(also feel free to edit the quirks however you like and if you do uses the quirks please tag me in whatever you use them for id love to see what you did with the quirks), description: singing causes everyone around the user within a certain radius to fall asleep, cons: if in use for to long or to much will cause user to become drowsy or even pass out, description: the person who has this quirk has deer like features and abilities. Damage to the object will cause it to deflate, ending the effect. Ability: The User can seperate Object's and organism's on micro level within a certain radius of the user. Bad Gambler: Increased chance of losing money while Gambling. These chains remain attached to the quirk user, and if they are broken the detached chains immediately evaporate. if the user concentrates hard enough and doesnt move their body, user could control any stuffed animals with button eyes within the radius. New Order is quite easily one of the most overpowered Quirks to appear in My Hero Academia so far. How? The string also comes from the users blood, which explains the redness and the sudden connection the victim will feel around you, whether it being a positive or negative connect they gain. The user can aswell behave the same way as the people who have been manipulated by the quirk if used for too long. Well this is where I would like to re-introduce Season 3 training camp of what happens when you push yourself to your limit's. Followed after that was the ar Do you need help creating a quirk for your new BNHA OC? There are many places around the world where it is extremely dangerous to not be cisgender. Since they are still limited by their bodys resistance to hot and cold temperatures, this quirk is only useful for making other things/people marginally colder or hotter. Thermodynamic: the user can absorb heat into their body via touch, or pour their own heat into something/someone else. Gadis itu kembali percaya bahwa takdir tidak selalu jahat kepadanya. Quirk Range: Self Description: Any damage to the user that breaks the skin will increase the power of the user. Larger objects will take more effort. Good quirks for villains? Crop Circle: the user can create intense, downwards force in a radius, crushing and flattening all things caught inside, and leaving a distinct imprint on the ground. Useful for pressing buttons at a distance, but not much else. Siapa yang akhirnya dipilih Jenar? Arabella, a twenty-four year old girl who fled from New York because she always got violence from her stepfather. ..*~**~***.. The more souls the user steals, the more their years of living will decrease, their fate ending closer than later. So essentially this Quirk can bring the ABSOLUTE BEST out of the body and quirk's even the quirk itself. When the user has stolen a soul, they will be haunted of traumatic memories that the past souls have gone through, making it much more harder for the user to concentrate. Automatonophobia: (Monster Type Human) -20% Stress Resist. This next quirks are from the next generation. Drain: the user can feed on the mental capacities of a target by spending extended periods of time around them. Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Poltergeist, Psyche, Repulse, or Vortex could work, depending on the type of character they are. This quirk allows the user to attach a red string onto one person, it being transparent to others while red and visible to the quirk holder, being in control of their relationships and choices; while being able to learn everything about them. (Just think of it as Terra's from Teen Titans Go! Whether it is a good or bad feeling is up to the user, and there would be some sort of limit on how many people can be affected at once, or a limit as to the degree how much someone feels that feeling. She just moved to a new town and on the first day of school she runs into Axel Jarvis, an unlikable character, with whom she gets off on the wrong foot straight from the beginning.Axel also doesn't like Sophie. The first is the strongest and lasts the longest out of all three, just a small smell of the dangerous aroma can lead you into the users bidding. Of the Slayer/Hater quirks, the Eldritch ones will . Well I know this is really late BUT I though up a quirk for a classic Villian. (Someone who is Compulsive, for example, may interact with items you really don't want them to touch.). bnha quirk ideas! this is my first post here so i made this wiki to help those who are shifting or thinking of shifting to my hero academia (like me ;3) or a reality with super abilities! Cannon example would be Shinso's quirk, which basically takes away free will. the user can only survive about a week without any new cells and they will weaken and take on a zombie like appearance if they go too long without any. The boost lasts 1 hour and can be stacked with multiple victims. Into Reality Shifting? Can I get a few silly but still useful (in conventional or non conventinal ways) quirk ideas? Here is a small sumary of what the Villian can do with this quirk. "Tonight, I will kill you bitch he said pulling away from their kiss as his hands started torturing her delicate body by digging his nails. The first wave, the second and the third. The downsides are that the string is fragile and easy to break, if not concentrated on the victim, the string will fail to latch onto the person. Thermodynamic: the user can absorb heat into their body via touch, or pour their own heat into something/someone else. Tia tried hard and finished second place, which qualified her for the Gamma position. because like if it were me I would feel terrible, yes i would be proud and happy for them but god damn, it wold eat me up at night. This is essentially a simple quirk at it's absolute best and how everything becomes naturull to the user like breathing. When inside the opponents head, the users body will become vulnerable to attacks. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Emitter/Transformation? (Side note apparently this quirk is similar to the ability of the main rival in naruto, I wasn't inspired or anything just a weird coincidence). Similar to Midnights quirk, the user creates a magenta fog around the victim, when inhaled; will become manipulated into loving and doing whatever the user desires, like a simp. This quirk allows her to bring someone's body to a state before it was injured, removing the injury. But it's not just a crutch to help Lepers. Can't create a replica of a normal animal has to be a mix of 2 distinct creatures. 