Explanation--- 1. Face to the Right upon both Heels. The 1764 drill was the manual of arms used by the Continental Army until 1778 and used by the British Army throughout the conflict. He has since been commissioned into the Territorial Army and is responsible for TA and Cadet piping. When the 4thGrand-Divifion makes ready, the fecond fire. The Colonel fix Paces in the Front of the Colours. The company that formed the rear Tace of the Square,faces to the right, while the others are wheeling, and marches by Files untill it covers the companies on the Right, turns to the Front, clofes up, and forms as the other companies are directed. The General Officer being within twenty Yards of the Right of the Battalion, the Major gives the Word: And as foon as he has faluted, he pofts himfelf in the Front, and gives the Words of Command for the ufual facings. The Grenadier Drummers and Fifers on the right of that Company. The command for recovery is "Ready, front." The Battalion faces, Supernumerary Officers, &c. taketheir former Pofts. It is recommended for any commander which would order commands for a drill has to say Pimpinan, Saya Ambil Alih which means: Commanding drill, I take hold, this is to ensure the participants of the drill or parade to know that the commands are given by the regarding person/commander. Officers and Serjeants advance their Arms, and the Officers face to the Right-about. As in explanation of the centre rank, and as the firelock is coming down to the priming Pofition, the left Foot is to be brought back to the right, and at the laft motion of fhouldering, to fpring to the left again, and cover the file-leader. The youngeft Serjeant of Grenadiers having faced to the right, marches to the Front, and drefling in a line with the other Serjeants, keeps oppofite the Centre of his own Company -, the other two Serjeants of Grenadiers poft themfelves, one on the Right of the Front, and the other on the Right of the Rear rank of their own Company. The Battalion comes to a Recover at one Motion without Cocking. Quit the Firelock with the right Hand, and finking it at the fame Time with your left, feize it at the muzzle, which muft be of an equal height with your Chin, and hold it clofe againft your right Side. This booklet is designed as a quick reference to the US Army drill procedures most frequently utilized by the SC State Guard. In all Wheelings to the Right, the Men muft caft their Eyes to the Left, except the Left-Hand Man : And in all Wheelings to the Left, they caft their Eyes to the Right. The Serjeants in the Rear of their refpective Companies, at four Paces Diftance. But neither of thefe columns will do for all purpofes ; fince it will be found upr on reflection, that the fort of column which is neceffary for one kind of fervice, will be inconvenient or improper on a. different occafion. Stay up-to-date on our FREE educational resources & professional development opportunities, all designed to support your work teaching American history. The Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Bundeswehr, use a basis of commands for all three service branches. Explanation--- RECOVER the Firelock and cock as before directed for the centre rank. The Officer of the firft Sub-Diyifion gives the Word: When the Officer commanding the 8th Sub-Divifion fees the firft Sub-Divifion make ready, he immediately gives the Word: When the firft Sub-Divifion prefents, the eighth makes ready, when the firft fires, the eighth prefents, and fires ; and fo on by every Officer commanding the Sub-Divifions,untill the Battalion has fired two rounds ; always preferving proper Intervals of time between each word of command later than the Officer who immediately fires before him. Explanation--- 1. Military funeral honors may include the firing of three rifle volleys over the grave during interment. "Foot drill" or "Drill" stems from time since antiquity when soldierswould march into battle, be expected to gather in a formation, and react to words of command from their commanders once the battle commenced. 2. Spring the Firelock from the Body to Arms Length with a quick Motion, preffing down the Muzzle with the left hand, and fpring up the butt with the right hand, as in the foregoing Explanation of the front Rank. 2. Each of thefe Columns hath its particular advocates in point of choice. The Battalion is formed for Exercife, as in Plate 1ft, Fig. In order the divifions may wheel with celerity, when they receive the Word March I the Flanks are to ftep off with a quick, but ftrong Pace. Explanation--- 1. At which Time the whole comes to a Recover. The Army (Deutsches Heer) and Air Force (Luftwaffe) use the same commands; the German Navy (Deutsche Marine) has a number of additional commands for duty on a ship. Drop the Piece upright with the left Hand to the ground, on the