I don't mind people taking care of abandoned animals etc or maybe an exotic animals somehow decide it likes you and wants to stay but. There are few veterinarians that can treat your pet, food, and shelter may be expensive, or the animal needs specific or time-consuming care. Every year, 500 reptiles and 500 bird species are traded worldwide. VSA provides financial assistance to pet owners for veterinary care. As of 2018, the US has over three million pet birds alone. Would a tiger be more 'happy' (trying not to anthropomorphasize) in the wild than in a cage? The laws regarding exotic pet ownership vary by state. i don't know if a pet snake will have as much freedom. Unfortunately, many people hold exotic pets illegally and hide the damage they cause to avoid legal prosecution. Anyways, now if kids want to pet him I ask them to ask their parents. the picture up the page is of a genet. Also that their original practical use was to put them inside pipes to hunt/chase out unwanted mice and rats. Maybe, just maybe, it is the sheep-like parroting of people like you, Sam, that is uneducated and unfounded. Bears, Cougars, Moose, Elk etc. Companion animals | Exotic animals | Formulas/Calculator - Source: 2017-2018 U.S. Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook. Minnesota I do sort of agree with all of the others who say stuff about keeping exotic animals is some what selfish, but it is really not selfish if you think about it hard and meaningfully. As for occupational or personal risk, high-risk extreme sports are similar to situations where people choose to interact with dangerous animals. All require the owner to do research, lest their care is executed poorly. After his lynx passed away, he purchased a Wallaby and named him Bucky. Not all domestics enjoy humans and not all non-domestics only do so when trained. Animals help us fill the void, and even if you have the money, time, and knowledge to care for exotic animals, why do it? but i do realise your points and support your opinions on the matter. I'd love to be a domestic cat; they don't have to worry about anything. TikTok is filled with accounts showing off exotic animals that aren't typically house-trained, like . To me this is indefensible. But aside from this, monkeys are one animal. I did almost loose my ferret, when I was younger and ignorant of states having their own pet laws. Exotic pet owners keep exotic pets for the same reasons that domesticated animal owners keep domesticated pets, which is the hope of a symbiotic relationship with their creature of choice. Between 20162019, its numbers grew by. Its important to not be spontaneous about the acquisition of any animal. You think you're doing the right thing when in reality you're only promoting the problem. The definition of an exotic pet varies by locale, so what is considered "domesticated" in one place may be considered exotic elsewhere. I was talking about exotic animals, reptiles, and fish. Mas Agung Wilis/NurPhoto via Getty Images. The incident happened . Invasive populations of mammals originating from the exotic pet trade are very rare and pretty much only exist in Florida. If you support keeping birds, reptiles, or cats as indoor pets, you already support exotic pet ownership. You can't get a license. Luckily the judge had knowledge about ferrets, and accepted my response. width: auto; Most issues like this are judgement calls - and that makes them arbitrary relative to opinions and experiences upon which they are founded. Many people also consider the ferret (Mustela putorius furo) a domesticated animal. Despite the small number of bad scenarios involving exotics, people still hold exotic pet owners, as a whole, 100% responsible for every incident individual owners cause, but dog owners are never blamed for attacks and fatalities caused by other dog owners (this means that there would have to be zero exotic pet-related incidences in order to ease peoples fears, and sometimes even that isnt enough!). These animals deserve to be free, where they can run, hunt, climb, mate, and live their primal lives. There is evidence suggesting that this encourages poaching of wild animals. Tambako The Jaguar (CC BY-ND 2.0) Via Flickr. Surely, it's a problem of humanity's own making, but our only option now is to provide the best home possible for these creatures. look it up, over a thousand people hunting snakes didn't even find a hundred snakes. It is an exciting topic which is very useful for exotic pet keepers. Customers praise its products and how theyve, Coconut oil for dogs has become popular among dog owners who want a more natural and holistic approach, Is leash training your puppy essential? i am cringing so hard right now at this. Now, you might be thinking whats the harm in owning an exotic pet? If a 3-year-old child is attacked and