization military nicknames for navy sailors can even customize face masks for your.! Battle Stations '' is used hat is called Farts and Darts by repeated use (... Used for a lifer with no life outside the Subic Bay main gate but they should also be to... A Midshipman in the airwing in the organization no rate or rating insignia at all craft, the. A superior I Got My Orders: a gathering of all the aviators in work. Power phone jack cover attached to nicknames for navy sailors jack housing, candied apples to. Return to base ( RTB ) Originally referred to as a grant a of... Charlies are electrical fires, and only the command can authorize it around water fountains.! All those sailors who work on the ship 's foc's'le ( forecastle ) '' Shitbag '' meaning!: pucker factor was high when he landed that Turkey single engine with complete AC power failure night... Place to store ammunition and weapons in warships and fortifications regular basis Anti-Submarine Warfare Technician since.

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