Only my opinion of course, but I'd blame it on a lack of physical and emotional shenanigans with members of the opposite sex. Thanks to all for your replys, I think the hammer has found the nail on this perhaps. But it didn't stop the man coming in." (9 Reasons Why), Why Are Customers So Rude? There was church every day of the week. Although nuns acting mean is mostly history, the stigma remains in many peoples minds. It started when I was about eight. Last week, New York opened up a window for old cases with the passage of the Child Victims Act. Today she attributes her deafness and chronic asthma to the batterings and cruelty she says she suffered there, and still cannot talk about her experiences without breaking down. The Mother Teressa took him to the creek behind the dorms and drug him through the cold water until he died. She was sent to the orphanage, with her brother, when she was five - her grandmother had just died, her mother had left, and her father felt he could not take care of the children. I thought bugger that, I'm saying my piece.". The mission had boys dorm and girls dorm and behind the dorms outside was a small creek that ran behind the buildings and through the woods. See Details 2.Why were Irish Nuns so Cruel? The stigma that nuns are cruel is somewhat of a misnomer. All the children saw this murder and the Nuns took him and buried him behind the graveyard and his name was never spoken again. They were let go home on some weekends and hollidays. Father Tindall, the church's child protection coordinator in the north-east of England, ventured: "Too much of the organised culture of the church was very disciplined and rule-bound, and gave an opportunity for people under pressure to use the language of discipline to be punitive. I hope your not suggesting any of my post isn't true? But the babies and children who died at the home were buried in these crypt-like chambers. He avoided school, sauntered around shops, cinemas, anywhere warm, until he was picked up and sent to an approved school for "delinquents". Violent discipline, he says, was not uncontested. "We were skivvies, basically. Your post was so full of hate & sarcasm Im surprised you havent been banned what you wrote was absolutely inexcusable. But it was off. The family book I am writting has so many of these stories in it I almost hate to put them in there. They would just use anything that came to hand. ), it wouldn't be hard to see why some Nuns are high-strung. The nuns were also investigated by an Apostolic Commissioner, and they suffered the same results as other conservative orders in the recent past. No mass. They have authority over those children, and they think that they can do whatever they want to them without reprisal. None the less, there have been scandals and debates within the church about the ill-treatment of children for decades. This can lead to a lot of unresolved issues, and these issues can eventually turn into anger and resentment. To this day, she doesn't know what had so alarmed him - all visits were patrolled by nuns who remained in the room, like sentries. But its also important to remember that Mothers used to be nuns at some point, as its a matter of hierarchy. All we want is for the Catholic church to change its ways and let us live in peace. My mom told me that they had no life, could not leave the convent, no TV, no newspapers, so I think it was simple burn out, no way to get away from us brats. There are undoubtedly some nuns today who arent the nicest people in the world. If it was, then you'd be yanked out, called all filthy names. Abuse is only broken when the cycle stops. I felt the same way I felt as a child. After all, we all have our own crosses to bear. One of the nuns said: 'You watch you don't get blood on your dress or you'll catch it.' Currie also told his priest about the "dirt" in confession, "but he was deaf and he would say 'speak up'. Powered by Invision Community, uses cookies. "One of the worst things that ever happened to me was being locked in a cupboard as a punishment. Grampian police advised her to get a lawyer and began to interview other residents, crosschecking dates and names to verify the growing archive of allegations against the order. In vain, they'd find their father, but before long the police would turn up to take them back. Now, decades later, more than 500 former inmates are suing the nuns for damages. Today there are fewer than 4,000 nuns and their average age is over 80. Its not something thats public knowledge, but many nuns grow to regret taking this vow. The Poor Sisters of Nazareth is one of the oldest established orders in Britain; it has been looking after children in its homes since the 1870s. Once the other boys were lined up and I was beaten with a wooden sandal on my knees and elbows. "So I went to St Mary's Cathedral in Aberdeen and I said, 'There's this man comes to the home and plays with my private parts.' Once I was beaten black and blue, so badly I had to stay in the infirmary for five weeks, and when I came out I was given a bag of sweets and told to tell no one about what happened. Strain if necessary, season with salt or sugar, and serve. It's going to come out as physical abuse of children and sexual. It was quite the display, if you knew her would not think in a thousand years that she would ever do anything like that! Its going to come out as physical abuse of children and sexual abuse. "It's this unattended rage they live with. I think what happens is that religion is handed down from generation to generation in what ever form it maybe and catholics had no problem sparing the rod as that's how they grew up. "Wetting the bed was a nightmare - they'd strip the covers off and the child would be made to stand with the wet sheets for hours, to set an example. One that stands out is the story of a boy who had become very ill. Thankfully, those methods have changed, and nuns are now taught with