ApprehensiveDegree70 2 yr. ago. If you think that you are in this situation, you can change the PA-NPC detection event volume in the Modifiers section of MCM. You can also help pitch in, if you want to get your hands dirty on this mod. As time goes on, I plan to create more templates, both for wider NPC combat variety and to better support custom modded NPC groups. Often I spend a lot more time modding and testing than actually playing the game as a normal player. I know the CTDs are probably script related and the logs point to Pack Attack, Sim Settlements, and Zombie Walkers- my question here is does anyone know of any other common . As of 1.631, its probably safe, but this mod gets updated pretty quickly and I cant promise that tomorrows version wont break bad in a merge. Others will fall like a house of cards. This feature in general makes PANPCs cohere more as groups. Through their victories and defeats, the individual NPCs will gain or lose courage, earn command roles, or succumb to revenge rage at the sight of a fallen comrade. If a teammate is near enough to respond and isnt otherwise focused on what theyre currently doing, that teammate (only one) will respond to the call and move to the comrade in need. Not at all. Otherwise, Medic PANPCs will use stimpaks from their inventory/drop/death items. In addition to the timers, the PA-NPC script listens to several events that monitor the NPC for hits, death, kills, changes in combat state, and the like. The more NPCs you have on the field, the more likely the dump will happen. But PA-NPC is much more evolved and sophisticated, and its dogs are virtually identical to the Pack Attack dogs. It will either not support the NPC (if it remains unidentified), or misidentify it, with unpredictable consequences. If you encounter strange interactions between PA-NPC and your other mods, please let me know. What should I do? Sometimes that involves a throwdown. The current version series of PA-NPC has been optimized for performance. The target remains until the target is dead, the commander is dead, or until the tag expires (after 60 seconds). and our Im a nice guy who wants your feedback. 9. This should instantly eliminate the vast majority of possible mod conflict scenarios. In addition to combat style rotation, PA-NPC also implements certain mechanics such as team medic support, revenge actions, focus fire, and in an upcoming version, automated NPC ambushes. If they were really this dangerous to each other, DC Security wouldnt have jobs, because thered be nothing to guard DC from. Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Q: Is there any way to fix an over-aggroed NPC (such as turrets)? I am currently developing both Pack Attack mods on the most recent version of Fallout 4 (1.10.75, as of this writing). So the mood rotation that changes confidence/aggression stats was adapted for hostiles, and it placed them all as Very Aggressive in most combat situations. But I am extremely skeptical there, because so far I havent had the best interaction results between PA-NPC and already-scripted NPCs, and companions are heavily scripted. I thrive on community FEEDBACK. I am no longer developing or maintaining the original Pack Attack mod. There are (at present) two types of Medic action: medical assistance, and providing support for outnumbered teammates who may be out on the own somewhere. Apr 6, 2021. All PANPCs have Revenge ability, except (IIRC) Synths and Super Mutants. If the changes dont matter to you, feel free to wait until the next release that adds or changes something that you do care about. Can you fix it? However, from what Ive read, it differs from the older Gamebryo system (FO3/FNV) in that script resources are generally segmented and allocated, and so if one script is exceeding its own resource allowance, the scheduler will deprioritize that script until the bottleneck is resolved. Hit apply and close Nvidia control panel. To help compensate for this, I strongly recommend using a mod or three that improves the armaments of weaker NPCs. --these are very subtle, still far from the original smokestack effect from the original jetpack FX. Q: So what exactly is the deal with the Brotherhood of Steel? The other possibility is that the random script is being hung up by an infinite loop somewhere. If you receive this sort . Q: Can I help maintain PA-NPC (contribute code, etc.)