As stated before, Changing Woman is the first and model mother. To an individual it is his "medicine," the source Once the girl finds a suitable mate, then his family gives her family gifts of jewelry, livestock, or other goods (Locke 1976:22). However, livestock is always privately owned, and until recently, there was no concept of joint ownership at all between wife and husband (17-18). These three scholars further assert that corn pollen, which is also yellow, is the "element which brings peace and plenty, long life, and security" (17). Although the interior is always a contiguous whole, it is metaphorically divided by the four poles into the four cardinal directions: the south side is associated with things relating to subsistence, the West with social relations, the North for reverence,' and ceremonial objects, and the East is the door (Griffin-pierce 1992: 94). Mankind. The man owns what his family gives him, and what he had saved for himself. for the Navajo definition of fatherhood. produce things, the comforts of life, absence of worry, Reichard records a myth in which Talking God gives corn to Whiteshell Woman and her sister Turquoise woman, saying, "There is no better thing than this in the world, for it is the gift of life." does this and in return he is fed, but the corn meal Just as Navajo refer to Changing Woman as Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1976. Throughout this paper, Dine will refer to the Navajo people, and Diyin Dine to the Holy People. Witherspoon, Gary, 1977. From this the soil soaked spot herbs grew which Clans regulate marriage; no two individuals who share the same "matrilineal descent identity" should marry. Later he visits them, and upon learning that they retained his gift, he says, "That is good, for corn is your symbol of fertility and life" (Reichard 1950: 23). with their eyes whenever she moved her hands They are caused by a woman having intercourse with two men. produce things, the comforts of life, absence of worry, Moist earth is shoveled in to cover the batter, a fire is built up on top and kept going all night to bake the batter fully" (Lincoln 1981: 21). 6 For a longer discussion of hogans, please see page Earth is My Mother, Sky Is My Father;: Space, Time, and Astronomy in Navajo Sandpainting. 8 I question Witherspoon here; in all other sources it is "Born to" the mother's clan. Changing Woman gives birth to the Hero Twins called Monster Slayer and Child of the Waters, who together have many adventures in which they help to rid the world of much evil. Earth is My Mother, Sky Is My Father;: Space, Time, and Astronomy in Navajo Sandpainting. Changing Woman created the original clans by rubbing off pieces of her epidermis in a symbolic manner. There are over sixty clans today (Kluckhohn 1946: 111). (Witherspoon 1975: 18). None of these variations seems to influence the real substance of the story dramatically. You can scroll way down in the very long "Dine Bahane" (Story of the People) and start with the birth of Changing Woman and finish the story with the series of battles against the monsters taking over the earth (after the Hero Twins return from meeting their father the Sun God). in Farella 1984: 83). The rite. This is "a practice based upon the belief that at the time of initiation a girl's body becomes soft again, as it was at birth, and thus she is susceptible to being literally re-formed by the efforts of those around her" (Lincoln 1981: 20). He points out, however, that the initiate is the one participant in the Kinaald who does not consume the alkaan and experience its "social totality." Clans regulate marriage; no two individuals who share the same "matrilineal descent identity" should marry. None of these variations seems to influence the real substance of the story dramatically. In earlier days, clans also provided social control, but Kluckhohn and Leighton report that this has changed with the imposition of Anglo "law and order" (112). Routledge Books. Douglas, Mary, 1966. (our father). A05 Listening Woman (02-13) p. 218, A01 People of Darkness (03-06) p. 39 The initiate gives everyone a piece, except herself, for she is not allowed to eat any. Now on the top of Gobernador Knob, I am here. Contained in the bundle are objects of value on the Earth's surface. Hogans are characterized by a rich tradition of symbolism. Moreover, she is credited with bestowing the Blessingway ceremony, the Kinaald, sheep, and corn upon humanity, thereby protecting not only Dine spiritual health, but basic subsistence as well. 5 There is no equivalent for males in Navajo culture. in Witherspoon 1975: 17).7. 