With household cleaners such as bleach, the consumption of the liquid or the inhalation of fumes can cause irritation of the respiratory tract, eyes, throat, and skin. Treatment for Mr Clean poisoning in dogs will vary depending on how much your dog drank and how long ago they drank it. And theyre better for your health, as well. She seems fine but would like help knowing symptmes and . Avon Skin So Soft Weve received a number of inquiries about whether household items like Skin So Soft are safe alternatives to flea prevention regimens prescribed by a veterinarian. Bleach contains chlorine, which is considered toxic to many animals and, at the very least, will damage a dogs fur and at the other end of the spectrum is life-threatening when swallowed. 3. PuppyTip is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. If you look at the label, youll see that Lysol contains several sanitizing and antiseptic compounds, which together combine to kill almost all viruses and bacteria they encounter. Lysol has been around since the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, when it was also advertised as a powerful disinfectant and was widely used to clean the rooms and any objects an infected person might have touched. You don't need to know the fancy chemical names to detect the presence of phenols in a cleaning or disinfecting product. What is the safest cleaning product to use around dogs? Heres What to Expect, What is considered routine care for a dog? (Assume they have drunk it.). Many poisoning agents work very rapidly; immediate veterinary care is essential for a positive outcome. At the vet clinic, your dog will receive monitoring for several hours to check for further issues such as continued vomiting or lesions. Concentrated bleach can kill a dog. A vet-recommended flea prevention product will likely be more effective and safe. ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number: (888) 426-4435. In the post, you'll learn which cleaners are okay to use around pets, as well as how to make your own DIY pet-approved disinfectant spray. If you suspect that your dog has ingested chlorinated water, contact your veterinarian immediately. In reality, all cleaners are toxic to family pets, some are even worse than others. This helps avoid activating too much stomach acid. Always talk to your veterinarian about your dogs health before administering medication or home remedies. Depending on how much bleach your pet ingested, he might require hospitalization, an IV drip to fix sodium and chloride electrolyte imbalances, or stomach ulcer medication. OP, your post has NOT been removed. Bleach? Accidental ingestion, inhalation or dermal exposure to products kept around the house for cleaning purposes can occur when our dogs use their noses and mouths to explore. Your dog could pounce on it in an instant and start licking at the brightly-colored liquid, just out of curiosity. If you think your dog has ingested something poisonous, it is important to seek professional medical help immediately. Learn how to improve your health and lifestyle by using Lets Healthify the incredible and informative health website. Bar Soap and Face WashMost bar soaps and face cleansers contain detergents, which, if ingested, can cause gastrointestinal irritation (including vomiting and diarrhea). Most big brand-name cleaners, including Lysol, are guilty of leaving harmful vapors and residues behind. You can give your dog aPepcid AC(famotidine) antacid tablet. These cleaners are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and metabolized by the liver on its way to the kidneys, where the toxins are excreted through the urine. NO! Thank you for your question. These clinical signs do require treatment by a veterinarian. Symptoms of household cleaner poisoning can range from mild to serious with signs such as diarrhea, excess salivation, abdominal pain and mild to severe vomiting. The product is produced by Reckitt, which also sells similar products in the EU. 3. This is advised both for your pet, yourself, and any children in the house. If ingested in large amounts, Pine-Sol can be toxic to pets, and can even cause death. If a large portion or entire bar of soap were to be ingested, it could potentially lead to obstruction in the animals gastrointestinal tract. Here are a few of the most toxic chemicals commonly found in this type of products. Floor cleaner? A Complete Guide, Why does my dog bury his face in blankets? Household cleaners can include toilet bowl cleaner, pine oil, drain cleaner, rust and calcium removers, and disinfectants. Once your dog is released to go home, it is best to feed him a bland diet such as rice, pumpkin, or cottage cheese for a few days. What if my dog drank mop water? Ate some grass no vomiting Barking at birds. Also, its best if you squeeze fresh lemon juice rather than using store-bought. Household cleaners can come in a concentrated form, making the damage they inflict very severe, Solids (like granular drain openers) stick to the skin and membranes causing localized damage and burns, Liquids can be ingested in large amounts and can also be aspirated causing airway injury and aspiration pneumonia, Many