not only is it 400 years old but sometimes each sentence demands serious contemplation for a few days. Frequently repeat the words of St. Paul that you are not your own. Assuredly nothing can so humble us before the compassion of God as the abundance of His mercies; nothing so humble us before His justice as the abundance of our misdeeds. Description of True Devotion 1 II. Language updates that make the text accessible without changing its meaning or message, Aleather-like cover, foil stamping, and a place-holding ribbon. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! It's broken up into small "chapters" so it's great to read just one little tidbit each day. First and foremost, this book is a manual, a manual on how seek, find, and create a devout life, a life devoted to God. The general rules concerning the passions and emotions of our souls is that we should know them by their fruits; our hearts as trees, our affections and passions are the branches, and their actions and deeds the fruit (281). CHAPTER I. This should be fitting in regards to the state of life to which God has called you. I really just mean that it is one of those books that I will refer back to again and again for spiritual help. If this doesnt work, do not be disheartened, present yourself before God humbly, knowing that He delights in seeing you. Renew the protestation given in Part I after the meditations on the 1st day of each month and when you feel any slackening in your soul. During his lifetime, Francis de Sales gave spiritual direction to many individuals. Why can setting aside daily time for silent prayer and meditation seem like such a daunting task? 1st Part: Instructions and exercises for conducting the soul from her first desire for a devout life till she is brought to a full resolution of embracing it. When I saw in the Life of St. Catherine of Sienna her many raptures and elevations of spirit, her many words of wisdom, nay, even sermons uttered by her, I doubted not but that, with the eye of contemplation, she had ravished the heart of her Heavenly Spouse. CHAPTER X. [8] Plaushin calls this "De Sales' most remarkable gift to the church. All temptations are never permitted by God save to those whom He purposes to exalt in His pure and excellent love (259). I've read this book a few times, and although it's about 400 years old, it's a gem. Actions We must be faithful in things great and small. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER VII. This habit of spiritual retirement and ejaculatory prayer is the keystone of devotion, and can supply the defects of all your other prayers; but nothing else can supply its place. Mass The most holy, sacred and royal sacrifice is the Sun of all spiritual exercises, the center of the Christian religion, the heart of devotion, the soul of piety; an ineffable mystery which embraces the untold depths of divine charity, and in which God, giving Himself to us, bestows upon us freely all His favours and graces (92). The final edition was published in 1619, prior to the death of Francis in 1622. CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VI. Search Introduction to the Devout Life: Preface by the Author Part I: Attaining a Firm Resolution to the Devout Life How remedy Minor Temptations. Classic Catholic book by St. Francis de Sales on how to grow in devotion and holiness in everyday life while living in the world Addeddate 2021-05-25 17:26:06 Identifier an-introduction-to-the-devout-life CHAPTER III. Let St. Francis de Sales illumine the path to holiness and strengthen your desire to walk that road with the Lord. Let us endeavour then, Philothea, to practise well these virtues, each one according to his vocation; for though they do not place us in the state of perfection, yet they will make us perfect: and, indeed, everyone is obliged to practise them, though not all after the same manner (154). Of Unseemly Words, and the Respect due to Others. #firstvideoonyoutube #newcatholicchannel #catholicbookreviewSummary and review of the book Introduction to the devout life by St. Francis de Sales.You can buy the book here: on Amazon: using the link above you support my channel as I get paid a small percentage of your purchase. CHAPTER XIX. The Third Point of Preparation, representing the Mystery to be meditated to Your Imagination. The final edition was published in 1619, prior to the death of Francis in 1622. I'll be returning to it many times in the future! This masterpiece of Christian literature by a 16th-century priest explains how to live a holy life in the secular world. 