8 I question Witherspoon here; in all other sources it is "Born to" the mother's clan. According to Zolbrod, she made the heads of the original six clans. Members of subsistence residential units will share any slaughtered sheep with each other, thereby reaffirming their unity as a group and their individual commitment to the group. University of Michigan Press. University of New Mexico Press. "It is in the corporate enterprise of the sheep herd that the Navajo child learns the meaning, necessity, and nature of group or communal life, and it is this experience, more than any other, that forms his social personality" (1975:73). I myself will control male rain. The Blessingway ceremony performed after the child's birth is also performed on several other occasions, such as the departure or return of family members after leaving the reservation for an extended amount of time, during a girl's Kinaald and a woman's wedding (Kluckhohn 1946: 212). There are over sixty clans today (Kluckhohn 1946: 111). The corn-husk cross on top of the cake is significant as well, for it provides "sacred orientation." Return Home. Witherspoon asserts that the mother-child bond is the closest in Navajo kinship: "Mother and child are bound together by the most intense, the most diffuse, and the most enduring solidarity to be found in Navajo culture" (1975: 15). Just as Navajo refer to Changing Woman as The unit's main functions are to "provide its members with a place of residence and a source of subsistence" (72). The alkaan is highly symbolic. For example, the vital part of the Navajo wedding ceremony consists of the couple eating corn meal together; the white corn meal is male, the yellow is female, and corn pollen sprinkled on both unifies it (Witherspoon 1975: 17). Witherspoon comments, For more information, consult Witherspoon 1975:40. Kluckhohn, Clyde and Dorothea Leighton, 1974. For more information, consult Witherspoon 1975:40. Routledge Books. Unless it is cultivated, it cannot survive. Princeton UP. 5 There is no equivalent for males in Navajo culture. Therefore, sheep who are not yet slaughtered represent the potential for further reinforcement of the group. Throughout this paper, Dine will refer to the Navajo people, and Diyin Dine to the Holy People. NCC Press. The Dine consider the hogan to be "a living entity, with the smokehole as its breathing hole; this is where prayers emerge and raise to the heavens" (Griffin-Pierce 1992: 92). Routledge Books. For example, the vital part of the Navajo wedding ceremony consists of the couple eating corn meal together; the white corn meal is male, the yellow is female, and corn pollen sprinkled on both unifies it (Witherspoon 1975: 17). This is "a practice based upon the belief that at the time of initiation a girl's body becomes soft again, as it was at birth, and thus she is susceptible to being literally re-formed by the efforts of those around her" (Lincoln 1981: 20). Mythically, Sun is said to be corn's father and Lightning its mother (Reichard 1950: 27). The Kinaald: These three scholars further assert that corn pollen, which is also yellow, is the "element which brings peace and plenty, long life, and security" (17). But the naay' can't be beaten alone. Sa'ah naaghaii, which translates to "the capacity of all life and living things to achieve immortality through reproduction," and bik'eh h-zh-, which "represents the peace and harmony essential to the perpetuation of all living species" (Witherspoon 1977:18) are at the heart of Dine ideology and Changing Woman is the deific substantiation of this ideology, which gets renewed with every season and every birth. Yellow corn is associated with females, a fact which is demonstrated in several ceremonies. Right on the fabric spread I am here. The mountain soil bundle, also referred to as the "sacred medicine bundle," shares symbolic connotations with Changing Woman. Bruce Lincoln states that the ritual extends five days and four nights, during which "only Blessing Songs are sung, 'which are the holiest,' and all the ritual events are patterned after those of the first and second Kinaald," performed for Changing Woman (1981:18). Structural Anthropology. It can Dine kinship extends far beyond the nuclear family. "We have started out Mythically, Sun is said to be corn's father and Lightning its mother (Reichard 1950: 27). It has already been mentioned that Dine society is matrilineal; a woman "controls the hogan, built on land that was set aside for her by her family; she owns the children, which belong to her clan, her sheep, the product of her sheep and livestock, her jewelry and all blankets she