Glycerin can be made from natural products such as vegetable oil, or can be synthesized from propylene alcohol. Using magnesium sulfate capsules or Epsom salts may help discourage water retention and promote elimination, decrease bloating and help to reduce edema tied to inflammation. Edema in Infants. There is a significant difference in effectiveness of magnesium sulphate with glycerin dressing and heparinoid ointment application on phlebitis so the null hypothesis has been rejected at the interval of (P > 0.05). Take magnesium sulphate granules and mix it with glycerine using one finger (20 gm MgSO4: 100 ml Glycerine ratio), 2. ALL comments that are not spam will be published on the website. In the normally functioning BBB, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nicotine, ethanol, lipid-soluble substances such as heroin, and amphiphilic drugs (containing both hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties) are carried by this route. On the other hand, beneficial effects of magnesium supplementation have been shown in experimental models, and a variety of mechanistic pathways have been put forward including decrease in intracellular Ca2+ concentration, increase in antioxidant capacity and induction of endothelial cell proliferation (Kaya et al., 2001; 2004; Esen et al., 2005; Euser et al., 2008; Wolf et al., 2008; 2009). Uses Before taking Warnings Side effects Overdose Dosage Uses of Glycerin Enema: It is used to treat constipation . Meanwhile, magnesium decient rats are more susceptible to cerebral hypoxia/ ischemia than rats fed with a normal or high magnesium diet (Demougeot et al., 2004). However the study finding is contradictory to the findings from other studies Singh [7] reported that phlebitis was higher if inserted in forearm 65.5%, followed by dorsum of hand 54.7% and wrist joint 53.3%. Conclusion: In the research, study findings revealed that Magnesium sulphate with glycerin dressing is more effective than heparinoid ointment on management of peripheral cannula induced phlebitis. University of Adelaide Press, Adelaide (AU). Table 9. Chi-square test was then applied to show association between dependent and independent variables. Direct heating will turn Glycerine milky, which loses its hygroscopic action.Direct magsulf crystals cause skin problems.Dr. Eclampsia is a serious hypertensive disorder of pregnancy with seizures and associated BBB disruption and vasogenic edema in a similar manner to that observed in hypertensive encephalopathy (Schwartz et al., 2000; Euser and Cipolla, 2009). In a study involving a total of 21 patients with normal- pressure hydrocephalus, a slight plasma-like protein pattern has been demonstrated in CSF in 38% of the patients prior to surgical intervention, indicating BBB dysfunction (Wikkels and Blomstrand, 1982). Papadopoulos MC, Verkman AS. In this study, phlebitis means a painful swelling and raised temperature at the intravenous infusion site along with hardness (induration), redness (erythema), and palpable vein as measured of Visual Infusion Phlebitis Scale (VIP Scale). Altura BM, Gebrewold A, Huang QF, Altura BT. In addition, a number of molecules are transported across the BBB by other mechanisms including carrier- and receptor-mediated transport, adsorptive-mediated endocytosis and fluid phase-mediated endo- cytosis (Loscher and Potschka, 2005; Pardridge, 2007). Ghabriel MN, Thomas A, Vink R. Magnesium restores altered aquaporin-4 immunoreactivity following traumatic brain injury to a pre-injury state. Table 7. Materials and Methods: A Quasi-experimental design was carried among admitted patients in Medical-Surgical Units of BPKIHS. Okiyama K, Smith DH, Gennarelli TA, Simon RP, Leach M, McIntosh TK. Severity of phlebitis based on VIP score of the participants (n = 50). Everything you love about Epsom Salt, now in a convenient and easy to apply pad. Nonetheless, many researchers have highlighted the advantages of using smaller size catheters than larger size catheter. Pharmacology of traumatic brain injury. Skin that holds a dimple, also known as pitting, after it's been pressed for a few seconds. Whereas the finding is inconsistent with the findings from other studies Hedayatinejad, Yoong [15] [19] which showed that insertion site did not significantly influence so no significant correlation seen between the insertion site and phlebitis. Finally, data will be preserved for at least five years. The impairment of BBB integrity during sepsis has been shown in several studies, and magnesium administration in the early stages of sepsis reduced BBB permeability and brain edema (Papadopoulos et al., 2005; Esen et al., 2005). 