0 Ratings 10 Want to read; 0 Currently reading; 0 Have read St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results.Themes include:Pursuing a devout life whole-heartedlyIncorporating prayer and sacraments into a busy scheduleGrowing in virtueBattling wisely against . Humility perfects us towards God. Introduction to the Devout Life Frivolous Attachments. To be purified from all affections of sin, we must have a clear and hearty consciousness of the exceeding evil of sin, by which means we attain deep and earnest contrition (20). on the Internet. CHAPTER XXI. General Affections which should result from these Considerations, and Conclusion of the Exercise. Dive deeper into the world of Narnia with your family, classroom, or small group wit Are you saved? is a common Christian question, but how do Catholics respond? An Introduction To The Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales. He takes the reader through the finer points of meditation, establishing a prayer life, integrating with church life, connecting with saints, the use of frequent confession, mass, and partaking of the Eucharist. True devotion is the perfection of charity. [4] According to poet Kathleen Norris, "De Saless easy way of employing images from nature is one of the great pleasures of his book. St. Francis de Sales' perennial classic of spiritual direction. St. John the Evangelist, as Cassian relates, amusing himself one day with a partridge on his hand, was asked by a huntsman: How such a man as he could spend his time in so unprofitable a manner? CHAPTER XXII. Gregory Pine, O.P., and Fr. He provides insight and guidance for the virtues of patience, humility, gentleness, obedience, purity, poverty, and friendship. I shall say nothing of these three virtues, when they are solemnly vowed, because this subject concerns religious orders only; nor even when they are simply vowed; for though a vow may add many graces and merits to virtues, yet, to make us perfect, it is not necessary that vows should be made, provided they be observed. Charity alone can place us in perfection, but obedience, chastity, and poverty, are the three principal means by which to attain to it. Small temptations Overall, resisting these lesser temptations provides us with more benefit because they are continual trials for devout and fervent persons. I did find I had to seep up Gregory and Jacob, but even with that it was great to listen to their commentary each day, and read their commentary before the different sections of the book. His feast is celebrated on January 24. Without it repose is but idleness, labour but trouble; therefore, I beseech you, cleave steadily to it, and never forsake it (91). The Nature and Excellency of Devotion 3 III. During his lifetime, St. Francis de Sales gave spiritual direction to many individuals. The devout life is faithfully represented by Jacobs ladder. * Turn your thoughts away from the temptation. Meditation is an act of understanding consisting of one or more reflections made with the view of exciting our affections towards God and the things of Heaven (70). CHAPTER XVII. CHAPTER VII. sdegutis Referred to as "the most popular self-help book." There is a . Part III, Chapter 5. Simply brilliant. Since our possessions are not our own but rather gifts from God to cultivate them, we must take great care to render them useful and fruitful. Saint Francis de Sales. Growing in virtue Devotion is suitable to every Vocation and Profession. Avoid immodest persons. The Sanctity of the Marriage Bed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 4 ways to do this (only choose 1 and keep it short and simple): (2) Invocation Humble yourself before God and ask for thegrace to serve and worship Him in your meditation. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Introduction to the Devout Life (Image Classics) at the best online prices at eBay! If there ever was a much required and sincere "how-to" guide to bring people back to God while also repairing the interior damage of the self as a result of environment, people and inborn human flaws, Introduction to the Devout Life would be and is, very high on the list, for as he gloriously writes on page 291: "Such are the joys that lure my sight,/All pains grow sweet, all labors light. Book 4 considers how to better resist or avoid temptation, while Book 5 is about increasing virtue and staying committed to a devout life. "Reading Your Way to Heaven" Introduction to the Devout Life - Introduction: Part 1 - Chapter 10 (Podcast Episode 2019) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more. "The devout life is faithfully represented by Jacob's ladder. All our actions must be offered to God. Great fires flame all the more when the wind blows, but a little fire will be altogether extinguished unless it be sheltered (221). 4/5. Written over 400 years ago, Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. Without this chief fruit of meditation, it becomes not only useless but positively hurtful, for our mind is apt to rest satisfied with the consideration instead of the practice of virtues, till we persuade ourselves that wearewhat we haveresolved to be this is all very well if our resolutions are active and solid, but if not, it is a vain and dangerous error therefore we should always endeavour to put them in practice, and seek every occasion for so doing. CHAPTER IX. Written over 400 years ago, Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. What true Devotion is. Get help and learn more about the design. [2] It was first published in January 1609. Sections 3 and 4 really should be published separately as "Timeless Counsels for the Spiritual Life" or some such title. We must (1) forsake, reject, and detest all sin, (2) dedicate our whole beings to serve and love God, (3) speedily rise again after any falls. Be ready for martyrdom but in the meantime meekly endure all little evils, trifling inconveniences, and unimportant losses, which happen daily; for by using these little opportunities with a good and loving purpose you will overcome your heart and have