more compassion. I felt she took relish out of that. ", Enduring companionship between friends and siblings seemed to be discouraged. "More than 14 percent of nuns have been sexually abused themselves," said Finnegan. In those days the people were encouraged to bring their children to the mission to be schooled by the church and they children all lived there. I remember my dad, Mathew Many Guns sharing stories about the nuns hitting him with pieces of wood, pulling his hair and how wicked they were. Some nuns might feel they are doing all the work and not getting any credit. Nun of Monza by Giuseppe Molteni. Finnegan said she has suffered PTSD and anxiety for most of her adult life and has turned to prayer and research on sexual abuse to try to forgive what was done to her. "We've had a lifetime of being accused of being liars and cheats, searching for a pot of gold." An aunt who came to visit was told I was confined with an infection. Her own fond family life with her husband and children was swamped by her fears: "What if I was in a crash with my husband and Sister Alphonso got my children? "You woke up to this thrashing. Angry people will often look for ways to exert some form of dominance over something in their life, and with the secluded lives that nuns lead the bad ones will use children as an outlet for this. So we sat on the sheet to dry it - we were only children. They'd lift the covers to see if your bed was wet. But though he is active in progressive politics and his music club, says, "I'm also very lonely, I have to admit that.". They know what a 'broken heart' feels like and the betrayal that goes with it. Nothing. I think it's called how to exagerate for comic effect, like the old Monty Python skit -, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Imagine trying to be perfect all the time. She also comments that the very notion of charity was "a virtue that never brought with it affectivity." Finally, they will have a chance at justice, she said. My grandmother was 3 years old when she was first brought to the mission. They'd cut up woollen jumpers and we had to put them on our feet and we had to skate on the floor and make sure the shine came up. "I held on tight but the waves kept dashing me against the wood and my leg was badly gashed. Others have already pointed out that Nuns are denied any intimacy when they join Catholicism. I think that's the way many of them were trained, in a very authoritarian church. She has never consulted lawyers, nor sought compensation from the church. Are thay taught "Spare the rod spoil the child" in nun school? Nuns are supposed to be modest in their appearance, which can lead to them being quite critical of others who dont dress modestly. The priest to whom he made his confession, he says, was Father Conti. 'sparing the rod' has nothing to do with punishment ..the rod mentioned in the bible was from the early times of agriculture & farming ..the oxes that pull the plough in order to stay on a straight line had the person with a long stick (called a rod) ..they wouldnt hit the oxes with them but push their heads forward to maintain a line, This as come as a complete surprise to me ,I thought you were and just winding us all up, You took what I said to literal. But trying to be perfect always is enough to make anyone go a little crazy. That being said, they feel unhappy with their lives and they believe that someone else has to pay the consequences. Fyfe argues that the cultures of orphanages and schools tend to be specific and different - he also represents clients who were in the hands of the de la Salle monks in Britain, against whom there are more allegations of sexual abuse than there are against the Nazareth House nuns. We did all the work in the convent, cleaning the windows, scrubbing floors, doing the laundry and washing out the bathrooms. For years after he left in 1967, he tried to put the place out of his mind. This leads to jealousy towards those who can experience intimacy and love within a family. (11 Reasons Why), Why Are Harleys So Expensive? Ya the pope is the boss speaking for god. The measure, which had languished in Albany for more than a decade, allows a one-year window for alleged victims to file lawsuits against their attackers, no matter when the abuse occurred. No matter what any "spiritual leader" might say. In a symbolic trial in Aberdeen in 2000, one nun, known in her childcare days as Sister Alphonso, was convicted of cruel and unnatural treatment. "She especially hated me. Many of these unfortunate children suffered consequential emotional disturbance, and some of them no other institutions would accept. I said, 'No, this is about crimes against children.' "My sister and her friend Betsy Owens were playing with a beach ball. Some nuns are just following the example set by other nuns. Thus, nuns act out their cruelty towards others. "Holidays were spent at other Nazareth House homes. our nuns would cut a finger off if you were late for class, some kids only had thumbs, we had to learn a new word every day if you couldn't pronounce it the nun would set about you with a baseball bat, on the day we had to learn Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ten kids got killed, we slept outside on the grass, in the winters we covered ourselves with cowpats (dung) to keep warm, we had turnips for breakfast lunch and dinner, but on sundays we had a real treat for dinner, the turnip was cooked, my aunt on visiting stalag sacred cross found the grave of the mother superior and dug her up, she then used her skull as a toilet, but she was a dirty cursing perverted old b**** herself. Contrast Naughty Nuns. Nobody wanted to hear about the Vestal Virgins back then, she said. She was wacked in the hand a lot with a ruler. Give us an apology. At one time, the training nuns received was outdated and very harsh. It can also lead to nuns taking their frustration out on others. It's their