The Sheik also revealed how Afghanistan and Iraq figure in sacred geography and numerology, and mentioned a secret war between the Anglo-American and Asiatic powers" The Masons and the Moors - By Mehmet Sabeheddin We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. Thus hope will ever be his beacon light; there is no failure for the human soul, for Allah is leading on and victory is sure. . "THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.". We focus on climbing up that twelve step ladder until we reach the pinnacle of that which life is spent to build, the temple of perfected man. This agenda is set in stone; meaning we do not deviate from the instructions that he has given us. We believe in ALLAH, HIS Angels, HIS Scriptures, HIS Prophets, and The Day of Judgment. The Moorish Science Temple of America was founded for the uplifting of fallen humanity. Through sin and disobedience every nation has suffered slavery, due to the fact that they honored not the creed and principles of their forefathers. The Moorish Science Temple of America was designed to unite us, not to divide us. They do not teach our science, they teach their science. Trials and failures in business are by no means confined to any particular group of people. They set for his protection, the great serpent Kematef (Kundalini). The dominion of Cush, North-East and South-East Africa and North-West and South-West was his fathers dominion of Africa. It should obviously also include a study of the practices, of the social behaviors, and of the beliefs that have been historically associated with the concept of magic. We further this inquiry by focusing this study less upon dominant cultures which have had the prerogative to define magic. Rather, we turn our attention to those minor cultures who were the targets of their slander. (**Please recall what was said about the attributes of Ausar**) Order in the land was maintained by a system that effectively developed the moral faculties in people, and by allowing only such men and women who had developed their moral faculties (4, 5, and 6) to hold positions of government. Khu/Khut Khu One of the creative organs of being. The will is the faculty of potential action. They are on a road above those who claim righteousness but cannot live it. We as a nation have been subjected to both physical and mental slavery. 20. Is it at the uttermost parts of the earth? 6. ALLAH. This is the vehicle by which Man is capable of Astral Travel the emanation of the soul projecting the registry of the Universe from the very core of Mans eternal being to reflect this reality by casting its sublime image as a shadow displaying the likeness of Neteru. The leaders of the Noble Order have always encouraged its members to undertake the Travels of the Nazarene and to discover the truly Universal quality of Moorish Science. They went into Asia. But man like every other thought of Allah, was but a seed, a seed that held within itself the potencies of Allah, just as the seed of any plant of earth holds deep within itself the attributes of every part of that especial plant. This makes him a man. Join us in fulfilling Noble Drew Alis dream of mending the broken wires and connecting them with higher powers. El or Bey, do not delay! There is no compulsion in Islam; no one is forced to practice the principles therein. Man cannot die; the spirit-man is one with Allah, and while Allah lives man cannot die. An understanding of this Principle, with the appropriate formulas, enables Student Adepts to control their own mental vibrations as well as those of others. A Divine Warning By The Prophet For The Nations. Main: Hermetic Library | Features | Fellows | Figures | Forms | Fraternity | Fundamentals | Reflections, Languages: DE | EO | EN | ES | FR | HE | HR | IT | JA | LA | PL | PT | RU | SV | ZH, Meta: Hermetic Library | About | Contact | Participate | Become a Patron | Sitemap | RSS, Sites: Hermetic Library | Hrmtc Underground | Hrmtc IO, SIJIL: The Triple Rose of the Adept Chamber. Thus hope will ever be his beacon light; there is no failure for the human soul, for Allah is leading on and victory is sure. Are not these plain before thy face? And, behold! "He who understands the Principle of Vibration, has grasped the sceptre of Power," (Scimitar of Consciousness) says one of the old writers. Ka is the essence of of man known as the (Spiritual Body) by which he may contact on the Mental, Psychic & Spiritual Plane. Look for the best in others and give them the best that is in you. Obedience is the first Maxim. In the heart. We follow our ancient forefathers Divine Creed and Principles. Through the teachings of the Moorish Science Temple of America the world may hear and know the truth; that among the descendants of Africa there is still much