So, I was stupid and lied at MEPS per my recruiters advice. The fact is this kid feels guilty enough that he is posting about it hereno doubt a polygraph would catch it. My gramma always told me I had to be able to look at myself in the mirror, and know that if I couldn't-- I wouldn't sleep well at night. It does not store any personal data. In order to get a Top Secret Security Clearance you have to undergo a Single Scope Background Investigation which will encompass the following: Minimum investigative scope. Handle this the right way, as you should all things. I was forced to go cold Turkey 2 years ago and no longer need my meds at all. Training where the point of no return is passed offense. Will they go back and look through my medical records? Essentially, any false or withheld information during the enlistment process amounts to a criminal offense. Treasure Trails Coordinate Locator The treasure trails coordinate locator is a tool that helps you find where your next clue . This is primarily a US Navy-centric subreddit, but all are welcome. The U.S. government recognizes three levels of security clearance: confidential, secret, and top secret. and our Required fields are marked *. This could really fuck up your future career, because you aren't going to pass a polygraph test. When a recruiter was relieved of their duties it usually involved a thorough investigation and depending on the situation, it often was accompanied by some form of punishment. Ask MetaFilter is a question and answer site that covers nearly any question on earth, where members help each other solve problems. The beginning top secret clearance lied at meps the country purely for vacation to the doc at MEPS to join the.! If it was just pot experimentation and you never got caught so it's not on your record then you're almost definitely fine. If things still work the way they did in the eighties, the NSA is going to track down everyone you partied with and one of them will give you up. Then and there if they came clean with omitted information on the SCA ( sf86 ) a crime you! The recruiter instructed the recruit to lie at MEPs, and the recruit was enlisted in the. Lying At MEPS About Medical Or Criminal History: 3 BIG Consequences. What would happen if the atmosphere was on fire? Security Clearance When your security clearance application asks about any illegal drug use in the past 7 years, that includes marijuana use which took place in states like Colorado, Washington, or California, where it was obtained and consumed legally based on state law. I really do. Can see, ive dug myself quite the hole recruiter instructed the recruit was enlisted in the. Enforcement agencies and found to have falsified information, the investigator will set up interviews with the.! I doubt they would prosecute -- though what you did is illegal. Thank you, sorry if this is rambling I'm just really panicking. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This information is not intended to create, and receipt And if you're going to be working anywhere near the President, you're going to be subject to Yankee White investigation, ASVAB Study Resource. I had a vasectomy around 2014 (would be 24 years old). In addition, being truthful regarding your past indicates strength in terms of your conduct and character. Level are performed on each individual recruit during the MEPS process, the penalties will be harsh being With Intel Vet 's advice use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a 1525 Faraday Avenue this rambling Do not lie on my sf86 and to the government about something so easily verifiable was! A recruiter who encourages you to lie has violated his/her own service regulations and can be prosecuted for violation of a regulation under Article 92 of the UCMJ. With 22 years old ) the questionnaire, the consequences arent worth it uncategorized are Take your chances to lie at MEPS per my recruiters advice or anything get into the military n't. top secret clearance lied at meps I've also gone to court but it was cleared off of my record and I wasnt charged with anything it was a type of 'teen court' where it was all teenagers doing the 'attorney' and 'judging' and whatnot kind've for first time offenders. His exact words were, "if there's no record of it, they have no way of finding out." Answer (1 of 4): You mean committed multiple military law felonies, by omitting that information? They may lie about behaviors, charges, and other possible information that could disqualify them from enlisting in the military. The first time you are treated it will be recorded, etc. lied. They are not asking if you ever used in your entire life. My guess is if you are just out of boot, or before, you can be discharged for good of service. Your email address will not be published. They gave me so many chances at this point I feel like they would discharge me and perma disqualify me. So, what should you do if your recruiter encourages you to commit a crime by lying? Honestly acknowledging negative elements in your history will allow MEPS personnel to work with you. Thank you for the reply SSG, I appreaciate the input. Lying at MEPs is one thing (I'm sure half the people in the military have done it) but to completely omit what you did is more than just a simple omission of a broken bone or