may weave and the income from the sale of any of her property" (Locke 1976: 17). This solidarity is formed from the mother's role as provider and sustainer for her child. In contemporary life, hogans are usually used for ceremonies, and the Navajo living space is in a house or trailer close by. Around the time of the h-zh--j', the child is given a secret, or "war," name by his or her parents which is considered the child's property and is seldom used even by the child's family (24). Mankind. University of New Mexico Press. At the metaphysical level, Changing Woman is the alleged product of the union between Sa'ah Naaghaii (First Boy) who represents thought, and Bik'eh H-zh- (First Girl) who represents speech (Witherspoon 1977: 17). They began their task by visiting their father the Sun and, after passing through many . Navajo Kinship and Marriage. 7 Please see Witherspoon's chart on color in Appendix A. The younger twin, Born of Water, is given prayer sticks and told to watch them as the older twin Monster Slayer goes out to fight the monsters. Once the girl finds a suitable mate, then his family gives her family gifts of jewelry, livestock, or other goods (Locke 1976:22). and corn pollen are also the food of diyinni, and these In this section their symbolic implications will be explored in the larger framework of Dine subsistence and economics. It is "precautionary, protecting, prophylactic--not a cure" (212). Navajos do not seek individuality or independence from social ties, but rather "seek to relate themselves to others in their world, and seek to join in the vast system of interdependence that characterizes the social harmony and order of their world" (89). their meanings provide the major conceptual framework Hogans are characterized by a rich tradition of symbolism. A05 Listening Woman (02-13) p. 218, A06 People of Darkness (03-06) p. 54 mirage and earth rising haze. The Navajo. The Savage Mind. As stated before, Dine refer to both sheep and corn as shim. The symbolism of the color yellow has been studied by Newcomb, Fisher and Wheelwright, who assert that yellow is "the color of the female wind and of the ripened harvest and the soft autumnal rain" (qtd. A01 The Blessing Way (01-07) p. 84, A05 Listening Woman (02-13) p. 77 He says that the bundle, which began with First Man before emergence, provides "temporal and spatial continuity for the Navajo" (Farella 1984: 69). Griffin-Pierce, Trudy, 1992. Douglas, Mary, 1966. It can conceived, the white corn giving birth to Talking (Reichard 1950: 29) The Main Stalk: A Synthesis of Navajo Philosophy. Return Home. This reveals that she is beyond the sphere of maternal influence, and permeates disparate realms of the Dine culture. Changing Woman created the original clans by rubbing off pieces of her epidermis in a symbolic manner. Witherspoon, Gary, 1975. are returned to diyinni in the form of offerings. Navajo Kinship and Marriage. The Sun and his associated symbols and Instead, Changing Woman and Her Sisters: Stories of Goddesses From Around the World celebrates lesser-known goddesses from cultures all over the world, including the Navajo people, the Inuit people, the Mayans, ancient China, Japan, Sumer (modern-day Iraq), India and more! Zolbrod, Paul G, 1984. It is organized around a head mother, a certain tract of land, and the sheep herd (72). Changing Woman created the original clans by rubbing off pieces of her epidermis in a symbolic manner. Therefore, the Sun originally tried to deny and denounce his children, but after they made him proud by withstanding his inhuman trials, he gave them assistance. University of New Mexico Press. The conception of the deities involved not only corn, but also water (in the fog) and the Sun. singing that night. has the dignity of great simplicity. University of New Mexico Press. It is "precautionary, protecting, prophylactic--not a cure" (212). Later he visits them, and upon learning that they retained his gift, he says, "That is good, for corn is your symbol of fertility and life" (Reichard 1950: 23). The Savage Mind. When the twins Monster Slayer and Born for Water needed help to say the monsters, they approached the Sun, their father, and asked for his aid. The Kinaald puts the Navajo girl on the path to adulthood, which culminates in the wedding ceremony. Clans regulate marriage; no two individuals who share the same "matrilineal descent identity" should marry. The Kinaald: (1975: 33). NCC Press. First Man's bundle is also said to contain soil from each of the four sacred mountains ringing the reservation. There are Earth is My Mother, Sky Is My Father;: Space, Time, and Astronomy in Navajo Sandpainting. Reichard, Gladys A, 1950. A07 The Dark Wind (04-06) p. 135 "This is really too bad my children. 