. The rescue told me he was a swimmer puppy, and when they got him he could not moe off his back. He turned out to be the nicest pup in the litter in my opinion and is a member of a great family and will be a hunting/family dog. I had forgotten to write that their chests are flat. The most common indicator of the condition is a dent in the chest. Kind regards Jacqui. This is a fairly uncommon syndrome, with little research and understanding in terms of what causes it in the first place. We only had a H U G E girl which looked too fat and she cannot move easily. I pride myself on ensuring the information and methods I share are tried by me and backed by research. Slipping rib syndrome is an example of a reason to remove floating ribs. The most frequent chest deformity in dogs is pectus excavatum. I greatly improved my deformity non-surgically. In a week or so hell catch up and no one will ever guess he had a problem.As always, post here if you need anything. In addiction to this, she is not eating, she looks very weak. If the puppy can walk, she does not have swimmer puppy syndrome. Hi labmama,I am so grateful for your story and all the other success stories I've read of people you've given hope to. His back legs are in terrible shape. Thank you, I really hope this works. and here are some pictures of before and with the rig on. While these tips may not seem a lot, they can still help prevent worsening the situation. Could this be a sign of anything serious? Chondrosarcoma is the second most common primary bone tumor in the dog, accounting for 5-10% of primary bone tumors in dogs. Since you are on this so early, taping would be the preferred method.I recommend using the self-adhesive first aid tape that resembles an ACE bandage. Is that the right way or should he stay on his stomach for some time?Regards from Iceland!YMH, Ylfamist, your story is too familiar; this is such a common and universal condition and even many veterinarians don't know what to do. We just tried putting him in a sock vest as shown on the website but we aren't sure if it is helping or if we did it correctly. Bonnie ! Scientific Electronic Library Online: Pectus Carinatum in a Dog. Removing him from the litter and putting him on his side (you might try the basket/box method) is also a great idea.I would give it a while - perhaps even a week or so - to 'sink in' with your pup. Note: Fido should see the vet since you cant give dogs the same medications that humans use. By all means, sell him to a good home! Figure 8 Rib Articulation with Vertebra (Illustration from Canine Terminology, 2012 Dogwise, Used with Permission) Before realized what was going on with them I would put a wet cloth underneath him and this would help him and he would breath normally. Piercing the heart can quickly occur if the veterinary surgeon is not careful. - but place him on his side. Flat-chested kitten syndrome 1 language Flat-chested kitten syndrome ( FCKS) is a disorder in cats wherein kittens develop a compression of the thorax (chest/ribcage) caused by lung collapse [citation needed]. I also did a bit of a jolly jumper effect, holding her weight and assisting her to walk, of course very gently. Holy cow! Gifford AT, Flanders JA. do you know if I am doing enough? They could be fatty deposits in the skin or a fatty tumor. Keep him in the rig until he begins to do all of the above by himself, probably no more than three or four days. He was given 1 day. They arrange serially and intersperse by the intercostal spaces. God bless you for not giving up on him! Three nights ago, we noticed our littlest one resembling a "turtle" and not moving with everyone else who had found their legs. Include an omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acid supplement mixed into the dog's food, for a dog recovering from starvation. The other is not walking at all and his legs just splay out at back. Swimmer Puppy Syndrome is a developmental deformity that results in a puppy having a flattened thorax/chest. You may want to use the basket for another day or two to help strengthen his legs a bit more.He's supposed to be fat and sleepy at this age; once he begins walking he will work off the chubbiness, and they grow when they're sleeping. TOP 5 VACUUM BELL MANUFACTURERS IN 2023, WHERE TO BUY, TIPS, SCAMS & MORE, HOW TO FIX FLARED RIBS IN 2023, CAUSES, EXERCISES & MORE, TOP 3 PECTUS EXCAVATUM BRACES IN 2023, ULTIMATE REVIEW, VACUUM BELL THERAPY FOR PECTUS EXCAVATUM IN 2023, EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW, TOP 10 PECTUS EXCAVATUM EXERCISES IN 2023: MISTAKES, TIPS & MORE, 81 CELEBRITIES WITH PECTUS EXCAVATUM IN 2023: ACTORS, MUSICIANS, ATHLETES, FIGHTERS & MORE, FREE PECTUS EXCAVATUM E-BOOK IN YOUR INBOX. On the other hands all other pups looked very big and healthy. Warning: If you think that the bones are piercing through your dogs skin, call the vet immediately. Can you please post some pictures of how to best tape a puppys legs that has swimmers leg syndrome? I will contact Coreen. They are attached to the external splint shaped to the form of the chest. This also makes breathing easier for her. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Right now, we are not yet fully decided if we are gonna do the sock method on him, since we think he is too fragile and should be at least weeks old, as we see in the stories here on your site. Thank you both for your advice. I will try and make him the "rig" but not real sure how as he is still so small. Whereas my rib cage on the right side seems to have a natural curve to it, my rib cage on the left side almost seems to come to a sharp corner. In addition, he eats much less compared to the others as well, the pups are still nursing from their mother. Floating ribs are easier to spot in these 11 breeds compared to others. The stitches around it achieve pressure on the breastbone. Please do post a photo if you can; it helps others going through a similar situation understand how to adapt the methods for their pups. Havanese Standard . Jane Meggitt has been a writer for more than 20 years. When the pups begin to sit up and try to stand, if you have one or two that cant or dont do that, then you will need to intervene.Monitor their progress and come back here if you have more questions or concerns. Theyre a natural and harmless part of your dogs body, after all. This is only necessary until the pups begin laying on their sides. We just found out on Wednesday that he is a "swimmmer". That has nothing to do with Swimmer Puppy syndrome. also extremely sanitary. The diaphragm is a muscle flat sheet of muscle that helps a horse breathe. In some breeds, such as the greyhound, these thin waists are a normal part of the dog's physiology and not an indication of pectus carinatum. Floating ribs are only more noticeable in certain breeds. As it is, she is once again a healthy, strong puppy.Julia, Hi, first of all I'm sorry for my english that is not my natural language. In addition to reporting for a major newspaper chain, she has been published in "Horse News," "Suburban Classic," "Hoof Beats," "Equine Journal" and other publications. Hi- I have a 5 month old female Bernese Mountain dog I rescued through our breeder. I'm not a veterinary or a breeder and just wanted to share this, first of all, to thank about all the information I found on Internet, and second to show that working really really hard (it has been the longest months of my whole life) even a 9 week puppy can recover What a wonderful story, Eduardo! I have searched the web for over a week & have finally found this place.could this be swimmers or something worse?Please help me I am so worried!Julie, Julie, you're definitely in the right place.A lot of us didn't notice the problems until later because we didn't know what we were looking at. It is necessary that he lay, sleep and nurse on his side though, so make sure hes doing that. . and thanks to Jacqui for posting the youtube link which inspired me to make a rig for my puppy.My female english cocker spaniel delivered 6 puppies on 19th Oct. After 4 days, found that of the puppy is having the swimmer puppy syndrom. I do notice that most of the puppies that people are posting about are older than mine. I have my iPad at the hospital and he's out of ICU now so I should be able to reply faster. Cora, I would agree that time will tell with your boy. ( found it on that cocker spanial site as well). I know you said it may take awhile for it to sink in and I don't mind the wait or the work I am just worried that I will miss something I was supposed to do and my babies will pay for it. Its the bone right in the middle of the chest. Then today the vet told me the boy (Taffy) has swimmers. Any thoughts on what else I can do to help him gaincontrol of his back legs, and strengthen the muscles,would begreatly appreciated. See how I managed to improve my pectus excavatum deformity non-surgically. Of course you don't HAVE to use a basket; a box or anything square that's about exactly the same length as the pup will do. Early diagnosis depends on astute observation and frequent handling of puppies. Should you have a swimmer, there is hope for getting him through an inner ear, balance, obesity, or laziness problem. Like turn them on their sides while nursing? I couldn't bear it if she had got pneumonia and died. Congratulations and best wishes.LabMama, John, my sincere apologies for not responding to you sooner; I was ill for a bit and must have missed the notification.If you still have questions or issues with this pup, please do post here again. TheDogPlace.org 1461582003 Now he walks with his legs pretty wide spread - will this become normal with time and with the rib cage correcting itself?Pardon my English, it's not my native language.I hope you can tell me something to calm me down :)RegardsAnna, Hi, Anna. Sock method: This is similar to putting a life vest or harness on the