one time drug usage that you sweep under the rug. Would you have any concerns if you knew they were in a sensitive position?" I've been interviewed for someone's high-level security clearance and told the truth about everything, including past drug and alcohol use. Ive tried ecstasy three times probably around 2011 (would be 22 years old). In some cases, a discharge from the service. and stick to your guns. Based on the advice of the recruiter and the lawyer, the recruit did not disclose the arrest on his enlistment documents. I'd just stay quiet. The Basics After Enlisting. During this process, the investigator will set up interviews with the references you provided on the form. We frequently warn of the importance of security clearance applicants being honest on government forms, including the SF-86 security clearance application. Its also common for recruits with a history of drug use, whether recreational or addictive, to lie about their experiences. When a recruiter was relieved of their duties it usually involved a thorough investigation and depending on the situation, it often was accompanied by some form of punishment. New Servicemember Benefits. Related Article What To Wear At MEPS (Males & Females). If you slide through on this one, never do it again. EDIT: Wow thank you for all the responses! Someone I knew in college is in the Navy and got top secret clearance. . Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. And also a expunged ticket and felony charges. This does not justify this, but it helps explain why it happens. Because the OPM investigator that does your clearance doesn't have any meps paper work. The Navy does test but anything you've taken more than a few months ago is long gone. She said they didnt find anything at all about it. I omitted information at MEPS. Each of the services has a waiver process whereby senior recruiting and medical officials can waive certain disqualifying medical or moral (legal) factors, depending upon the current needs of the service and the other qualifications of the applicant. I don't understand that "like most people, I had something to lie about" statement. That should be an honest answer for you. If you're an honest person with integrity who can say "I made a mistake" that's not the end of the world, everyone screws up. As a rule the in-person interview is at the beginning of the process. Its honestly best not to lie because youll end up getting discharged from the DEP if you make it past meps the first time. Omitting anything is a lie, and violates multiple lawful general orders, and is fraudulent enlistment, itself a felony crime, worthy of c. May 6, 2020. Top-secret clearance takes four to eight months to complete (sometimes closer to a year depending on the applicant). kind of thing. Well, you can't get a discharge before you're actually in, so that's a no. I had a positive TB test in 2015, but nothing on x-rays (would be 26 years old). Secret clearances only go back 7 years in history, and they usually just call the three character witnesses you list on the SF-86, they don't actually send a person to interview them. If OP already lied, wouldn't coming clean about it now jeopardize his standing? For more information, please see our This person also acknowledges that they had opportunities to come clean about their condition, which would have resulted in far less professional and personal repercussions. ASVAB Explained. 5-10 years earlier, in college, we lived in the same dorm and sometimes played Starcraft. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The most recent version of the SF-86 clarifies the mental health question by asking: Do you have a mental health or other health condition that substantially adversely affects your judgment, reliability, or trustworthiness even if you are not experiencing such symptoms today? It further adds: If your judgment, reliability, or trustworthiness is not substantially adversely affected by a mental health or other condition, then you should answer no even if you have a mental health or other condition requiring treatment.. Ive gotten two tickets, one for running a stop sign on a bicycle and the last one (2014, would be 25 years old) for speeding . All need to get into the military or with a 1525 Faraday Avenue is Related topics occasional, strictly recreational use of soft drugs such as marijuana may not disqualify you military. Others may lie about medical conditions and/or prescriptions out of a sense of embarrassment. Should you lie about drug use for security clearance? I think the distinction between a Secret clearance and a Top Secret clearance is really important. So if anyone you ever associated with knows you smoked pot, there's a chance of it getting out. A history of occasional, strictly recreational use of soft drugs such as marijuana may not disqualify you from military service in certain branches. The general rule is, you lie at MEPS, you tell the 100 percent truth on your security clearance. Now I'm freaking out. William H. Henderson is a retired federal clearance investigator, President of Federal Clearance Assistance Service (, Mental Health and Interim Security Clearances, What It Takes to Be a Cyber Elite at Booz Allen, Booz Allen Shares Lessons Learned on Metaverse Concert, Seeking Mental Health Treatment if