2 For a classification of ceremonies, consult Reichard 1950: 314-337. However, because of their perseverance, both twins become warriors and so serve as a model for young Navajo men today. Dine kinship extends far beyond the nuclear family. The alkaan is baked in a large pit in the ground, into which the helpers pour the batter that the initiate mixes. K'e terms, referring to "forms of social harmony and order that are based upon affective action," are used in Dine society to address everyone (88). Navajo Religion. For example, Changing Woman gives protection from evil beings; human mothers provide affection and nurturing; mountain soil bundles give protection from danger; sheep herding metaphorically gives security from starvation and poverty, and the corn field stands for the fecundity of motherhood (1977:94). The door of a hogan always faces the east, and inhabitants always walk clockwise around the fire which occupies its center. Every mother takes as her model Changing Woman and tries to treat her child as Changing Woman treated Monster Slayer. Woman and her Blessingway gave it to us. Contained in the bundle are objects of value on the Earth's surface. The corn-husk cross on top of the cake is significant as well, for it provides "sacred orientation." ripening, which regulated the raining, which regulated Corn is, first of all, diyinii Corn is, of course, The conception of the deities involved not only corn, but also water (in the fog) and the Sun. The Main Stalk: A Synthesis of Navajo Philosophy. It is important to remember that no one is forced to include his or her sheep in the flock--it is done on an independent voluntary basis, which reinforces the significance of the inclusion. Moreover, she bestowed several things upon mankind, such as certain ceremonies, that would protect humanity from evil forces. as a declining old woman. The story of the struggle between the Hero Twins, Hunahpu (One Blowgunner) and Xbalanque (Little Jaguar Sun, or Jaguar Deer), and the lords of Xibalba also yields rich characterizations of Mayan social ethics, hierarchies, and cosmology. Reichard records a myth in which Talking God gives corn to Whiteshell Woman and her sister Turquoise woman, saying, "There is no better thing than this in the world, for it is the gift of life." H-zho, the state of being in beauty and balance, exists among related things; it is impossible to have h-zh- between "unrelated entities" (Witherspoon 1977: 88). Hunahpu. Volume II. (Kluckhohn 1946: 212) 1994Navajo Sacred Places. Beck, Peggy, and Anna Lee Walters, eds., 1992. for the Navajo definition of fatherhood. Farella asserts the following about corn's importance: Man, of course, ripening, which regulated the raining, which regulated 1). The same language used to characterize her is used to describe other relationships and objects as well, such as the sacred mountain bundle. The conception of the deities involved not only corn, but also water (in the fog) and the Sun. The Kinaald puts the Navajo girl on the path to adulthood, which culminates in the wedding ceremony. Moreover, she is credited with bestowing the Blessingway ceremony, the Kinaald, sheep, and corn upon humanity, thereby protecting not only Dine spiritual health, but basic subsistence as well. In the center of my white shell hogan I am here. 7 Please see Witherspoon's chart on color in Appendix A. Moreover, she bestowed several things upon mankind, such as certain ceremonies, that would protect humanity from evil forces. University of Arizona Press. Witherspoon asserts that "the sheep herd is a symbol of the life, wealth, vitality, and integration of the subsistence residential unit" (1975:87). Through an analysis of Changing Woman as described in Paul Zolbrod's version of the Navajo Creation Story, Dine bahane', the symbolic motifs inherent in her mythology can be isolated, identified, and applied to the larger holistic analysis of Changing Woman in Navajo culture. Witherspoon, Gary, 1975. Navajos do not seek individuality or independence from social ties, but rather "seek to relate themselves to others in their world, and seek to join in the vast system of interdependence that characterizes the social harmony and order of their world" (89). Dine bahane'. Therefore, sheep who are not yet slaughtered represent the potential for further reinforcement of the group. Return to The Sacred Mountains as a Hogan in Farella 1984: 79-80). Earth is My Mother, Sky Is My Father;: Space, Time, and Astronomy in Navajo Sandpainting. Dine kinship extends far beyond the nuclear family. Harvard UP. Farella believes that h-zh--j' is even more vital than Kluckhohn and Leighton depict because it creates, not just reiterates. nihima' (our mother), they refer to the Sun as "nihitah' -long life important. In the Dine creation story, Changing Woman, from the moment of her birth to her retirement to the Sun's house in the West, is equated with a benevolent fertility integral to the continuation of Dine culture. Navajo Religion. When Changing Woman goes to the West, she finds four mountains that were identical to the four mountains in Hajiinei, the Emergence place. 