12h level 1 maximum size of a goat. Before she went to prison, Jane said, "I didn't kill her," but Sean was unmoved. Any ideas for quirks related to drilling? Quirk: Earthbound. Quirk: Cigarette! --------------------------------------------. Description: The user's cells are unstable and are in a constant state of decay. All the positive quirks in Darkest Dungeonare useful, but these eight in particular will serve your frontline fighters well -- helping them to withstand, sustain, and dish out even more damage. They wouldn't just be able to make you feel scared or sad, they would also be able to make you irrationally scared of certain things or people. Topped off with Hard Skinned, having a Hero who's Tough will seriously bolster their ability to take damage and survive even the most grueling of fights. A 9 year time skip after the war. (seting cerita Yorkshire Inggris sejarah dan budaya akan menyesuaikan) Here is a small sumary of what the Villian can do with this quirk. Quirk Description: The Hermes quirk grants the user the ability to move at incredible speeds, making them one of the fastest individuals in the world. For more information, please see our the only problem is that you must keep your eyes open, if you blink the person snaps out of it but is hazy for 2-3 minutes allowing you to hypnotize them again if possible. The user has cancer, but is immune to the effects of it, meaning that it isn't harmful to them. 2nd- Transformation- Name- AntiMatter-Body- the quirk works as an self-defence mechanism. cons: growing the stinger back is extremely painful, description: user can create a ton of (like any type) roses and rose bushes in seconds in all different sizes. Could be activated through their eyes looking into each other. I have one called black rabbit and Dance fight they are quirks that were my of is a black rabbit whit rabbit like features and abilities and their fur is all black and make rabbit holes for any purpose and with dance fight he is able to dance to any and fight while listening to any type of songs except sad music he is also able to sing a song and make the musical notes visible and use them as weapons. user can see through any wooden or plastic buttons with in a certain radius. Possibly one of the best Quirks to get on any Hero, the Irrepressible Quirk grants an increased chance for a hero to become Virtuous -- which is the opposite of Afflicted. The user can grow chains from their body which they can freely manipulate. description: can make anyone do whatever he wants by making eye contact with them and at least whispering what the user wants them to do as long as user actually want it to happen (to make this less op I suggest making the character not really care about anything anymore but up to you)\, cons: they have to make eye contact with the person and say want they want them to do before eye contact is broken, description: user can do whatever almost anything(as long as its humanly possible) and as long as they actually want to. Please read the Rules and FAQ before posting anything. It cause a similar effect of erasure in aizawas eyes. I love seeing your blog appear on my dash, all of your ideas are so creative! So the Quirk user could look into their target's eyes, and make them feel happiness, sadness, love, hate, lust, fear, helplessness, etc. Naghilamos ako. Description This quirk allows the user to sense when danger is near or coming towards them Drawbacks The user cannot tell which way the danger is coming from Possible Ultimate Move (s) City Danger- This allows the user to sense how many dangerous things are about to happen in the city they are in before they run out of energy Possible Hero Names Your Muscle's tear apart and grow back stronger same with quirk's. Unfortunately, there are more downsides than good-sides of the quirk; The more petal blades are thrown, the more sick the user will get. hi!! Leeching: the user can generate leeches from their body that they can place on others. Useful quirk for long distance/range fights, Transformation/Emitter - A quirk made for detectives. Needs to have plants or seeds. The quirk can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour if the user is strong enough to handle the downsides of the quirk. Quirk Name Toxicated Type Mutant Description This quirk allows the user to turn anything or anyone they touch into ash or black mold. Thank you so much! Thank you! This applies to people as well, allowing . hi my loves! This quirk greatly heightens their senses, increases speed/strength and boosts their pain tolerance allowing them to fight through further damage. It seems as if the call to madness and redemption is answered by sinners and saints alike, all with their unique quirks. It obviously wouldn't force them to act on them, but they'd certainly be tempted to and weaker willed individuals would probably give in. Rhio, who really hated woman, needing one to save his family hierarchy. Similar to Cementoss', this quirk allows you to bring up any type of ground and use it for offense and/or defense. It might seem like an inferior quirk, but that extra speed can be the deciding factor in whether that all-important critical hit lands on the boss you're facing. This Quirk is useful on the vast majority of Heroes. This quirk can be used to devastating effect by fooling the senses into believing they are in pain, thereby incapacitating the target with minimal injury. This quirk allows the user to use their hair as powerful electro beams that stun their opponents that can for 10-15 minutes. Controls the direction with finger movement. ~ smoke screen- much like midnight from mha quirk/super power but instead your skin can let out a smoke and aroma that can make people hallucinate whatever you desire. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. if you arent comfortable with that i can list just the idea in the comments! ~ weightless- the user is able to carry anything and have it weight close to nothing no matter what it is, meaning you also have a super strength power and abnormally strong bones and muscles which is good for defense too! feel free to use them, no credit needed. Damage to the object will cause it to deflate, ending the effect. The stronger the targets fear, the stronger the resulting transformation. I will fight for your love as I should have. The user can use this quirk with the limit of 5 people being affected, unleashing the true, negative/pessimistic nature that people have kept behind their kind face. Now I know what you think. 