? It is possible to get a false identification, especially with modded NPCs that arent configured as their vanilla counterparts would have been. Before reporting a bug, please make sure that youve updated to the latest version of PA-NPC. Right now, this shows up mainly in the quality of weapon comparisons. Uniques and scripted actors are not, and likely wont be, in order to avoid breaking the game. I could dramatically make interior combat far more interesting by placing new markers everywhere, allowing the cloning and flee/evade systems much wider flexibility in choosing where to direct PANPCs. Please use Fallrim to clean your save, and then make sure youre updated to the latest version of PA-NPC. When I refer to PA-NPC (hyphen), Im usually talking about the mod and not the NPC. Why are you updating this mod so often? Any NPC within spell range (40964096 units, equal to the size of a standard cell), if they qualify, will be given the script. K, I recently bought the latest version of Fallout 4, and thus had to re-install all my mods. I have no ETA on when that process will begin. If anyone knows something, plaese let me know Here is my mod list: 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 DLCRobot.esm 2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm 3 3 DLCCoast.esm 4 4 . I guess I'll just have to mess around a bit and see what mods I need to remove and what mods I want to keep. Synths also now sometimes (about 33% of the time) blow up with a pulse explosion when you kill them. My specs are the following, but these fall within the minimum requirements and these issues have only started happening recently. However, now every time I engage in combat now, it lasts for a few seconds before crashing to Desktop. Alas, no sympathy from the good mod author here. The Pack is one of the three factions of raiders living in Nuka-World. Critters in general are going to be taken case-by-case. Features and New Mechanics This same situation occurs to a degree with other factions, such as the Minutemen, but not to nearly the same degree as the Brotherhood. For this reason, Im extremely reluctant to add anything that overrides the decision making process just because I think an NPC is making a bad call. Do yourself a favor if you can, buy a desktop computer and if you do, make sure that you install 5 mods at a time, play with them for 1 - 2 hours and find out if you really like them or if they do not crash your game, go back to your saved game if you want to get rid of all or one of them, repeat ( download another five ) and repeat the loop. Usually, the only evidence youll have of this happening is a very large stack crash message in your debug log. They are recognizable by their animal-themed equipment and demeanor. I cant promise that any particular version doesnt break anything. Otherwise, dont worry about Debug Mode. I fall into a game for a few months, play it almost exclusively, eventually get bored and go to the next game in the rotation. Im mainly looking for outcomes that seem way out of balance (for example, if a small group of basic raiders manage to consistently take down a BoS squad with power armor) and inspirations for ways to tweak the AI to make it better. You removed a mod that had anything involved with power in it without first scrapping those items. I think that you have answered your own question here. Here w. If you want to put your idea out to current PA-NPC players, share your idea in the comments. --two tiers of fall damage reduction at 30/60%. Many of the reported issues with this system stemmed from trying to coordinate the cloning activities of several PANPCs at once, which proved unworkable in a multithreaded environment that was prone to event race conditions. PA-NPC should also be compatible with stealth mods that mainly work by changing actor aggro/detect radii. If this feature is set, PANPCs will remain in their vanilla behavior until fighting starts, and then return to vanilla when they leave combat. #3. This is my current load order as it stands now. If anyone can, then with some ingenuity, everyone can. When I consider a possible new feature, the first question I ask is, Is this going to contribute to a single NPCs ability to make actionable decisions as part of their group? If not, then at best its out of scope. I've never had a laptop so they never called my attention and I heard too many times people saying that laptops are not the best device to play a game, especially, when the game has been heavily modded. If you have any DLCs, the script will detect them and extend support accordingly. Archived post. 2. And even then, most times it holds up just fine, and only once (much earlier version) have I found a stack dump generate a CTD the other times, I didnt even realize it dumped until I checked the log after a test session. The short answer is: very probably not. If you believe that you are being affected by this bug, there is (for now) a tool in the General section of the MCM menu to de-aggro any Very Aggressive or Frenzied NPCs within your current line of sight (LOS). And I have 251 mods, the weird thing is though they all ran fine before I got this most recent copy of the game, cause for some reason my old copy would not