1) To study and establish the role of Magnesium Sulphate with Glycerin dressing in cases of cellulitis in Diabetics. Esen F, Erdem T, Aktan D, Kalayc R, Cakar N, Kaya M, Telci L. Effects of magnesium administration on brain edema and blood brain barrier breakdown after experimental traumatic brain injury in rats. Glycerine MgSo4 dressing is a household procedure used to reduce swelling. It's been shown to be effective for these uses: control rapid heartbeat. Epsom salt is one of many naturally occurring mineral salts, a compound of magnesium and sulfate in rock-like formations. If left untreated may lead to infection or thrombus formation. A 1999 study published in "Biology of the Neonate" found that when pregnant rats were given a magnesium-deficient diet, the mortality rate of their pups increased. The reason behind this may be due to the fact that IV drugs, KCL causes chemical reaction to the endothelium which resultant phlebitis. Nurses need to have adequate knowledge and skill regarding cannula induced phlebitis management and its complication prevention. Setting: The study was conducted in medical and surgical wards of B.P. Check Interpret Media out if you are looking for an illustrator. Increasing brain bioavailability of parenterally administered magnesium by artificial BBB disruption has been considered as a necessary step in assessing the therapeutic benets of magnesium supplementation after TBI (Sen and Gulati, 2010). Experimental studies focusing on the treatment of brain edema showed beneficial effects of magnesium administered in combination with various pharmacological drugs in animal models (Royo et al., 2003; Sen and Gulati, 2010). Dai LJ, Quamme G A. Intracellular Mg2+ and magnesium depletion in isolated renal thick ascending limb cells. Part II: It consists of information regarding cannula and related factors. Effectiveness of magnesium sulphate with glycerin dressing (MSG) and heparinoid ointment application (HPA) on management of phlebitis. The pathophysiology of brain edema and elevated intracranial pressure. Altura BM, Gebrewold A, Zhang A, Altura BT. These enzymes are important for the survival of various cell types including endothelial cells of the BBB. Similarly, Cicolini found that thrombophlebitis and catheter size was statistically significant [19]. The mean VIP score is more in MSG group as compared with that of HPA group. Although the above- mentioned studies suggest that magnesium is involved in the protection of the BBB and brain edema in sepsis, the literature data is quite limited at present and additional studies are needed to explain the pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in this protection. However there are no more studies to support this finding. Magnesium deficiency affects mammary epithelial cell proliferation: involvement of oxidative stress. Saatman KE, Bareyre FM, Grady MS, McIntosh TK. This study found that cannula of 16 G, 18 G and 20 G predicts more than 22 G cannula among both groups the most common catheter used was size 20 G which was approximately eighty percentage i.e. Mg2+ has also been shown to reduce brain edema and protect brain morphology in experimental cold-injury by inhibition of lipid peroxidation (Turkoglu et al., 2008). Aquaporin (AQP)-4, a bidirectional transmembrane water channel expressed mainly in astrocytes and to a lesser extent in barrier type of endothelial cells and pial membranes, may play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of cytotoxic and vasogenic brain edema and aggravation/resolution of ischemic and traumatic brain edema (Amiry- Moghaddam et al., 2003; Zador et al., 2009). =DBe a good critic and correct us if something went wrong :|Go ahead. Peripheral venous cannulation is the insertion of a Vascular Access Device (VAD) into a peripheral vein. Take magnesium sulphate granules and mix it with glycerine using one finger (20 gm MgSO4: 100 ml Glycerine ratio). Similarly, there was no significant association between magnesium sulphate with glycerin dressing and heparinoid ointment application on management of phlebitis with selected socio-demographic variables and cannula related factors. Other possible mechanisms of action of Mg2+ in regulating vascular function involve its antioxidant, anti- inammatory, and growth regulatory properties via which burden of oxidative stress and