pup. Thanks for the help! He will wobble and sway when you first remove it; think of how the *normal* pups topple around when first learning to walk. However, most pigeon-chested dogs live fairly normal lives, although they might experience exercise intolerance. Good luck, and let me know if you have any more questions.Your English is perfectly fine, by the way. It was a challenge to keep thehobbles on and tokeep the sponges in place at first, but I stayed with it, andwithin four days the female was on her feet making steps, the males took a bit longer, but now all three of them are walking. At such an early age, your pup may need just a day or two to get the hang of it. There is also a chance the protrusion may indicate a serious issue. This is our 4th litter, and our 1st puppy with issues. This runt puppy is having trouble balancing on his hind legs. She is still draging her hind legs behind her. I massage them and they seem to enjoy lying on their side then, but then never lie on their side by themselves. Every pup and breed is slightly different, but the concept is the same. Im glad you didnt accept that answer either!Best wishes to you and your darling pups. I am holding her and massaging her a lot, but I know overnight she probably flips back to her belly and sleeps all night like that. In addition to these dogs, inherited indentation of the chest has been reported in three-setter crossbreeds, two pugs, and two Welsh terriers. After the last medical assessment, which was done about two and a half years after starting this non-surgical treatment, the dog became clinically healthy. That is the normal and natural position for nursing pups. This can be fatal, so go to the vet right away. Even by holding him. Details Identifiers Latin cavea thoracis MeSH D000070602 TA98 A02.3.04.001 I highly recommend the 'basket' technique for this also. I just realized last night that one of my puppies is swimmer. The rib cage is located under the vertebra. Here is a list of notable breeds . It is believed that rib flaring is caused by the diaphragm pushing the lower cartilage of the rib cage outwards. She will begin to sit up and then walk soon!Let me know if you have any more questions. However, I wonder if you can tell me what you did hour by hour, what was Fudge's routine. We have been passivley moving her hind legs to help herCould she be a swimmer pup?.Kind Regards Jo. Bev, best of luck with your babies! However, the problem affects a kitten's spine and sternum too. Diagnostic testing can differentiate the two. Pectus excavatum in eight dogs and six cats. Here's how to score your dog's ribs, belly and waist to find out their Body Condition Score: Thank you! But other than that, you can also pay attention to your dogs response. They saw that no reoccurrence of pectus excavatum had happened and that the dogs internal organs were working correctly. Carole, that is wonderful news! The native dog of Cuba, he is b eloved as a friendly, intelligent and playful companion. The sooner you bring your pup to the veterinary clinic, the better! Pick a SQUARE basket or box just big enough for the pup to lay on his side, but small enough to keep him from laying belly-down. I just want to kiss every little snout! At a week old I started to panick as the flatness of his chest seemed more pronounced, almost concaved. She is now 3 weeks and 3 days old. I have tried and tried to get him to lay on his side while nursing and he fights and screams and flips right back to his stomach. I have a swimmer who is just 4 weeks old. In this instance, the ribcage will be prominently protruding and a little too odd. I massage his back legs, move them in a walking movement, and I have a "channel" for him to walk in to keep his legs under him. If flattening is detected, extra care and attention is needed to prevent serious deformity of the chest and rib cage. Puppy x-rays are the most commonly utilized diagnostic imaging method in the veterinary industry. He sounds like a fine, healthy boy now!As always, please write again if I can help you.LM, Hi,sorry to bother again, he did so well and was standing up in the basket, but he has problems to bring his bag leg up out side the basket. Thank you! Thanks for the helpful information, can you please tell me does swimmers also affect the neck muscle the pups have,have no control over there heads flopping. Free shipping. We got so lucky to have these two pups and now little Taffy has been hit with this blow. How long until she gets use to it. Dalmatians. The hind legs follow the front ones, so I think you are in the clear now for her to progress normally.Best wishes for her continued improvement; please let me know if you need anything going forward.Lab Mama. Denise. Is that normal? Admiring my first purebred litter, I noted the newborns back feet slipping on newspaper as they struggled to propel themselves forward to the teat. Please take care of your husband, no hurries-I'll wait for your reply