wisdom to be learned in these days for the redemption of the sons of men under Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. That the rulers and the rich would not oppress the poor. Moreover, the Adept Chamber feels a need to add yet more Orders and/or Degrees to its structure, and openly encourages M.O.C. Nu was, metaphorically, an infinite expanse of water. So man, the seed must be deeply planted in a soil that he might grow, unfold, as does the bud unfold to show the flower. Law governs all events. They must go the exact way and take the exact steps that their LORD instructed them to. ALLAH has no sons, no daughters, no partners or any rivals. Activities and Societies: Adept Chamber of the MSTofA Ambassador Temple of Moorish America . Where does "darkness" leave off, and "light" begin? All nations of the earth in these modern days are seeking peace, but there is but one true and divine way that peace may be obtained in these days and it is through Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice being taught universally to all nations, in all lands. "The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Master Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.". They are the one who brought about a discord in the Holy City of Mecca and were driven out 058. With the Master-Key in his possession, the student may unlock the many doors of the mental and psychic temple of knowledge, and enter the same freely and intelligently. Islamism is a representation. The Moorish Science Temple was officially incorporated in 1928, and in the same year Drew Ali inaugurated Unity Hall, at 3140 Indiana Avenue, as headquarters. Beside the Aquarian Jesus of the Cirle Seven Koran, the following Christian themes play roles in the form of the O.P. He was invincible in war and violence, which were his chief means of settling differences, as well as the objects of his worship. National Grand Mufti. Our agenda is simple just as our lessons are simple: Perception of thyself, the knowledge of Him Who created thee, the sense of worship thou owest unto Him. In our missionary work we urge those who know that their spiritual, social, intellectual and economic condition can be better to join the Moorish Science Temple of America. bcg scar hurts years later; sydney sweeney black lives matter; c kirkman bey We are descendants of Moroccans and born in America. MOORISH PERSPECTUS Contact THE SACRED GROVES of the Order of MAKHU SUTEKH The Kemetian Adept Manual & Use Of The Carpenters Tools (Re-Constructing the Ancient & Most Exalted Grand (Qa).. Ka & B a of Allah) 13. Imani Amina El/Temple #19 Baltimore MD We do not believe that death, decay or sleep overtake HIM, neither do we believe that HE is a helplessly inactive and inert force. Everything, and every person, contains the two Elements or Principles, or this great Principle, within it, him or her. But water, as shown by the wavy lines of Nu's hieroglyph, meant energy. When man has conquered every foe upon the plane of soul the seed will have full opened out, will have unfolded in the Holy Breath. Just as in nature different species of animal, though they may belong to a larger group, has its own genetic code and thinks slightly different from other members of its genus. In Moorish Science we believe that every man must worship under his own vine and fig tree according to the principles of his forefathers. The child is as perfect as the mother is. Where? Thabit ibn Qurra. "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.". ); radical Protestantism, e.g. We have family duties and social duties and responsibilities. We are for peace and not destruction. who all shared the same space-time and exchanged techniques and notions which later were deemed damnable. There are planes beyond our knowing, but when we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them we are able to understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to us. But this stalemate was a victory to Set, for as long as morality and spirituality did not rule the world, he was achieving his goal.Eventually, Heru learned of the existence of a Deity that Set could not bother, who remained aloof of the events going on in the world. It was used for trade and transportation. Man is the Lord of all the plane of manifest, of protoplast, of mineral, of plant, of beast, but he gave up his birthrights just to gratify his lower self. . This Principle embodies the fact that there is a Cause for every Effect; an Effect from every Cause. In all other governments when a man is born and raised there and asked for his national descent name and if he fails to give it, he is misused, imprisoned, or exiled, any group of people that fail to answer up to the constitutional standards of law by name and principles, because to be a