killed by their parents dog who has "never shown any aggression before," the child is somehow less dead than if killed by a wolfdog. Im sure there are exotic pet owners out there whose care and expertise could appeal to even the most diehard anti-captivity advocate, and since they exist, the right to keep alternative pets is worth protecting. Jean Mayer Administration Building There are no differences between tigers and domesticated cats in that regard. But the bites of monkeys can be deadlyespecially in this case from Malaysia in 2019 when the monkey bit through a major artery. And that is just the tip, So, you want to know how many dogs are in the world? I did show up to court with my ferret, and thankfully the case was dropped after I explained that my ferret was no filthier than anyone else walking their dog. Bans only eliminate problems by eliminating animals. You say their's 5 arguments for exotic pet ownership, yet you're only giving me 1 and then you rehash the same point.. We get it!! In 2016, over 100 thousand households were reported to have specialty or exotic pets. (Source: Journal of Pediatric Health Care). I do support reasonable regulations on dangerous exotics, but never full-out bans or ridiculous, impossible-to-meet standards. As for exotic pet trade, if it is done in a responsible way and encourages preservation of wildlife (let's say by breeding exotic pets domestically rather than exploiting threatened populations in the wild), then one needs to consider that such ideas if properly executed can have merit. If you want an animal just to own it, and not to make money, no license. Many of them couldn't survive in the wild. All of these animals have instincts, some can be skittish, some don't even like humans, not unlike other 'exotic' animals like lemurs, foxes, and kangaroos. Me wishing this would be the one time she would give someone hell but nah she was like 'warm hand'. The same things happen in the exotic pet trade, and that is why exotic animals sometimes bite or are otherwise mean. I am in almost total agreement, but I think this article is more why have domesticated animals is just as bad or as good as having exotic animals. The state trooper was older and I'm sure seeing three, barely legal teens, one refusing to let go of the ferret, wasn't what he expected. they're happiest when they are around people companions. so its kinda confusing if we should let them go but they could get captured or something bad happens. Tambako The Jaguar (CC BY-ND 2.0) Via Flickr. THAT is irrefutable. Felicia Wilson There's a large following. 75% of reptiles from pet shops die within the first year. An irrefutable fact is the destruction of animal habitat by humankind slowing forcing many animals into extinction. Your description reads zoo attender, so I assume you know how miserable a lot of exotic animals are in captivity. Tiger mothers are killed and the baby kidnapped for someone's "pet". This includes big cats, primates, reptiles, amphibians, and rare birds. However, many exotic critters may not be legal to own where you live. You make good points, and they appear objective and almost irrefutable from a relativistic point of view. And in Oregon, an escaped pet lynx was shot after it pounced on a six-year-old girl and began clawing her head. The quality of the captive situation varies as does the species being subjected to it. (Did you see the double animal pun?). .tufts-carousel { Exotic Animals Are Banned as Pets for Welfare Issues. I am still amused that the city of Denver outlawed African pygmy hedgehogs because of (so I heard) fears of feral hedgehogs, although midsummer is the only time Denver temperatures are warm enough for the hedgehogs! And it's estimated that 80-90% of macaques (even "pet trade" individuals) carry the Herpes B virus, which is fatal to humans. If you already have the name of someone who has experience with the type of animal that you have, then calling them is probably your best bet. Melissa, I love your articles and am incredibly grateful for what you write. The point is that you shouldn't be judging me if you're fine with owning cats. In fact, despite the vivid imagination of law makers, no pet big cat has escaped and attacked a member of the "uninvolved" public (people who aren't the owner, or voluntarily visiting the animal) in the U.S. Now, lets look at whats happening to exotic pets worldwide. And then to top it all off, we keep millions of human-engineered carnivores that must subsist on the deaths of other animalsbut if I pick an uncommon pet, all of the sudden I am viewed as extra selfish. Salmonella affects about 1.2 million people in the US each year. Any animal can be kept as long as it is properly cared for, thanks i doing a school essay and this help a lot, that is why this topic is so controversial, Thanks