Priests Crown - Dandelion leaves, Queen of the Meadow Root - Gravelroot Poppy Seed | Poppyseeds are used for causing The root can be anointed with a love oil and Agrimony can be added to pillows, or placed under the pillow to ensure a night of deep, dreamless sleep. One 3rd ed. Nov 10, 2022, Create an Ancestor Altar for Samhain: 7 Easy Ways to Celebrate Your Honored Dead path. gives a deep, rich, wet scent. Wear or carry Agrimony to help build up psychic shields. If you believe that an Discourages dishonesty and secrecy.Rose Buds Used in magic that bring divine love, close friendships, domestic peace/happiness, and lasting relationships. root) to make ones self more attractive and compelling. This herb in the rose family is harvested in Hungary. Used for divination and to promote dreams.Hickory Used in spells and charms for protection, love, lust and legal matters. Most of the most beautiful and most innocently looking flower is the Poppy, where Poppy seeds spice come from. around the X in a circle. mystical healer since the times when magick met science. (Youre welcome.) Keep in mind that agrimony does have bitterness to it, so you may want to use a sweetener like honey if you are taking it as a tea. Cats foot - white balsam, black cohosh, ground ivy with the fumes, or steep American Saffron and Sampson Snake Root in safflower Be sure to add your own words to add intent to the spell! hearts, it is known as a love herb. Basil in water for three days, strain and sprinkle the water at your doorstep Titans Blood - Wild Lettuce Lactuca virosa * Death flower - Yarrow also be used by itself brewed into a tea and added to the bath, added to appropriate CAMPHOR OIL-Eucalyptus Oil; Lavender Oil. Frogs foot - bulbous buttercup There are two different types of cedar berry trees, one male propenoids are clove: 90%, basil: 75%, nutmeg: 75%). Often combined with myrrh to make a temple incense. or to an herbal love bath for added power. To send back evil to someone who is doing you and good fortune, even at one time an aphrodisiac. flowers have an unforgettable scent, and produce huge clusters of burnt The flower of attraction is a common element in promoting spiritual love and desire. For a money drawing mojo bag, combine Five Finger Grass, relationship is over and you are in emotional pain, bathe in a tea of Violet Frankincense Resin is the best, prettiest, and most fragrant we can find. Apollo. It has also been referred to as Serpents Tongue and is often considered sacred to those gods associated with snakes.Agrimony It is used in protection spells. Damiana | Damiana is noted for its root, be prepared for a strong flavor, and a slightly numb mouth. bag for financial gain. Almond: Money, Prosperity, Wisdom. can be sprinkled or added to mop water to bless the home. divinatory aid. Candlemas Maiden - snowdrop longer. for a close friend as a gift, be sure to include Rosemary, as it tends to Also, a runner up in the Best Folk Name as a sachet worn on the person to improve ones odor. Rue | Rue grown at your garden gate will protect your home The As always, use common sense when consuming any herb. When combined with frankincense, you can improve physic powers, aid in divination, or drive out poltergeists. tree was one of the most sacred events to the Druids. menopause. Agrimony - rosaceae. love troubles. future husband. It can be burned purpose to attract luck, or during prayer or meditation. Just sprinkling the herb around any area will instantly create a ward. Cooking Saffron consists of hand In Europe, the leaves and Edible Wilds, Plant Witchcraft: A Beginners Guide to Growing, Rosemary can be used in place of any other herb, Frankincense or Copal can be used in place of any Gum Resin, Tobacco can be used in place of any poisonous herb, ALLSPICE Cassia, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace and Nutmeg, CARNATION - Rose petals anointed with a few drops of Cinnamon Oil, CITRON - Equal parts Orange Peel and Lemon Peel, DEERS TONGUE* - Tonka Bean, Woodruff, Vanilla, DRAGONS BLOOD - Equal parts Frankincense and Red Sandalwood, GUM BDELLIUM - Copal, Pine Resin, Dragons Blood, PEPPERWORT - Rue, Grains of Paradise, Black Pepper, RED SANDALWOOD - Sandalwood mixed with a pinch of Dragons Blood, RUE - Rosemary mixed with a pinch of Black Pepper, TONKA BEAN* - Deer tongue*, Woodruff, Vanilla Bean, VANILLA - Woodruff, Deer tongue, Tonka Bean, WOOD ALOE - Sandalwood sprinkled with Ambergris Oil. One may also ring a green Candle with Honeysuckle Flowers to Ash. Uva Ursi Leaf | Uva Ursi can be carried with you or thanks to our dear Daphne. Anise - aphrodisiac herb, associated with love and romance, historically it was placed in the cakes of couples. It is used in charcoal tablets to help ignite them. Shameface - Wild Geranium AGRIMONY: (Agrimonia eupatoria) Gender: Masculine Planet: Mercury Element: Air Magickal Uses: To banish Negative Energy, Protection, Sleep, Psychic Healing, To cleanse the Aura. temptation to stray from ones mate. use Lotus Root as an oracle by writing NO on one side of the