update (no idea why). In other words, theres a good chance a bunch of pipegun-wielding raiders will scatter like cockroaches when you show up with your gauss rifle. To learn more about chaos theory, I strongly recommend the book Chaos: The Making Of A New Science by James Gleick. Versions since 1.6 have included multiple levels of security to ensure that this combat fire routine is never used unless the target is alive and faction hostile (or is already hostile to the NPC), and is currently in a combat-ready state. It finds any active NPCs, attempts to figure out what/who they are (by faction, but barring that, by race), and attaches the PA-NPC script dynamically until you leave the cell. Learning how to patch a game is something not that simple and it will take you a while to learn it, probably months before you know it like the palm of your hand. Sometimes a fleeing enemy NPC would just run off into the distance and never come back, or else go to ground and engage the player in a pointless cat-and-mouse game that would hold up quests. Bipeds make judgment calls based on what they can see, what is in actual line of sight. A spot for the mods I code for Fallout and other games, last updated 03/31/2018, PANPC v1.66 I Hear Nebraskas Nice update. For more information, please see our (December 2019) you may want to try Raider Gangs Extended 0.8 found in the . Its also possible that you are using PA-NPC with other mods that increase spawns and detection ranges. Likewise, v1.61 gave each Command-enabled group their own individual focus fire tag, so there should be little or no cross-faction chatter. Because in my tests, thats the only Ive found to stop raiders from wanting to burn down their own base every time a stranger drops by: just take away their damned flame bombs. If you want more or less parity in NPC level scaling, there are other mods for that. I work from home and am fortunate to have an understanding spouse. Be aware that any mod that introduces new spawn markers (War of the Commonwealth, Im looking at you) will also be introducing new places for PA-NPCs clones to spawn. Occasionally, under the right conditions, a raider will react to Revenge rage by shooting up with Psycho. Each NPC makes its own call, interpreting a strong group as more reason to be confident and aggressive. This is likely going to happen often. And possibly to have some extra fun doing it. Command is the ability for a particular PANPC group to organize focused fire on a single prioritized target. Likewise, an alert hostile PANPC will use detection events as part of their own enemy search patterns. Enemy scanning happens based on area scent (for animals) or line-of-sight (for bipeds). 5. My current test cases are 10 by 10 fights and 20 by 20 fights between Legendary Gunners and Legendary Raiders on open ground. However, that does absolutely nothing to contribute to group decision making, so its out of scope. I have also ceased development and support for the original Pack Attack mod. 268. It doesnt change any base records. It is not impossible, but again, you have to learn it for yourself and try and try several times till you get it right. Quests are like stage plays, relying on actors to hit their marks at certain times. Also some settlement modifying mods can cause frequent CTDs. 251 mods are too much for even a desktop computer even with the Nvidia 1080ti . again, it is not impossible but you have to patch your game in order to make it playable and one more time, that is something not that easy to do, otherwise we would not have too many questions in this forum regarding CTD's and how to fix them. Only in the F4SE version. DO NOT REPORT IT AS A BUG. Pull your logs and see what your game was doing just before it crashed. (which may cause CTD). Fallout 4 black or white screen on launch: It means that Fallout 4 can't display normally. Q: What about the Forged and the Rust Devils (and other smaller factions)? (updated 3/23/18, v1.64). Q: What does PA/PA-NPC do to NPC behavior when they are not in combat? Pack Attack NPC is a great mod that I use in my load order with RGE, . They proceed through a stripped-down set of combat style rotations based mainly on their social awarenesses. MCM is required if you want MCM support. Please update. As of v1.432 and in all current versions, PA-NPC does not touch any base records. Mods are among the most common reasons why Fallout 4 crashes and therefore you should get rid of them to ensure smooth gameplay. I have spend many hours trying to find out which mod is giving problems, i have ran the corvega plant in vanilla 4 times without any problems and have not found the mod that breaks something there. 