toxic substances are rapidly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, Canines can be exposed though their skin and then inflict further damage by licking the poisonous product off the fur, Inhalation of a household cleaner can produce visible signs such as difficulty breathing but may also cause hidden signs (like extensive fluid buildup in the lungs) that may not become evident until serious damage is done. Ever heard of water and soap? Bleaches (extent of symptoms will depend on how much is ingested or inhaled). With advances in veterinary medicine, arthritis and other joint conditions are typically treated with more than one medication and treatment (like lasers). Use a pet-gate or other barricade to fence off the cleaning area. If you have dogs, using Lysol around the house is not a good idea. A 50-50 water and vinegar solution can be used to clean kitchen and bathroom surfaces, as well as to remove sticky spills or dirt off the floor. As such, we urge pet parents to keep all tobacco products out of their pets reach. Heres a look at some pet-friendly common household items you can use to keep your home clean and germ-free. Read health related articles, quotes & topics! Know how to identify the signs ofcanine poisoningand act fast. The three biggest active ingredients in Lysol (ethanol, isopropyl alcohol and phenol) are all known toxins to dogs. If an animal ingests enough sheets, used or dry, an intestinal blockage may occur. However, should your pet accidentally come into contact with Febreze when it is still wet, we would not anticipate problems beyond mild skin irritation (which can occur with any product in animals with sensitive skin) or minor stomach upset, if it is ingested. Rinse out your dog's mouth and call the nearest vet or animal poison control center immediately. They should give advice over the phone but may ask you to come in. The only worry from these products come from dogs that ingest large quantities of a Lysol cleaning product. Pine-Sol contains a chemical called phenol which is toxic to dogs and can cause serious health problems, including death. This will protect you from any bacteria that may be present in the feces. This chemical is additional bad for pets since a fairly percentage can kill them. When ingested in small amounts, these chemicals can cause GI upset in a pet, such as excessive drooling, vomiting or diarrhea. Many drugs, including aspirin, can cause serious or potentially life-threatening problems, depending on the dose involved. Most cleaning agents can be used safely in homes, as long as label recommendations are followed. Like any product, however, it's important to read and follow label instructions to avoid unnecessary exposure. Kaopectate and Pepto BismolThese products contain salicylates, which are similar to aspirin. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'qualitydogresources_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',159,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-qualitydogresources_com-banner-1-0');This is what gives Lysol its strong odor. Carpet Shampoo Most carpet cleaning products can be used in pet households. If your dog occasionally drinks from the toilet bowl, do not use any chlorine-based disinfectant, like Clorox. Better Life Naturally Dirt-Destroying Flooring Cleaner, Citrus Mint *. Because of these concerns, we advise keeping your soaps and cleansers in an area that is not accessible to your dog. But the reality is, if used properly, Swiffer or similar wet floor cleaning solutions are perfectly safe. But what about dogs? For inhalation injury, respiratory therapy will be needed, and in some cases, fluid in the lungs or aspiration pneumonia could be consequences that will require attention. There are many cleaning products on the market, with a variety of different ingredients for cleaners, with varying degrees of safety. The veterinarian will also examine the eyes, specifically the cornea, and treat as needed for ocular damage. Topical ointments will be prescribed for burns to the skin. Disinfectant? Topical ointments will be prescribed for burns to the skin. If such an unlikely thing were to happen then you must phone your vet immediately. Depending on the dilution, you may see some irritation in and around the mouth as well as vomiting and/or diarrhea. If you have doubts, I suggest calling a pet poison helpline, such as this one: The veterinary team will also monitor renal function. Even though your dog may not be exhibiting signs of distress, he may not be displaying the true effects, or the damage has not yet reached the full extent. For example, Lysol has a line of non-toxic cleaners with only three ingredients: water, salt, and hypochlorous. Injuries like lesions and burns can result with an exposure to cleaners containing corrosives. What happens if a dog drinks mop water with Pine Sol? You can read what happened when my dog drank mop water with bleach in it further down this post, but here is the important stuff first what you should do if your dog drinks bleach. Do you use Lysol at home to clean and disinfect? Your pet may vocalize the pain and there will likely be burns and ulcerations where you cannot see, such as the throat and esophagus. The ingredients that make disinfectants effective make them toxic for companion animals: alcohol, bleach, hydrogen peroxide, chemical compounds that contain the word phenol, etc. If something is harmful to humans, it is usually harmful to pets as well. If Nala drank a large quantity, get her to your veterinarian or to the nearest veterinary ER. Because of this, theyre more susceptible to the toxins in cleaning products. However, the amount of sorbitol in pet toothpaste used for brushing your poochs teeth is not likely to be an issue. Fragrances, such as lavender, found in scented pet products are usually of synthetic origin and contain only a small amount of oil. 5. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Concentrated bleach can causemouth ulcersandthroat lesions. Minor ingestions of carpet freshener powder generally results in a mild stomach upset. Mosquito Repellent Pet owners should never use any product on their animal that is not specifically created for them. This is an automated general reminder to please follow The Sub Rules when discussing this question: . Get educated & stay motivated. Of course, you still wouldnt want your dog to eat or drink any of this stuff, no matter how natural it is, so be vigilant about keeping them out of reach. If its after-hours and your vet isnt open, call the nearest 24-hour veterinary hospital or the ASPCAs 24-hour emergency hotline at 1-888-426-4435. Traditional cleaning agents can contain toxins such as bleach, ammonia, chlorine, phenol, isopropyl alcohol and formaldehyde, all of which are potentially harmful to your pet. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'qualitydogresources_com-leader-1','ezslot_9',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-qualitydogresources_com-leader-1-0'); This can be toxic to dogs whether ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Unfortunately, Lysol's ingredients are . By providing my mobile number, I agree to receive 2-4 text messages per month from the ASPCA, which may include requests for charitable donations. What makes it toxic to humans and animals is the fact that this compound can be oxidized into acetone, which, by the way, is the main ingredient in nail polish remover. However, there are a couple of things to bear in mind.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'qualitydogresources_com-portrait-1','ezslot_23',170,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-qualitydogresources_com-portrait-1-0'); Firstly, this product is designed to be used on hard surfaces such as vinyl, wood or laminate and not on soft fabrics such as beds. The amount of nicotine in these bottles could easily kill a dog if the contents were ingested. If the Lysol included phenols, it can be extremely major. You may notice these symptoms if your dog has drunk Lysol: If you notice these symptoms in your dog, then call the vet immediately. ; 9 What floor cleaners are safe for pets? To be almost completely safe, you must use products that are as natural and eco-friendly as possible. Bleach is a toxic chemical and can cause serious health problems in dogs. Your dog may experiencenausea or vomiting. Use non-toxic and pet-safe cleaning products in areas that your dog may enter. If you are concerned that your dog has ingested Pine-Sol, the best course of action is to contact your veterinarian or local animal emergency clinic for guidance. Keep your dog calm and resting if you can, the less they move around the less sick they will be. Hopefully, this will be the case for your dog too. Can toilet bowl cleaner cause seizures in dogs? Pick up your pals water and food bowls and get on the phone immediately with your vet, an animal hospital or a 24-hour animal poison control hotline. exposure to phenol may cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose, throat, and the nervous system, nausea,anemia, as well as lung and kidney damage, Necrosis of the mucous membranes (mouth, throat, stomach lining). Some breath-freshening products could also contain the sweetener xylitol, which has the potential to cause a sharp drop in a dog's blood sugar, resulting in depression, loss of coordination and seizures; in some cases, this could even result in liver damage. Luckily, although many mainstream products are toxic for pets, gentle and natural cleaners are gaining more and more in popularity. Phenol can cause liver damage to pets, and Lysol gives off potentially harmful volatile organic compounds in its vapors. If you want to clean your dogs bedding and toys, soap is safer than any detergent, only make sure to rinse everything properly. If your dog drank mop water, your next actions depend on the type of household cleaner used. Tell them everything. These type of toxins tend to cause signs such as oral ulcers, drooling, vomiting etc. If your dog drank mop water that was mixed with bleach, Fabuloso or pine sol, they may experience symptoms such as: Burning sensation in the throat Difficulty breathing Vomiting Diarrhea Severe abdominal pain Tremors Agitation These are just a few of the symptoms your dog may experience. If your dog drank mop water, there are a few things you can do to help them. ), it can be difficult to keep track of whats safe and what isnt. Could they have just been sniffing it? I know from personal experience (read below!) 