and in the meanwhile, keep experimenting. He has a squishy lump on his side by his rib cage. Other noticeable physical symptoms include bleeding, lacerations, and puncture wounds. I am so relived to find your site, I have a litter of german shepherd pups delivered by c-section all have been doing well yesterday I checked them and one is flat. Thankfully being school holidays my son was able to take over and keep her on her side and make sure the other pups didn't untie her vest, great fun for them. Most dogs can recover from floating rib pain without the need for surgery. What we do now as a temporary solution is we massage his side from time to time, and put him to sleep on his side.Are we doing something wrong? :-)LabMama (aka Grammy Cracker), hi there we have a litter of three cocker,s 1 has swimmers i have made your rig and she is now lying on her side fingers crossed this works thank god for your web site many thanks mandie bagshaw14/4/09. window.open(x, 'largeimage','menubar=yes,status=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=800,height=700,left=50,top=50'); My vet clinic does a lot of reproductive research & this is how they knew about the condition. The signs were there, but.Your pup sounds just like Fudge. He maybe out at the elbow, but his hind legs are not splayed. It's egg Expert's Assistant chat They don't often live long, but I know one who is about 6 years old. I did not hobble the hind legs, since they will usually come around once the front legs are dealt with.It will take a few days for your boy to lay on his side alone. Best of luck! Is your pup progressing? Right now I am using the sock one as its snug fit. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post through our independently chosen links, which earn us a commission. They can assess whether your dog can recover with regular treatment or if they need more than that. She looked to me "split" well, since all the other puppies are walking and playing (4 weeks in 2 days), she cannot move properly and she shows a big flat chest. Common sense says, dont breed a swimmer. And even if there is no bruising, you may . She has overcome her problems and will not regress now. True swimmer pups never do this, so that is another possible clue.Has her status changed since Friday? She does not sleep on her side and although tries to pull herself along with her front legs her back legs just get dragged along behind. In addition to dogs, pectus excavatum has been reported in humans, felines, cows, and sheep. In a few days youll be chasing her around the yard while she RUNS everywhere! It made me cry at the time. Belly. The idea is never to lay her on a flat surface. If the lungs are accidentally penetrated, that may result in pneumothorax. Please advice. Can I leave the rig on her for most of the day? Little rosie is doing alot better. Then fur parents shouldnt have a reason to worry about a floating rib. The flat chested, swimming puppy syndrome seems to occur with slightly more frequency in short-legged dogs with wide chests and/or long bodies. Normal pups should. My minature Dachshund puppy was progressing extremely well until week 3 . He has swimmer puppy syndrome. If that is the case there may not be a lot of room for pups if you bred from her but so long as there is room for her organs there should be no problem. I kept putting them on there sides and working with them and all of them are just fine clean bill of health! I think, once his chest is rounded a little , he should be fine. It a sign of severe underlying lung disease or damage, so the symptoms generally relate to the cause. The last pair of ribs inside your dog is much shorter. I ll try the front leg rig today and see how it goes. One of the girls is very flat-chested, and I noticed that she breathes with more effort. Dogs born with pectus excavatum often exhibit breathing difficulties. If the legs are always splayed and he NEVER lays on his side, I'd call that Swimmer Syndrome. If the t-shirt is interfering with his potty breaks, shorten it up towards the waist. Is it too late to try the methods described in your site? My parents said they will have to put him down if we dont find anything. It is true; working with these pups can be challenging and difficult but they absolutely deserve our best efforts to save them. A dog's rib cage can be a great indicator of whether a dog is at a healthy weight. This article discusses dog flat feet, available treatments, and other information should be aware regarding this condition. I d just like to say again thank you so much for your advice and support. Do you think it will come on his own or do I have to hobble the legs and if so how do I have do I have to do this. You can't begin correcting him too soon! Too much weight gain will put unnecessary pressure on the joints. He has been walking for a few days now. This comment has been removed by the author. Laying them on their side does help, but he gets so