For example, most can climb up stairs at this age but not (safely) down. Why is it important for you to understand human development using the cultural approach? Discuss the difference between pure separation anxiety and the impact that including a stranger can have on a childs reaction. occasions, to avoid the problem of observing on just one oc- Section 3 Emotional and Social Development 163 Goodness-of-Fit Explain how the idea of goodness-of-fit pertains to temperament on both a family level and a cultural level. At birth the neurons have few interconnections, but by age 2 each neuron is connected to hundreds or even thousands of other cells. American studies report similar results (Fabes et al., 2003). remarkably different depending on the culture in which their developThe frog believes that its perception is complete, but it has no idea how ment takes place. . In addition, there may be many minority cultures dened by ethnicity, religion, language, or other characteristics. For examto new stimulation at 4 months of age had ple, mothers prenatal beliefs about childrens higher heart rates before birth as well as at 2 tendencies predict their later ratings of their inweeks of age (Kagan, 1994). 4.5 Describe how infants nutritional needs change during the first year of life and identify the reasons and consequences for malnutrition in infancy. The advantages are especially pronounced in developing countries. 4. 6. Once infants reach about 6 months old their care is delegated to older girls (usually 6 to 10 years old) so that the mother can devote her energy and attention to her work. Growth from Age 3 to 6 The pace of bodily growth continues to decline in the period from toddlerhood to early childhood, as it did from infancy to toddlerhood. Their low moods and loneliness may be partly a response to being bullied, but these are also characteristics that may make bullies regard them as easy targets. These strategies are part of what researchers call effortful control, when children focus their attention on managing their emotions (Cipriano & Stifter, 2010). SUMMARY 125 14. 3. secure attachment healthiest classication of parentchild attachment, in which the child uses the parent as a secure base from which to explore, protests when separated from parent, and is happy when the parent returns insecureavoidant attachment classication of parentchild attachment in which there is relatively little interaction between them and the child shows little response to the parents absence and may resist being picked up when the parent returns insecureresistant attachment classication of parentchild attachment in which the child shows little exploratory behavior when the parent is present, great distress when the parent leaves the room, and ambivalence upon the parents return disorganizeddisoriented attachment classication of parentchild attachment in which the child seems dazed and detached, with possible outbursts of anger, when the parent leaves the room, and exhibits fear upon parents return Quality of Attachment Identify the key factors influencing the quality of toddlers attachment to their mothers, and explain what effect attachment quality has on development. The proximodistal principle means that growth proceeds from the middle of the body outward. For example, infants often discover how tasty their hands and ngers can be in this substage. However, in American studies they are somewhat less successful in social relations with peers, perhaps because children with siblings gain peerlike practice in social relations (Kitzmann et al., 2002). COUPON: Rent Human Development A Cultural Approach 3rd edition (9780134641348) and save up to 80% on textbook rentals and 90% on used textbooks. For example, according to national U.S. studies, in 1978 nearly 30% of children ages 510 had dangerously elevated levels of lead in their blood, which can cause brain damage; by 2001, the rate had fallen to 1% (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report [MMWR], 2005). 53 7 In sum, the spread of school attendance has 57 36 made the livesand futuresof Guatemalan chil7 71 dren vastly different from the lives their parents 3 76 knew. Recent research has revealed new insights into the intricate relations between genetics and environment in the development of intelligence. It should be added that most cultures are not purely either independent or interdependent in their conceptions of the self, but have elements of each (Killen & Wainryb, 2000). Novak, M. (2018). In the United States, from 1950 to today, there has been a 185 steady rise in the proportion of parents using disposable diapers and a steady decline in the proportion of toddlers becoming toilet trained before 18 months old. b. must be learned in the sensorimotor stage rst or they never fully develop. Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. Increasingly during the first year, infants learn from joint attention with others. They may be shy and even fearful of other children, but these characteristics are also found often in neglected children. Already in the second year of life, toddlers have begun to understand that the images on the TV screen are not real. Each mom had an uency in the language of their culture and are able to understand infant about 6 months old in a stroller, and the infants lay in their stroll- and speak about nearly any topic under the sun. Distinguish between sex and gender and summarize the evidence for the biological basis of gender development. The best way to obtain good high-fat nutrition during infancy is through breast milk. 2. Children actively construct their understanding of the world, rather than being merely the passive recipients of environmental inuences. When did human evolution begin? It is more important than ever for students to have knowledge of the wider world because of the increasingly globalized economy and because so many problems, such as terrorism and climate change, cross borders. Ache mothers have extremely close contact with their infants, strapping, carrying, or holding them 93% of daylight time and 100% of the night hours. If you did not know that the teacher in this video was from Africa, would you think (based on her responses) that she could have been discussing teaching in the U.S.? The infants showed no sign of developing positive feelings toward the nurse, even though the nurse provided them with nourishment. Controversial children often have good social skills, as popular children do, but they are also high in aggressiveness, like rejected children (DeRosier & Thomas, 2003). 1. One widely used method, the EEG (electroencephalogram), measures the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. They may stay with him every weekend or every other weekend, and perhaps see him one evening during the week, in addition to talking to him on the phone. There were three toys to play with: a rubber football, a doll, and a teething ring. Parents became less concerned with establishing authority over children and more concerned with childrens psychological Section 1 Physical Development well-being (Alwin, 1988). A Pearson eTextbook is an easy-to-use digital version of the book. Bedtime comes at 8 P.M. sharp. Children in developed countries are generally prohibited from work, but as you will see in the Historical Focus: Work Among British Children in the 19th Century feature on page 328, this is a relatively recent development. Also, a more cultural perspective on childrens cognitive development is presented, in the theory of Lev Vygotsky. In Western languages, the word sinister is derived from a Latin word meaning on the left, and many paintings in Western art depict the devil as left-handed. However, the fact that girls in many cultures have longer hair than boys is a gender difference. 6.15 Describe moral development in early childhood, including empathy, modeling, and morality as cultural learning. The aggressiveness and competitiveness of boys in early childhood is an outcome of a long evolutionary history. How do toddlers respond to the birth of a younger sibling? as a Researcher You are conducting research in Samoa and notice that parents there do not use baby talk or infant-directed speech with their infants. One is that children in developed countries are often apart from their families for a substantial part of the day, in a preschool or another group-care setting. When did our biological capacity for language evolve, and how would the development of language have provided an evolutionary advantage? In addition, growth proceeds from the middle of the body outward, which is the proximodistal principle (proximodistal is Latin for near to far). Figure 7.7 s Age and Grammatical Knowledge The challenge of learning a second language rises with age. Estimates vary depending on age and country, but overall about 20% of children are victims of bullies at some point during middle childhood. American and Latino toddlers watch more TV than toddlers in other ethnic groups, initiating a pattern of ethnic differences that will continue throughout life (Anand et al., 2005). In a classic experimental study (Sidorowicz & Lunney, 1980), adults were asked to play with a 10-month-old infant they did not know. The other issue worth mentioning here is that when we speak of gender differences, we are comparing one-half of the human species to the other, over 3 billion persons to the other 3 billion-plus persons. Second, stepfathers may be perceived by children as coming in between them and their mothers, especially by girls, who may have become closer to their mothers following divorce (Bray, 1999). It is only at 812 months that infants begin to show a developing awareness of object permanence. as a Nurse Do you think the 1-2-3 approach to discipline would be likely to work with a young child who has a problem with physical aggression? According to Vygotsky, children learn best if the instruction they are provided is within the zone of proximal development, so that they need assistance at rst but gradually become capable of performing the task on their own. This well-known story provides an example: A little boy and his father were in a terrible automobile accident. 3. Low-birth-weight neonates weigh less than 5.5 pounds and very low-birth-weight neonates weigh less than 3.3 pounds; extremely low-birth-weight babies weight less than 2.2 pounds. Mothers and fathers rather than in infancy. With regard to ne motor development, toddlers go from being able to place a small object inside a large object to holding a cup and building a tower of blocks. Toddlers who become friends develop favorite games they play when together (Howes, 1996). There are two other ways that brain growth takes place during infancy. In one study of children in Grades 3 to 6, the expectation that a friend would keep a secret increased from 25% to 72% across that age span among girls; among boys the increase came later and did not rise as high (Azmitia et al., 1998). However, the children whose biological mothers had IQs above 120 were signicantly higher in IQ than the children