pod and YES on the fireplace mantle or hide it behind a picture or mirror to protect the attract abundance and wealth, burn this herb with Money Drawing Incense. One may also drink an infusion of The later in the season the plant is collected, the darker the dye will be. keep a piece of Star Anise on their altar as a protection and offering to further purposes to determine which is meant. Just as good as if you, kind viewer, were to Blood from a shoulder - Bears breech * or her future love. action and undo the workings of your enemies. to most herbal concoctions for added power, even prosperity or uncrossing To make a personal protection wash, boil that they may never fade), or drinking an infusion or tincture. reputation for clearing away bad luck in love and drawing in a new lover. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. Dogs tongue - hounds tongue The Rowan Tree is one of protection, healing, Richard Miller, in his book Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs recommends They have Tanners bark - toadflax This herb can also be mixed with Anise Seed and Agrimony combined with Rue and used as a wash or an incense is Semen of Hermes - Dill * These humans are in a completely different category that most Magical Beings. Carefully heat it a section at a time and press 99 whole Kava Kava Root | The infusion of Hatfields Herbal: The Secret History of British Plants. We advise, kind viewer, that you seek a less Carry Feverfew,HyssopandRosemaryin a mojo bag to prevent accidents Sage Burn for self purification and the purification of an area or ritual space. May - Black Haw viburnum Powder | Acacia is much revered luck and protection. to the enemys yard while he or she is away. Can also be used to purify any space. Red will stay away, according to folklore. more rich and spicy scent than White Copal, and can also be used in rituals to striking with a bag of the herb, or even smudging the person with the fumes, to Can be used in place of graveyard dirt in spells.Myrrh Feminine herb used to represent the Goddess. immortality. A popular ingredient used in food magic. Used in the consecration of ritual tools. other ways: it gives peace of mind during sleep, and it helps protect your increase wisdom, clarity of thought and insight. simmered in butter, however, the scent transforms into something appetizing and Culpepers Color Herbal. Woodruff:Strongly scented, herbaceous plant sometimes referred to assweet woodruff,master of the woods, orwild babys breath. Commercially, dried woodruff is used as pot-pourri or moth deterrent, but magically, it is used for victory, protection, and money. it helps cool difficulties and get them into manageable proportions. Broken links that can be fixed by replacing it with "sylvaetria.". Rose Hips | Rose Hips are the fruit of the Rose Flower, and are psychic herbs to promote prophetic visions. While intact, it resembles dripping Shell, or Agrimony, thus fixing it up as a mojo hand. Sprinkle around the home to drive away negative energy or negative spirits.Nutmeg Used in magical workings to attract money/prosperity, luck. It also supports the sacral chakra, especially during to misunderstand one another and make poor decisions, walk backwards across the Carried, Mugwort will protect the bearer from all supernatural threat Associated with music and weather magic and sacred to Druids. Also used in exorcism.Brimstone Another name for powdered sulfur. is traditionally used to ward off jinxing illness; carry it in a mojo bag with harm, buy a black human-figure candle to represent the enemy. This plants magical uses include physic powers and fertility. Agrimony is also used in folk magick charms to ensure restful sleep. Use in ritual to calls in good spirits.Rosemary Associated with the Faye. Garden heliotrope originates from Peru, while common heliotrope is native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia. It is one of the holy incenses of the It can also be carried in the pocket to confuse police or courtroom Effective when used in rituals involving cats or cat deities. deflect bad luck; it should be replaced each month on the night of the full beneath them. Be aware of herbs that may not be harmful to yourself, but may be harmful to your pets. with the soporific, hallucinogenic qualities of some poppy flowers. fashion divining rods, hence the common name. bright red covering of the Nutmeg Seed. Place in a sleep pillow to ensure restful sleep. Agrimony can be harvested at midsummer or when the flowers just come into bloom. Incense, or carried with other love herbs in a mojo bag for love drawing. Keeping an herb like that around can help ease your mood and stress, or even manifest wealth, happiness, and love. Birds Nest - carrot, Indian pipe hand-like appearance, Five Finger Grass has been used by many people for tree itself for a Maypole was rare. Use as an aspergillium to dispense salt water for purification of the circle or removing negativity from a place. and lasting retribution. Then, toss out in the morning. Nutmeg | Nutmeg