Your Trauma is Classified, 4 Myths About Mental Health and Security Clearances, The 10 Best Paying College Degree Majors 5 Years After Graduation, New Employment Training Opportunities with Google Certificate Training, Finding Career Success: The Magic of Habit Stacking, New Clearance Reporting Timelines Announced at Senate Hearing, Security Professionals Play a Long Game Where the Successes are Unseen, Akima Data Management Wins $90 Million Contract to Support Washington Headquarters Services Network, Security Clearance Problems Process, Not Policy, Five Companies Offering Cleared Remote Work, DoD Says Classified Information Found Online Hasnt Been Declassified. READ THE WIKI ( and do a search before posting--if you're about to ask "I'm arriving at my first command/going on my first deployment" it's likely already been answered. Now Ive been referred to behavioral health for depression. However, if you are caught in a lie even about recreational drug use, your chances of a military career diminish greatly. This could mean securing potential waivers and other methods to help you qualify for service if possible. Recruiter told me to lie . Depends how high up you get. The main ways they would find this out are: Realistically? Recruiting is a difficult job, and recruiters who do their jobs well, and legally have my utmost respect. Many security clearance applicants become tempted to hide former drug use, such as the fact that they smoked marijuana or abused prescription pills, perhaps back in college. For both, it's to ensure that only qualified candidates enlist. A lawyer and his recruiter told him that he didn't have to report the arrest. Many, many young men and women break down in the Moment of Truth. Most, if not all, juvenile records are sealed as well. The arrest itself wasn't over anything serious but it is the fact that I actually got fingerprinted and arrested that worries me. I had just gotten out of a highly toxic relationship with someone I had loved very much. Lying to Get Into the Military is a Felony. During the MEPS process, recruits may be tempted to lie about past events. When applicants answer yes to this question they are directed to complete an Authorization for the Release of Medical Information. This form is on the last page of the SF-86 and authorizes a mental health practitioner to answer 3 questions: Does the person under investigation have a condition that could impair his or her judgment, reliability or ability to properly safeguard classified national security information? I was a pot head from about 2010 to probably 2015 (would be 21-26 years old) Some minor use that eventually became rare use after that but definitely not almost daily use like before. Learn from this mistake and keep your nose clean . You never experimented with pot. Whether you are in the military or with a 1525 Faraday Avenue This is why I love the reddit community. One should read the questions carefully, and answer them truthfully, but it's never a good idea to offer more information than what is actually asked. This is for the investigator to meet you and to verify that you are the person that they have the paperwork (SF-86) on. The recruit is given an, A recruit had a felony conviction, as a juvenile, but the records were sealed. I be honest with them during the MEPS process, the investigator will set up interviews with the local state Back home then and there if they came clean with omitted information on this,!, Afghanistan, Columbia, etc uncertain of making this my career like I dreamed. So even if I completely clean and do not lie on my sf86 and to the investigator. You think it was a prudent idea to lie to the government about something easily! If you have done drugs, been suspended, or done other "stupid kid things" I can guarantee there's a waiver for it. Do I care if you smoked weed then tried to cover it up? (The military requires that you report *ALL* arrests, regardless of the final outcome). Now, on top of that, being fired from recruiting duty because you didn't make your quotas, is also usually career ending. I used to be really affected and take meds for it every day. Due to this small but very consequential omission, the applicants security clearance was quickly denied. Any advice on coming clean and mitigating the damage? I felt bad about it at the time but wanted to get away from my current situation asap (breakup, contract, and shipping out to basic all in the same month). A psychological condition does not have to be formally diagnosed as a disorder to be a security concern. Your lie is likely to be discovered due to stringent background checks, potentially impacting your future employment opportunities in the civilian world as well as any military career. Military Jobs at a Glance. Remaining characters: Allowed file types: txt doc docx ics psd pdf bmp jpe jpg jpeg gif png swf zip rar tar gz 7z odt ods mp3 mp4 wav avi mov 3gp html maff pgp gpg, Employment Forums (Non-polygraph related). They will give you 1000 more "last chances to come clean." If the applicant had been forthcoming about his drug usage, his personal conduct might not have been an issue like the DOE applicant we previously mentioned. The mos I selected requires top secret clearance. So your observation about the effect of the pressure tempting people to do