inammation in the endothelial cells of microvessels are attenuated (Weglicki et al., 1996; Mazur et al., 2007). Effects of blockade of ionotropic glutamate receptors on blood- brain barrier disruption in focal cerebral ischemia. MAGNOCARE WET PADS OF EPSOM SALT 33%. This book is copyright. Coding/decoding: Serial number was given for each sample result. Glycerine is a sweet clear viscous liquid with dehydrating property. assigned to glycerine magnesium sulphate and heparin group. After entry, data were rechecked and transfer to SPSS version 11.5 and analyzed. All the ethics in research were followed and maintained strictly. Address all inquiries to the Director at the above address. Swimming, massaging, Wear soft rubber soled shoes and take regular care of feet, Written by our guest author Varad Chandak. primary physiological response to trauma, thus minimizing the barrier to wound healing an facilitates tissue repair. Phlebitis, Effectiveness, Glycerin Magnesium Sulphate, Heparinoid Ointment. It is also useful in providing the relief from pain, minor irritation and sore throat. Human and animal studies have indicated that hydrocephalus leads to disruption of the BBB. Abbott NJ, Patabendige AA, Dolman DE, Yusof SR, Begley DJ. without the prior written permission. Wolf FI, Trapani V, Simonacci M, Ferr S, Maier JAM. 14 (28%), 7 (14%) 1 (2%) of them had advanced or severe, early/mild and advanced thrombophlebitis or very severe phlebitis respectively. Regarding insertion site, the present study found that the most common location for insertion of cannula was in wrist 34% followed by Dorsum of hand 30% among both groups among them the least 14% was forearm; 22% was reported in the cubital fossa. Out among 50 admitted patients with cannula induced phlebitis. Worldwide hundreds of millions of patients are affected by health care-associated infections each year. Temkin NR, Anderson GD, Winn HR, Ellenbogen RG, Britz GW, Schuster J, Lucas T, Newell DW, Manseld PN, Machamer JE, Barber J, Dikmen SS. Barbagallo M, Dominguez LJ. Apply this over the edematous limb without any wrinkle in a spiral bandaging manner, 5. Bara M, Guiet-Bara A. Potassium, magnesium and membranes. Similarly, participants days of hospital stay less than one week, insertion site (wrist 34%), less than 20 G size of cannula, more than second time insertion of cannula, administration of various drugs, fluid and electrolytes, KCL were found to be contributing factors of phlebitis from both experimental groups. It is also used as a soaking solution to relieve minor sprains, bruises, muscle aches or discomfort, joint stiffness or soreness, and tired feet. Ethical Clearance: Written ethical clearance was obtained from Institutional Review Committee (IRC) of BPKIHS with IRC approval number IRC 143/074/075. Maximum 39 (78%) were married and majority cant read and write. Mazur A, Maier JA, Rock E, Gueux E, Nowacki W, Rayssiguier Y (2007) Magnesium and the inammatory response: potential physiopathological implications. It shows that there is more reduction of VIP score in MSG group. Vink R, Cernak I. All absorbent dressings maintain moist wound environment but dressings like hydrogel and glycerin magnesium sulphate provide direct moisture to the wound. In addition, treatment of human endothelial cells with magnesium has induced reduction of cellular pro-oxidant levels and diminished the release of pro-inammatory cytokines (Wolf et al., 2008). Weglicki WB, Mak IT, Kramer JH, Dickens BF, Cassidy MM, Staord RE, Phillips TM. Eect of magnesium on traumatic brain edema in rats. 1. Feeling of leg heaviness. Effectiveness: In this study, effectiveness refers to the degree of reduction in phlebitis by application of magnesium sulphate with glycerine dressing magsulf dressing and heparinoid ointment on two groups as measured in terms of Visual Infusion Phlebitis Scale (VIP Scale). Swimming, massaging, Daily wearing of below-knee stockings, Regular washing and keep the limb clean, Wear soft rubber soled shoes and take regular care of feet, Written by our guest author Varad Chandak#Ae(ONE)INTERN. along the nein and swelling. A study conducted by Cicoloni33 also found first degree thrombophlebitis to be the highest (84.4%). They also had significantly higher levels of edema and hemorrhages. review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or It's a quick and effective first aid for boils, carbuncles and whitlows. Patients who were not willing to participate and were under cytitoxic drugs were excluded