whose biological mothers had IQs less than 95, even though children in both groups had an advantaged environment. b. Friendships do change in quality with age, as we will see in the chapters to come, but even in toddlerhood many of the features of friendship are evident. Edition. Females with these qualities were also more likely to be effective at caring for children through the long period of vulnerability and dependency that is characteristic of the young of the human species. There is water to be fetched gonna be a crash! Pelle, with no airplane of his own, has taken a and rewood to be gathered, and Roberto must be watched constantly. Several studies have shown the benets of developmentally appropriate educational practice for preschool children, both cognitively and socially (Hart et al., 1998; Huffman & Speer, 2000). (2014). However, if labor becomes a sugar pill containing no medicine and told it is difcult, the midwife often calls on spiritual assisa pain reliever, many of them will report experitance from a shaman, a religious leader believed encing reduced pain (Balodis et al., 2011). Workman Publishing Company, Incorporated. Growth and Change in Years 2 and 3 During the second and third years of life, physical growth slows down from its blazing pace of the rst year, but it remains more rapid than it will be at any later time of life. I am grateful to all who contributed. At this age they can now go down the stairs that they earlier learned to climb up, and more: They can squat for minutes at a time, stand on tiptoes, and jump up and down. However, in contrast to the North American view of shyness as a problem to be overcome, in Asian cultures, shyness is viewed more positively. Although from a modern perspective Puritans are often seen as overly strict and rigid in what they required of children as well as adults, they understood that infants were too immature to follow rules and limits. Iron deciency, known as anemia, is experienced by the majority of children under age 5 in developing countries (WHO, 2002). What are the average differences in height and weight between children in developed and developing countries? Then well examine changes in sleeping patterns, the dangers of SIDS, and cultural variations in where infants sleep (and with whom). 5. A 5-year-old can readily learn the skills involved in making tortillas, whereas a 2-year-old would not have the necessary learning abilities, motor skills, or impulse control (Rogoff, 2003). It is not until age 6 or 7 that children attain gender constancy, the understanding that maleness and femaleness are biological and cannot change (Ruble et al., 2006). 4. Methods of assessing brain activity provide evidence of the rapid growth of the toddler brain. 3rd ed. Most children lose their baby fat and become more like adults in terms of their body proportions. Two-year-old toddlers and their mothers were asked to come to the backyard of an unfamiliar home, sometimes withand sometimes withouta 4-year-old sibling present. LU ` LK HU T LY . Preschools in Japan focus not on academic objectives but rather on group play, so that collectivist Japanese values, such as cooperation and sharing, are reinforced. Infants pay more attention to a stimulus they have not seen before. Pearson. Crying often signals hunger, so offering the breast soothes the baby, but even if babies are not hungry they can find consolation in suckling, in the same way that babies in developed countries are soothed by a pacifier. The most common source of conflict is personal possessions (McGuire et al., 2000). As shown in Figure 7.5, similar results have been found in other countries as well (Flynn, 1999). 182 C h ap ter 5 Toddlerhood TABLE 5.1 Milestones of Gross Motor Development in Toddlerhood Age (Months) Milestone 916 Stand alone 917 Walk without support 1119 Stand on one leg 1121 Climb onto chairs, beds, up stairs, etc. For example, at 6 months it assesses whether the baby looks at pictures in a book; at 2325 months it assesses whether a child can match similar pictures. Study and Review at MyDevelopmentLab vehicle accidents (National Highway Trafc Safety Administration [NHTSA], 2011; Safe Kids Worldwide, 2002). Toddlers go from speaking a few words at their rst birthday to being uent users of language by their third birthday. This demonstrates the beginning of prosocial behavior, which is behavior intended to help or benet others (Svetlova et al., 2010). At the heart of the theory of evolution is the proposition that species change through the process of natural selection. What is the pincer grasp and at what age do infants master it? The Social and Cultural Contexts of Middle Childhood There is both continuity and change in social contexts from early to middle childhood. They also become capable of complex ne motor activities such as writing. Both models have been moderately successful in predicting childrens functioning from infant temperament (Buss, 1995; Rothbart & Bates, 2006). They may also mention characteristics that are not me. Long-term memory also improves notably over the course of the rst year. 7. Although they begin speaking words later than toddlers in most other cultures, Warlpiri toddlers nevertheless become procient speakers of their native language by the age of 3. What was it about the task that evoked private speech on that occasion? The exaggeration and repetition of words gives infants cues to their meaning (Soderstrom, 2007). 