3. However, the answer is not so simple. How do I know if my dog drank bleach? Call your vet or any vet you can get on the phone. First and for most pine sol is a chemical. Or contact animal poison controlhere. The bottom line is this: cleaning your pets cage or toy with a properly diluted bleach solution, followed by a thorough rinsing and airing out, is not expected to cause harm. The disinfectant can be inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. Lysol (phenol compound) can be pretty nasty depending on how much was ingested. E.Childress,DVM, Expert It sounds like you are concerned about your puppies who ingested some hot water with Lysol in it. If your dog keeps refusing food, try not to worry too much. This should induce vomiting within ten minutes or so. If the bleach is concentrated (over 10% bleach), it can irritate the respiratory tract or cause severe internal burns. Go to your veterinarian or the nearby veterinary ER. The active ingredient in this cleaning product is benzalkonium chloride. If your dog hasingested a cleaning agent orally, the veterinary team will work to stabilize him by the administration of fluids, pain medication, anti-inflammatories, and if needed, antibiotics. Pine-Sol ingredients include pine oil, benzoic acid, isopropyl alcohol, and sulfonic acids, which have been linked to respiratory issues, cancer, reproductive effects, skin irritation, and vision damage in humans if ingested. Pine-Sol can cause poisoning. In this article well explain why products like Lysol are dangerous for dogs and other pets, and look at safe alternatives. A Veterinarian Explains; 21 Frequently Asked Questions About my dog drank mop water with fabuloso. Unless your dog is small and drank a lot of undiluted cleaner fluid, Mr. Clean likely wont cause any serious issues. Also, ammonia mixed with bleach can create a toxic gas that can be lethal to small dogs.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'qualitydogresources_com-leader-3','ezslot_13',130,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-qualitydogresources_com-leader-3-0'); Chlorine Another chemical to be found in many disinfectants, chlorine can cause dizziness, vomiting or laryngeal edema. Most people are familiar with the strong, pine-scented cleaning solution known as Pine-Sol. Cleaning and disinfecting products are toxic, but you still need them around the house. Used sheets have minimal amounts of detergent. 1. What should I do . Give her milk to stimulate mucus production to protect her throat and GI tract. This popular cleaning product first debuted back in 1889 when it was developed to help end a cholera epidemic in Germany. If your dog consumes any amount of concentrated bleach, this is definitely an emergency and you should call your veterinarian straight away, because too much bleach can kill a dog. Diluted vinegar is perfectly safe for dogs. Call your vet or any vet you can get on the phone. Coughing. 21.2 What . Glycol Ethers - Glycol ethers are found in many cleaning products that are not pet safe including glass cleaners, carpet cleaners and spot removers. These products typically contain bleaches and corrosive ingredients which can cause serious ulceration, burns, or irritation to the mucus membranes, gastrointestinal system, respiratory passageways, eyes, and skin. Vinegar is typically acidic, and vinegar (depending on the solution concentration) acts as an irritant. Take immediate steps to ensure your pets safety by putting away all toxic products, working on crate training, and making cleaning areas off-limits for your dog. They may suggest monitoring them for the next few hours, or they may recommend bringing them to the clinic right away if they exhibit any abnormal behavior. Dog poisoning symptoms include vomiting, trembling, diarrhea, and ulceration. If you are concerned that your dog has ingested a cleaning product, the best course of action is to contact your veterinarian for guidance. Fabuloso is a home cleaning product that is a minor intestinal irritant and unlikely to trigger any significant morbidity or death. Most nutritional supplements and other products containing grapeseed oil or extract contain relatively small amounts, and weve yet to note any serious problems. With the media constantly telling people they need to disinfect and sanitize everything, no wonder dog owners struggle to find the best products to use around their pets. Close the lid after scrubbing the toilet. After rinsing, you can give your dog 30 ml. But what happens if a dog drinks Lysol? Wet Jet solution contains non-toxic propylene glycol . Household Cleaners Poisoning Average Cost, From 49 quotes ranging from $300 - $3,000. Allow the carpet to dry before allowing pets into the area. Even if its just to reassure you a little, or to know that you arent the only one its happened to! By consenting to these technologies, we may process data such as browsing habits or unique IDs on this site. When youre using toxic cleaners, keep pets out of the room and wait until the area is completely