citizen of any government you must claim your national descent name; because they place their trust upon issues and names formed by their fathers. Their response was that they have no knowledge except what HE has taught them; that HE, only HE is the Knower, the Wise. We are not "negroes, colored folks, black people, or ethiopians." Those names were given to slaves by slaveholders and represent an unconscious state of mind. Adept Chamber of the Moorish Science Temple of America (3rd Heaven.) I am depending on your support to get them back to the constitutional fold again that they will learn to love instead of hate, and will live according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, supporting our free National Constitution of the United States of America. Ham was the son of Noah. Fragments of papyrus in ancient rubbish heaps, indecipherable stelae locked away in museums vaults, or the fairy lore of the grandmothers were all that remained of those traditions consistently stamped out by the dogmatists of domination. These leaders include the Executive Ruler of the Adept Chamber, Grand Advisor (Asst. We are taught that all life is connected to each other; that all life is sacred and must be treated as such. When the Pert em Hru was compiled Amen was not yet considered a Kemetian principle. sufi Paganism, which used to be the object of public celebration in this world, is our heritage, and we shall pass it on to our children. Thus hope will ever be his beacon light; there is no failure for the human soul, for Allah is leading on and victory is sure. The Genius Loci needs to hear from you! 19. If you seek such teachings, you must go elsewhere for them Kemeticism contains nothing for you along these lines. The Turks are the true descendants of Hagar, who are the chief protectors of the Islamic Creed of Mecca; beginning from Mohammed the First, the founder of the uniting of Islam, by the command of the Great Universal GodAllah. Between "High and Low"? We do not deviate from, rather we build upon the laws and instructions of our Prophet; the laws are set in stone, however no ones hands are tied. We Are Today What Our Forefathers Were Yesterday Without Doubt Or Contardiction!!!!! Law governs all events. As if to prove that Christianity is more complicated than Islam or Judaism, the O.P. Its use even tore aside the Veil of Auset to the extent that a glimpse of the face of the goddess might be caught. The dawn of medical science was their achievement: they showed both how souls can be saved and how bodies can be healed. (hence the term orthodox and our title of Metropolitan, for example) the emphasis on liturgy as magic defines O.P. Everyone, Deities included, feared him. He teaches us that all things are thought. Mu-Ra-Ka-Ba (The Divine Apparatus of the Moorish Adept). Victory slipped in and out of the hands of each combatant. HE neither begets nor is HE begotten, because these are the traits of frail and weak humanity. 13. They refuse to recognize that there is something greater than the things we see. And, more than this (and considered of more importance by the Kemetian Adept), it is possible to change the vibrations of hate to the vibrations of Love, in one's own mind, and in the minds of others. The Moorish Science Monitor, Vol VII #2 Autumn 1994. He must grow and he must experience all the ways of life during his growth process. Those who fail to recognize the free national name of their constitutional government are classed as undesirables, and are subject to all inferior names and abuses and mistreatments that the citizens care to bestow upon them. No matter what name we call HIM by, HE is still THE CAUSELESS, CAUSE, THE ROOTLESS ROOT FROM WHICH ALL THINGS HAVE GROWN. We follow the Divine Laws of the Holy Koran of Mecca as sent to us by ALLAH through the Angel Gabriel via Prophet Mohammed. Therefore we are returning those thoughts and that way of living back to those unto whom it belongs. They are to claim their own free national name and religion. Where was Noble Drew Ali born? Adept Chamber (Third Paradise) had revealed its inner triplicity in announcing the formation of THREE ORDERS or degrees within itself, viz. Ziggurat POB 25193 Rochester NY 14625 The H.M.O.C. Sets rule, of course, is that of all Sahu men, on the social level, and the rule of the faculties of the animal spirit and Sahu (spheres 7, 8, and 9) parts of the spirit in all men. We are all possessed with will; therefore we have the power to choose. The Holy Divine Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, says that a follower of Islam in the true sense of the word is one whose hands, tongue and thoughts do not hurt others. Inspired by the lofty teachings of the Koran, we have it as the revealed word of God ALLAH. His opposite polarity, the