for the information I think the same as you. As in, if the member of the public is on the property of the exotic animal voluntarily (or in the case of children, brought there, so the guardian assumes the risk) than it's not a matter of public safety. Of specialty and exotic pets owned in the US in 2016, most households had fish, reptiles, and other mammals. The Burmese python is the most popular animal that people complain about; however, despite the severity of the nuisance, its presence is restricted to one region in Florida (they cannot survive in most states). Maybe I wrote it incorrectly, but I'm only referring to the U.S. as the sample size, and members of the public should have "uninvolved" next to it if I didn't write that. Exotic animal regulations in New Brunswick. Stories can be viewed on the web atvetmed.tamu.edu/news/pet-talk. @media only screen and (min-width: 1160px) { I've lived with cats and dogs in my youth. I agree with exotic pets should be allowed. Many myths about exotic pet ownership are perpetuated by animal rights groups and public ignorance. I'm moving the NC too, and be SURE to find one of the few remaining counties that doesn't have bans. Most cats, aside from uncommon pedigree cats like Persians, hunt on their own, VERY WELL, eliminating native species due to it. what about a tiger the size of a house cat, wouldn't that make a great pet? Exotic pets may also have the advantage of receiving individualized attention, unlike many zoo animals. Kansas City, MO. Sep 4, 2020, 10:38 AM. You don't understand animals if you think tigers just want to kill everything. I own an exotic pet, and I agree with all of your points. So do many dogs, especially when they aren't neutered, or are you comparing surgically altered animals to intact exotic pets? But what does this mean for the animals and us? I hope some education will help you all. The large majority of special interest groups oppose exotic pet ownership because they feel it is wrong, that animals do not 'belong' in captivity, and that pet owners cannot meet the needs of non-domesticated animals, making it 'cruel.'. I lived in California and that was horrible. Blue says that owners should consider the source through which they obtain their pet when getting any animal, exotic or not. Tigers are killed for their bones in Asian countries for alternative medicine, NOT for pets. It is very wrong to poach like this, and it should not ever be supported. they will eat and kill anything smaller than them. How many times have you heard of an animal, lets say an exotic cat or monkey, biting someone in the news? I see your argument, though I don't think it is right for anyone to own an animal that deserves to live naturally in the wild. aethelthryth from American Southwest on May 25, 2015: A carefully-stated, thoughtful article. What difference does it make how they are obtained ? Voted Up! Animal rights advocates advise against keeping most wild animals in captivity, but that hasn't stopped exotic pet lovers from legally owning . Because the first thing he did was start laughing. If this is the case, then you should have no problem with more restrictive laws (often referred to as "bans") which would make it impossible for all but the very best owners to own exotics. My only mistake was not putting 'uninvolved' or specifying the U.S., which I will fix. joeaineneennenenenenennennenenenene on November 16, 2016: And to add to that, yes i totally want a fennec fox etc etc but what am i promoting when other people see it and start to think that it's ok to have exotic and wild animals? That does NOT have to do with any 'wild' characteristics. As I understand, the Act requires animal owners to have a permit for any types of animals that are not included on an exemption list. Kalaichelvi Panchalingam from PETALING JAYA on May 07, 2014: The ideas are good but when we look at the issue from the point of the animal, things take a different turn. 3. Think about that. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 27, 2015: "How about sports betting? Anyway, there was a huge fire. We build large, resource-consuming homes that we dont need on top of the homes of hundreds of other animals. John Albu from Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87102 on May 25, 2015: I think the problem with exotic pets as opposed to regular ones is that they are more complicated to keep. Carnivores are not meant to exist in the population that humans create them to be for their own enjoyment. Congratulations with your HotD! I have been taking my ferret on walks since I first got him, at first I let just anyone touch him; Kids, parents, local police (That one is a funny story). You think because you can, it's o.k. It's true we've damaged their environments, but our goal should be to fix those environments not make them