it entirely under control (222). On Gentleness towards Ourselves. Fr. These three branches of the spiritual cross are grounded on a fourth, viz., humility. Fr. Love poverty and the poor; for by this love you will become truly poor yourself, since we become like to that which we love (167). A short Method of Meditation. In short, devotion is simply a spiritual activity and liveliness by means of which Divine Love works in us, and causes us to work briskly and lovingly; and just as charity leads us to a general practice of all God's Commandments, so devotion leads us to practise them readily and diligently. The discipline of purification can and must cease only with our life, therefore be not discouraged by infirmities; our perfection consists in struggling against them (15). Use utmost care and diligence in resisting these. He died in 1622 on December 28, and was canonized by Pope Alexander VII in 1665. But, all things in moderation, and in careful consideration of consequences to the soul. This newpaperback edition has the same great content as the ori "Praise God Melissa Overmyer allowed the Holy Spirit to inspire her to write From Worry to Wonder! Obedience consecrates our heart, chastity our body, and poverty our means to the love and service of God. Persevere in this blessed undertaking of a devout life . St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results. Incorporating prayer and sacraments into a busy. Introduction to the Devout Life by Saint Francis de Sales The most popular Catholic self-help book of all time is written for laymen. For example, boldly acknowledge that you would rather die than commit amortal sin. Download the free reading plan here. Examination of the Soul's Condition as regards our Neighbour. This was written specifically for the laity by St. Francis de Sales. And first, the Presence of God, the First Point of Preparation. The classic handbook for ordinary people who want to live spiritually devout lives continues, with advice on how to resist temptations and constantly renew your commitment to loving and serving God. An Introduction to the Devout Life, his best-loved work, is based on notes he wrote for a cousin for marriage, stressing that sanctity is possible in everyday life. It is. CHAPTER XV. The great happiness of man, Philothea, is thus to possess his soul; and the more perfect our patience, the more perfectly do we possess our souls (124). The description of this edition of this book is: ENGLISH: An excellent devotional book, not in the least dated because it was written over four centuries ago. There is always greater benefit and comfort to be derived from the public service of the Church than from private devotions (95). We must be gentle towards ourselves look upon your faults with a calm, collected, and firm displeasure. Introduction to the Devout Life is a timeless gem and I was truly blessed by reading it. Gentleness towards others and Remedies against Anger. Further Advice concerning Intimacies. Francis saw the pursuit of holiness as something possible to each and every Christian, regardless of vocation, temperament or age. ReadFullDescription. How to possess a rich Spirit amid real Poverty. PART I. The Impressions which should remain after this Exercise. CHAPTER XXVII. We must be Faithful in Things Great and Small. Spiritual Retreat During the Day As often as you can through your day, recall your mind to the presence of God by some one of the 4 methods. Search the history of over 804 billion When Temptation and Delectation are Sin. Like The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis, it is considered a spiritual classic in the Christian tradition. Should you relish the fruits, or any of them, stop without going further, like the bees, who never quit the flower as long as they can suck any honey from it; but if, upon trial, you do not succeed according to your wishes, proceed to another consideration with a calm and tranquil mind, without hurrying yourself or fatiguing your soul (70). You will also practise the virtues of humility, obedience, sincerity, charity; nay, in a word, in this one act of confession you can exercise more virtues than in any other whatsoever. Reflections suitable to the renewal of Good Resolutions. True devotion is suitable to all vocations and professions True devotion hinders no one, but rather it perfects everything. ** Above all, you must be careful to retain the resolutions to which you have come through meditation, on your return to active duties. Concluding the meditation Make the following 3 acts with utmost humility: (1)Thanksgiving, (2) Oblation, (3) Intercession. Without it you cannot follow the contemplative life well, nor the active life without danger. I've seen some translations online that honestly are hard to read and boring due to all the old expressions (they seem to just drag on and on - rather than crisply conveying what they are meant to convey). "[5] "It is an error, or rather a heresy, to wish to banish the devout life from the regiment of soldiers, the mechanic's shop, the court of princes, or the home of married people. An Introduction to the Devout Life , his best-loved work, is based on notes he wrote for a cousin for marriage, stressing that sanctity is possible in everyday life. St. Francis of Sales: Introduction to the Devout Life - Christian Classics Ethereal Library. CHAPTER VI. The perfection of this humility consists in taking pleasure and delight in order to exalt Gods Majesty and to esteem our neighbors better than ourselves. Remember then frequently to retire into the solitude of your heart, even whilst you are externally occupied in business or society (84). Carefully practice the opposite virtue and reflect on the vanity and horror of that particular vice. This early 17th century classic is a proven spiritual guide for living an authentic Christian life. on May 25, 2021, Classic Catholic book by St. Francis de Sales on how to grow in devotion and holiness in everyday life while living in the world, There are no reviews yet. Written as a letter to St. Francis lay cousin, this classic yet relevant text features advice on the questions that members of the Catholic laity often ask themselves, such as: Written by Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales to offer sound preaching and clear instruction for Catholics and translated by Matthew K. Minerd to renew Catholics understanding and appreciation of this classic Catholic work,Introduction to the Devout Life promises that it is possible to have an intimate and personal relationship with Jesus, regardless of the demands of everyday life.. If you will not be as sincere and plain as a little child, you shall not then have the sweet reward of childlike simplicity. It is too true that I who write about the devout life am not myself devout, but most certainly I am not without the wish to become so, and it is this wish which encourages me to teach you. It is the first in a new series from Ascension press called Christian Classics, and there is a podcast version by Gregory Pine and Jacob Bertrand Janczyk. In Introduction to the Devout Life, 17th-century French clergyman Francis de Sales addresses himself to the mass of Christians who do not believe it possible that they could live a devout life while also struggling to make their way in the world. CHAPTER XXII. St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results. He was a fervent proponent of the universal call to holiness and spent much of his time guiding lay people on the road to sanctity. CHAPTER XXVI. Imagine our Saviour beside or in front of us. It is a great happiness for a Christian to be actually rich but poor in spirit, for thus he can use wealth and its advantages in this world and yet have the merit of poverty as regards the next (164). An introduction to the devout life Franois de Sales (st.) 1885 2 Reviews Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified Preview this book What. We can glorify God in a secular world, and be a testimony to the world of God's abounding grace and love. The Second Purification, from all Sinful Affections. Make anopen profession of your desire to be devout. Second Consideration--on the Excellence of Virtue. MUST, MUST read for all who are interested in furthering their religious life. CHAPTER I. Even if you resisted, have you taken pleasure in the temptation? CONTAINING COUNSELS CONCERNING THE PRACTICE OF VIRTUE. One of the many pleasant aspects of this work is that it does not sermonize extreme ways for acquiring grace, but for people who have lived on the opposite side of the moral spectrum far longer than they care to acknowledge, bits of the book may seem very extreme. CHAPTER XXXIV. They stand alone as such a consoling, encouraging (in the strengthening sense of the word), and complete picture of the life of a Christian life. Some Useful Hints as to Meditation. Francis de Sales's Introduction to the Devout Life has remained a uniquely accessible and relevant treasure of devotion for nearly four hundred years. In order to cure our faults, it is doubtless well to mortify the flesh, but above all we must purify our affections, and renew our hearts, and it is advisable never to adopt bodily mortifications without the direction of our spiritual guide (193). The most profitable humiliations are those that God sends us and those that are most opposed to our natural inclinations. Conclusion of this First Purification. Nothing aggravates evil and hinders good so much as anxiety and worry. How to prepare for temptations Once you are aware of your predominate temptations, let your way of life be altogether opposed to them in thought, word, and deed. Of course, this book is not concerned with such politics and historical revisionismwhich have come after its completion. The Nature and Excellence of Devotion. Q. We must develop a spirit of resistance, strengthened by continual prayer, participation in the Sacraments, and trust in God. It's aimed at laypeople, to show how devout life is possible no matter what one does in life, that devout life is not just for the clergy or monastic life. Charity bids humility to > reveal thetruth. Have a quiet, calm, and persevering repentance. Themes include: Pursuing a devout life whole-heartedly. CHAPTER XVI. It is typically categorized as a form of reading known as lectio divina ("divine reading"), based on the Christian monastic practice of spiritual reading. St. Francis de Sales (15671622) was the Bishop of Geneva and a renowned spiritual director. Andrew Hanson CCEL Intern Popularity 82% Available formats Read online Read on mobile Download CHAPTER VII. A keen and attentive realizing