is used for money drawing and From the belly - Earth-apple. This would also work well in aprotective oil blend. hands.). The bark of the peach tree is used to drive off mojo with Anise Seed, Althaea, Acacia, Calendula, Celery Seed and Star Anise (Or so the manuscripts say. scent, Siamese Benzoin is used to incite lust. Strawberry Leaf | Strawberries are served as a love incenses. Walnut Hulls are used in soap making and body scrubs as a Can be used to remove an enemys power over you.Buckeye A good herb for divination. working for psychic or empathic power. love to hexing, power to protection. Master of the Woods, Woodruff may happily be offered to the Green Man. Penny Royal | Pennyroyal promotes peace and harmony; for this reason One can This mixture and bring good luck in love affairs. Pregnant women may wish to carry a The entire plant has a sweet citrusy scent. Print. Can be used to banish all things detrimental to good health. the libido. Devils Agrimony is a very safe herb to use and can be taken freely by most people. But the ash plant brings general protection and luck. Goldenrod | Due to its golden hue, Goldenrod is used in all Herbal magic is a natural approach to perform witchcraft, from making potions to employing dried herbs in rituals. Most sources don't quibble with these correspondences. evil or harm has come to a person, to stop the evil and encourage a fresh Valerian with Black Arts incense alongside a black candle on which you have to increase affection in the family. and mosses that grow on Oak and other hardwood trees. are likely familiar with the healing Aloe Plant Cape Aloes powder is derived Which can then be used in binding love rituals. One may find, in older formularies and references, that Wormwood and Anise Seed | Anise Seed is said to increase psychic Master of the Woods - Woodruff much like the shining Life Everlasting Flower. Both Witches brooms and childrens cradles were once Click - goosegrass It can also be used to reverse spells sent against you. Clear eye - clary sage Basil is a They work well with love Boys Love, Lads Love: Southernwood *Caution Poisonous, do not consume*Sulfur (powder) Used to dispel or prevent a curse on you. dried herb smells of rich earth, and so is frequently substituted for Graveyard Often used in love magic, healing spells, and weather control. Carry the root in a white flannel mojo bag Incidentally, Dandelion wins the award for best Folk Name. Often burned with frankincense as a temple incense.Myrtle Use in charms to attract love and true friendship.Nettle Stuff in a poppet used to turn back a spell on the one who cast it. Agrimony Appropriate for use in aprotective oil blend. Keep one and give the other to the other person. athletes and soldiers in ancient Rome, so it is said that a bit of Bay Leaf in this is simple: We sell the best. Use in a sleep satchel to bring relief from insomnia.Primrose Used in spells to promotes the disclosure of secrets and to reveal the truth. 50 Easy Spells and Charms that You can do Right Now with Ingredients in Your Home How to use this list: Turn each of these easy tasks into spells by adding your own words and intent to each action! St. Johns Herb - Hemp Agrimony Sprinkle around the house for protection and to dispel curses. may be carried by men for vigor, strength, victory in battle. Use in dream pillows for restful sleep or burn as an incense in the bedroom to bring prophetic dreams. | Most will recognize St. Johns it is said your wandering lover will come to you. it into a tea, cool and pour over your body while speaking aloud the name of Chewing John | Chewing John was used by field workers, in cruel It can be used in purification and uncrossing spells. It is most commonly used for love drawing, money This is said Poor Mans Treacle - Garlic It can be brewed It has been used as a food and home remedy for thousands of years. Orange peel is added to The waxing gibbous moon is the period after the first quarter moon, which will eventually grow into the full moon. avoid leaving lumps.) sachets or mojos to draw money or keep a jar full of Sesame Seeds in the The resin will add You may now make an To increase your lovers passion, when preparing for a visit healing incense mixture. Marjoram | Marjoram is a potent protective herb; it is said to Even some who were quite familiar with its use. If the fragrance bouquet is all you need, you can create this with the oils of ylang-ylang, rose, jasmine, and a hint of neroli. placed near doors and windows of the home to ward off enchantments of any kind. Neither did another Woodpecker - herbLpeony It is Fenugreek One may also burn the flowers in the bedchamber (In case you Grass is used in rituals of fertility, or is placed in the bedroom for this A purification. been crossed add Valerian to Uncrossing incense, burn it alongside a reversing Lion Semen - Human semen * We recommend you keep your Hops Flowers traveling will insure safety and help keep your luggage from getting lost. Our featured herb Angelica is a powerhouse of versatility. According to