1st generation( could make 1 small barrier in a small area of the body) 2nd generation ( could now extend to a bigger area of body and to objects the user is in contact with)3rd generation ( could now use the barrier in the full body with 3 layers and able to extend it to an area of 2 people) 4th generation ( could extend to an area of 3 people and keep a barrier after losing contact with the object) 5th and current generation can at the start do as much as the 3 generation and will increase the limit to 6 layers and an area of 4 people and will develop a new technique. They can expend this stored blood to transform and alter their body, allowing them to shapeshift or sprout organic weapons such as tails, spines, wings, etc. ~ dark souls- the power to call upon the dead and borrow the quirks of the dead. the user is only able to split into twos, meaning you can go from 1 (yourself) to 2 to 4 to 6 to 8 to 10 to 12 and so on and so forth. Living in the same house with her husband and long time crush, would Tia eventually understand the difference between true love and infatuation? Geby setuju karena Jeremy bersumpah tidak akan menyentuh Geby, Geby tidak harus melakukan tugas seorang istri. controlling stuffed animals a guaranteed and again the longer the user is Unfortunately for the user, there are multiple downsides to this quirk that it almost cancels out the good, one being that it decreases the years you live. this post is about quirks and super powers so there will be mentions of death, blood, weapons and such. ~ insanity/nightmare- the user is able to show anyone their worse fear that will bring them to lose their sanity, this hallucination will distort reality and bring them to go against even their own allies. There are different waves of fogs that the user complies to. examples: can jump up to 10ft high, have antlers and tail, can swim extremely well, some heighten senses, description: can look and sound like anyone they have seen/heard before. 1 hours level 3 maximum size of 2 story house). Unfortunately, the user is forced to wear some type of jewellery to contain the energy within. If someone could create massive earthquakes by simply . The downsides of this quirk include delusions and voices will ensue inside their head the longer the quirk is used until it finally takes over their mind. No power is naturally/inherently evil. Her quirk, however, isn't the most heroic. description: can make peoples eye sight blurry, dark (like everything looks dim), or just completely gone for as long as the user can wants by touching them with all 5 fingers, cons: has to touch the victims, if they use it for too long it will start doing whatever the user is doing to victim to user as well, if user has multiple victims at once, the process of making the same thing happen to the user is sped up (sorry if that made no sense), description: can manipulate shadows to do anything the user what, cons: the sun has to be out or there at least has to be light for there to be shadows, description: can do anything a rubber hose character can. Not only is it dangerous, but it's painful, and, quite frankly, it just looks alarming. Description This quirk allows the user to sense when danger is near or coming towards them, DrawbacksThe user cannot tell which way the danger is coming from, Possible Ultimate Move(s)City Danger- This allows the user to sense how many dangerous things are about to happen in the city they are in before they run out of energy, *If trianed well they can use this to block attacks. The user's body is able to adapt to high speeds, allowing them to move without experiencing any negative effects such as dizziness or nausea. Starts with a maximum of 3 full force uses. venom- this super power/quirk includes super strength, the ability to heal the user, the ability to create weapons out their venom, heightened-sensory perception, and of course black venom that can cover the users entire body as a form of amour or be shot from the persons hands and used to injure others, ~ blood manipulation- the ability to manipulate your own blood and others, much like a water and ice power but your able to harden, sharpen, manipulate and control blood, hypnosis- your eyes can control minds, when looking into anyones eyes you are able to hypnotize them into doing or saying anything you want. ok so I love that idea for the character but sadly I dont know much about sea shanties, a few ideas maybe we like usesirens as inspiration like when they sing the sea shanties maybe instead of being lored to the person singing about they are forced to like join in and start dancing making themcompletely unable to fight back or really do anything for that matter, or just their quirk is siren and they sing sea shanties, or depending on what the sea shanty is about it like gives whoever hears it that affect that doesnt seem like the right word but whateverlike for example drunken sailor it would make whoever hears it like drunk idk this one is kinda a stretch, icon by mha-icons mha oneshot/fics/heacaons and more (he/him), Pro heroes/teachers x gn! Those which you should be interested in acquiring: Deadly - +1% critical chance; Eagle Eye - +3% critical chance for ranged attacks; Evasive - +5 to dodge; Hard Skinned - +10% . Jane laughed. Anything unclear? The bonus speed on your first round of combat helps to quickly kill your foes, and the dodge helps you stay out of harm's way when the enemy comes out swinging. Another downside is that the user can only use it on one person at a time, the more information the user knows about the victim, the longer the effect will last, the maximum effect goes for 2 hours. Namun dia tidak pernah sadar bahwa kembalinya Zura bukanlah tanpa alasan. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Unfortunately for them, things take a turn when Tia is married to Caleb's older brother, Luke, and forced to bury her feelings for Caleb. Welcome back~ I hope you guys are well. Wow that would be a super sad villain character arc. 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