power mania. Nuns are no different; however, we choose not to act upon these natural, sexual feelings and urges. Thanks for the tale Bracket, I am sure glad I never had to grow up in a Cotholic mission! Currie had likened some of his childhood documents to a diary, but the archbishop insists, "only three sheets of paper were found, two containing aspirations Joseph had listed for himself and the other listing the timing of the Benny Hill show on TV". An unexpected encounter with one of the nuns she'd known when she was at the orphanage - Sister Alphonso - changed her life. Why Are Nuns So Cruel? "The real meaning of 'dirt' was sexual abuse," Currie says, "I felt dirty. We want them gone immediately, she said. Thank God they chose the nuns. "There was no limit to the sexual deviance that could be engaged in with those unlucky enough to be singled out as the chosen ones.". Right to her death, Mum kept saying, 'If only I hadn't got ill.' She thought it was her fault. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Why Do Teachers Hate Gum? I felt lost, I felt abandoned, I felt confused, I felt alone., Finnegan said she also felt alone, and was unable to speak of the abuse she endured by Sister Mary Juanita, who vowed to chastity as she raped me.. Nuns used crucifixes to rape little girls or forced boys to have sex with them, too. She had been sent with her sisters to Glasgow's Nazareth House from their home in the Highlands after their mother was diagnosed with tuberculosis, a disease that was still "like a death knell in the 1950s". It was bad enough in Newcastle, but after the war broke out we were moved to Carlisle where it was much more cruel. Teonna, along with several other Native American girls, was forced to remain in the institution while her grandmother Issaxche Rainwater try to find a way to release her. Six years ago, Joseph Currie was wandering past Nazareth House in Aberdeen, the place where he, too, spent his childhood. Marcela, a South American woman who joined an order of cloistered nuns in Italy 20 years ago when she was 19, recounts how the indoctrination was so strict that younger sisters needed. You think your nuns were bad? And the Poor Sisters aren't poor (the order has 154m in the bank) - they've been rebranded and they're simply Sisters. She had worried about what had happened for years. Nuns have hectic schedules, and the busyness doesnt leave much time to express emotions, thus leading to a lot of bottled-up emotions. Cameron Fyfe says there's no great problem of proof in this case: individuals who have not seen each other for years, who may scarcely remember each other, are corroborating each other's narratives. And in states where the statute of limitations has been amended to allow victims of sexual abuse to file complaints, SNAP is urging them some now in their 60s and 70s to file claims against their alleged abusers. The priest asked me his name and whether he was still doing it. "It's up to us whether we want to forgive. The group has heard from 35 people in the last several days who claim they were physically and sexually abused by nuns, said Dispenza, a former nun who claims she was abused as a young girl by both a priest and a nun. Their accounts of life in the various homes have a common theme: of thrashings even for the most minor misdemeanour or failing, be it sneezing, wetting the bed, or forgetting the words of a hymn. It was a dreadful experience and I will never forget it. Its no wonder nuns can be so cruel. When the retired telephonist recently began to make inquiries about Betsy Owens, the order responded by denying any knowledge that she herself had ever been there that summer. She and her group are demanding the pope help victims of nun abuse and fire anyone who has covered up crimes by Catholic clergy. Celibacy is NOT normal for humans. The allegations stretch back. Police are also investigating after lawyers representing former residents passed on relevant files. "She took me off by the hair, twisted me round and threw me against the church wall," she says. with all the other girls looking on. She said she never told her father I was afraid of what he would do to the nun when he found out and only summoned up the courage to tell her mother of the trauma just before her death in 2002. They were raised in abusive homes and grew up as abusive adults. "My feet were so badly swollen I was kept off school for three days and two other girls had to join hands to carry me up and down the stairs. I'd have left you you're just Glasgow tinks.' Only my opinion of course, but I'd blame it on a lack of physical and emotional shenanigans with members of the opposite sex. That is why I want to take them to court.". Many nuns produced religious literature and music, the most famous amongst these authors being the 12th century CE abbess Hildegard of Bingen. Beatrix Campbell reports, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. By using this site you consent to our use of cookies as per our, People who don't know how to weep with their whole heart, don't know how to laugh either. I know that not all of them are bad nuns, and I don't mean this thread to be disrespect to anyone or even the catholic church. We have tried every way to get the church to accept what happened, but they've done nothing. 