4.19 Explain how the idea of goodness-of-fit pertains to temperament on both a family level and a cultural level. On their rst birth- ers peacefully, each of them examining a soft colorful toy the mom had day infants have little in the way of emotional regulation, and show given them. However, most cultures share a view that children cannot reason very well until about age 6 and this limits how far a yard child can be away from home or supervision. One day last week she made bread by herself, following a recipe in a kids cookbook my aunt gave to her. Kolb, P. (2013). Why do children become more empathic during early childhood? More importantly, middle childhood is the period when children rst learn to use mnemonics (memory strategies) such as rehearsal, organization, and elaboration. The children typically answered yesthey were capable of understanding that much. They are better than 2-year-olds at understanding that others have thoughts and feelings that are different than their own, but they nd it difcult to take others perspectives. . 3.7 245 How is cultural learning taking place here? Consequently, children almost everywhere learn to read, usually beginning around age 6 or 7, when they enter school. For most infants the rst tooth appears between 5 and 9 months of age. tury in Western countries is that mothers of young There were many notable and illuminating ndings in the children now generally work outside the home (see study. 7.13 Explain how different ways of thinking about the self are rooted in cultural beliefs, and summarize how self-concept and self-esteem change in middle childhood. Figure 7.2 s Change in Drawing Abilities from Early to Middle Childhood Drawings become more realistic as ne motor development advances during middle childhood. How does the Asian tradition of lial piety translate into a parenting style that differs from Western authoritative parenting? Children with abusive parents may go to live with relatives with whom they have a more positive, less conictual relationship (LeVine et al., 2008). as a Nurse NJ DE MD D.C. NC AR Percentage of population who spoke a language other than English at home Less than 10% Mean score IN MO MS 9\ZZPHU 2VYLHU .LYTHU =PL[UHTLZL ;HNHSVN -YLUJO *OPULZL Native OH TN AZ NH MA RI CT NY WI SD WY 3HUN\HNLZZWVRLUH[OVTL V[OLY[OHU,UNSPZO ME 10 19.9% 20 29.9% 30% or more dropping the subject in a sentence is grammatically correct, as in no quiero ir. Japanese mothers rarely respond to their childrens misbehavior with loud reprimands or physical punishment. 3. In humans the larynx is lower in the throat than it is in other primates, making spoken language possible. Motor Development 4.7 LEARNING OBJECTIVE Describe the major changes during infancy in gross and fine motor development. a. social interaction b. formal education c. strong parentchild attachment d. emotional self-regulation 9. 8. vast the world really is. This certainly gave parents a strong incentive to toilet train their children early. In one study, short-lookers in infancy had higher IQs and higher educational achievement when they were followed up 20 years later, in emerging adulthood (Fagan et al., 2007). Konrad Lorenz (1957), who rst identied the imprinting process, showed that geese would imprint to any moving object they saw soon after birth (including himsee the photo on this page). The 2-month-olds forgot the training within a weekthey no longer kicked to make the mobile move when the string was tied to their legsbut the 6-month-olds remembered it for about three weeks, demonstrating their longer long-term memories. 184 C h ap ter 5 Toddlerhood Today, most American pediatricians believe it is best to be patient with toddlers progress toward toilet training, and to time it according to when the toddler seems ready (American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP], 2001). Although illness and had no effective medical uld allow their infants to avoid harm. Some freeze their movements suddenly in odd postures. This appears to be due to the fact that twins usually lie in opposite ways within the uterus, whereas most singletons lie toward the left. Think for a moment, of which culture or cultures are you a member? Furthermore, children increasingly perceive some school subjects as boys areas (such as math and science) and others as girls areas (such as reading and art) (Guay et al., 2010; Jacobs & Wiesz, 1994). How is scaffolding related to the zone of proximal development? Fire is especially a danger, as many traditional cultures have a cooking re burning perpetuallyduring the day for cooking meals, during the night for warmth. TDD/TTY: (202) 336-6123 In the United States, about 20% of children have no siblings. lateralization specialization of functions in the However, the specialization of the hemispheres should not be exaggerated, because they two hemispheres of the brain work together in most aspects of language, emotion, and behavior (Zald, 2003). Nicole Kunzmann, Senior Marketing Manager, handled the marketing of the text and Alison Rodal, Market Development Manager, organized class testing, surveys, and focus groups that provided valuable feedback at every stage of the books development. 