1). for the Navajo definition of fatherhood. rest periodically on mountain tops, which figure For more information, consult Witherspoon 1975:40. Around the time of the h-zh--j', the child is given a secret, or "war," name by his or her parents which is considered the child's property and is seldom used even by the child's family (24). This solidarity is formed from the mother's role as provider and sustainer for her child. 7 Please see Witherspoon's chart on color in Appendix A. Every mother takes as her model Changing Woman and tries to treat her child as Changing Woman treated Monster Slayer. Navajo Religion. The Dine consider the hogan to be "a living entity, with the smokehole as its breathing hole; this is where prayers emerge and raise to the heavens" (Griffin-Pierce 1992: 92). In this section their symbolic implications will be explored in the larger framework of Dine subsistence and economics. This makes sense when considered as an offspring of the initiate as Changing Woman (32). Kluckhohn, Clyde and Dorothea Leighton, 1974. Zolbrod, Paul G, 1984. (Farella 1984: 90) The Sun and his associated symbols and This she rubbed (on One day she received inspiration to go up on a hill and build a wickiup with four poles, where the first rays of the sun would strike in the morning. None of these variations seems to influence the real substance of the story dramatically. Clans regulate marriage; no two individuals who share the same "matrilineal descent identity" should marry. How shall it be?" (our father). The alkaan is highly symbolic. Cornmeal and pollen are prominently The door of a hogan always faces the east, and inhabitants always walk clockwise around the fire which occupies its center. While on one hand it similarly widens the circle of a Dine's obligations, that individual will be able to call upon the same relatives when needed. ripening, which regulated the raining, which regulated 4 Other sources report that Changing Woman only made four original clans. of which the earth, the sky were setting firm. Family and friends and wise mentors must lead any warrior down the good path toward victory. "It is in the corporate enterprise of the sheep herd that the Navajo child learns the meaning, necessity, and nature of group or communal life, and it is this experience, more than any other, that forms his social personality" (1975:73). Each tale begins with the goddesses name, place of origin, and . Yellow corn is associated with females, a fact which is demonstrated in several ceremonies. She is also the benevolent being who creates the first Navajo of the four original clans and corn and is therefore known for bringing fertility and regeneration into the world. The guests and betrothed sit in prescribed places in the hogan, and a number of rituals are performed. The Main Stalk: A Synthesis of Navajo Philosophy. Combining their sheep into one herd is the "most important cooperative enterprise of the unit" (72). University Libraries, MSC05 3020 He denied any paternity and put the twins through a rigorous cycle of tests. Yellow corn is associated with females, a fact which is demonstrated in several ceremonies. In the Dine creation story, Changing Woman, from the moment of her birth to her retirement to the Sun's house in the West, is equated with a benevolent fertility integral to the continuation of Dine culture. Therefore, the Sun originally tried to deny and denounce his children, but after they made him proud by withstanding his inhuman trials, he gave them assistance. the essential domestic plant; there is no wild form. I am here, I am White Shell Woman, I am here. Kluckhohn and Leighton report that there are "exceedingly few violations of these prohibitions," for "Navahos treat incest of this sort and witchcraft as the most repulsive of crimes" (1946:112). does this and in return he is fed, but the corn meal 2 For a classification of ceremonies, consult Reichard 1950: 314-337. 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