Customs of Moses (Acts 6:14) were the institutions that distinguished the Jews and that were derived from Moses. better understanding, convincing knowledge, and the Spirit, i.e. He deserves as well to be called the first great apologist for Christianity, since it was this that brought on his death as a martyr (circa 36 or 37 AD). Both, before dying, commended their souls to God: Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit. Lord Jesus, receive my soul! [17]. What Stephen's Name Means. [2] Stephen is mentioned in Acts 6 as one of the Greek-speaking Hellenistic Jews selected to participate in a fairer distribution of welfare to the Greek-speaking widows.[3]. Dr. Mike and his wife, Pamela Rose, live in Northeast Ohio and they have children and grandchildren that live in various states. Many people who are familiar with the Bible are not familiar with Stephen who was one of the first deacons in the Bible. In 439, the relics were translated to a new church north of the Damascus Gate built by the empress Aelia Eudocia in honor of Saint Stephen. Stephen stood by the words of Jesus Christ, and so he was opposed by the Synagogue of the Freedmen, which involved the Alexandrians and the Cyrenians. Ksiki | mikka okadka. He performed miracles. That idea threatened long-held beliefs. FACTS is a podcast that is based out of Explore Christianity ( of We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. The number of disciples in Jerusalem grew rapidly, and a great number of priests became obedient to the faith. It is in reality a philosophy of Israels history and religion, and in so far it was a novum. The emotional appeal lies in the reverential and feeling manner in which he handles the history sacred to them all. The fundamental differences between Stephen and his opponents, as is evident from the whole tone and drift and purpose of his speech, lay in that he judged Old Testament history from the prophetical point of view, to which Jesus had also allied Himself, while his opponents represented the legalistic point of view, so characteristic of the Jewish thought of that day. Dr. Mike holds under-graduate through post graduate degrees in Christian Education and formerly worked as a nurse. They responded by conspiring to lie about him in an effort to stir up the people and members of the local synagogue. They were told to choose men who were full of faith and the Holy Ghost. The charge of blasphemy against God and contempt of the Law is implicitly repudiated by the tenor of the whole speech. He continued by telling them what he was seeing, which enraged them so much they attacked him. Both our Blessed Lord and St. Stephen were treated as outcasts, and put to death outside the city. Dr Michael L has written 155 articles on What Christians Want To Know! He was a deacon and is introduced in the Bible as a faithful man of God. Stephen Howard. These wise words of Stephen angered the Jews even more who condemned him shortly after his speech. Likewise, he contented for the faith with those who were ultra-liberal in their beliefs. [Acts 8:1][6] Some theologians argue that these may not be discrepancies, but rather a condensing of historical events for people who were already familiar with them. bible, Uncovering of his relics (relics of the saints: Nicodemus, Gamaliel and Abibas son of Gamaliel were also found in Saint Stephen's tomb) took place in 415, Gamaliel appeared to presbyter Lucian[ru] and he told him to go to Jerusalem and inform Bishop John about relics of Saint Stephen. He has a short introduction in Acts 6:5 and becomes the first martyr for the Christian faith just one chapter later. Many early Christians were martyred in the time after Christ. Stephen's Testimony still enlightens souls all across the world to this day. [7] Stephen denounces his listeners[6] as "stiff-necked" people who, just as their ancestors had done, resist the Holy Spirit. Man can only kill the body, but they cannot kill the soul. [7] But Stephen, ansported with enthusiasm and inspiration, was vouchsafed a vision of the glory of God, which he had mentioned in the beginning of his speech (Acts 7:2), and of Jesus, whose cause he had so gallantly defended (Acts 7:55). The account begins with the ascension of Christ (30-33 AD) and runs all the way through to 62-64 AD. He held the coats of those who stoned Stephen to death and saw the victorious way Stephen died. After that, the relics of the protomartyr were taken in procession to the Church of Hagia Sion on 26 December 415, making it the date for the feast of Saint Stephen. [31][32][33], In 428 (when Saint Theodosius II the Younger Roman Emperor) relics of saint: Stephen, Nicodemus, Gamaliel and Abibas were translated from Jerusalem to Constantinople and relics have been placed in Saint Lawrence church, and after preparations were made relics were moved to specially prepared Saint Stephen church in Constantinople, this event took place on 2 August.[34][32][33]. Instead of disputing the accuracy of their charges, he took the opportunity before the large numbers of people there to share the Gospel of Salvation, beginning all the way back with the calling of Abraham out of idolatry. This also has the effect of pushing the Feast of the Holy Innocents to the 29 December. [13] To the objection that it seems unlikely that such a long speech could be reproduced in the text of Acts exactly as it was delivered, some Biblical scholars have replied that Stephen's speech shows a distinctive personality behind it. With a Master of Arts in English, she has worked as a private tutor and, in the past few years, has moved into content writing for companies such as Writer's Zone. When Stephen preached these things, the Jews accused him of blasphemy and brought him before their Council, the Sanhedrin (Acts 6:12-15). [5] As another deacon, Nicholas of