goddess Nut, symbolized infinite matter. So Allah, the husbandman of everything that is, threw forth this human seed into the soil of soul; it grew apace, and man became a living soul, and he became the Lord of all the kingdom of the soul. It is implemented through the Moorish Divine and National Movement. (The following is the version of the Sijil found online since 2001. By Prophet Noble Drew Ali being to us an Angel of ALLAH, He only knows what ALLAH has taught him. The garb of soul will then have served its purpose well, and man will need it never more, and it will pass and be no more and man will then attain unto the blessedness of perfectness and at one with Allah., (Protoplast, Earth, Plant, Beast, Man, Angel & Cherubim), 4 3, 4 Hirearchal Agents 4 Entities of Manifest4 The Elementals The 4 Descendants of Atum 3 Physical Realms (BELOW ) 3 Ethers of Power (ABOVE), ye cherubim protoplast ye spirits of the air Nu ye birds that fly ye winds that blow, ye seraphim, earth ye spirits of the fire Shu ye creeping things of earth ye thunders, ye angels plant ye spirits of the water Tefnut ye fish that swim ye lightnings of the sky, ye men beast ye spirits of the earth Seb. Our forefathers are the true and divine founders of the first religious creed for the redemption and salvation of mankind on earth. The Moorish, who were the ancient Moabites, and the founders of the Holy City of Mecca. Khut/ Khat is the state in which one Ascends even beyond the throne of RA to becomeof Oneness within the presence of the Great Company of the Neteru being encircled by thereby thus becoming enthroned upon the seat of seat of Neter by his Oneness. The masses of people are carried along, obedient to environment; the wills and desires of others stronger than themselves; heredity; suggestion; and other outward causes moving them about like pawns on the Chessboard of Life. There is no such thing as "absolute heat" or "absolute cold" the two terms "heat" and "cold" simply indicate varying degrees of the same thing, and that "same thing" which manifests as "heat" and "cold" is merely a form, variety, and rate of Vibration. Man is the Lord of all the plane of manifest, of protoplast, of mineral, of plant, of beast, but he gave up his birthrights just to gratify his lower self. In the Moorish Science Temple of America we teach that it is our fault that we have suffered slavery. In these excerpts from the Moorish Leaders Historical Message to America, Prophet Noble Drew Ali demonstrates the following: In connection with the aims, objects, rules and regulations of the Moorish Science Temple of America, I deem it proper to submit to you a brief statement of our organization, covering its inception, rise and progresswhich I hope will be satisfactory to you and be the means of causing you at all times to adhere to the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice in your relations with mankind in general. Then he will stand untrammeled on the plane of soul where he must full complete his victories. They are caught up on the life of this world. Man cannot die; the spirit-man is one with Allah, and while Allah lives man cannot die. Time never was, when man was not. If life of man at any time began, a time would come when it would end. So persist blood-curdling accusation, grounds for exile or execution, grist for grisly scary tales. Man is a thought of Allah; all thoughts of Allah are infinite; they are not measured up by time, for the things that are concerned with time, begin and end. Drew Ali taught that all Blacks were of Moorish origins but had their Muslim identity taken away from them through slavery and racial segregation. Amen was brought to Egypt from Ethiopia(Saba). The goal of a mans life, according to Islam, is peace with everything. Unnumbered foes will stand before man upon the plane of soul; these he must overcome, yea, overcome them every one. THE KEMETAN ADEPT CHAMBER. The Principle of Gender works ever in the direction of generation, regeneration. These names are unconstitutional and are a result of and delude to slavery. Our men, women and children should be taught to believe in the capacity of our group to succeed in business, in spite of the trials and failures of some of them. Let every living thing stand still and hear! The child is as perfect as the mother is. Moorish Science is the effective counter to the Freemasonic imposters and a force for Truth . In this statement there is condensed a wealth of Kemetic knowledge let him read who can. And so is man, the spirit-man. After the principles of the holy and divine laws of their forefathers. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. Between "Noise and Quiet"? Our religion is Islamism. Except in cases of actual dishonesty, discourtesy, lack of service and actual unreliability, our business enterprises in every field of endeavor should have fullest of confidence, cooperation and patronage whenever and wherever they can be given. The necessity to protect and cultivate this precious legacy in this new era has led to the establishment of the Sabian Order of the Moorish Orthodox Church. To the pure, all things are pure; to the base, all things are base. This is also true on the planes of energy and force (which are but varying degrees of vibration); and also on the mental planes (whose states depend upon vibrations); and even on to the spiritual planes. 4. christianity. the Law of God, and exercises Man's free will. These holy and divine laws are from the Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, the founder of the uniting of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Why did Creative Fate give to spirit-man a soul that he might function on the plane of soul? What is the modern name given to their children? Islam is a very simple faith. As mentioned earlier, every nation sees ALLAH from a different point of view, and every nation has a name for ALLAH that represents their point of view. In short, the "Art of Polarization" becomes a phase of "Mental Alchemy" known and practiced by the ancient and modern Kemetic Masters. Hark, now, let every creature hear, the plane of the soul is but the ether of the spirit plane vibrating not so fast, and in the slower rhythm of this plane the essence of life are manifest; the perfumes and the odors, the true sensations and the all of love manifest. The Information War, taken from CTHEORY. Understanding the Arabic letter Nun requires that we look at the Kemetianprinciple Nun and his celestial wife Nunet who are also known as Nu and Nut. Lucky the man who endures hardship with a well-founded hope for the sake of paganism! ISLAMISM KEMETIAN ADEPT CHAMBER M.A.G. What year was the MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA founded? If you would understand the philosophy of Mental and Spiritual Creation, Generation, and Re-generation, you must understand and study this Kemetic Principle. the Brethren of the Free Spirit, the Adamites, the Beghards and Beguines; the Christian Cabalists, alchemists, and hermeticists; Renaissance Neo-platonism and Magic; the Celtic Church and its links with paganism; certain forms of Gnosticism (the link to Egypt! The Adept Chamber is the proper place in the Temple for collective consideration of the various paths of knowledge and their connection with Moorish Science. Look at your thermometer and see if you can discover where "heat" terminates and "cold" begins! What is the modern name given to the children? And these words are as true to-day as at the time they were first written. There is no God but ALLAH. Nu was infinite energy. The very name, Islam, means peace. Since the work of the Moorish Science Temple of America was largely religious, the organization has been legally changed to a religious corporation and an affidavit to this effect has been properly filed in the Cook County Recorders office of Illinois. The key of civilization was and is in the hands of the Asiatic nations. I do hereby declare that you are a Moslem under the Divine Laws of the Holy Koran of Mecca; Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. Prophet Noble Drew Ali teaches us that all nations have a different genetic code and that every nation sees God according to that genetic code. Moreover, Jerusalem is the symbolic capital city of the Three Monotheisms, and thus of special interest to the Adept Chamber. There is no one who is able to change man from the descendant nature of his forefathers; unless his power extends beyond the great universal Creator Allah Himself. 58. The Amen position was held by Nu. ALLAH is the Father of the Universe. This Deity, Tehuti, it was written, was the only one that could guide Heru to a sure victory over Set. And that conclusion is that Noble Drew Ali is ALLAHS Prophet and that the Moorish Science Temple of America is the only avenue through which our people can truly receive their salvation and be themselves. Through the ten commandments the rulers and the rich live, while the poor suffer and die. In the holy texts of Moorish Science we find affirmations of the importance of our work. Many who say that Islam means submission or surrender say this because it is implied religiously that when ones surrender their will to ALLAH and adopt a godly lifestyle, they no longer have a reason to fear life or death and thus achieve a state of peacefulness in their souls. Do not teach our Science, they teach their Science will be aggregated with all user. The following Christian themes play roles in the Moorish Science is the of... 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