outfide of the little Toe of the left Foot, at the fame time ftriking off and returning the Bayonet with the right Hand, and then prefs the Muzzle to the right Soulder with the Fingers of that Hand. There are two Sorts of Columns ; one is compofed of Files, the other of Ranks. Both platoons are ordered to Halt by" their own Officers. Advancing by Files, from the Centre of Grand-Divifions. Explanation--- 1. By the (Left, Centre, or Right) Quick march: Marching in quick time (120 beats per minute), arms swing waist high in both the front and back. The left platoon of Grenadiers marches to the left of the Battalion; the Officers between the Rank of Officers and front Rank; the front Rank between the front and centre Rank of the Battalion ; the centre Rank between the Centre and Rear; and the rear rank between the rear rank and. Other tasks may be broken down into drills; for example, weapons maintenance in the British army used the rhythmic "naming of parts" as a memory aid in the teaching and learning of how to strip, clean, and reassemble the service rifle. From the Centre of each Wing, advance by Files! The 8th Sub-Divifion is the ift to fire ; the ift now becomes the 8th, and fo on. In the same way that has occurred in the British Army (the subject of many parodies with screaming Sergeant Majors), words of command lose their defined pronunciation; examples being Aire (Arra) which often becomes Ahha and Cle (Kley) which is sometimes distorted to Hey or Huy. A command voice is characterized by DLIPS: Distinctness, Loudness, Inflection, Projection, and Snap. Explanation--- Bvlng the firelock brifkly down to the prefent, by extending the left Arm to the full Length, wrth a ftrong Motion, at the fame Time fpring up the butt by the Cock with the right Hand, and raife up the Butt fo high upon the rieht Shoulder, that you may not be obliged to ftoop too much with the Head, the right Cheek to be clofe to the Butt, and the left Eye (hut, and look along the Barrel with the right Eye from the Breech Pin to the Muzzle -, keep the left Elbow down in an eafy Pofition, and ftand as fteady as poflible, the Thumb of the right Hand to remain in the Pofition as defcribed in the third explanation of the Manual. except the Right-hand Man, obferving to feel the hand they wheel to, without crouding upon it. [1], Each of the three services in the United Kingdom has its own drill manuals. In dreffing Ranks, the Soldiers muft obferve to ftand upright, and without ftooping, to caft their Eyes fmartly to the right and l^ft* and fee the third Man's breaft, ukingcare to keep fix Inches Diftance between the Files. In Finnish military drill, commands are twin parted: valmistava (precautionary/readying) and kskev (executive). Explanation--- 1 and 2 motions as in the two firft of the Secure. The 1764 drill was the manual of arms used by the Continental Army until 1778 and used by the British Army throughout the conflict. Note: This post mostly relates to the British Army (with reference to the RAF drill manual - which is based on the Army's drill manual), but is likely to be common across several nations armed forces for this time period. Explanation--- The Rear Ranks come to the Right about; the Officers face to the Front, and order their Arms, and the Serjeants their Halberds. Drill commands are best given when the person has an excellent command voice. British Army Drill Manual 1990 Between branches of the military, as well as between the military forces of various countries, the methods of drill will vary. The president of the United States, as commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces, is authorized this honor. 2. Quit the right hand, and throw it down the right fide. From the Right of the Left Wing, forming the oblong Square. The Officers commanding the ift and 4th Grand-Divifions ftep forward one Pace ; the Officer of the firft gives the Word : On the Fire of the ift, the Officer of the 4th gives the Word. Vegetius, in AD 378, wrote, 'troops who march in an irregular and disorderly manner are always in great danger of being defeated'. [1][2][3] Drill commands are usually heard in major events involving service personnel, reservists and veterans of a country's armed forces, and by extension, public security services and youth uniformed organizations. 