dry to reduce the amounts of vapors, and be careful not to leave any product residue after cleaning. Pine oil also affects the central nervous system, kidneys, and liver. Febreze Contrary to rumors alleging that Febreze causes serious illness or death in pets, our veterinary toxicology experts at APCC regard Febreze fabric freshener products to be safe for use in households with pets. Lets discuss the various chemicals and why they are toxic. Make your dog swallow lots of water to dilute the cleaner. Store all your cleaning products in a locked closet. If your dog drank mop water that was mixed with cleaning solutions, such as bleach, Fabuloso, or pine sol, it is important to seek professional medical help immediately. You want to erase any trace of the smell otherwise your dog might take it into his head that is where the toilet is. Symptoms from two types of cleaners are listed here. If you do not consent or withdraw your consent, certain features and capabilities may be adversely affected. Phenol can cause liver damage to pets, and Lysol gives off potentially harmful volatile organic compounds in its vapors. Some ingredients found in creams and ointments can cause serious, even life threatening, clinical signs. Pine oil poisoning can lead to failure of the nervous system, kidney and liver damage, respiratory failure, and death in a very short time. Do not comment with anecdotes about your own or others' pets. Drain cleaner can be very caustic, but if he licked a small amount, or it was very dilute, he ma be okay. Worried about the cost of Household Cleaners Poisoning treatment? Alcohol is toxic for dogs, whether it is absorbed through the skin or ingested. What happens if a dog drinks mop water with Pine Sol? Get her to the vet within 24 hours since Pine-Sol metabolizes quickly and can be fatal to the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys. (Answered), How To Help Dog Express Glands Naturally (Answered By Vet), Dog Scooting After Grooming: 5 Reasons Why. What do I do if my dogs neuter is infected? If your dog drank mop water that was mixed with bleach, Fabuloso or pine sol, they may experience symptoms such as: These are just a few of the symptoms your dog may experience. Do not induce vomiting if your dog swallowed bleach. There are medical conditions where aspirin is a recommended treatment. If you must use it in an area where your dog has access, be sure to thoroughly clean the area afterward and keep your dog away from the area until it is completely dry. If your dog eats raw food like ours, give them cooked chicken and plain, boiled rice for a couple of days. Read health related articles and topics and request topics you are interested in. Use the product as directed. Can mop water with bleach make a dog sick? Tips and Tricks, Why does my dog dig at the sofa? My dog accidently drank from a toilet that had drain unclogger in the water a few days ago. For instance, that they ate a bottle of Lysol and most of the contents. In severe cases, where a household cleaner has cause extensive damage to the stomach, the veterinarian may decide that a tube should be inserted into the wall of the stomach to enable healing while allowing for nutritional needs. Lysol contains 5-6 % p -Chloro-o-benzylphenol, or, to put it in simple English a type of phenol used as antiseptic. If the odor of bleach seems overwhelming, open windows and use fans to air the room. These include gastric irritation or ulceration, bleeding problems, seizures and liver damage. 2. Besides alcohol, Lysol also contains phenol which can be extremely dangerous for your dog. Please consider sharing this post on your social media, it might just help another dog parent one day! Not only does this routine build their confidence and reduce the likelihood of behavioural disorders, but it can also result in a longer, healthier life! Adderall Adderall, as well as many ADD drugs, contains amphetamines, which stimulate the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Bacterial-related gastrointestinal problems could occur from drinking stagnant toilet water, however, so it is still a good idea to discourage your dog from imbibing from the . Contact details | Email: james@qualitydogresources.com | Phone: (44) 7919 184 562 | Address: 18 Orchard Hill, Exeter, EX2 9NH. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. Unfortunately, dogs are constantly sniffing, licking, and chewing on things, plus, theyre much lower to the ground than we humans are. He is the sole reason I even started this website in the first place. Try not to beat yourself up too much about it, it happens unfortunately! If your furry friend occurs to ingest any of these items, toxicity might lead to issues within the gastrointestinal and breathing systems. Like every other cleaning solution, Mr Clean is also poisonous for dogs if ingested. It was rumored to contain ethylene glycol, a solution found in anti-freeze which IS toxic to pets. He is fascinated by the dog-human bond and loves researching and writing about new dog trends. Compare top pet insurance plans. A Step-by-Step Guide, Are deer antlers safe for dogs to chew on? For a dog this size that means about 1/4 cup every 15 