Antioch, is specifically stated to have been a convert to Judaism, it may be assumed that Stephen was born Jewish, but nothing more is known about his previous life. [Acts 7:5860] Saul "approved of their killing him. [30] Bishop John II with bishops Eusthia (from Sebastia) and Eleutherius (from Jericho) came to the tomb in Beit Jimal and translated relics to Jerusalem, this event is commemorated on 15 September. Twelve of these disciples were designated by the Lord himself as apostles who spread the Gospel. The Roman Empire persecuted members of The Way, as early Christianity was called, for the next 300 years, finally ending with the conversion of Emperor Constantine I, who adopted the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D., allowing Christians religious freedom. [19] A different tradition is documented from the end of the Crusader period, after the disappearance of the Byzantine church: as Christian pilgrims were prohibited from approaching the militarily exposed northern city wall, the name "Saint Stephen's Gate" was transferred to the still accessible eastern gate, which bears this name until this day. Although we have only this two-chapter narrative of Stephens life, he has left a legacy that serves as something to consider by believers today. Stephen is known for being the first Christian martyr. Acts 6:8: Stephen performs various wonders and signs. Devout men carried him to his grave ( 8:2 ). He was deeply influenced by Christianity and shared a strong connection with God himself. Trilingual Rajnandini has also published work in a supplement for 'The Telegraph', and had her poetry shortlisted in Poems4Peace, an international project. Stephen is often shown as a young, beardless man with a tonsure, wearing a deacon's vestments. He had the power of healing people, which is a gift bestowed upon him by the Holy Spirit. The Sanhedrin feared this revolutionary message, which got Stephen hauled to the council. Being a Greek-speaking Jew himself, Stephen went to the synagogue for Greek-speaking Jews in Jerusalem to try to turn his fellow Jews to Christ. Just like they had murdered several other prophets including Zechariah, the Jews rejected and murdered Christ as well and disregarded the holy beliefs of Christianity. This revolutionary message got Stephen hauled before the Sanhedrin, the same Jewish council that had condemned Jesus to death for blasphemy. HOLY TRINITY RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, a parish of the Patriarchate of Moscow", "Translation of the relics of the Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen from Jerusalem to Constantinople", "Frequently asked questions: Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower", St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic Church, St. Louis, Missouri, St. Stephen the Martyr Catholic Church, Omaha, NE, Benedict XVI, "Reflection on the Life and Death of Saint Stephen", [6], There are at least five places where Stephen's re-telling of the stories of Israelite history diverges from the scriptures where these stories originated; for instance, Stephen says that Jacob's tomb was in Shechem,[Acts 7:16] but Genesis 50:13[Genesis 50:13] says Jacob's body was carried and buried in a cave in Machpelah at Hebron. Photo credit:Wikimedia Commons-Public Domain/Annibale Carracci. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. R. J. Knowling, Acts in Expositors Greek Testament ., 2 (1900); Feine, PRE 3 , 19 (1907); Pahncke in Studien u. Krit . This recourse to lynch law may have been connived at by the Roman authorities, since the act was without political significance. Acts 7 is a beautiful example of telling the story of the whole Bible and tying it to Christ. However, before he died, he called out to God, Lord Jesus, receive my Spirit. Immediately after this, he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge and then he died. Nevertheless, the Israelites turned to other gods. Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. Throughout the history of the early church, various charismatic gifts such as healing, belonged to several followers of Christ. Historically, the "Invention of the Relics of Saint Stephen" (i.e., their reputed discovery) was commemorated on 3 August. The result of these deacons being ordained over the care of the widows was the Word of God increasing as the apostles had more time available for their ministry work. What Do We Learn from Reading Jesus Genealogy? Many churches and other places commemorate Stephen. Stephen provided a point-by-point explanation following the Old Testament and put forth the various examples angering those who condemned Jesus. [Acts 6:914] Stephen is said to have been unperturbed, his face looking like "that of an angel". St. Stephen is often depicted with stones, a Gospel Book, a miniature church and a martyr's palm frond. Even Philo characterizes the Law of Moses in distinction from the laws of other nations, as stedfast, immovable and unchangeable, placing it on a level with the laws of Nature. The charge against his teaching was both false and true. In the current norms for the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, the feast is celebrated at the Eucharist, but, for the Liturgy of the Hours, is restricted to the Hours during the day, with Evening Prayer being reserved to the celebration of the Octave of Christmas. The contents of his speech are a recital of the most marked phases of Jewish history in the past, but as read from the point of view of its out-workings in the present old facts interpreted by a spirit-filled disciple of Christ. The first thing to note is that Acts 7:55 does not say that Stephen saw "the Father" or even that he "saw God.". Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. Acts 6:1-7:As the Apostles numbers grew, because of the size, certain people became overlooked, such as the Gentile widows (opposed to the Hebraic widows). Stephen's death had the unexpected consequence of forcing Christians to flee persecution in Jerusalem. In Stephen's death, as in Christ's, both love and evil are seen in clear focus. In Western Christianity, 26 December is called "Saint Stephen's Day", the "Feast of Stephen" mentioned in the English Christmas carol "Good King Wenceslas". "[Acts 7:5153], Thus castigated, the account is that the crowd could contain their anger no longer. Bible References: The apostle James is mentioned in all four Gospels and his martyrdom is cited in Acts 12:2. This allowed him to speak to both Jewish and Gentile audiences. Although we dont have much information presented about Stephen in the sixth chapter of Acts, we can derive the following from the text provided. 11 Then they secretly persuaded some men to say, "We have heard Stephen speak blasphemous words against Moses and against God.". They were interred alongside the relics of Saint Lawrence, whose tomb is enshrined within the church. As Stephen by his life and work marks a period of transition in the development of the early Christian church, so his name is connected with an important new departure within the organization of the church itself, namely, the institution of the office of the Seven (Acts 6:1ff), who were entrusted with the administration of the work of relief in the church at Jerusalem the foundation of the diaconate. Stephen explained how God fulfilled the promises He had made to Abraham through the events in history. Though it marks the beginning of the first great persecution of Christians, the death of the first Christian martyr resulted in the greatest acquisition Christianity has probably ever made, the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. (b) The Jews to whom these revelations were granted, so far from being thankful at all stages of their history, had been slow to believe and understand them because they would not be obedient (Acts 7:39,Acts 7:57). Thus his teachings forecast that greatest controversy of the first Christian century, the controversy between Judaism and Christianity, which reached its culmination-point in the Council of Jerusalem, resulting in the independence of the Christian church from the fetters of Judaistic legalism. The God of glory, he says, appeared to Abraham in Mesopotamia, thus establishing at the beginning of the speech one of its major themes, that God does not dwell only in one particular building (meaning the Temple). Stephen was mentioned for the first time in Act 6:5 of the Bible. Reaching the destination isn't important, but we must focus on the journey first. Stephen was an evangelist. Through this speech, he tried to enlighten the minds of everyone and reminded them of their continuous slavery in idolatry and their rebellion against God's will. Only a few people were known to possess charismatic powers like the Lord Jesus Christ and Saint Stephen was one of them. Join with us in offering this prayer, written by Deacon Keith Fournier, seeking his intercession: Support this pod Their conspiracy resulted in Stephen being taken into custody, brought before the council of the synagogue, and charged with blasphemy. The result, however, was that Christianity spread throughout the region, as the expelled Christians preached the gospel wherever they went (Acts 8:4;Acts 11:19). In Acts, after the early church begins to convert thousands of people to the Christian faith in a matter of days, we meet for a brief time a man by the name of Stephen. As an aside, this might not have been Saul's first encounter with Jesus, as some scholars suggest that young Saul might have known of Jesus and that he might have actually witnessed His death. As his name and his relations in the church at Jerusalem seem to imply (Acts 6:3ff), he was a Hellenist, i.e. Zavada, Jack. Their knowledge of Jewish history and Jewish religion as he would convey it to them would compel them to clear him of the accusation against him as blasphemer and false teacher. He contributed majorly to the growth of the church and also helped the apostles in their work of spreading the Almighty's words, just like the patron saint. Phillip was the name of two of King Herod the Great's sons by different wives ( Luke 3:1 and Matthew 14:3 ). One of the seven men chosen by the early Church, Stephen was responsible for distributing food to the Grecian widows, who had been overlooked by the church. Prejudiced and enraged as they were, the unanswerable arguments of Stephen, based on their own Scriptures, made them mad with fury, and doubtless through their demonstrations they stopped the speech. He was likely Jewish: Jews, from an early age, memorized portions of the Old Testament. Why did Stephen become the first martyr for the Christian faith, and what can the church today learn about this saint from the first century? He also was one of the first deacons of the church. Using the God given wisdom provided by the Holy Spirit, Stephen was able to cut through their weak arguments. It's library of books The Bible is a library of 66 books, written by 44 authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit over a period of about 1,500 years. And when he had said this, he fell asleep (Acts 7:60; compare1 Cor 15). After their false testimony, the high priest asked Stephen if these things were true. Pope Benedict XVI stated in 2012 that St. Stephen appealed to the Jewish scriptures to prove how the laws of Moses were not subverted by Jesus but, instead, were being fulfilled. By telling them what he was deeply influenced by Christianity and shared a strong connection with God himself commend Spirit. Great number of disciples in Jerusalem free to you the reader we are by... 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