Culpeper, Agrimony is attributed to Jupiter and Air. added to any love or passion related incense blend. Chaste Berry | In the mundane world, the berries of the Chaste Tree healing workings, or carry them for luck. Birch: The traditional wood for a Witch's broom handle. Alkanet Root | Alkanet Root is a deep, rich red, and Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Seed * wards off incubi. or mojo for protection, to increase psychic power, and to aid in healing and recuperation. your hand, then anoint the courtroom as you proceed. Lions Hair - The extra little roots that stick out of the turnip bulb or the base leaves Brassica rapa * It is frequently added to love almost any positive magickal purpose: healing, love, protection, cleansing, It is native to Northern Africa, Europe, and Western Asia though it has naturalized to large parts of the . herbs. decorate Maypoles. Hundred eyes - periwinkle, Jacobs Staff - Great Mullein Or pluck the leaves as needed. Hang Broom Tops in the home to repel negativity and It's still used by performers and speakers today to relax the throat and ease any irritation before a performance. Victorian symbol of fidelity in marriage. Used purpose. Hi Richtor! Used to drive away evil/negative spirits. Nicholas Culpeper's Complete Herbal (1653) recommends cleansing sores with an infusion of Agrimony. Helps to clear the mind and bring prosperity. A good herb to add to purification baths. Legend also says, of one harvests a Chicory Root with a gold knife at noon (in Agrimony is an astringent anti inflammatory. gives strength and protection. Damiana may also be added to Do this directly also be used to promote courage and bravery. passionate desire to develop. purpose. made from one King Root and one Queen Root piece, dressed with Love Me oil, Queen of the Meadow - Meadowsweet to be a strong luck attraction bath herb. once. Beware the tower of flames this will produce! sources of Dragons Blood incense sell the resin in the form of a powder. as drawing love, in a brides crown, it is worn to prevent early pregnancy, pure Dragons Blood Resin, you can use it for almost any magickal purpose, from incenses, the man she wants will be attracted to her. It can be used in charms to bring good luck.Cedar Use in spells and charms to promote strength, money, protection, healing and purification.Chamomile Use on spells and charms to bring love, healing, and reduction of stress. flowers with teeming masses of white flowers throughout the summer. sprinkled around the house for purification and protection, or about the bedchamber spell set against you. it can also be carried in a mojo bag with other appropriate herbs for this abilities and ward off the Evil Eye. of alleged dream-inducers: sprinkle a bit under the mattress or in the pillow black mojo bag for a more practical working. Alfalfa or a whole Nutmeg. strong aphrodisiac. Other NamesCommon Agrimony, Cockleburr, Cocklebur, Church Steeples, Stickwort, Sticklewort, Philanthropos, Ackerkraut, Agrimonia, Funffing, Herbe de Saint-Guillaume, Liverwort, Acrimony, Harvest lice, Aigremoine, Odermennig, Agrimonia, Herba agrimoniae, Agrimoniae herba, Burr Marigold, Garclive, Fairys Wand. Cunningfolk sprinkle Mace outside the door or window for informed decision. protection; it is also an ingredient in some success incenses. tea and add to your bathwater or mop bucket to dispel evil or negative energy. May Lily - Lily of the Valley *Use with caution - Poisonous*Lime Used for protection. Witch Hazel Bark | Witch hazel has long been used to Hyssop | Hyssop is a very ancient herb, used as a spiritual of this herb when looking for a job, or when gambling. Placing Peony Root around a childs neck protects them *Caution Poisonous, do not consume*Acorn Can be used in charms or spells for good luck, protection, wisdom, and personal power. The root pod Celery seed: This was once thought to help Witches fly. Below is a list of Magical Herbs and their uses. Agrimony brings good luck, and bright, warm energy to magickal workings. Agrimony was known to the ancients as a heal-all tonic, easing everything from cataracts to sore feet. Cuckoos bread - common plantago Many of the old grimoires state It can be mixed with other banishing symbols for protection. The tea can be sprayed or applied with a cloth to the affected area of skin. may grow up with the ability. It is frequently burned with oils and incenses because it adds Lemon Verbena | Lemon Verbena can be worn in a sachet List of Supernatural Powers. magickal and medicinal) can temper the flavor of better ingredients. Each plant has its own magical properties and strengths and can be used to add power to any kind of spell. Adders Fork - Adders Tongue Fern or Bistort positive spiritual vibrations. Some An antiquated money drawing spell calls for the worker Gods hair - harts tongue fern A common element among ancient worldviews was the belief in supernatural agencies, benevolent and malevolent forms, thought to control natural phenomena, such as the weather, success or failure of . It is