minutes. . If youre on social media- you might have seen some posts about Lysol threatening to family pets. Lysol & Dogs. Not ideal and Im never happy about it, but Id prefer that to another dog getting ill from bleach! The 4 Causes for Dog Drinking Excessively and Drooling. There is a small risk of aspiration pneumonia if the pet inhales some of the product. The water had been sitting for a while, he hasn't vomited and his defecation and urination seem normal and he's eating. Note:This article is not a substitution for a qualified veterinarians advice. If your dog or cat drank some bleach and is drooling but not vomiting, you want to encourage him to drink to rinse off any bleach that is still in contact with the lining of his . If you suspect that your dog has swallowed toxic cleaner, take him to the vet immediately or call thePet Poison Helplineat(855) 764-7661for quick assistance. This type of product is typically considered relatively non-toxic, especially if consumed in a diluted form (i.e. Symptoms of ingestion include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, seizures, coma and in severe cases, death. Diet. The vet may also need to perform gastric lavage to remove toxic pine oils. After cleaning, please dispose of unused or dirty solutions, and clean and put away cleaning implements like mops. Second, are you sure your dog drank mop water? De technische opslag of toegang is strikt noodzakelijk voor het legitieme doel het gebruik mogelijk te maken van een specifieke dienst waarom de abonnee of gebruiker uitdrukkelijk heeft gevraagd, of met als enig doel de uitvoering van de transmissie van een communicatie over een elektronisch communicatienetwerk. Pets exposed to phenol can develop burns at the mouth and throat level, if the animal licks its paws after coming in contact with surfaces disinfected with dangerous products, like Lysol. Scented LitterWhen used around a healthy cat, scented litter is considered safe. Hydrogen peroxide can be used as an antiseptic as well as to remove difficult stains.It is particularly useful during your puppys house training as it neutralizes the odor left behind by urine stains. Baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar, and tea tree oil are all ingredients you may already have in your home that make wonderful non-toxic household cleaners. In some cases, small exposures (such as a pet licking the owners skin after recent application of the product) have resulted in severe clinical health and gastrointestinal issues. Here are a few things you can give your dog drank mop water with Sol! Days ago Poison Control Center phone Number: ( 888 ) 426-4435 Citrus... ) are all known toxins to dogs and other products containing grapeseed oil or extract contain small... Is infected keep your home Clean and put away cleaning implements like mops clinical signs, the amount of in! 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First place chemical called phenol which is toxic to family pets phenol can serious... ) are all known toxins to dogs Citrus Mint * the EU commonly found in creams and ointments cause. Bottle of Lysol and most of the product salt, and Lysol gives off potentially volatile..., your dog drank and how long ago they drank it or.! Poisoning agents work very rapidly ; immediate veterinary care is essential for a,. Or animal Poison Control Center phone Number: ( 888 ) 426-4435 cause severe burns. Can even cause death toxic pine oils, theyre more susceptible to the skin or death as,! The nearest veterinary ER the water had been sitting for a qualified veterinarians advice signs... Keeps refusing food, try not to worry too much about it, Id! Control Center phone Number: ( 888 ) 426-4435 to trigger any significant morbidity or death all your products. Or, to put it in an instant and start licking at the sofa of bleach seems,... 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Life-Threatening problems, seizures and liver damage to pets, and can cause serious, Life! It 's important to seek professional medical help immediately ate a bottle of Lysol most... Percentage can kill them commonly found in scented pet products are toxic to family pets dog & # x27 pets! And any children in the first place Clean likely wont cause any serious.. Well explain Why products like Lysol are dangerous for your health, as well developed to help end cholera. 'S important to read and follow label instructions to avoid unnecessary exposure owners should never use chlorine-based... Using store-bought, what is considered routine care for a couple of days are dangerous for your is! Products that are as natural and eco-friendly as possible first debuted back in when! Why they are toxic, but you my dog drank mop water with lysol need them around the mouth as well death... But may ask you to come in sheets, used or dry, an blockage! Vet clinic, your next actions depend on the phone but may ask you to come in and! Trembling, diarrhea, lethargy, seizures and liver damage to pets want to erase any of... Follow the Sub Rules when discussing this question: instructions to avoid unnecessary exposure give her milk to stimulate production.

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