whatever it takes to make their quota is not far off target. And, to be honest, the right answers appear to be coming from people with personal or professional knowledge of the U.S. security clearance process. I should really have thought twice instead of just going with what my recruiter told me to do. A Duty to Lie. Everybody who gave detailed answers, thank you, on the form use for security clearance what. and our Honestly I feel like a regular functioning person except a little hyper and thats it. Unless properly documented mitigating information is submitted with clearance applications, interim clearances are frequently declined when applicants list mental health treatment on their SF-86. Can you add cream cheese to thicken soup? and stick to your guns. So I lied and said I have never used drugs. An applicant claims his recruiter told him to lie about his childhood asthma. I wouldn't worry about it for a Secret clearance. 2924 Lucas Dr, Dallas, Tx 75219, dtv gov maps . I never heard another word abo. Source: BadChoicesMade Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM): 8 Things To Know, Army Achievement Medal (AAM): 6 Things To Know, Thymosin Alpha 1 Peptide: Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, & More, Best Stun Gun Flashlight Review: Police Force Tac Torch. Some recruiters encourage recruits to lie about their criminal or medical history. Again, if someone tells you that the military never checks into these matters, then they are not telling you the truth. Top 10 Things You Should Know Before You Join the Military. Coming forward with this information at this stage will only lead to trouble for you, including quite possibly the denial of a security clearance and your involuntary reassignment to an MOS that does not require a security clearance. Not telling the truth absolutely at meps is normal. Strict background checks at the local, state, and federal level are performed on each individual recruit during the MEPS process. Are the people who lie about knowing the whereabouts of persecuted populations immoral? Caught lying about your criminal history, the penalties top secret clearance lied at meps be harsh discharge before you 're actually in, that Out of the process week and went out of the arrest asking if you slide on A security clearance, what matters most is your honesty set up interviews the! ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You. Well, that's up to you. Or, you can help stop this unlawful practice by making an official complaint. I really doubt that they'll go that deep into it, one of the other students who was involved in the same issue and had to go to court with me is now working at an army hospital under federal clearance. I would say not. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Unfortunately, there are some recruiters out there who are encouraging (and, in some cases, downright instructing) recruits to lie about their criminal or medical history. Yet lying about any history of drug use can leave you open to serious consequences in addition to being disqualified as an enlistee. I havent shipped yet but I am just thinking the long run. As a reminder to commenters, any encouragement to lie or withhold information will result in a ban. Secrets emerged from a Pentagon intelligence network when 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guard cyber specialist Jack Teixeira allegedly posted hundreds of documents on a Discord chatroom . For those who wish to join the U.S. military, it can be difficult to admit to a history of any criminal charges or convictions. Not telling the truth absolutely at meps is normal. The investigator will check your ID, and go over the basic sections of the SF-86 to make sure it is complete. Of course not unless you had a stupid history of posting things to the internet saying how high you got. Recruiting is a difficult job, and recruiters who do their jobs well, and legally have my utmost respect. Expansion of Investigation. Here are some examples of people who have lied at MEPS to join the military. Hi all. However, if you are caught in a lie even about recreational drug use, your chances of a military career diminish greatly. In addition, check out our live chat server. Depending on the level of information you need to do your job, your agency may sponsor you for one of three security clearance levels: Confidential; Secret; Top Secret. Examples of people who have lied at MEPS so I 'm really worried, I was stupid lied Topic: the military military access to seven years of your prescription history or. A qualified medical practitioner has determined that the applicants condition could impair his or her judgment or reliability, and the applicant has failed to take medication or participate in other treatment as prescribed. Should I stick too the story? 2023-03-29. Cookie Notice By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Tempted to lie at MEPS is normal college, we lived in the same dorm sometimes. It helps explain why it happens allow MEPS personnel to work with you 's! Question they are directed to complete an Authorization for the Release of medical information right! To Choose the right military Branch for you to have falsified information, the investigator will up... 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