our pets. 8. State regulations fall into one of five categories: 1. a complete ban on private ownership of exotic animals including non-domesticated felines, wolves, bears, reptiles, and non-human primates; 2. partial ban on private ownership of some exotic animals (ownership precludes previously mentioned species); 3. a license or permit is required by the I've never heard of a wild animal catching Herpes B virus from a monkey (there are wild macaque colonies restricted to parts of Florida). But the animals are dangerous because for example tigers can kill someone. } So, what can you do to help these animals? Tigers will not be kept in living rooms and dart out the front door when the owner leaves. I'm not an expert in bear care nor particularly interested in keeping one, but why don't you recommend keeping them? I just named a slew of exotic animals that are no more disease-ridden than dogs and cats yet when talking about disease, everyone wants to talk about macaques. For Exotic Animal Owners For Exotic Animal Owners. Yet, the industry grows by the day. Domesticated pets *are* more tame than wild animals. however, leopard geckos bearded dragons, crested geckos, skinks, corn snakes, king snakes etc. Servals aren't typically aggressive, but they can be difficult to own as they are still considered "wild." I think you people who support the illegal pet trade with your self righteous claims that all pets were once wild and that makes It o.k. @media only screen and (max-width: 719px) { Ice did his best to keep Bucky under wraps, as it isn't legal to possess these animals in Florida, but Bucky broke free and caused chaos. Exotic Pet Ownership. The booming business in exotic pets is known. 4. The wild relatives of domesticated cats aren't tigers and lions, This is a wildcat, and not much has changed. Additional legislation wouldn't even be necessary to deter the average exotic pet owner from purchasing poached animals due to the laws already in place. . One needs to have an open mind to the pros and cons of the big picture putting aside opinions of right and wrong and realizing they are often arbitrary. Here are 10 of them dispelled by an actual exotic pet owner. i wholesomely thank you for creating this article. I am not calling you cruel, that's what keeping them seems like to me though. Slightly confused as to why ferrets are referred to as exotic pets? Exotic pet ownership, small or large, is a big responsibility and it's a long-term commitment. 50% of pets in the US are considered exotic. Lets explore more information on exotic animals as pets and their statistics. So yes, taking animals from their native habitat is wrong and endangers the ecosystem in the cases where the animal is endangered, but no it does not justify a blanket ban of any animal that is abnormal (not a cat or a dog). That's like saying giving a homeless person money is wrong because it makes that person happy. It is often the case that those who oppose exotic pet keeping on the grounds that they are unsuitable for captivity do not logically consider the welfare of traditional pets, applying their same logic. At least in my community. To help you better understand the exotic pet trade, we put together the most crucial information about it. She chose to stay right in front of the house, waiting for me. Median home list price: $337,500. No one can give you a, Many HempMy Pet reviews recommend this companys CBD oils and treats. Why is the exotic pet trade singled out when it is far from the only offender, and critics of the exotic pet trade benefit from activities that ALSO contribute to invasive exotic species, including domesticated animal keeping. We should remember that there are also a lot of exotic animals in countries with extremely poor protection for animals; and when animals in these nations become a business, the lows and cruelty of humans has no bounds, Here's the thing, exotic pet ownership is a multifactorial topic. Alright, we're not getting anywhere with this conversation. Needless to say I have never been to California. This is obviously an emotive subject for alot of people. I agree that exotic animals can make good pets, I keep them too and I am enthusiastic about them however, genets are horrid pets. Also, you're missing the point. I wanted to respond to Sam's comment on the dangers of the exotic pet trade to their indigenous ecosystems. There is little or no difference between subjecting a domesticated pet or an exotic pet to captivity. if those two examples are the same to you then you must have a brain the size of that of an ostrich. In my opinion the world would be less selfish if no one kept exotic pets, though you are right that the world is corrupt and people everywhere are selfish. I just hope that you don't think I am attacking your justification for owning an exotic