2. The official language of the armed forces is Hindi and thus Hindi words were used where ever possible. The fix Centre or leading Files of each Grand-Divifion move three long paces forward, the others turn to the Centre of their refpedtive divifions, and wheeling out fucceffiveIy, follow the leading Files in four Columns each, of fix Men in Front. Bring the Swell of the Firelock down ftrong upon the palm of the hand, turning upon both heels to the right, the right Hand grafping the Piece at the Small behind the Lock, and as high as the waift-belt: the firelock upon a level with the Barrel upwards. Quit the right Hand, and bring the Firelock fmartly down to the left fide with the left hand, as far as it will admit without conftraint, feizing the bayonet at the fame time with the right Hind, and fixing it, placing that hand juft below the brafs, with the piece kept clofe to the hollow of the Shoulder. The Officers move their Pofts and halt, facing outwardsfrom the Centre. Drill instructors are usually of the rank of corporal, and ability to teach drill movements by the screed is one of the skills which must be attained prior to promotion to this rank. "Rachaidh an Buionn cun cionn, de reir dheis, go mar marseaill" etc. This new drill manual became the bible of exercises and maneuvres for the French Army until the after the end of Napoleon's reign in 1815. OJENNUS (extension) the cornerman keeps his head forward while the rest of the formation extends. 3 Motions. which is shouted by the commander which tells the participants to act or do the drill command given by the commander, Jal-AN! When ordering from one formation to another, mars (march) is used as the executive order (mars mars would mean "double time! When their own Officers gives the Word, To the Front, Turn I they march up fucceflively totheir proper Ground. Ceremonial For The Army 2006 "The finest edge is made with the blunt whetstone" (John Lyly: Euphues 1579) By Order of The Commanding Officer. When a formation is formed they ojentaa (extend), so as to make sure the lines and rows are in perfect order: Soldiers are an arms length apart from each other, as the first row extends their left arm onto the right shoulder of the one next to them and turn their heads to the cornerman. Like their American counterpoints, British soldiers lives were consumed with military drills on a regular basis. 2. Seize the firelock with the right hand, turning the Lock outwards. Bring the Firelock down with a brifk motion to the priming Pofition, the left Hand holding the Firelock as in priming, the Thumb of the right Hand placed againft the Face of the fteel, the fingers clenched, and the elbow a little turned out, that the Wrift may be clear of the Cock. This is also used in Ceremonial occasions in Indonesia which is usually for commemorating the Independence day, flag raising ceremony, etc. 2 Motions. Bring the right Hand brifkly up, and place it under the Cock, keeping the firelock fteady in the fame pofition. This is a U.S. march pace. Using this, the order for a platoon of soldiers to go from the halt to a quick march would be. Explanation--- 1. Caft off the Piece a little, and feize the fame with the left Hand around the Swell, that Elbow clofe to the lock. Explanation--- 1. 2 Motions. 2. Turn the Piece nimbly round to the loading Pofition, with the Lock to the Front, and the Muzzle the Height of the chin, bringing the right hand behind the muzzle; both feet kept faft in this Motion. As the Body is finking, the right Knee is to be thrown fo far back as the left leg may be right up and down, the right Foot to be thrown a little to the Right, the body to be kept ftraight, the head up, looking to the right along the rank, the fame as if fhouldered ; the firelock to be upright, and the Butt about four Inches to the Right of the Infide of the left Foot. 2. The Rear Rank ftep off together with their left feet ; the Centre Rank marching five, and the Rear Rank ten paces, halting with their Heels clofed. If ordered to retreat the Word of Command is given : Grand-Divifions, from the Centre Retreat by Files I. Sink your Body down, and come to the Pofition defcribed in the fecond motion of Grounding. Explanation--- 1. Orderly Drummer beats a Ruffle and Caution. A command voice is characterized by DLIPS: D istinctness, L oudness, I nflection, P rojection, and S nap. Three of the left of one Grand Divifion, and three of the right of the next adjoining to it, move forward three paces ; the others of each Wing turn to their centre, then wheel out fuccefiively, and follow thofe which move forward. XXXV. The battalion retreats in four columns, fix men-in front. In British corps, the drill movement for saluting to the front is the following. Quit the left Hand and place it ftrong Upon the Butt. Examples of those events televised would be the 1916 Rising commemorations and the National Day of Remembrance. The Manual Exercise, as Ordered by His Majesty in 1764. Each of thefe Columns hath its particular advocates in point of choice they wheel,... With military drills on a regular basis Fifers on the right hand brifkly up, and s.... Army until 1778 and used by the Continental Army until 1778 and used by the commander,!... ], each of the Colours nflection, P rojection, and come to the front is the following by... 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