of Gods omnipresence. Is living a holy life possible for those called to a vocation other than the religious life? Saint Francis de Sales-patron saint of authors and writers and eminent Doctor of the Catholic Church-is quite deserving of his posthumous honors and titles, for with Introduction to the Devout Life (among his numerous other books and pamphlets), he gives to not only Catholics around the world but humanity in general, a religious, imformative yet readable work of theology that will aid in answering some of the fundamental questions of human existence. But more importantly, in the Introduction to the Devout Life, "St. Francis de Sales gives one of the clearest statements in religious literature of the theory and practice of the purgative way, the illuminative way, and the unitive way, the three levels of thought and conduct that are required for a completely moral and religious life" Page 14. CHAPTER II. . Society and Solitude As a general rule, we should always preserve a quiet cheerfulness of manner. This is not the first time I have read this classic of Christian spirituality. De Sales explained: "I address my words to Philothea, since I wish to direct what was first written to one person alone to the general benefit of many souls; "[3], Unlike many other writings in this category, it is distinguished by addressing itself to all Christians in any state of life, rather than to just those who have been called to a religious vocation. i know this will be a bedside book for a long long time. Three Important and Final Counsels. First Consideration--of the Worth of Souls. CHAPTER IV. Make contrary acts above all, acts of the love of God (*best way to overcome the enemy because the love of God contains the perfection of all virtues*). Uploaded by Amusements recreation is good to relax the mind and body but we must guard against excess either in the time they occupy or in the importance given to them (for then they become evils as soon as they absorb the heart). (3) A composition of place use your imagination to place yourself in the Gospel scene (if possible). Make surethat these are truly internal dispositions and not just external actions. Never omit this exercise any more than that of the morning, for as by the latter you open the windows of your soul to the sun of righteousness, so by these evening devotions you close them against the darkness of Hell (83). How to resist Minor Temptations. i am excited to re read it - and move through it on my own time. It is a favourable feature of this war, that so long as we will fight, we must be victorious (15). CHAPTER VIII. The Need of a Guide for those who would enter upon and advance in the Devout Life. If you have glutted yourself with worldly pleasures, it is no wonder that you should find an unsavoury taste in spiritual delights (285). prev : next . CHAPTER II. PART III. CHAPTER II. We must hate sin with a hearty, vigorous contrition and detest every affection, circumstance, and inducement which tends towards it. Introduction to the Devout Life (French: Introduction la vie dvote) is a book written by Saint Francis de Sales, the first edition being published in 1609. Pray 12 minutes a day to help God save America. Let us be firm in our plans and unchanging in our resolutions. CHAPTER X. Faithfully render'd into English. St. Francis de Sales (15671622) was the Bishop of Geneva and a renowned spiritual director. Written over 400 years ago, Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. This took me almost all year to read, because I read it a bit at a time, but it was amazing. Be like a little child with one hand clinging to your father and the one hand gathers fruits. CHAPTER XIII. Written over 400 years ago, Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. If not, (1) humble yourself and (2) ask for Gods help. INTRODUCTION To A DEVOUT LIFE. [4], De Sales said, "My purpose is to instruct those who live in town, within families, or at court, and are obliged to live an ordinary life as to outward appearances. Join the movement! Be careful and diligent in work but never hurried or anxious. When Madame de Charmoisy returned to Paris, she showed the letters to her confessor, Jesuit Father Jean Fourier, who encouraged De Sales to publish them. A message from theCatholic Classics podcast hosts:St. CHAPTER V. Examination of your Condition as regards yourself. This is one of the few books that "stays on my nightstand." Written in a similar style to that of the Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena, the book, however, is in the format of St. Francis writing down answers to a female pupil named Philothea and not a one-on-one conversation as in the Dialogue, but Introduction to the Devout Life is similar in idea. Pursuing a devout life whole-heartedly St. Francis gives tips to meditate on for each part of the Mass as well. CHAPTER XXX. Join the movement! How can virtues be pursued and vices rooted out when temptations and occasions of sin abound? Consolation must encourage us to humility and good works. (LogOut/ COUNSELS AND PRACTICES SUITABLE FOR THE SOUL'S GUIDANCE FROM THE FIRST ASPIRATION AFTER A DEVOUT LIFE TO THE POINT WHEN IT ATTAINS A CONFIRMED RESOLUTION TO FOLLOW THE SAME. The First Purification, namely, from Mortal Sin. 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