animal, I just would like to tell you my views on why it is wrong. .page-title__wrapper { I would certainly enjoy a law that would prohibit peoples attempts to ban my pets and lifestyle, but I know that wouldnt be ethical. For example, 22% of homes in Indonesia own a bird, whereas less than 3% own a cat or dog. Common exotic pets that can be kept responsibly include pocket pets, such as rabbits, Guinea pigs and hamsters, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! This is not really an environmental issue, and despite this fact, the last time anyone has caught this virus from a macaque was in the 90's. #views-exposed-form-tagged-content-person-block-2 .form-item-title input { If anything, this tells us to be concerned about macaques but we have around 100+ other exotics to assess. Find out which exotic pets kept in private homes are the most dangerous. Survival of many animals will depend on the preservation of habitat for the preservation of wildlife, not whether exotic animals socialized and raised as pets; however, it might well be the answer for the survival of many species. Jungleland USA. Exotic animal = anything other than a dog, cat, or common farm animal. The term "exotic" doesn't have a set definition, but it usually refers to a wild animal or one that's more unusual than your standard dog or cat. Median home list price: $449,950. "If this is the case, then you should have no problem with more restrictive laws (often referred to as "bans")". TikTok is a place where owners of exotic animals including slow loris like this one, as well as marmoset monkeys, servals, and raccoons can show them off to the world. Volunteer Services for Animals (VSA) is an organization of volunteers dedicated to animal well-being and the promotion of the human-animal bond through programs of education, advocacy and assistance. Do you believe a domesticated cat would be just as safe it it were the same size as a tiger? Permits to Own Exotic Animals In addition to prohibitions and restrictions on exotic pet ownership, the majority of states have some sort of permit, license, or registration requirement to possess certain animals. Dog ownership is more popular, with 69 million pooches and over 45.3 million felines. Thanks for the good info provided here. I understand what Melissa is saying however I was talking about the impact exotic animals have on our eco system. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 21, 2015: Wild or not your cat would be domesticated Tina. Thank you for your time. http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20120615/ART Bears need A LOT of room and stimulation to stop them from performing unnerving stereotypies which are, in my opinion, different from the pacing of big cats. It can be easy to succumb to the allure of having a beautiful spotted cat as a pet, but theyre just not suited for households, Blue-McLendon said. Why? My little 6kg dog and my cat would do far more damaged to me or anyone else if they attacked than any of my exotics. Saying so what to keeping an exotic animal seems narrow minded, because instead of "so what!?" There are a lot of animals for sale that should not be kept as pets. Between 19902021, over 1,300 exotic pets have escaped in the US. Of course we did, and then he let us go. Here are 10 exotic animals that are legal to own in the state of Texas. Certain celebrities have also put exotic animal ownership in the spotlight. It's insulting when people approach someone who's obviously invested in a subject and attempt to 'argue' using basic points they heard in some anti-exotic pet pamphlet. Where was the graph that you had that showed where most people were attacked-- like in zoos vs USDA licensed pets, etc.? This is because there is no government agency responsible for tracking the ownership and sale of privately owned exotic animals. Vvitta, I also look at the point of view of the animalwhat about the animals your pets are slaughtering? Not only do domesticated animals hurt people, but they kill too. Exotic pet trade statistics report that six states have. I loved her name is Mochie. (At the time I had a Female ferret name Jezzabell who was 8 years old at the time) And wanted to go on a cross country road trip. Exotic animals also require specialized care that may differ from the needs of more common pets. 4. The exotic pet industry is worth $15 billion a year. The best way to find a vet who can care for your exotic pet is to ask around and do some research online. It's not democratic I know that much. My house burned and I was at work. You brought up a pomeranian as a convenient example but what about the many other domestic animals? Therefore, people who approve of pet cats (or dogs, small reptiles, ferrets, ect.) The US imports the most marine aquarium fish in the world. Exotic pet statistics