aggitated with the jacket that he breaths heavy. He shouldnt cry from it.I wouldnt try to tape or bind the sickly one until it gets a bit stronger. Strap a swimmer puppy syndrome harness on your pup to keep her chest well-suspended from the flat ground. You're doing everything right by propping him up with the front leg 'rig' and putting him on his side.I think the basket (or box) technique may be especially helpful for you. You can also cut it for width as well as length. Flat Chested Kitten Syndrome (FCKS) affects certain breeds more than others with the condition being characterised by a deformed chest and flat rib cage. Laying on the side is the first step in your pup's recovery. We have tied the backlegs on them 5 minutes ago and the female rises her behind for the first time. It can ensure that their heart and other organs in the chest are well protected. Seven pairs of ribs attach directly to the sternum, at the front of the chest, through cartilage that forms at the end of each rib. I''ll not harness them, but is there anything else I can do? The litter has also begun the weaning process and I have taken him out of the rig to feed. They are visible, and you can see them stick out from the lean chest of the dog. If your dog has been experiencing rib pain and discomfort around the ribcage, then that's probably a sign they have a broken rib or a complex issue. I have read all of this info aswell as other sites & it seems that my boy has a problem with both front & back legs, both are splayed. In last 3 weeks he has gone from crawling to almost running. I hope im not too late. Please let me know if you have any more questions!LabMama, I have a three and half week old lab who is a swimmer. I realized 1 pup had the problem at 3 weeks of age and by the next week he was walking with hobbles on his rear legs then a few days later was all caught up with the other pups. It mainly depends on the severity of the deformity. The ribs don't curve in the normal way but curve back outwards again. He is about the size of a 2 1/2-3 week old puppy. And now, if you look at the bone structure of dogs. she is undoubtably a swimmer :( I've done something like a helper, a rounded piece of plastic (I cannot find an elastic sock!!!) Pectus excavatum, which is from Latin meaning "hollow breast," is a chest wall deformity seen frequently in humans and less often in veterinary patients. According to vets at PetMD, here are 5 dog-friendly medicines: Further note: Most of these arent available in general stores. I immediately switched their bedding to rags and rugs. Thanks for your advice. Warm regards,Jack Vanderwyk,LabradorNet, thank you so much for you HUGE support! They will need their hind legs free to sit up and stand.I also highly recommend the basket (or box) hobble technique I have explained here. It doesn't hurt, but it definitely looks abnormal. Do you have an idea? He never had the swimmer puppy front legs. They are generally whitish in color, and are basically very large pimples. And you can do so by visiting a different reputable clinic. He rarely ever is on his side both when feeding and sleeping. It usually doesn't take more than 3-4 days for them to start sitting/standing from there.I know the original post is older, but I monitor the site and will be notified if you post again, so please let me know if you need any more information.Good luck! That puppy sounds like what is called a SWIMMER. I wish your hubby a fast and full recovery. They get the hang of it rather quickly - usually no more than 3-4 days.My pups were still nursing exclusively at 3 1/2 weeks, so I would just put Fudge on a booby to eat - in his rig, ON HIS SIDE. One of the female pups have quite a flat chest or rib cage. He is breathing loudly with the rig on. Does he have a fever? i dont know what to do anymore! The vet doesn't have much to say other than keep doing therapy. $30.15. His chest is round now also. If you notice the following symptoms, contact your vet immediately. I am usually on the thinner side, but it makes my ribs more pronounced, it has stabbed at my confidence. I am trying to walk him on an uneven surface, but he seems to give up v easily.both his front and back legs are splayed and his chest cavity seems very deep now. Intersperse by the diaphragm pushing the lower cartilage of the female rises her behind for the first time lump... His potty breaks, shorten it up towards the waist pushing the lower cartilage of the condition is a swimmmer... Large pimples so much for your advice and support swimmers leg syndrome Library Online: Carinatum... Which looked too fat and she can not move easily to feed noticeable certain. Always splayed and he 's out of the condition is a `` ''! Passivley moving her hind legs are always splayed and he never lays on his side though so! Note: most of the girls is very flat-chested, and sheep, of course very gently some pictures how... 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