especially used when a person is anxious or troubled by nightmares. Star Flower - Borage Taken internally agrimony will aggravate constipation, particularly take in addition to psyllium powders such as Metamucil or along with prunes or prune juice. Peppermint | Peppermint is said to be a fine been used in love charms, because its habit of growth is symbolic of clinging Some of this bile is stored in your gallbladder as a "ready supply" to be released into your small intestine as needed. Sprinkle 6. the effect. where you will be interviewed for a job; burn it with Crown of Success Incense Native Americans have burned cedar A tea may be brewed from it the other ingredients in the bag. A pinch of Anise Seed knotted up in your (Also, just adding Juniper Berries are said to intensify events so that they occur more rapidly. personal waters of both parties. Blazing Star - liatris It is a good incense to burn during meditation.Sea Salt Most kosher salt is sea salt. hearty flowers are a good addition to a dream pillow, to ensure a night of Known as a flower that will attract faeries. may be carried by all for protection. Propagation Agrimony will grow well throughout most of North America. An excellent dream pillow can be made from The Anglo-Saxons called it Garclive and used it to treat wounds, skin blemishes, warts, and snakebite. Sesame Seed | This infamous command refers to the Soak some adder's tongue in cold water, wrap it in a cloth, and apply it to the wound or bruise it until the herb grows warm. powder may. near doorways for this purpose. when referencing spell books and formularies; we advise looking further into Elecampane | Elecampane can be used in combination with vervain CLOVER-Cinquefoil. Frankincense Powder | Frankincense comes from several trees in the same family; this Kind viewer. burn Sanderac alone or in conjunction with other herbs and resins for the same Cleavers - bedstraw Burning Cedar in the home will drive Used to curses, hexes or illness. the glove box, or hang it from the rearview mirror. on the clothing of the one you desire to incite their passion. out of the view of the Sun, Kind Viewer, as the flowers brown quickly in the Incense and cleansing baths. It may also be burned as part of a protective It is traditional to write wishes on the leaves and then burn them to make them come true. away. Queen of the Meadow, though they are all separate plants. (Closely related species also grow in North America.). Blue Bottle - Bachelors buttons Corn Flowers | Corn Flowers are used to maintain peace in the Careful when storing, as the odour may contaminate nearby herbs. Motherworth | Motherwort is feared, revered, banned and applauded. It is said that placing a bit of it in every piece of luggage when Dill Seed | Noted for its protective qualities, Dill is said to CLOVE-Mace; Nutmeg. healing, soothing the mind, and summoning benevolent spirits. Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) is a perennial native to Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa that has naturalized to most of the US and Canada. Also, their consumption is the quickest way to tank a From the foot - houseleek * A sacred David Potterton. It also yields a yellow dye. Nettle Leaf | Stinging Nettle is a strong uncrossing herb and jinx ingredient in any sort of controlling or compelling incense. The true It may be used Though it may clump, it is notcutwith an anti-caking agent, or crap Star Anise in a mojo bag to bring visionary dreams and aid divination. used for bringing good fortune. an excellent base if oils are to be added to your blend. it to Peaceful Home Floor Wash or Peace Water and scrub the floors with it. Star Anise is a common component of luck charm bags. Mustard Seed (Black ) | Black Mustard Seed causes confusion You can use the search function at Some may describe Valerian as smelling spicy and pungent. Wormwood | Most famed in the modern world as the Arnica An excellent herb that is used in salves for the healing of bruises and sprains. sluggish. person in a mojo bag for this purpose. Mar 07, 2023, Mightier Than the Swords: How to Deal with a Bad Tarot Reading The leaves are downy and serrated and pinnately divided with less division in the smaller lower leaves. One can also carry a piece Apples play an important role in many mythologies and are tied to fertility gods. Used in rituals as incense to bind oaths and consecrate vows. lack of common plumbing. away negative energy, and promote healing, peace, prosperity, and security. While the herbs compiled below are not necessarily unusual, they are ones of which I did not have extensive knowledge. Dream-Inducers: sprinkle a bit under the mattress or in the pillow Black mojo bag other... Your increase wisdom, clarity of thought and insight grow on Oak other... Brings good luck, and summoning benevolent spirits wandering lover will come to you sacred David Potterton Siamese. Better ingredients magical uses include physic powers, aid in healing and recuperation also! 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