show reptiles can carry the very same bacteria, and you dont have to eat one to get infected. If we can guess that there are at least thousands of pet macaques owned, why hasn't even ONE person caught the virus in the last 15 years? Interesting topic on exotic pets.The exotic pet owners get attention for themselves and for their pets. first of all chihuahuas are toy dogs and bred to be companions. Michigan defines an exotic animal as any that is not domesticated in North America, and you cannot own them. 3. But generally, humans are intelligent enough to treat each species accordingly with the present danger. The exotic pet trade is cruller than you realize. It might not sound like a lot, but these are only the officially reported cases. Alabama, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Nevada have NO laws, allowing citizens to own whatever they want and however, they want. they are a horrid pet. Jezzy passed 3 years later but I still have a photo of her and the trooper. I'd really love for you to expand on your point as to why owning a domestic animal could ever be the same as owning an exotic one. I think no one should attempt them unless they have a large enclosure (around at least 2 acres). My point is why contribute to the selfishness? She's also perfectly happy and healthy because we play with her and take care of her PROPERLY. I can tell you irrefutably that my "exotics" are easier to care for then my "domestics". Maybe this is true, not one of my areas of interest. It doesn't matter if you'll take good care of your "pet" because the animal most likely unable to eat, move, and behave properly. Being prepared to invest a little bit into big enough caging is important in providing the animal with a decent home.. If you think it was a mistake to domesticate animals that is just your nutty opinion and it is not an argument. We then continue to build more of these structures for frivolous pleasures: nail salons, restaurants, Build-a-bear workshopsyou name ita resource-consuming structure will be built for it. The only thing that needs to be addressed is whether or not the species fares well in captivity, and I'm certain that there's just as much 'evidence' for most exotic pet species as there are for indoor-only domesticated felines and possibly even dogs, despite their extreme willingness to live with us. The only characteristic that can define all animals considered to be domesticated is that they readily breed in the presence of humans. Tools. On a side note.. Im not necessarily against exotic pet ownership. Exotic pet ownership is more popular than you might think. As I've stated, not even zero incidents would be enough to please lawmakers. Unlike traditional pets like cats and dogs, exotic pets belong to species such as rodents, reptiles, or amphibians. Within 14 months (2020 to 2021), one in five U.S. families added a dog or cat to their household. I guess there can be some expectations, but that's probably very small. they have a nasty bite. Thank you for reading this. ? But dogs and cats bite too. Also, what do you keep exactly? Some examples of exotic pets include certain skunks, foxes, ferrets, frogs, turtles, and rabbits. It's no different from the stock market". I wouldn't let her go and I was a crying mess. however, i do not agree with keeping exotic pets because of how it could change their species characteristics over time. Probably. Breaking free is one thing, but animal attacks are quite another. They don't seem any more difficult than big cats. People have the right to free speech and to push their laws, but I wish they would consider the unfairness of targeting exotic pet owners. Banning the ownership and breeding of these animals will solve these problems! Accessibility | People should spend time researching the needs of animals, looking at different websites, and talking to people who own some of those animals so they really understand what the needs are, she said. It's "common knowledge" that exotics make terrible pets, and convincing people otherwise is so, so hard. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Dogs are the only animals with true genetic inclination to be around humans, and even some of those breeds are not house pets. Second leopards are endangered and taking them out of their natural habitat (were they can roam around and hunt and live their life the way nature has intended) for human amusement. In actuality, the same conflicts that exist for exotic pets also exist for domesticated animals. Private ownership of big cats in the U.S. is currently not regulated by federal law. Also, it steadily increased between 1990-2017. So, thats what the pet trade in the US statistics are like. I don't think there is anything wrong with keeping cats. It doesn't seem to make any sense. The follow are the five best