'Is it money you're after?' It was only 30 years later, when other Nazareth House survivors began to speak out about their experiences, that his childhood and its bleak effects could no longer be dismissed as his imaginings. Helen's younger brother grew up a distressed, drifting young man. If you were lying on your side, you'd be yanked back. NEW YORKAs a growing number of Roman Catholic dioceses across the United States investigate child sex-abuse claims against clergy and are releasing the names of priests accused of such crimes, another hidden problem has begun to surfacenuns who sexually abuse children. This can lead to frustration and a feeling of being trapped. So if you see a mean nun, remember that shes probably going through a lot. It specifically mentioned 48 children who were part of a British government migration programme. Not a day went by without someone getting a battering. Nuns indeed put in a lot of hard work. Her big sister saw her being lifted out of the water, "all cut and bleeding. She came for a visit one year while she was still in good health, and we all took a trip to the mission to pay our respects to family members buried there. You could be hit for talking in church. It is also a powerful order across the world, and its published accounts show it is worth pounds 154m. My Grandmother has told me many stories of the evil nuns. On the shelves around his Victorian tiled fireplace Currie displays old toy fire engines - it was his boyhood ambition to be a firefighter. Usually there were cells at each end of the dorm where a nun would keep an eye on us, but when I was beaten there was not a nun to be seen. The abuse began when Finnegan was 15 and continued throughout her high school years on school buses to out-of-town sporting events, at religious retreats in upstate New York, at Finnegans childhood home in Woodside and at a Long Island convent. But after Pope Francis recently made the bombshell admission that some nuns were abused by priests and even used as sex slaves, dozens of Catholics have come forward to report a tangential, and just as evil, phenomenon sexual abuse by nuns. Thin gruel definition: Gruel is a food made by boiling oats with water or milk . Professor Grundy reserved his most scathing words for the police forces and bureaucrats, who he said may have known what was going on but did nothing to stop it. Eventually, four years after her encounter with Sister Alphonso, she went to a solicitor. They were taught to be tough to survive in the world. "Looking back, I think one of the reasons was that the nuns weren't happy and decided we damn well weren't going to be either. This woman wouldn't say sh** if she had a mouth full. She, too, remembers children being force-fed, and also being required to work. Currie, now in his early 50s, lives in a Glasgow tenement. We rose at 5am, did the cleaning chores, then got dressed, got breakfast and then went to school. In 1981, the school became the co-ed St. Johns Prep. He told me he'd been sexually abused by a priest. According to his social services records, his family was "destitute" and his mother admitted selling a pair of shoes for food. If that fails, Fyfe intends to take the challenge to the European Court of Human Rights. Dispenza, 78, has fought for more than two decades for justice for victims of clergy abuse and plans to take her fight to the Vatican on Monday. Many of those alleging physical, and to some extent sexual, abuse are now elderly people who say their entire lives have been affected by what they endured as children. Try to be understanding and compassionate. This can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety, leading to nuns taking their frustration out on others. She was even too nervous to enter her office at a Long Island convent. Eight years ago, when a handful of victims of nun abuse came forward to SNAP, Dispenza urged the Chicago-based Leadership Conference of Women Religious, an association of the leaders of congregations of Catholic nuns, to address the issue and reach out to victims of nun abuse. However, nuns arent the cruel teachers they used to be. I believe in God, though". Allegations of abuse by its nuns first surfaced in Scotland last year. Think for example of other people in committed relationships. I was up at 5am scrubbing floors, doing laundry. A retired telephonist living in an elegant Glasgow apartment block for senior citizens recalls that "several of the children were force-fed. Yet another was scarred after being scalded by a nun who accused her of not using enough hot water when washing. Why? This embarrassed both church and state in the 1940s. Coming from a guy who feel he has the right to condemn, criticise and berate the practice's of nearly two billion people, have you been given Carte Blanche on this board? Beatings and acts of extreme cruelty were commonplace, they say, and together with the spartan existence in the home, gave them lives of utter misery. So now comes the question. "I remember being told repeatedly by the nuns that I had been put there because I was naughty and because my family did not want me. Before the new law, New York had one of the most restrictive statutes of limitations for childhood sexual abuse. "I left when I was 13 with a terrible stammer that I am sure must have been because of living in fear of the nuns. This is the next big thing for the church the biggest untold secret, Mary Dispenza, a director at Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP), a St. Louis-based advocacy group. His map also showed a plywood panel, a false wall, and behind that panel, he said, were some significant documents. It makes perfect sense that some would take their emotions out on others. Cusiter was eight when her mother disappeared and she and her five brothers and sisters were taken from Glasgow to Aberdeen's Nazareth House. I remember we all did not want to leave the home in Brecon because the nuns there were so kind. Why ), it would n't be hard to see if your bed wet! No matter what any `` spiritual leader '' might say seemed to be broke out we were children! Cusiter was eight when her mother disappeared and she and her five brothers and were! Are fewer than 4,000 nuns and their average age is over 80 discipline, he tried to put place! Tough to survive in the hand a lot of hard work think for example of other people the... And love within a family or milk abusive homes and grew up a distressed, drifting young man the. 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Sonnet 26 By Giacomo Da Lentini Analysis, Articles W