in research. Materials and Methods in Christian Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab among 60 subjects (30 with Heparinoid and 30 with Ichthammol Glycerine applications with matching age, gender and type of disease condition) reported that both the applications were effective in reducing IV induced phlebitis [11]. Comment all you like here! Table 3. Touyz RM. Brain intracellular and extracellular Mg2+ concentrations, as well as serum Mg2+ levels, are decreased following central nervous system injury and a decline of Mg2+ concentration in brain can further increase the severity of BBB disruption and be a critical factor in the development of irreversible tissue damage (Vink et al., 1987; Vink and Cernak, 2000; Vink et al., 2009). Maximum 78% of participants were married from both MSG and HPA group. It produces a warm sensation and irritates mucous membranes. The study was done to find out the effectiveness of Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences, College of Nursing, Sanobharyang, Kathmandu, Nepal, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. It shows that there is more reduction of VIP score in Magnesium sulphate with glycerin (MSG) group. Accumulated data from animal models indicates that administration of magnesium salts into the circulation or extracellular brain compartments can provide an effective therapy for TBI (Vink and Cernak, 2000; Saatman et al., 2001; Hoane, 2007) by improving BBB integrity and decreasing brain edema (Esen et al., 2003). Key Ingredients: Dried magnesium sulfate Topical glycerine Topical phenol Key Benefits: Khan OH, Enno T, Del Bigio MR. Magnesium sulfate therapy is of mild benefit to young rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus. Magnesium ion (Mg2+), the most abundant divalent cation in living cells, exists not only in the intracellular compartment but also in circulation and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). . Based on the above-mentioned data, it can be concluded that although there has not been a consensus between animal and human studies regarding the efficiency of magnesium administration in TBI, it can be effective in the recovery of BBB damage at least in animal models. Glycerin is a natural by-product of the soap manufacturing process. Huang Q F, Gebrewold A, Zhang A, Altura BT, Altura BM. Schwartz RB, Feske SK, Polak JF, DeGirolami U, Iaia A, Beckner KM, Bravo SM, Klufas RA, Chai RY, Repke JT. However, our data did not provide sufficient statistical evidence to prove and validate this result. Another similar study conducted by Thomas [26] to evaluate the prevalence of Phlebitis and Comparison of the Effectiveness of Topical Ichthammol Glycerin and Heparinoid application on Phlebitis among 90 patients in Christian Medical College, Vellore reported that the prevalence of phlebitis was 26.07% for the time period of six weeks whereas Ichthammol glycerin was more effective than Heparinoid application based on the observation at 12 hours and 24 hours, both were found to be equally effective at 48 hours of the observation. So from study finding, it is supposed that gender has no significant role in phlebitis. Ebel H, Gunther T. Magnesium metabolism: a review. Meanwhile the cold application was more effective while there was no difference between aloe Vera & glycerin [28]. Meanwhile, in a double- blinded trial conducted to check the validity of animal data in humans, and to explore whether magnesium infusion initiated within 8 hours of major head injury and continued for 5 days would decrease mortality and improve the functional outcome in head-injured patients, it was reported that there was no clinical suggestion of a beneficial effect of the magnesium regimen in these patients (Temkin et al., 2007). Similarly, medium stage or moderate phlebitis was observed in 28 (56%) of the participants as scored by 3 among both groups out of them 44% and 68% in MSG and HPA groups respectively. However, there are no more studies to support this finding. Mg2+ acts as a regulatory cation at the systemic and cellular levels, and participates in almost all anabolic and catabolic processes in the body. Magnesium sulfate is available without a prescription. Table 4. Therefore, this lack of basic knowledge compounds the difficulty we face when interpreting the importance of efforts of increasing serum Mg2+ levels under these conditions. This finding is supported by a study Bare [2] who explained peripheral intravenous device (PIV)/catheters are the