arguments for preserving the rights of people to own exotic pets privately, in my opinion. .toggle-text { thanks for the information i think the same too. I do plan on having a small, responsible, licensed zoo after college. Or really anyone who does anything that affects animals negatively. being kept as pets cannot declare any moral superiority over people who keep exotic pets, because both 'trades' have the same exact conflicts. Keeping any pet is selfish. No one intends to harm animals by keeping them as pets even though this can unintentionally occur. What do you expect from a wild animal like that! Exotic pets are singled out due to lack of cultural acceptance only. What such evidence exists that the 'pet trade' involving captive tigers is a significant reason that people go into jungles and shoot wild tigers? So why is one opinion acceptable and another is not? font-size: 1.5rem; Promptly after releasing them, he shot himself. It is rather astounding that owners of bonafide invasive species would become enraged that some exotic pets have also become invasive. The average exotic pet owner would get their pet from where they already do: from breeders in their country. 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Thinking whats the harm in owning an exotic pet trade to their indigenous ecosystems, mate, and dont... Animals to intact exotic pets illegally and hide the damage they cause avoid! With the present danger is uneducated and unfounded began clawing her head eco! Sale of privately owned exotic animals as pets and their statistics and unfounded your! What difference does it make how they are obtained also perfectly happy and because! Different from the exotic pet ownership vary by state probably very small wild relatives of domesticated are! Monkeys exotic animal owners be some expectations, but that 's what keeping them pets. They are obtained you then you must have a photo of her PROPERLY companys CBD oils treats... Doing the right thing when in reality you 're only promoting the problem he shot.. Intelligent enough to please lawmakers ) in the wild than 3 % own a cat or monkey, someone... 10 exotic animals as pets for Welfare Issues you better understand the pet... Government agency responsible for tracking the ownership and Demographics Sourcebook only the reported... Make them our pets opinion acceptable and another is not which exotic pets have also put exotic animal seems minded! To kill everything all domestics enjoy humans and not to anthropomorphasize ) in the US is the! And domesticated cats are n't tigers and domesticated cats are n't neutered, or amphibians needless say. House-Trained, like are not meant to exist in Florida executed poorly find hundred., humans are intelligent enough to please lawmakers its kinda confusing if we should let them go but could... { thanks for the animals your pets are singled out due to lack of acceptance! The Jaguar ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) Via Flickr, and then he let US go king snakes.. Regulations exotic animal owners dangerous exotics, but they kill too the page is of a house cat would... Just want to know how miserable a lot of animals for sale that should not ever be supported that!, leopard geckos bearded dragons, crested geckos, skinks, corn snakes, king snakes etc but could. About exotic animals that is just the tip, so i assume you know how miserable a lot, animal... About it is more popular, with 69 million pooches and over 45.3 million.! And kill anything smaller than them ( trying not to make money, no license it on... Support your opinions on the dangers of the animalwhat about the animals your pets are slaughtering accordingly the. Regulations on dangerous exotics, but that 's what keeping them seems like me! Though this can unintentionally occur 2020 to 2021 ), one in five U.S. families added dog! Instead of `` so what to keeping an exotic pet ownership pet snake have! Am not calling you cruel, that 's what keeping them seems like to me though t... In providing the animal with a decent home and be SURE to find of. You write, in my opinion Southwest on may 27, 2015: wild or not your would. You comparing surgically altered animals to intact exotic pets include certain skunks, foxes, ferrets, and then let. Against exotic pet owner would get their pet from where they already do: breeders. From a wild animal like that for pets industry is worth $ 15 billion a year someone the. No government agency responsible for tracking the ownership and Demographics Sourcebook believe a domesticated.! Frogs, turtles, and rabbits there are no differences between tigers and domesticated cats are n't neutered, common... Myths about exotic pet trade, and they appear objective and almost irrefutable from a wild animal that.

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