2. So stay classy, as my patience is not endless. Very occasionally the NPC in question will go catatonic and just wander off somewhere for a nice lie down. Note: PA-NPC does absolutely nothing to alter faction relationships. Yes. It all depends on what kind of mods and on which rig. I often look through their combat styles for inspiration on how to improve my own, and so greatly appreciate their long hours of tireless work in leading the way. Future Plans For PA-NPC Although the list below is by no means complete, it covers most common scenarios: 1. Q: Does PA-NPC include assessments of specific weapon/armor/ammo types and capabilities? No one can promise that. Its doing this to avoid an engine overwhelm that drags down the performance of other running scripts. Set Antialiasing - Mode to "Enhance the application setting". Nothing is required other than the base Fallout 4 game. The GTFO option means to find a spawn or occlusion marker a reasonable distance away and run there, go to ranged cover and plot their next move. This is my current load order as it stands now. (updated 3/21/18, v1.631). Thats how Godzilla focus-fire support happened. Based on methods developed for my Fallout 4 AI mod, Pack Attack NPC Edition (PANPC), PACE applies advanced versions of the same systems to Fallout 4's vanilla companion set. Q: When is this going to be expanded to [insert NPC group here]? Right now theyre still active and tagged. If the outnumbered condition still exists, the two PANPCs will then eventually send up new calls for backup assistance. Especially if youre using mods like NPCs Travel that increase the number of area NPCs, its not unusual for that number to be in the dozens. 7. . You can also PM me directly on Nexus if youd like to share your idea privately. Companions Id prefer to not force players to wait for a fix any longer than they have to. Q: Why are all these raiders rushing at me instead of shooting at me? This has been an ongoing problem, and hopefully it has been resolved as of v1.631. The trouble is that while simply Aggressive (one step down) tells the NPC only start fights with your enemies, Very Aggressive says shoot anything that isnt your friend or ally. Pick one and uninstall the other. Since mod authors face CTD reports from users frequently i decided to place some notes about possible reasons and fixes for game CTDs. The mod has been rebuilt from the ground to provide a better Escape From . About The Author. How are these mods going to hit my game performance? Ill give you an example from the v1.5 series. With enough NPCs on the field, all shooting at each other, sooner or later an individual actors meager little event stack says, oh screw this, Im done and clears itself in an almighty dump in the debug log. Nothing currently is persistent in PA-NPC, so you should be good to go at that point. If you are using a version of Fallout 4 that predates 1.10.163. Is that something to worry about? Honestly, if you want a 100% no-game-break guarantee, modding in general probably isnt your bag. If your question is about compatibility with Advanced AI Tweaks, Arbitration, or ANY other mod, PLEASE start by reading the Compatibility section! The author of this mod is not developing this mod anymore but he is creating another mod that will replace this one and the new one will be more stable than WOTC. I hope you enjoy reading it. Q: I just found one of my settlements decimated by hostile settlers. Many of the best ideas in this mod have come from Nexus users. (updated 3/23/18, v1.64). This group may include friendly bots, turrets, brahmin, and a few others, especially in settlements. They get defaulted to the highly defensive Settler profile. When combat begins, theyre let off their leashes and God only knows where things go from there. You shouldnt encounter any problems. It will change the timing back to normal once the local active PA-NPC count drops back below the normal threshold. Q: All these updates are killing me. As of v1.623, I have completely torn down and rebuilt the cloning system as a centralized, single-threaded process. ; Crashing problem can be solved by lowering your graphic settings. You can see the Changelog for this project here, as I document individual bugs as theyre fixed. For most NPCs, this currently executes while the NPC is alive and loaded in 3D memory. As of v1.64, Deathclaws, Mirelurks, Yao Guai, Radscorpions, Brahmin and Radstags are supported. Set Antialiasing - Setting to "4x". When the NPC registers with the PANPC Manager, any molotovs they have are temporarily removed from their inventory. First of all, BE POLITE. [fo4] Learned the hard way that PANPC, pack attack NPC edition messes up basically all mods that spawns enemies outside of vanilla. Its amazing how many have just one or the other. Also, when posting a phonebook worth of mods, please use "spoiler" tags. Q: Is there a general design philosophy defining PA-NPCs scope? PA-NPC versions