7.5 Describe the new skills that demonstrate childrens advances in fine motor development in middle childhood. See all formats and editions. At various points we will explore variations in human development within the broad categories of developed countries and developing countries. From the day we are born, all of us experience our lives as text is essential to understanding human development. c. there are bidirectional effects between parents and their children. Even children who do not receive vaccinations are less susceptible to fatal diseases in middle childhood than they were earlier in their development. as a Preschool Teacher You are surprised that ve-year-old Octaviana seems to understand conservation, successfully solving tasks involving conservation of number, mass, and volume. In fact, at all ages, language comprehension (the words we understand) exceeds language production (the words we use), but the difference is especially striking and notable during infancy. How could a large man make it down a narrow chimney, dragging a sack full of toys? Nevertheless, malnutrition can have enduring negative effects in middle childhood. However, the degree of the differences varies greatly among cultures. Parents continue to provide assistance and instruction, and they continue to know where their children are and what they are doing nearly all the time, but there is less need for direct, moment-to-moment monitoring. In the brain, the development of the frontal cortex promotes this process, because this is the part of the brain most involved in emotional self-regulation (Bell & Wolfe, 2007). This pattern applies across cultures. 4. Boy: All the owers. In addition to the variations in primary-school attendance, schools around the world also have different approaches to socialization. They frequently hold their infants and toddlers, about ve times as much as men in similar hunter-gatherer cultures (Hewlett, 2004). Download citation. By the end of the rst year, infants are able to grasp a spoon well enough to begin to feed themselvesalthough this does not guarantee the food will always end up in their mouths! In many ways, gross motor development in early childhood extends abilities that rst appeared in toddlerhood. For illnesses of all kinds, bloodletting (making a cut in the arm and letting a quantity of blood run out) was the standard treatment. To test this, researchers often use a habituation method. 1. Deferred imitation and categorization also require mental representation. For a woman who believes in the spiritual ing why he has been summoned to help her and (Dewar, 2010). P Peak pattern Crying peaks around age 2 months and then declines U Unpredictable Crying in the early months often comes and goes unpredictably, for no apparent reason R Resistant to soothing Crying may continue despite parents best soothing efforts P Pain-like face Crying babies may look like they are in pain even though they are not L Long lasting Babies cry for longer in the early months, sometimes 3040 minutes or more E Evening crying Babies usually cry most in the afternoon and evening Source: Barr, 2009 [see] SOOTHING AND RESPONDING TO CRIES Although crying frequency is consistent across cultures, there is wide variation in the duration and intensity of crying in infancy. He is not yet 2 years old, and she is responsible for keeping him We will explore all of these areas in the course of this chapter. Self-reection enables toddlers to develop the sociomoral emotions described earlier. as a Nurse Section 3 Emotional and Social Development 265 (Brody & Flor, 1998). Increasingly researchers have focused on 10 family process, that is, the quality of the relationships between family 5 members before, during, and after the divorce. Children of fathers with postpartum depression have been found to have similar risks for their development (Kane & 'ARBER 2AMCHANANDIETAL Of course, all of these studies are subject to the research design problem we discussed in Chapter 2, of passive and evocative genotype m environment effects. Some children have parents who are married while others are in single-parent, divorced, or blended families; some children are raised by heterosexual parents while others are raised by gay or lesbian parents; and still others live with extended family members or in multigenerational families. Overall, peers in Canada tended to be antagonistic or non(Chen et al., 2006, p. 139). There is evidence that parents in many cultures have a common view of what constitutes a securely attached child. Now fathers must get used to taking care of the children on their own, without mothers present, and children must get used to two households that may have two different sets of rules. Consequently, in most cultures, historically, fathers have been on the periphery of the emotional lives of children. Turabian). Appetites vary a lot from day to day in early childhood, and the 5-year-old who barely touched dinner one night may eat nearly as much as Mom and Dad the next night (Hursti, 1999). Consequently, the Bayley scales are used mainly as a screening tool, to identify infants who have serious problems in need of immediate attention, rather than as predictors of later development for children within the normal range. 7. about as long as it does not happen over an extended period and is not accompanied by symptoms that may indicate illness or disease. When asked to draw a picture of their families, many children in stepfamilies literally leave their stepfathers out of the picture (Stafford, 2004). Geese form an instant and enduring bond to the rst moving object they see, a phenomenon known as imprinting. Children who have problems of undercontrol in early childhood have inadequately developed emotional self-regulation. They frequently hold their infants and toddlers, about ve times as much as men in similar cultures! ( Brody & Flor, 1998 ) learned in the development of language by third. 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