most commonly used intravenous device in hospitalized patients. Pathology and new players in the pathogenesis of brain edema. Magnesium supplementation is one of the experimental methods and pharmacological approaches developed for the treatment of BBB disruption and brain edema caused by septic encephalopathy. Liu X, Hunter C, Weiss HR, Chi OZ. Association between socio-demographic variables and severity score (n = 50). When approximately, 95% confidence intervals were used P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Result showed that Glycerine Magnesium Sulphate paste was more effective than Heparinoid (Thrombophob) Ointment application based on the observation at 24 hours (p< 0.0001). In brain tissue, the barrier-type endothelial cells have a continuous basal membrane and do not exhibit fenestrations. Billard JM. 2) To compare the outcome, with respect to pain, erythema and oedema in diabetic patients with cellulitis, treated with Magnesium Sulphate combined with glycerin dressing as against Glycerin dressing alone. Magnesium sulphate was applied every 2 h for 2 days in solution form with a compress, and the limb was raised, wrapped in plastic and immobilised (Wan, 2018), or it was applied in ointment form . Hoane MR. Assessment of cognitive function following magnesium therapy in the traumatically injured brain. Part III: It consists of check-list and grading scale to assess severity of phlebitis based on Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP) scale. Simple random sampling technique was used to allocate the wards to each interventional group and purposive sampling technique to select samples where instruments baseline Performa and observation scale was used to collect data. Incidence rate of phlebitis was associated with male sex, between 21 to 40 years of age, small Gauze catheter size, inmserted at fore arm, IV drug administration and blood product transfusion [7]. WellTell us something you know better. Similarly few were under blood transfusion and in NPO/unconscious. Table 1 shows surprisingly 47 years was the mean age of respondents in both. The grading of severity of phlebitis was done based on scores obtained by using VIP scale. The present study shows there is no association between treatment-related variables which included with severity score which include complete interventions scores (8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48 hours) of participants in both experimental groups. Table 7 Demonstrate that there is a statistically significant difference in phlebitis score in both experimental groups MSG and HPA groups after comparison baseline within 8, 16, 32, 40, 48 hours of administration of intervention (P = 0.05). Soak it completely so that no part of gauze is dry, 4. The incidence of phlebitis in hospitalized patients receiving IV therapy has been reported to be as high as 80% [2]. S. Magnesium sulphate solution is a good medicine for any type of wound and edema,we also uses the above preparation. Energy depletion followed by a failure of the Na+- K+ ATPase plays a major role in the pathogenesis of cytotoxic brain edema, and increased uptake of Na+ into the cell cannot be equilibrated by the defective pump. (M), magnesium sulfate dressing was done by dipping the gauze in the magnesium sulfate glycerine solution and applying it on phlebitis area. The result is an alcohol-based product that is an ingredient in many skin-care products. During normal physiological processes, Mg2+ works as a voltage dependent antagonist and a noncompetitive inhibitor of the N-methyl-D- aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors and ion channels in the brain. Kaptanoglu E, Beskonakli E, Okutan O, Selcuk Surucu H, Taskin Y. Eect of magnesium sulphate in experimental spinal cord injury: evaluation and ultrastructural ndings and early clinical results. This finding is supported by a study by Tan [16] where found that similarly 65% mild, 19% moderate and 8% severe thrombophlebitis in the study participants. A household procedure used to treat constipation Zhang a, Vink R. restores... Version 11.5 and analyzed you love about Epsom Salt, now in a spiral bandaging manner, 5 Mg2+... To apply pad are not spam will be published on the website in the pathogenesis of brain and... The highest ( 84.4 % ) were married from both MSG and HPA group of BPKIHS significant in! Levels of edema and hemorrhages okiyama K, Smith DH, Gennarelli TA, Simon RP Leach... 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