prior to 1.432 had significant compatibility problems, as it added the script to actors manually in the base records. If you find a bug, please report it and Ill get on it ASAP. Once again, if so, let me know and I can either fix it or code around it. Q: Are you related to another Greslin Ive seen elsewhere on the Web? Aggressive military types use either the Gunners or Brotherhood templates. The script itself is single-threaded (i.e., it doesnt use tricky techniques such as CallFunctionNoWait() shenanigans to create multithreaded processing internally), and it only operates on active NPC references that are loaded in the current cell. Cookie Notice The other assigned race are Ghouls, which (IIRC) I set to the Gunner template, on the logic that theyve been around the track for a while and have become fairly good at handling themselves. Not really. Thank you. Id rather save those rabbit holes for other projects. If more than 10 PA-NPCs are executing in combat in the current cell at once, the script will automatically adjust the timing of these inner loops to ease up a bit on processing overhead. Q: Why are normally friendly NPCs now suddenly hostile to me? They will also provide fire support to that teammate. PA-enabled NPCs will generally adhere to a team structure, working together in various ways to win skirmishes. For MCM users, there is a setting allowing you to set tactical NPCs to only be PA-enabled during combat. Some features, however, are less popular than others, are often unintuitive, and may involve an element of surprise. Pack Attack NPC works entirely dynamically, so you can easily clear the script out of your game save file using Fallrim Resaver. 3DNPC_FO4.ESP (Tales from the commonwealth) DCguardoutfitOverride.esp (ArmorSmith Extemded diamond city guard outfit override Patch) Forthope.esp. As of v1.63, hostile NPCs raiders, Im looking at you will avoid using molotovs indoors (you can turn this off in MCM). Any help would be massively appreciated. Alright, first of all, this is my desperate last attempt. 3. Second, if you file the issue as a bug report or send me a PM, PLEASE give me a chance to respond before taking it to the comments or elsewhere. Any unidentified NPCs, or NPCs that have been disabled in MCM, are left as vanilla (or as whatever your load order says). The fleeing PANPC has been tracking the combat alert status of their nearby teammates; if more are fighting than not, the PANPC will go join a fighter. Buy cheap games: Use code "HODI" for some cashbackSupport the channel on Patreon: were winning!) or to retreat. If you have just upgraded to v1.623 and your brahmin are still taking fire, the changes will take place when the area NPCs are next reloaded. The first thing you need to do is to watch a video located in the WOTC description; after you watch it, you will find out that is not something that easy otherwise, we would not have questions like this. And youll get a nice personalized email response of thanks. Weapon comparison in the non-F4SE release is strictly of the dont bring a knife to a gun fight variety. Whatever! The second thing Pack Attack does is enable those same NPCs to communicate and coordinate as a group. Flee/evade has been a complex and heavy area of development, and is still evolving. I had read the mod descriptions, twice in fact, but this thread is irrelevant now as I have reduced my load order a bit more, 218 in fact, which has increased the amount of time I can battle in combat to over two hours now. Try LOOT to sort your load order and have a look at ENBoost to see if the game crashes less when allocating some system memory to the game because with FallOut 4 a lot of issues come from not having enough RAM since the game used to gobble-up up to 10GB, which had, well, RAMifications. As of v1.63, Feral Ghouls have optional MCM support. (This last one is why the bug is so common with people using City Plans. nexusmods is removing the option to delete mods, because they want to implement a mod-pack feature for premium users, raising premium prizes and removing lifetime premium at the same time. The script is now attached dynamically on cell load via a magic spell, and then removed on cell unload. Your companion got caught in crossfire and shot back. In other words: ALWAYS INCLUDE THE SOURCE CODE. PA-NPC includes all of PAs dog functionality, but expands the system greatly to include most leveled NPCs in Fallout 4 and the DLCs. ; To avoid crashing, validate the steam files and use the Steam Software to automatically scan the entire directory for missing files or corrupted ones. Or reporting the problem and allowing me to fix it. They have now been resolved, so if youre encountering unexplained hostile friendlies, its being caused by something new. 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